interpretation 4426 ## m@liytsah {mel-ee-tsaw'}; from 3887; an
aphorism; also a satire: -- {interpretation}, taunting.[ql
interpretation 6591 ## p@shar (Aramaic) {pesh-ar'}; from 6590;
an interpretation: -- {interpretation}.[ql
interpretation 6592 ## pesher {pay'-sher}; corresponding to 6591:
-- {interpretation}.[ql
interpretation 6623 ## pithrown {pith-rone'}; or pithron {pith-
rone'}; from 6622; interpretation (of a dream): --
interpretation 7667 ## sheber {sheh'-ber}; or sheber {shay'-ber};
from 7665; a fracture, figuratively, ruin; specifically, a
solution (of a dream): -- affliction, breach, breaking, broken[-
footed, -handed], bruise, crashing, destruction, hurt,
{interpretation}, vexation.[ql
interpretation 1955 # epilusis {ep-il'-oo-sis}; from 1956;
explanation, i.e. application: -- {interpretation}.[ql
interpretation 2058 # hermeneia {her-may-ni'-ah}; from the same
as 2059; translation: -- {interpretation}.[ql
interpretations 6590 ## p@shar (Aramaic) {pesh-ar'};
corresponding to 6622; to interpret: -- mak e
[{interpretations}], interpreting.[ql