Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.
Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.
Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary
Abishur 00051 ## 'Abiyshuwr {ab-ee-shoor'} ; from 00001 and 07791 ; father of (the) wall (i . e . perhaps mason) ; {Abishur} , an Israelite : -- Abishur .
Abishur 00051 ## 'Abiyshuwr {ab-ee-shoor'} ; from 00001 and 07791 ; father of (the) wall (i . e . perhaps mason) ; Abishur , an Israelite : -- {Abishur} .
achuron 0892 - {achuron} {akh'-oo-ron}; perhaps remotely from cheo (to shed forth); chaff (as diffusive): -- chaff.
Ammichur 05991 ## ` Ammiychuwr {am-mee-khoor'} ; from 05971 and 02353 ; people of nobility ; {Ammichur} , a Syrian prince : -- Ammihud [from the margin ] .
Ashchur 00806 ## 'Ashchuwr {ash-khoor'} ; probably from 07835 ; black ; {Ashchur} , an Israelite : -- Ashur .
Ashshur 00804 ## 'Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'} ; or'Ashshur {ash-shoor'} ; apparently from 00833 (in the sense of successful) ; {Ashshur} , the second son of Shem ; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i . e . Assyria) , its region and its empire : -- Asshur , Assur , Assyria , Assyrians . See 00838 .
ashshur 00838 ## 'ashur {aw-shoor'} ; or {ashshur} {ash-shoor'} ; from 00833 in the sense of going ; a step : -- going , step .
Ashur 00805 ## 'Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'} ; or'Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'} ; from a patrial word of the same form as 00804 ; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of {Ashur} , a district in Palestine : -- Asshurim , Ashurites .
Ashur 00806 ## 'Ashchuwr {ash-khoor'} ; probably from 07835 ; black ; Ashchur , an Israelite : -- {Ashur} .
ashur 00838 ## {'ashur} {aw-shoor'} ; or ashshur {ash-shoor'} ; from 00833 in the sense of going ; a step : -- going , step .
ashur 00839 ## {'ashur} {ash-oor'} ; contracted for 08391 ; the cedar tree or some other light elastic wood : -- Ashurite .
Ashurite 00805 ## 'Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'} ; or'Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'} ; from a patrial word of the same form as 00804 ; an {Ashurite} (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashur , a district in Palestine : -- Asshurim , Ashurites .
Ashurite 00839 ## 'ashur {ash-oor'} ; contracted for 08391 ; the cedar tree or some other light elastic wood : -- {Ashurite} .
Ashurites 00805 ## 'Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'} ; or'Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'} ; from a patrial word of the same form as 00804 ; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashur , a district in Palestine : -- Asshurim , {Ashurites} .
Asshur 00804 ## 'Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'} ; or'Ashshur {ash-shoor'} ; apparently from 00833 (in the sense of successful) ; Ashshur , the second son of Shem ; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i . e . Assyria) , its region and its empire : -- {Asshur} , Assur , Assyria , Assyrians . See 00838 .
Asshurim 00805 ## 'Ashuwriy {ash-oo-ree'} ; or'Ashshuwriy {ash-shoo-ree'} ; from a patrial word of the same form as 00804 ; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashur , a district in Palestine : -- {Asshurim} , Ashurites .
b@churiym 00979 ## b@churowth {bekh-oo-rothe'} ; or b@chuwrowth {bekh-oo-roth'} ; feminine plural of 00970 ; also (masculine plural) {b@churiym} {bekh-oo-reem'} ; youth (collectively and abstractly) : -- young men , youth .
b@churowth 00979 ## {b@churowth} {bekh-oo-rothe'} ; or b@chuwrowth {bekh-oo-roth'} ; feminine plural of 00970 ; also (masculine plural) b@churiym {bekh-oo-reem'} ; youth (collectively and abstractly) : -- young men , youth .
bachur 00970 ## bachuwr {baw-khoor'} ; or {bachur} {baw-khoor'} ; participle passive of 00977 ; properly , selected , i . e . a youth (often collective) : -- (choice) young (man) , chosen , X hole .
Bachurim 00978 ## Bacharuwmiy {bakh-ar-oo-mee'} ; patrial from 00980 (by transposition) ; a Bacharumite or inhabitant of {Bachurim} : -- Baharumite .
Bachurim 00980 ## Bachuriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; or Bachuwriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; masculine plural of 00970 ; young men ; {Bachurim} , a place in Palestine : -- Bahurim .
Bachurim 01273 ## Barchumiy {bar-khoo-mee'} ; by transposition for 00978 ; a Barchumite , or native of {Bachurim} : -- Barhumite .
Bachuriym 00980 ## {Bachuriym} {bakh-oo-reem'} ; or Bachuwriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; masculine plural of 00970 ; young men ; Bachurim , a place in Palestine : -- Bahurim .
Bahurim 00980 ## Bachuriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; or Bachuwriym {bakh-oo-reem'} ; masculine plural of 00970 ; young men ; Bachurim , a place in Palestine : -- {Bahurim} .
Ben-Chur 01133 ## Ben-Chuwr {ben-khoor'} ; from 01121 and 02354 ; son of Chur ; {Ben-Chur} , an Israelite : -- the son of Hur .
Charchur 02744 ## Charchuwr {khar-khoor'} ; a fuller form of 02746 ; inflammation ; {Charchur} , one of the Nethinim : -- Harhur .
charchur 02746 ## {charchur} {khar-khoor'} ; from 02787 ; fever (as hot) ;-- extreme burning .
chishshur 02840 ## {chishshur} {khish-shoor'} ; from an unused root meaning to bind together ; combined , i . e . the nave or hub of a wheel (as holding the spokes together) : -- spoke .
Chur 01133 ## Ben-Chuwr {ben-khoor'} ; from 01121 and 02354 ; son of {Chur} ; Ben-Chur , an Israelite : -- the son of Hur .
chur 02352 ## chuwr {khoor} ; or (shortened) {chur} {khoor} ; from an unused root probably meaning to bore ; the crevice of a serpent ; the cell of a prison : -- hole .
Chur 02354 ## Chuwr {khoor} ; the same as 02353 or 02352 ; {Chur} , the name of four Israelites and one Midianite : -- Hur .
Churai 02360 ## Chuwray {khoo-rah'ee} ; probably an orthographical variation for 02359 ; {Churai} , an Israelite : -- Hurai .
Churam 02361 ## Chuwram {khoo-rawm'} ; probably from 02353 ; whiteness , i . e . noble ; {Churam} , the name of an Israelite and two Syrians : -- Huram . Compare 02438 .
church 1577 - ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah}; from a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2564; a calling out, i.e. (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue, or Christian community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): -- assembly, {church}.
church 1985 - episkopos {ep-is'-kop-os}; from 1909 and 4649 (in the sense of 1983); a superintendent, i.e. Christian officer in genitive case charge of a (or the) {church} (literally or figuratively): -- bishop, overseer.
church 2941 - kubernesis {koo-ber'-nay-sis}; from kubernao (of Latin origin, to steer); pilotage, i.e. (figuratively) directorship (in the {church}): -- government.
Church 4622 - Sion {see-own'}; of Hebrew origin [6726]; Sion (i.e. Tsijon), a hill of Jerusalem; figuratively, the {Church} (militant or triumphant): -- Sion.
church 4864 - sunagoge {soon-ag-o-gay'}; from (the reduplicated form of) 4863; an assemblage of persons; specifically, a Jewish " synagogue " (the meeting or the place); by analogy, a Christian {church}: -- assembly, congregation, synagogue.
churches 2417 - hierosulos {hee-er-os'-oo-los}; from 2411 and 4813; a temple-despoiler: -- robber of {churches}.
Churi 02359 ## Chuwriy {khoo-ree'} ; probably from 02353 ; linen-worker ; {Churi} , an Israelite : -- Huri .
churl 03596 ## kiylay {kee-lah'- ee} ; or kelay {kay-lah'- ee} ; from 03557 in the sense of withholding ; niggardly : -- {churl} .
churlish 07186 ## qasheh {kaw-sheh'} ; from 07185 ; severe (in various applications) : -- {churlish} , cruel , grievous , hard ([-hearted ] , thing) , heavy , + impudent , obstinate , prevailed , rough (- ly) , sore , sorrowful , stiff ([necked ]) , stubborn , + in trouble .
churning 04330 ## miyts {meets} ; from 04160 ; pressure : -- {churning} , forcing , wringing .
diischurizomai 1340 - {diischurizomai} {dee-is-khoo-rid'-zom-ahee}; from 1223 and a derivative of 2478; to stout it through, i.e. asservate: -- confidently (constantly) affirm.
Geshur 01650 ## G@shuwr {ghesh-oor'} ; from an unused root (meaning to join) ; bridge ; Geshur , a district of Syria : -- {Geshur} , Geshurite .
Geshur 01650 ## G@shuwr {ghesh-oor'} ; from an unused root (meaning to join) ; bridge ; {Geshur} , a district of Syria : -- Geshur , Geshurite .
Geshur 01651 ## G@shuwriy {ghe-shoo-ree'} ; patrial from 01650 ; a Geshurite (also collectively) or inhabitants of {Geshur} : -- Geshuri , Geshurites .
Geshuri 01651 ## G@shuwriy {ghe-shoo-ree'} ; patrial from 01650 ; a Geshurite (also collectively) or inhabitants of Geshur : -- {Geshuri} , Geshurites .
Geshurite 01650 ## G@shuwr {ghesh-oor'} ; from an unused root (meaning to join) ; bridge ; Geshur , a district of Syria : -- Geshur , {Geshurite} .
Geshurite 01651 ## G@shuwriy {ghe-shoo-ree'} ; patrial from 01650 ; a {Geshurite} (also collectively) or inhabitants of Geshur : -- Geshuri , Geshurites .
Geshurites 01651 ## G@shuwriy {ghe-shoo-ree'} ; patrial from 01650 ; a Geshurite (also collectively) or inhabitants of Geshur : -- Geshuri , {Geshurites} .
Harhur 02744 ## Charchuwr {khar-khoor'} ; a fuller form of 02746 ; inflammation ; Charchur , one of the Nethinim : -- {Harhur} .
Hur 01133 ## Ben-Chuwr {ben-khoor'} ; from 01121 and 02354 ; son of Chur ; Ben-Chur , an Israelite : -- the son of {Hur} .
Hur 02354 ## Chuwr {khoor} ; the same as 02353 or 02352 ; Chur , the name of four Israelites and one Midianite : -- {Hur} .
Hurai 02360 ## Chuwray {khoo-rah'ee} ; probably an orthographical variation for 02359 ; Churai , an Israelite : -- {Hurai} .
Huram 02361 ## Chuwram {khoo-rawm'} ; probably from 02353 ; whiteness , i . e . noble ; Churam , the name of an Israelite and two Syrians : -- {Huram} . Compare 02438 .
Huram 02438 ## Chiyram {khee-rawm'} ; or Chiyrowm {khee-rome'} ; another form of 02361 ; Chiram or Chirom , the name of two Tyrians : -- Hiram , {Huram} .
Huri 02359 ## Chuwriy {khoo-ree'} ; probably from 02353 ; linen-worker ; Churi , an Israelite : -- {Huri} .
hurl 03399 ## yarat {yaw-rat'} ; a primitive root ; to precipitate or {hurl} (rush) headlong ; (intransitively) to be rash : -- be perverse , turn over .
hurl 06805 ## tsa` ad {tsaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to pace , i . e . step regularly ; (upward) to mount ; (along) to march ; (down and causatively) to {hurl} : -- bring , go , march (through) , run over .
hurl 07411 ## ramah {raw-maw'} ; a primitive root ; to {hurl} ; specifically , to shoot ; figuratively , to delude or betray (as if causing to fall) : -- beguile , betray , [bow-] man , carry , deceive , throw .
hurl 07420 ## romach {ro'- makh} ; from an unused root meaning to {hurl} ; a lance (as thrown) ; especially the iron point : -- buckler , javelin , lancet , spear .
hurl 07993 ## shalak {shaw-lak} ; a primitive root ; to throw out , down or away (literally or figuratively) : -- adventure , cast (away , down , forth , off , out) , {hurl} , pluck , throw .
hurl 08175 ## sa` ar {saw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to storm ; by implication , to shiver , i . e . fear : -- be (horribly) afraid , fear , {hurl} as a storm , be tempestuous , come like (take away as with) a whirlwind .
hurl 0641 - aporrhipto {ap-or-hrip'-to}; from 0575 and 4496; to {hurl} off, i.e. precipitate (oneself): -- cast.
hurl 4496 - rhipto {hrip'-to}; a primary verb (perhaps rather akin to the base of 4474, through the idea of sudden motion); to fling (properly, with a quick toss, thus differing from 0906, which denotes a deliberate {hurl}; and from teino [see in 1614], which indicates an extended projection); by qualification, to deposit (as if a load); by extension, to disperse: -- cast (down, out), scatter abroad, throw.
hurricane 05492 ## cuwphah {soo-faw'} ; from 05486 ; a {hurricane} : -- Red Sea , storm , tempest , whirlwind , Red sea .
hurricane 05591 ## ca` ar {sah'- ar} ; or (feminine) c@` arah {seh-aw-raw'} ; from 05590 ; a {hurricane} : -- storm (- y) , tempest , whirlwind .
hurricane 08183 ## s@` arah {seh-aw-raw'} ; feminine of 08178 ; a {hurricane} : -- storm , tempest .
hurry 00213 ## 'uwts {oots} ; a primitive root ; to press ; (by implication) to be close , {hurry} , withdraw : -- (make) haste (- n ,-y) , labor , be narrow .
hurry 00924 ## b@hiyluw (Aramaic) {be-hee-loo'} ; from 00927 ; a {hurry} ; only adverb , hastily : -- in haste .
hurry 02363 ## chuwsh {koosh} ; a primitive root ; to {hurry} ; figuratively , to be eager with excitement or enjoyment : -- (make) haste (- n) , ready .
hurry 02439 ## chiysh {kheesh} ; another form of 02363 ; to {hurry} : -- make haste .
hurry 02440 ## chiysh {kheesh} ; from 02439 ; properly , a {hurry} ; hence (adverb) quickly : -- soon .
hurry 04116 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be liquid or flow easily , i . e . (by implication) ; to {hurry} (in a good or a bad sense) ; often used (with another verb) adverbially , promptly : -- be carried headlong , fearful , (cause to make , in , make) haste (- n ,-ily) , (be) hasty , (fetch , make ready) X quickly , rash , X shortly , (be so) X soon , make speed , X speedily , X straightway , X suddenly , swift .
hurry 04118 ## maher {mah-hare'} ; from 04116 ; properly , hurrying ; hence (adverbially) in a {hurry} : -- hasteth , hastily , at once , quickly , soon , speedily , suddenly .
hurry 04120 ## m@herah {meh-hay-raw'} ; feminine of 04118 ; properly , a {hurry} ; hence (adverbially) promptly : -- hastily , quickly , shortly , soon , make (with) speed (- ily) , swiftly .
hurrying 04118 ## maher {mah-hare'} ; from 04116 ; properly , {hurrying} ; hence (adverbially) in a hurry : -- hasteth , hastily , at once , quickly , soon , speedily , suddenly .
hurt 00611 ## 'acown {aws-sone'} ; of uncertain derivation ; {hurt} : -- mischief .
hurt 01697 ## dabar {daw-baw'} ; from 01696 ; a word ; by implication , a matter (as spoken of) or thing ; adverbially , a cause : -- act , advice , affair , answer , X any such (thing) , because of , book , business , care , case , cause , certain rate , + chronicles , commandment , X commune (- ication) , + concern [-ing ] , + confer , counsel , + dearth , decree , deed , X disease , due , duty , effect , + eloquent , errand , [evil favoured-] ness , + glory , + harm , {hurt} , + iniquity , + judgment , language , + lying , manner , matter , message , [no ] thing , oracle , X ought , X parts , + pertaining , + please , portion , + power , promise , provision , purpose , question , rate , reason , report , request , X (as hast) said , sake , saying , sentence , + sign , + so , some [uncleanness ] , somewhat to say , + song , speech , X spoken , talk , task , + that , X there done , thing (concerning) , thought , + thus , tidings , what [-soever ] , + wherewith , which , word , work .
hurt 02248 ## chabuwlah (Aramaic) {khab-oo-law'} ; from 02255 ; properly , overthrown , i . e . (morally) crime : -- {hurt} .
hurt 02250 ## chabbuwrah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chabburah {khab-boo-raw'} ; or chaburah {khab-oo-raw'} ; from 02266 ; properly , bound (with stripes) , i . e . a weal (or black-and-blue mark itself) : -- blueness , bruise , {hurt} , stripe , wound .
hurt 02255 ## chabal (Aramaic) {khab-al'} ; corresponding to 02254 ; to ruin : -- destroy , {hurt} .
hurt 02257 ## chabal (Aramaic) {khab-al'} ; from 02255 ; harm (personal or pecuniary) : -- damage , {hurt} .
hurt 03637 ## kalam {kaw-lawm'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to wound ; but only figuratively , to taunt or insult : -- be (make) ashamed , blush , be confounded , be put to confusion , {hurt} , reproach , (do , put to) shame .
hurt 05062 ## nagaph {naw-gaf'} ; a primitive root ; to push , gore , defeat , stub (the toe) , inflict (a disease) : -- beat , dash , {hurt} , plague , slay , smite (down) , strike , stumble , X surely , put to the worse .
hurt 05142 ## n@zaq (Aramaic) {nez-ak'} ; corresponding to the root of 05143 ; to suffer (causatively , inflict) loss : -- have (en-) damage , {hurt} (- ful) .
hurt 06031 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root [possibly rather ident . with 06030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating ] ; to depress literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (in various applications , as follows) : -- abase self , afflict (- ion , self) , answer [by mistake for 06030 ] , chasten self , deal hardly with , defile , exercise , force , gentleness , humble (self) , {hurt} , ravish , sing [by mistake for 06030 ] , speak [by mistake for 06030 ] , submit self , weaken , X in any wise .
hurt 06087 ## ` atsab {aw-tsab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to carve , i . e . fabricate or fashion ; hence (in a bad sense) to worry , pain or anger : -- displease , grieve , {hurt} , make , be sorry , vex , worship , wrest .
hurt 06485 ## paqad {paw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent) ; by analogy , to oversee , muster , charge , care for , miss , deposit , etc . : -- appoint , X at all , avenge , bestow , (appoint to have the , give a) charge , commit , count , deliver to keep , be empty , enjoin , go see , {hurt} , do judgment , lack , lay up , look , make , X by any means , miss , number , officer , (make) overseer , have (the) oversight , punish , reckon , (call to) remember (- brance) , set (over) , sum , X surely , visit , want .
hurt 07451 ## ra` {rah} ; from 07489 ; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral) : -- adversity , affliction , bad , calamity , + displease (- ure) , distress , evil ([-favouredness ] , man , thing) , + exceedingly , X great , grief (- vous) , harm , heavy , {hurt} (- ful) , ill (favoured) , + mark , mischief (- vous) , misery , naught (- ty) , noisome , + not please , sad (- ly) , sore , sorrow , trouble , vex , wicked (- ly ,-ness , one) , worse (- st) , wretchedness , wrong . [Incl . feminine ra` ah ; as adjective or noun . ] .
hurt 07489 ## ra` a` {raw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to spoil (literally , by breaking to pieces) ; figuratively , to make (or be) good for nothing , i . e . bad (physically , socially or morally) : -- afflict , associate selves [by mistake for 07462 ] , break (down , in pieces) , + displease , (be , bring , do) evil (doer , entreat , man) , show self friendly [by mistake for 07462 ] , do harm , (do) {hurt} , (behave self , deal) ill , X indeed , do mischief , punish , still , vex , (do) wicked (doer ,-ly) , be (deal , do) worse .
hurt 07665 ## shabar {shaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to burst (literally or figuratively) : -- break (down , off , in pieces , up) , broken ([-hearted ]) , bring to the birth , crush , destroy , {hurt} , quench , X quite , tear , view [by mistake for 07663 ] .
hurt 07667 ## sheber {sheh'- ber} ; or sheber {shay'- ber} ; from 07665 ; a fracture , figuratively , ruin ; specifically , a solution (of a dream) : -- affliction , breach , breaking , broken [-footed ,-handed ] , bruise , crashing , destruction , {hurt} , interpretation , vexation .
hurt 0091 - adikeo {ad-ee-keh'-o}; from 0094; to be unjust, i.e. (actively) do wrong (morally, socially or physically): -- {hurt}, injure, be an offender, be unjust, (do, suffer, take) wrong.
hurt 0984 - blapto {blap'-to}; a primary verb; properly, to hinder, i.e. (by implication) to injure: -- {hurt}.
hurt 2559 - kakoo {kak-o'-o}; from 2556; to injure; figuratively, to exasperate: -- make evil affected, entreat evil, harm, {hurt}, vex.
hurt 4615 - sinapi {sin'-ap-ee}; perhaps from sinomai (to {hurt}, i.e. sting); mustard (the plant): -- mustard.
hurt 5196 - hubris {hoo'-bris}; from 5228; insolence (as over-bearing), i.e. insult, injury: -- harm, {hurt}, reproach.
hurtful 0983 - blaberos {blab-er-os'}; from 0984; injurious: -- {hurtful}.
hurtful 4190 - poneros {pon-ay-ros'}; from a derivative of 4192; {hurtful}, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character, as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural) sinners: -- bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness). See also 4191.
ischuros 2478 - {ischuros} {is-khoo-ros'}; from 2479; forcible (literally or figuratively): -- boisterous, mighty(-ier), powerful, strong(-er, man), valiant.
Jeshurun 03484 ## Y@shuruwn {yesh-oo-roon'} ; from 03474 ; upright ; Jeshurun , a symbol . name for Israel : -- {Jeshurun} .
Jeshurun 03484 ## Y@shuruwn {yesh-oo-roon'} ; from 03474 ; upright ; {Jeshurun} , a symbol . name for Israel : -- Jeshurun .
ochuroma 3794 - {ochuroma} {okh-oo'-ro-mah}; from a remote derivative of 2192 (meaning to fortify, through the idea of holding safely); a castle (figuratively, argument): -- stronghold.
or'Ashshur 00804 ## 'Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'} ; {or'Ashshur} {ash-shoor'} ; apparently from 00833 (in the sense of successful) ; Ashshur , the second son of Shem ; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i . e . Assyria) , its region and its empire : -- Asshur , Assur , Assyria , Assyrians . See 00838 .
Pashchur 06583 ## Pashchuwr {pash-khoor'} ; probably from 06582 ; liberation ; {Pashchur} , the name of four Israelites : -- Pashur .
Pashur 04036 ## Magowr mic-Cabiyb {maw-gore'mis-saw-beeb'} ; from 04032 and 05439 with the preposition inserted ; affright from around ; Magor-mis-Sabib , a symbolic name of {Pashur} : -- Magor-missabib .
Pashur 06583 ## Pashchuwr {pash-khoor'} ; probably from 06582 ; liberation ; Pashchur , the name of four Israelites : -- {Pashur} .
Phurah 06513 ## Purah {poo-raw'} ; for 06288 ; foliage ; Purah , an Israelite : -- {Phurah} .
phurama 5445 - {phurama} {foo'-ram-ah}; from a prolonged form of phuro (to mix a liquid with a solid; perhaps akin to 5453 through the idea of swelling in bulk), mean to knead; a mass of dough: -- lump.
phuro 5445 - phurama {foo'-ram-ah}; from a prolonged form of {phuro} (to mix a liquid with a solid; perhaps akin to 5453 through the idea of swelling in bulk), mean to knead; a mass of dough: -- lump.
porphura 4209 - {porphura} {por-foo'-rah}; of Latin origin; the " purple " mussel, i.e. (by implication) the red-blue color itself, and finally a garment dyed with it: -- purple.
porphuropolis 4211 - {porphuropolis} {por-foo-rop'-o-lis}; feminine of a compound of 4209 and 4453; a female trader in purple cloth: -- seller of purple.
porphurous 4210 - {porphurous} {por-foo-rooce'}; from 4209; purpureal, i.e. bluish red: -- purple.
psithurismos 5587 - {psithurismos} {psith-oo-ris-mos'}; from a derivative of psithos (a whisper; by implication, a slander; probably akin to 5574); whispering, i.e. secret detraction: -- whispering.
psithuristes 5588 - {psithuristes} {psith-oo-ris-tace'}; from the same as 5587; a secret calumniator: -- whisperer.
qishshur 07196 ## {qishshur} {kish-shoor'} ; from 07194 ; an (ornamental) girdle (for women) : -- attire , headband .
Sethur 05639 ## C@thuwr {seth-oor'} ; from 05641 ; hidden ; Sethur , an Israelite : -- {Sethur} .
Sethur 05639 ## C@thuwr {seth-oor'} ; from 05641 ; hidden ; {Sethur} , an Israelite : -- Sethur .
Shur 07793 ## Shuwr {shoor} ; the same as 07791 ; Shur , a region of the Desert : -- {Shur} .
Shur 07793 ## Shuwr {shoor} ; the same as 07791 ; {Shur} , a region of the Desert : -- Shur .
sphura 4974 - sphuron {sfoo-ron'}; neuter of a presumed derivative probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, " sphere " ; compare the feminine {sphura}, a hammer); the ankle (as globular): -- ancle bone.
sphuron 4974 - {sphuron} {sfoo-ron'}; neuter of a presumed derivative probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, " sphere " ; compare the feminine sphura, a hammer); the ankle (as globular): -- ancle bone.
sulphur 01614 ## gophriyth {gof-reeth'} ; probably feminine of 01613 ; properly , cypress-resin ; by analogy , {sulphur} (as equally inflammable) : -- brimstone .
sulphur 2303 - theion {thi'-on}; probably neuter of 2304 (in its original sense of flashing); {sulphur}: -- brimstone.
sulphur-like 2306 - theiodes {thi-o'-dace}; from 2303 and 1491; {sulphur-like}, i.e. sulphurous: -- brimstone. ***. theleo. See 2309.
sulphurous 2306 - theiodes {thi-o'-dace}; from 2303 and 1491; sulphur-like, i.e. {sulphurous}: -- brimstone. ***. theleo. See 2309.
thura 2374 - {thura} {thoo'-rah}; apparently a primary word [compare " door " ]; a portal or entrance (the opening or the closure, literally or figuratively): -- door, gate.
thureos 2375 - {thureos} {thoo-reh-os'}; from 2374; a large shield (as door-shaped): -- shield.
thuris 2376 - {thuris} {thoo-rece'}; from 2374; an aperture, i.e. window: -- window.
thuroros 2377 - {thuroros} {thoo-ro-ros'}; from 2374 and ouros (a watcher); a gate-warden: -- that kept the door, porter.
Y@shuruwn 03484 ## {Y@shuruwn} {yesh-oo-roon'} ; from 03474 ; upright ; Jeshurun , a symbol . name for Israel : -- Jeshurun .
Zacchur 02139 ## Zakkuwr {zaw-koor'} ; from 02142 ; mindful ; Zakkur , the name of seven Israelites : -- Zaccur , {Zacchur} .