husbandmen Mar_12_02 /${husbandmen /a servant ,
that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the
vineyard .
husbandmen 2Ch_26_10 /^{husbandmen /also, and vine
dressers in the mountains , and in Carmel : for he loved
husbandry .
husbandmen Luk_20_16 /${husbandmen /and shall give
the vineyard to others . And when they heard it, they said , God
forbid .
husbandmen Jer_31_24 /^{husbandmen /and they that
go forth with flocks .
husbandmen Mar_12_01 /${husbandmen /and went into a
far country .
husbandmen Mat_21_33 /${husbandmen /and went into a
far country :
husbandmen Luk_20_09 /${husbandmen /and went into a
far country for a long time .
husbandmen Mar_12_09 /${husbandmen /and will give
the vineyard unto others .
husbandmen Luk_20_10 /${husbandmen /beat him , and
sent him away empty .
husbandmen Joe_01_11 /^{husbandmen /howl , O ye
vinedressers , for the wheat and for the barley ; because the
harvest of the field is perished .
husbandmen Mar_12_02 /${husbandmen /of the fruit of
the vineyard .
husbandmen Mar_12_07 /${husbandmen /said among
themselves , This is the heir ; come , let us kill him , and the
inheritance shall be ours .
husbandmen Luk_20_14 /${husbandmen /saw him , they
reasoned among themselves , saying , This is the heir : come ,
let us kill him , that the inheritance may be ours .
husbandmen Mat_21_38 /${husbandmen /saw the son ,
they said among themselves , This is the heir ; come , let us
kill him , and let us seize on his inheritance .
husbandmen Mat_21_34 /${husbandmen /that they might
receive the fruits of it .
husbandmen Luk_20_10 /${husbandmen /that they
should give him of the fruit of the vineyard : but the
husbandmen beat him , and sent him away empty .
husbandmen Mat_21_35 /${husbandmen /took his
servants , and beat one , and killed another , and stoned
another .
husbandmen Mat_21_41 /${husbandmen /which shall
render him the fruits in their seasons .