English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.
English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
ability - 1411 {ability}, abundance, deeds, meaning, mightily, mighty, miracle, miracles, power, powers, strength, violence, virtue, wonderful, work, workers,
ability - 2141 {ability},
ability - 2479 {ability}, might, mightily, mighty, power, strength,
admonition - 3559 {admonition},
adversity - 2558 {adversity}, suffer, tormented,
albeit - 2443 {albeit}, because, intent, must, so,
areopagite - 0698 {areopagite},
authorities - 1849 {authorities}, authority, liberty, power, powers, right, strength,
authority - 0831 {authority}, usurp,
authority - 1413 {authority}, potentate,
authority - 1849 authorities, {authority}, liberty, power, powers, right, strength,
authority - 2003 {authority}, commandment,
authority - 2715 {authority}, exercise,
authority - 5247 {authority}, excellency,
await - 1917 {await}, laying, wait,
backbiters - 2637 {backbiters},
backbitings - 2636 {backbitings}, evil, speakings,
benefit - 0018 {benefit}, good, well,
benefit - 2108 {benefit}, deed, good,
benefit - 5485 {benefit}, favour, gift, grace, joy, liberality, pleasure, thank, thanks, thankworthy,
bewitched - 0940 {bewitched},
bewitched - 1839 amazed, astonished, beside, {bewitched}, wondered,
bite - 1143 {bite},
bithynia - 0978 {bithynia},
bits - 5469 {bits}, bridle, bridles,
bitter - 4087 {bitter}, made, make,
bitter - 4089 {bitter},
bitterly - 4090 {bitterly},
bitterness - 4088 {bitterness},
canaanite - 2581 {canaanite},
captivity - 0161 {captivity},
captivity - 0163 bringing, {captivity},
charity - 0026 {charity}, dear, love, loved,
cities - 4172 {cities}, city,
citizen - 4177 {citizen},
city - 4172 cities, {city},
city - 4173 {city}, much, rulers,
commit - 2038 {commit}, do, labour, minister, trade, traded, work, worketh, working, wrought,
commit - 2416 {commit}, sacrilege,
commit - 3429 adultery, {commit}, committeth,
commit - 3431 adultery, {commit}, committed,
commit - 3908 alleging, before, commend, commended, {commit}, forth, put, set,
commit - 4100 believe, believed, believers, believest, believeth, believing, {commit}, committed, trust,
commit - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, {commit}, committed, committeth, content, continue, did, do, doest, doeth, doing, done, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,
commit - 4203 {commit}, committed, committeth, fornication,
commit - 4238 {commit}, committed, did, do, doest, doeth, done, keep, used,
committed - 0764 {committed}, ungodly,
committed - 1325 adventure, bestowed, brought, {committed}, deliver, delivered, gave, gavest, give, given, giveth, giving, grant, granted, hinder, make, minister, offer, power, put, receive, set, shew, suffer, taking, utter, yield, yielded,
committed - 1439 alone, {committed}, left, let, suffer, suffered, sufferest, suffereth,
committed - 3431 adultery, commit, {committed},
committed - 3860 betray, betrayed, betrayeth, brought, cast, {committed}, deliver, delivered, deliveredst, delivering, forth, gave, give, given, hazarded, over, prison, put, recommended,
committed - 3866 {committed},
committed - 3872 {committed},
committed - 4100 believe, believed, believers, believest, believeth, believing, commit, {committed}, trust,
committed - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, commit, {committed}, committeth, content, continue, did, do, doest, doeth, doing, done, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,
committed - 4203 commit, {committed}, committeth, fornication,
committed - 4238 commit, {committed}, did, do, doest, doeth, done, keep, used,
committed - 5087 advised, appoint, appointed, aside, bowing, {committed}, conceived, forth, giveth, laid, lay, made, make, ordained, purposed, put, putting, set,
committeth - 3429 adultery, commit, {committeth},
committeth - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, bringeth, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, commit, committed, {committeth}, content, continue, did, do, doest, doeth, doing, done, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,
committeth - 4203 commit, committed, {committeth}, fornication,
coppersmith - 5471 {coppersmith},
cubit - 4083 {cubit}, cubits,
cubits - 4083 cubit, {cubits},
deceit - 0539 {deceit}, deceitful, deceitfulness, deceivableness, deceivings,
deceit - 1387 {deceit}, used,
deceit - 1388 craft, {deceit}, guile, subtilty,
deceit - 4106 {deceit}, deceive, delusion, error,
deceitful - 0539 deceit, {deceitful}, deceitfulness, deceivableness, deceivings,
deceitful - 1386 {deceitful},
deceitfully - 1389 {deceitfully}, handling,
deceitfulness - 0539 deceit, deceitful, {deceitfulness}, deceivableness, deceivings,
despite - 1796 {despite}, done,
despiteful - 5197 {despiteful}, injurious,
despitefully - 1908 accuse, {despitefully}, use,
despitefully - 5195 {despitefully}, entreated, shamefully, spitefully, use,
destitute - 0650 back, defraud, defrauded, {destitute}, fraud, kept,
destitute - 3007 {destitute}, lack, saying, wanting,
destitute - 5302 behind, come, {destitute}, fail, lack, lacked, lackest, short, suffer, wanted, worse,
dignities - 1391 {dignities}, glorious, glory, honour, praise,
disposition - 1296 {disposition},
ditch - 0999 {ditch},pit,
diversities - 1085 born, country, countrymen, {diversities}, generation, kind, kindred, kinds, nation, offspring, stock,
diversities - 1243 differences, {diversities},
either - 2228 before, {either}, except, neither, nor, or, rather, save, than, what, yea,
either - 2532 also, both, {either}, else, even, indeed, like, likewise, moreover, nor, now, or, provide, same, so, then, therefore, thus, verily, very, well, who, yea, yet,
elamites - 1639 {elamites},
enmity - 2189 {enmity}, hatred,
epaphroditus - 1891 {epaphroditus},
equality - 2471 equal, {equality},
eyewitnesses - 2030 {eyewitnesses},
faith - 1680 {faith}, hope,
faith - 3640 {faith}, little,
faith - 4102 assurance, belief, believe, believeth, {faith}, fidelity,
faithful - 4103 believe, believed, believers, believeth, believing, {faithful}, faithfully, sure, true,
faithfully - 4103 believe, believed, believers, believeth, believing, faithful, {faithfully}, sure, true,
faithless - 0571 believe, believeth, {faithless}, incredible, infidel, unbelievers, unbelieving,
fellowcitizens - 4847 {fellowcitizens},
fidelity - 4102 assurance, belief, believe, believeth, faith, {fidelity},
firstfruits - 0536 {firstfruits},
fit - 0433 convenient, {fit}, heed,
fit - 2520 convenient, {fit},
fitly - 4883 {fitly}, framed, joined, together,
forthwith - 2112 anon, {forthwith}, immediately, shortly, soon, straightway,
forthwith - 2117 anon, {forthwith}, immediately, right, straight, straightway,
forthwith - 3916 {forthwith}, immediately, presently, soon, straightway, wintered,
fruit - 0175 {fruit}, unfruitful, without,
fruit - 1081 {fruit}, fruits, generation,
fruit - 2590 {fruit}, fruits,
fruit - 2592 beareth, bring, bringeth, forth, {fruit}, fruitful,
fruit - 5352 {fruit}, withereth,
fruitful - 2592 beareth, bring, bringeth, forth, fruit, {fruitful},
fruitful - 2593 {fruitful},
fruits - 1081 fruit, {fruits}, generation,
fruits - 2590 fruit, {fruits},
fruits - 3703 {fruits},
gravity - 4587 {gravity}, honesty,
habitation - 1886 {habitation},
habitation - 2732 {habitation},
habitation - 2733 {habitation},
habitation - 3613 {habitation}, house,
handwriting - 5498 {handwriting},
heritage - 2819 {heritage}, inheritance, lot, lots, part,
hither - 1204 come, {hither}, hitherto,
hither - 1759 here, {hither}, there,
hither - 3333 call, called, {hither},
hither - 5602 here, {hither}, place, there, this,
hitherto - 0737 day, even, henceforth, hereafter, {hitherto}, now, present, this,
hitherto - 1204 come, hither, {hitherto},
hitherto - 3768 {hitherto}, no, yet,
hospitality - 5382 {hospitality}, lover, use,
howbeit - 0235 {howbeit}, indeed, nay, nevertheless, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet,
howbeit - 1161 also, even, furthermore, {howbeit}, moreover, nevertheless, now, or, other, partly, so, some, then, truly, wherefore, yea, yet,
howbeit - 3305 {howbeit}, nevertheless, yet,
humility - 5012 humbleness, {humility}, lowliness, mind,
hypocrite - 5273 endure, {hypocrite}, hypocrites, under,
hypocrites - 5273 endure, hypocrite, {hypocrites}, under,
immortality - 0110 {immortality},
immortality - 0861 {immortality}, incorruption, sincerity,
immutability - 0276 {immutability}, immutable,
impenitent - 0279 {impenitent},
infirmities - 0769 diseases, {infirmities}, infirmity, sickness, weakness,
infirmity - 0769 diseases, infirmities, {infirmity}, sickness, weakness,
inhabitants - 2730 dwell, dwellers, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelling, dwelt, {inhabitants}, inhabiters,
inhabiters - 2730 dwell, dwellers, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelling, dwelt, inhabitants, {inhabiters},
inherit - 2816 heir, heirs, {inherit}, inherited, obtained,
inheritance - 2817 {inheritance},
inheritance - 2819 heritage, {inheritance}, lot, lots, part,
inheritance - 2820 {inheritance}, obtained,
inherited - 2816 heir, heirs, inherit, {inherited}, obtained,
iniquities - 0092 doing, evil, {iniquities}, wrong,
iniquities - 0458 {iniquities}, iniquity, law, transgression, unrighteousness,
iniquities - 4189 {iniquities}, wickedness,
iniquity - 0093 {iniquity}, unrighteousness, wrong,
iniquity - 0458 iniquities, {iniquity}, law, transgression, unrighteousness,
iniquity - 3892 {iniquity},
israelite - 2475 israel, {israelite}, israelites,
israelites - 2475 israel, israelite, {israelites},
italian - 2483 {italian},
italy - 2482 {italy},
itching - 2833 {itching},
itself - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, {itself}, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,
itself - 1438 another, herself, himself, home, {itself}, one, ourselves, own, selves, themselves, thine, thyself, troubled, your, yourselves,
itself - 5565 beside, {itself}, without,
jupiter - 1356 fell, {jupiter},
jupiter - 2203 {jupiter},
knit - 1210 bind, bonds, bound, {knit}, tied, wound,
knit - 4822 assuredly, compacted, gathering, instruct, {knit}, proving, together,
levite - 3019 {levite}, levites,
levites - 3019 levite, {levites},
levitical - 3020 {levitical},
liberality - 0572 bountifulness, liberal, {liberality}, simplicity, singleness,
liberality - 5485 benefit, favour, gift, grace, joy, {liberality}, pleasure, thank, thanks, thankworthy,
limiteth - 3724 declared, determinate, determined, {limiteth}, ordained,
little - 0974 book, {little},
little - 1024 few, {little}, space,
little - 2365 daughter, {little}, young,
little - 2485 fishes, {little}, small,
little - 3357 {little},
little - 3397 {little}, while,
little - 3398 least, less, {little}, small,
little - 3640 faith, {little},
little - 3641 almost, briefly, few, {little}, long, season, short, small, while,
little - 3813 child, children, damsel, {little}, young,
little - 4142 boat, boats, {little}, ship, ships, small,
little - 5040 children, {little},
little - 5177 chance, enjoy, {little}, obtain, obtained, refresh, special,
malignity - 2550 {malignity},
meditate - 3191 imagine, {meditate}, premeditate,
melita - 3194 {melita},
mites - 3016 {mites},
mitylene - 3412 {mitylene},
mortality - 2349 mortal, {mortality},
multitude - 2793 danger, jeopardy, {multitude},
multitude - 3793 company, {multitude}, multitudes, number, people, press,
multitude - 4128 bundle, {multitude}, multitudes,
multitudes - 3793 company, multitude, {multitudes}, number, people, press,
multitudes - 4128 bundle, multitude, {multitudes},
necessities - 0318 distress, must, necessary, {necessities}, necessity, needeth, needful, needs,
necessities - 5532 business, necessary, {necessities}, necessity, need, needed, needest, needeth, use, uses, wants,
necessity - 0316 more, near, necessary, {necessity}, needful,
necessity - 0318 distress, must, necessary, necessities, {necessity}, needeth, needful, needs,
necessity - 5532 business, necessary, necessities, {necessity}, need, needed, needest, needeth, use, uses, wants,
neither - 2228 before, either, except, {neither}, nor, or, rather, save, than, what, yea,
neither - 3361 cannot, forbear, lest, means, {neither}, never, no, none, nor, one, or, without,
neither - 3366 much, {neither}, nor, once, so,
neither - 3383 much, {neither}, nor, or, so,
neither - 3756 cannot, nay, {neither}, never, no, none, nor, nothing, when,
neither - 3761 even, more, much, {neither}, no, nor, same, so, then,
neither - 3762 all, any, at, man, {neither}, no, none, nothing, nought, ought,
neither - 3777 {neither}, no, none, nor, nothing,
neither - 3861 {neither},
nicolaitanes - 3531 {nicolaitanes},
notwithstanding - 0235 howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, {notwithstanding}, save, therefore, yea, yet,
notwithstanding - 4133 except, nevertheless, {notwithstanding}, save, than,
omitted - 0863 alone, aside, away, cried, forgave, forgive, forgiven, forsaken, forsook, go, laying, leave, leaveth, leaving, left, let, {omitted}, put, remit, remitted, sent, suffer, suffered, yielded,
opportunity - 0170 lacked, {opportunity},
opportunity - 2120 {opportunity},
opportunity - 2540 always, convenient, {opportunity}, season, seasons, time, times,
oppositions - 0477 {oppositions},
partiality - 0087 {partiality},
partiality - 4346 {partiality},
partition - 5418 about, hedge, {partition},
perdition - 0684 damnable, damnation, destruction, die, {perdition}, perish, pernicious, waste, ways,
permit - 2010 gave, leave, liberty, licence, {permit}, permitted, suffer, suffered,
permitted - 2010 gave, leave, liberty, licence, permit, {permitted}, suffer, suffered,
petitions - 0155 {petitions}, requests,
pit - 0999 ditch, {pit},
pit - 5421 {pit}, well,
pitched - 4078 {pitched},
pitcher - 2765 {pitcher},
pitiful - 2155 {pitiful}, tenderhearted,
pitiful - 4184 {pitiful}, very,
pity - 1653 compassion, mercy, obtain, obtained, {pity}, received, through,
plaiting - 1708 {plaiting},
premeditate - 3191 imagine, meditate, {premeditate},
principalities - 0746 beginning, beginnings, corners, first, {principalities}, principality, principles, rule,
principality - 0746 beginning, beginnings, corners, first, principalities, {principality}, principles, rule,
profit - 3786 advantageth, {profit},
profit - 4851 better, brought, expedient, good, {profit}, profitable, together,
profit - 5539 {profit},
profit - 5622 advantage, {profit},
profit - 5623 bettered, prevail, {profit}, profited, profiteth,
profitable - 2173 meet, {profitable},
profitable - 4851 better, brought, expedient, good, profit, {profitable}, together,
profited - 4298 increase, proceed, {profited}, wax,
profited - 5623 bettered, prevail, profit, {profited}, profiteth,
profiteth - 2076 been, called, dureth, endure, hast, have, mean, meaneth, owneth, {profiteth}, which,
profiteth - 5623 bettered, prevail, profit, profited, {profiteth},
profiting - 4297 furtherance, {profiting},
propitiation - 2434 {propitiation},
propitiation - 2435 mercyseat, {propitiation},
purity - 0047 {purity},
quit - 0407 like, men, {quit},
remit - 0863 alone, aside, away, cried, forgave, forgive, forgiven, forsaken, forsook, go, laying, leave, leaveth, leaving, left, let, omitted, put, {remit}, remitted, sent, suffer, suffered, yielded,
remitted - 0863 alone, aside, away, cried, forgave, forgive, forgiven, forsaken, forsook, go, laying, leave, leaveth, leaving, left, let, omitted, put, remit, {remitted}, sent, suffer, suffered, yielded,
repetitions - 0945 {repetitions},
requite - 0287 {requite},
restitution - 0605 {restitution},
saith - 2036 bade, bid, bring, called, command, commanded, grant, said, {saith}, say, saying, spake, speak, speaketh, spoken, tell, told, word,
saith - 2980 preach, preached, preaching, said, {saith}, say, spake, speak, speakest, speaketh, speaking, spoken, talk, talked, talkest, talketh, talking, tell, told, utter, uttered,
saith - 3004 asked, bid, biddeth, boasting, call, called, callest, calleth, describeth, giving, named, said, {saith}, say, sayest, saying, sayings, shew, spake, speak, speakest, speaketh, speaking, spoken, tell, telleth, told, uttered,
saith - 5346 affirm, said, {saith}, say,
samaritan - 4541 {samaritan},samaritans,
samaritans - 4541 samaritan, {samaritans},
security - 2425 able, good, great, large, long, many, much, {security}, sore, sufficient, worthy,
sedition - 4714 dissension, insurrection, {sedition}, standing, uproar,
seditions - 1370 divisions, {seditions},
silversmith - 0695 {silversmith},
similitude - 3665 like, {similitude},
similitude - 3669 {similitude},
simplicity - 0572 bountifulness, liberal, liberality, {simplicity}, singleness,
sincerity - 0861 immortality, incorruption, {sincerity},
sincerity - 1103 naturally, own, {sincerity}, true,
sincerity - 1505 {sincerity},
sit - 0347 down, make, {sit},
sit - 0377 down, leaned, sat, set, {sit},
sit - 2521 down, sat, set, {sit}, sittest, sitteth, sitting,
sit - 2523 continued, down, sat, set, {sit}, sitteth, sitting,
sit - 2621 at, kept, lay, lie, sat, {sit},
sit - 4776 made, {sit}, together,
sittest - 2521 down, sat, set, sit, {sittest}, sitteth, sitting,
sitteth - 2521 down, sat, set, sit, sittest, {sitteth}, sitting,
sitteth - 2523 continued, down, sat, set, sit, {sitteth}, sitting,
sitting - 1910 aboard, came, come, entering, {sitting}, went,
sitting - 2516 sat, {sitting},
sitting - 2521 down, sat, set, sit, sittest, sitteth, {sitting},
sitting - 2523 continued, down, sat, set, sit, sitteth, {sitting},
smite - 1194 beat, beaten, beateth, beating, {smite}, smitest,
smite - 3960 {smite}, smote, struck,
smite - 4474 palms, {smite}, smote,
smite - 5180 beat, beating, {smite}, smitten, smote, wound,
smitest - 1194 beat, beaten, beateth, beating, smite, {smitest},
smitten - 4141 {smitten},
smitten - 5180 beat, beating, smite, {smitten}, smote, wound,
solitary - 2048 desert, desolate, {solitary}, wilderness,
spirit - 4151 ghost, life, {spirit}, spirits, spiritual, wind,
spirit - 5326 {spirit},
spirits - 4151 ghost, life, spirit, {spirits}, spiritual, wind,
spiritual - 4151 ghost, life, spirit, spirits, {spiritual}, wind,
spiritual - 4152 {spiritual},
spiritually - 4153 {spiritually},
spit - 1716 on, {spit},
spit - 4429 spat, {spit},
spitefully - 5195 despitefully, entreated, shamefully, {spitefully}, use,
spittle - 4427 {spittle},
strait - 4728 {strait},
strait - 4912 constraineth, pressed, stopped, {strait}, taken,
straitened - 4730 anguish, distresses, {straitened},
straitest - 0196 {straitest},
straitly - 0547 {straitly}, threatening, threatenings,
straitly - 4183 abundant, altogether, common, far, great, greatly, long, many, much, oft, sore, {straitly},
submit - 5226 {submit},
submit - 5293 made, obedience, obedient, put, subdue, subdued, subject, subjection, {submit}, submitting, under,
submitting - 5293 made, obedience, obedient, put, subdue, subdued, subject, subjection, submit, {submitting}, under,
superfluity - 4050 abundance, abundantly, {superfluity},
superstition - 1175 {superstition},
superstitious - 1174 {superstitious}, too,
tabitha - 5000 {tabitha},
talitha - 5008 {talitha},
therewith - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, {therewith}, these, things, this, those, thyself, together,
therewith - 5125 such, therein, {therewith}, these, those,
thither - 1563 there, {thither}, yonder,
thither - 1904 came, come, {thither},
thither - 3854 came, come, cometh, coming, present, {thither}, went,
thither - 4370 came, ran, running, {thither},
thither - 5399 afraid, fear, feared, feareth, fearing, reverence, {thither},
tithe - 0586 pay, {tithe}, tithes,
tithes - 0586 pay, tithe, {tithes},
tithes - 1181 tenth, {tithes},
tithes - 1183 payed, received, {tithes},
title - 5102 {title},
tittle - 2762 {tittle},
titus - 5103 these, {titus},
tradition - 3862 ordinances, {tradition}, traditions,
traditions - 3862 ordinances, tradition, {traditions},
traitors - 4273 betrayers, {traitors},
unfruitful - 0175 fruit, {unfruitful}, without,
unity - 1775 {unity},
unprofitable - 0255 {unprofitable},
unprofitable - 0512 {unprofitable}, unprofitableness,
unprofitable - 0888 {unprofitable},
unprofitable - 0889 become, {unprofitable},
unprofitable - 0890 {unprofitable},
unprofitableness - 0512 unprofitable, {unprofitableness},
vanities - 3152 vain, {vanities},
vanity - 3153 {vanity}, while,
verity - 0225 true, truth, {verity},
visit - 1980 look, {visit}, visited, visitest,
visitation - 1984 bishop, bishoprick, office, {visitation},
visited - 1980 look, visit, {visited}, visitest,
visitest - 1980 look, visit, visited, {visitest},
vomit - 1829 {vomit},
wait - 0362 {wait},
wait - 0553 absent, look, {wait}, waiting,
wait - 1747 {wait},
wait - 1748 {wait},
wait - 1917 await, laying, {wait},
wait - 3180 lie, {wait}, wiles,
wait - 4037 {wait},
wait - 4332 {wait},
wait - 4342 continually, continue, continued, continuing, give, on, stedfastly, {wait}, waited,
waited - 1551 expecting, look, looked, tarry, {waited}, waiteth, waiting,
waited - 4327 accepting, allow, looking, receive, took, {waited},
waited - 4328 expecting, look, looked, looketh, looking, tarried, {waited},
waited - 4342 continually, continue, continued, continuing, give, on, stedfastly, wait, {waited},
waiteth - 1551 expecting, look, looked, tarry, waited, {waiteth}, waiting,
waiting - 0553 absent, look, wait, {waiting},
waiting - 1551 expecting, look, looked, tarry, waited, waiteth, {waiting},
wherewith - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, {wherewith}, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,
wherewith - 3745 all, ever, great, how, inasmuch, many, more, much, those, what, whatsoever, {wherewith}, which, who,
wherewith - 5101 how, what, where, wherefore, whereof, whereunto, {wherewith}, wherewithal, whether, which, who, whom, whose, why,
wherewithal - 5101 how, what, where, wherefore, whereof, whereunto, wherewith, {wherewithal}, whether, which, who, whom, whose, why,
whit - 3367 all, any, at, man, no, none, nothing, {whit},
whit - 3650 all, altogether, every, throughout, {whit}, whole,
white - 2986 bright, clear, gay, goodly, {white},
white - 3021 made, {white},
white - 3022 {white},
whited - 2867 {whited},
whither - 3699 place, what, where, whereas, {whither},
whither - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, since, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, {whither}, who, whom, whose, whosoever,
whither - 4226 where, {whither},
whither - 4266 past, {whither},
whithersoever - 0302 soever, whatsoever, whereinsoever, wheresoever, which, {whithersoever}, whomsoever, whoso, whosoever,
whithersoever - 1437 if, so, soever, though, whatsoever, when, wheresoever, {whithersoever}, whomsoever, whosoever,
wit - 1107 certify, declare, declared, do, known, made, make, understand, {wit}, wot,
wit - 5613 about, according, after, even, how, like, since, so, when, while, {wit},
witchcraft - 5331 sorceries, {witchcraft},
withal - 0260 also, together, {withal},
withdraw - 0868 away, depart, departed, departing, drew, refrain, {withdraw},
withdraw - 4724 avoiding, {withdraw},
withdrew - 0402 aside, departed, give, gone, place, turned, went, {withdrew},
withdrew - 5288 back, draw, kept, shunned, {withdrew},
withered - 3583 dried, pineth, ripe, {withered}, withereth,
withered - 3584 dry, land, {withered},
withereth - 3583 dried, pineth, ripe, withered, {withereth},
withereth - 5352 fruit, {withereth},
withholdeth - 2722 accuse, accused, accusing, fast, had, hold, keep, let, letteth, made, possessed, possessing, retained, seize, {withholdeth},
within - 1223 after, among, at, avoid, because, cause, occasion, reason, though, through, throughout, {within},
within - 1722 after, against, among, at, because, before, believe, between, into, on, over, sake, through, throughout, toward, under, used, way, wholly, {within},
within - 1787 {within},
within - 2080 inner, into, {within},
within - 2081 inward, inwardly, {within},
within - 2082 inner, {within},
within - 4314 about, according, against, among, at, because, before, between, concerning, nigh, toward, whereby, {within},
without - 0035 descent, {without},
without - 0077 charge, {without},
without - 0088 ceasing, {without},
without - 0089 ceasing, {without},
without - 0112 god, {without},
without - 0175 fruit, unfruitful, {without},
without - 0186 wavering, {without},
without - 0194 mixture, {without},
without - 0267 {without}, witness,
without - 0275 carefulness, secure, {without},
without - 0280 measure, {without},
without - 0282 mother, {without},
without - 0298 blameless, rebuke, {without},
without - 0299 blame, blemish, fault, faultless, spot, unblameable, {without},
without - 0361 sin, {without},
without - 0369 gainsaying, spoken, {without},
without - 0379 excuse, inexcusable, {without},
without - 0427 {without},
without - 0448 mercy, {without},
without - 0459 law, lawless, transgressors, unlawful, wicked, {without},
without - 0460 law, {without},
without - 0504 dry, water, {without},
without - 0505 hypocrisy, unfeigned, {without},
without - 0563 distraction, {without},
without - 0677 none, offence, void, {without},
without - 0678 persons, respect, {without},
without - 0729 seam, {without},
without - 0784 spot, unspotted, {without},
without - 0794 affection, {without},
without - 0801 foolish, understanding, {without},
without - 0820 despised, honour, honourable, less, {without},
without - 0866 covetous, covetousness, greedy, lucre, {without},
without - 0870 fear, {without},
without - 0880 dumb, signification, {without},
without - 0886 hands, made, {without},
without - 0895 life, {without},
without - 1432 cause, freely, nought, vain, {without},
without - 1500 cause, vain, vainly, {without},
without - 1618 ceasing, fervent, {without},
without - 1622 excepted, other, unless, {without},
without - 1854 away, forth, outward, strange, {without},
without - 1855 outside, outward, outwardly, {without},
without - 2673 abolished, away, become, bring, ceased, come, destroy, destroyed, done, down, effect, fail, made, make, no, none, nought, put, vanish, void, {without},
without - 3326 after, against, among, between, followed, setting, since, when, {without},
without - 3361 cannot, forbear, lest, means, neither, never, no, none, nor, one, or, {without},
without - 3672 controversy, {without},
without - 3924 saving, {without},
without - 5565 beside, itself, {without},
withstand - 0436 resist, {withstand}, withstood,
withstand - 2967 forbad, forbid, forbidden, forbiddeth, forbidding, hinder, kept, let, suffered, {withstand},
withstood - 0436 resist, withstand, {withstood},
witness - 0267 without, {witness},
witness - 2649 against, {witness},
witness - 3140 bare, barest, bear, bearest, beareth, gave, obtained, record, report, reported, testified, testifieth, testify, testifying, testimony, well, {witness}, witnessed, witnesses, witnesseth, witnessing,
witness - 3141 record, report, testimony, {witness},
witness - 3142 testified, testimony, {witness},
witness - 3144 martyr, martyrs, record, {witness}, witnesses,
witness - 4828 also, bearing, testify, {witness},
witness - 4901 also, bearing, {witness},
witness - 5576 bare, bear, false, {witness},
witness - 5577 false, {witness},
witnessed - 3140 bare, barest, bear, bearest, beareth, gave, obtained, record, report, reported, testified, testifieth, testify, testifying, testimony, well, witness, {witnessed}, witnesses, witnesseth, witnessing,
witnesses - 3140 bare, barest, bear, bearest, beareth, gave, obtained, record, report, reported, testified, testifieth, testify, testifying, testimony, well, witness, witnessed, {witnesses}, witnesseth, witnessing,
witnesses - 3144 martyr, martyrs, record, witness, {witnesses},
witnesses - 5575 false, {witnesses},
witnesseth - 1263 charge, charging, testified, testify, testifying, {witnesseth},
witnesseth - 3140 bare, barest, bear, bearest, beareth, gave, obtained, record, report, reported, testified, testifieth, testify, testifying, testimony, well, witness, witnessed, witnesses, {witnesseth}, witnessing,
witnessing - 3140 bare, barest, bear, bearest, beareth, gave, obtained, record, report, reported, testified, testifieth, testify, testifying, testimony, well, witness, witnessed, witnesses, witnesseth, {witnessing},
write - 1125 {write}, writing, written, wrote,
write - 1924 inscription, over, thereon, {write}, written,
write - 1989 letter, {write}, written,
writing - 0975 bill, book, books, scroll, {writing},
writing - 1125 write, {writing}, written, wrote,
writings - 1121 learning, letter, letters, scriptures, {writings}, written,
written - 0583 taxing, {written},
written - 1121 learning, letter, letters, scriptures, writings, {written},
written - 1123 {written},
written - 1125 write, writing, {written}, wrote,
written - 1449 {written},
written - 1924 inscription, over, thereon, write, {written},
written - 1989 letter, write, {written},