Jehoiakim 2Ki_24_05 /^{Jehoiakim /and all that he
did , are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the
kings of Judah ?

Jehoiakim 2Ch_36_08 /^{Jehoiakim /and his
abominations which he did , and that which was found in him,
behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and
Judah : and Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead.

Jehoiakim 2Ch_36_04 /^{Jehoiakim /And Necho took
Jehoahaz his brother , and carried him to Egypt .

Jehoiakim 2Ki_23_34 /^{Jehoiakim /and took Jehoahaz
away : and he came to Egypt , and died there.

Jehoiakim 2Ki_24_01 /^{Jehoiakim /became his
servant three years : then he turned and rebelled against him.

Jehoiakim 2Ki_23_35 /^{Jehoiakim /gave the silver
and the gold to Pharaoh ; but he taxed the land to give the
money according to the commandment of Pharaoh : he exacted the
silver and the gold of the people of the land , of every one
according to his taxation , to give it unto Pharaohnechoh .

Jehoiakim Jer_52_02 /^{Jehoiakim /had done .

Jehoiakim 2Ki_24_19 /^{Jehoiakim /had done .

Jehoiakim 1Ch_03_16 /^{Jehoiakim /Jeconiah his son
, Zedekiah his son .

Jehoiakim Jer_24_01 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah ,
and the princes of Judah , with the carpenters and smiths , from
Jerusalem , and had brought them to Babylon .

Jehoiakim Jer_36_29 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah ,
Thus saith the LORD ; Thou hast burned this roll , saying , Why
hast thou written therein, saying , The king of Babylon shall
certainly come and destroy this land , and shall cause to cease
from thence man and beast ?

Jehoiakim Jer_28_04 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah ,
with all the captives of Judah , that went into Babylon , saith
the LORD : for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon .

Jehoiakim Jer_36_30 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah ;
He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David : and his
dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat , and in the
night to the frost .

Jehoiakim Dan_01_01 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah
came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem , and
besieged it.

Jehoiakim Jer_27_20 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah
from Jerusalem to Babylon , and all the nobles of Judah and
Jerusalem ;

Jehoiakim Jer_36_32 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah
had burned in the fire : and there were added besides unto them
many like words .

Jehoiakim Dan_01_02 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah
into his hand , with part of the vessels of the house of God :
which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god
; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god .

Jehoiakim Jer_22_24 /^{Jehoiakim /king of Judah
were the signet upon my right hand , yet would I pluck thee

Jehoiakim 2Ki_24_06 /^{Jehoiakim /slept with his
fathers : and Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead.

Jehoiakim Jer_26_21 /^{Jehoiakim /the king , with
all his mighty men , and all the princes , heard his words , the
king sought to put him to death : but when Urijah heard it, he
was afraid , and fled , and went into Egypt ;

Jehoiakim Jer_26_23 /^{Jehoiakim /the king ; who
slew him with the sword , and cast his dead body into the graves
of the common people .

Jehoiakim Jer_36_28 /^{Jehoiakim /the king of
Judah hath burned .

Jehoiakim Jer_26_22 /^{Jehoiakim /the king sent
men into Egypt , namely, Elnathan the son of Achbor , and
certain men with him into Egypt .

Jehoiakim Jer_36_09 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah , in the ninth month , that they proclaimed
a fast before the LORD to all the people in Jerusalem , and to
all the people that came from the cities of Judah unto Jerusalem

Jehoiakim Jer_45_01 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah , saying ,

Jehoiakim Jer_35_01 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah , saying ,

Jehoiakim Jer_36_01 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah , that this word came unto Jeremiah from
the LORD , saying ,

Jehoiakim Jer_25_01 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah , that was the first year of Nebuchadrezzar
king of Babylon ;

Jehoiakim Jer_01_03 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah , unto the end of the eleventh year of
Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah , unto the carrying
away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month .

Jehoiakim Jer_46_02 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah .

Jehoiakim Jer_22_18 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah ; They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah
my brother ! or, Ah sister ! they shall not lament for him,
saying, Ah lord ! or, Ah his glory !

Jehoiakim Jer_26_01 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah came this word from the LORD , saying ,

Jehoiakim Jer_27_01 /^{Jehoiakim /the son of
Josiah king of Judah came this word unto Jeremiah from the LORD ,
saying ,

Jehoiakim 1Ch_03_15 /^{Jehoiakim /the third
Zedekiah , the fourth Shallum .

Jehoiakim 2Ch_36_05 /^{Jehoiakim /was twenty and
five years old when he began to reign , and he reigned eleven
years in Jerusalem : and he did that which was evil in the sight
of the LORD his God .

Jehoiakim 2Ki_23_36 /^{Jehoiakim /was twenty and
five years old when he began to reign ; and he reigned eleven
years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Zebudah , the
daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah .

Jehoiakim Jer_37_01 /^{Jehoiakim /whom
Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon made king in the land of Judah .
