hunting , GE , 27:30
hunting , PR , 12:27
apprehend 4084 # piazo {pee-ad'-zo}; probably another form of
971; to squeeze, i.e. seize (gently by the hand [press], or
officially [arrest], or in hunting [capture]): -- {apprehend},
catch, lay hand on, take. Compare 4085.[ql
catch 4084 # piazo {pee-ad'-zo}; probably another form of 971;
to squeeze, i.e. seize (gently by the hand [press], or
officially [arrest], or in hunting [capture]): -- apprehend,
{catch}, lay hand on, take. Compare 4085.[ql
hand 4084 # piazo {pee-ad'-zo}; probably another form of 971;
to squeeze, i.e. seize (gently by the hand [press], or
officially [arrest], or in hunting [capture]): -- apprehend,
catch, lay {hand} on, take. Compare 4085.[ql
lay 4084 # piazo {pee-ad'-zo}; probably another form of 971; to
squeeze, i.e. seize (gently by the hand [press], or officially
[arrest], or in hunting [capture]): -- apprehend, catch, {lay}
hand on, take. Compare 4085.[ql
on 4084 # piazo {pee-ad'-zo}; probably another form of 971; to
squeeze, i.e. seize (gently by the hand [press], or officially
[arrest], or in hunting [capture]): -- apprehend, catch, lay
hand {on}, take. Compare 4085.[ql
take 4084 # piazo {pee-ad'-zo}; probably another form of 971;
to squeeze, i.e. seize (gently by the hand [press], or
officially [arrest], or in hunting [capture]): -- apprehend,
catch, lay hand on, {take}. Compare 4085.[ql
hunting Interlinear Index Study
hunting GEN 027 030 . And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass , as
soon <00834 +>aher > as Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > had made an end
<03615 +kalah > of blessing <01293 +B@rakah > Jacob <03290
+Ya , and Jacob <03290 +Ya was yet <00389 +>ak >
scarce gone <03318 +yatsa> > out from the presence <06440
+paniym > of Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > his father <1> , that Esau
<06215 + his brother <00251 +>ach > came <00935 +bow> >
in from his {hunting} <06718 +tsayid > .
hunting PRO 012 027 . The slothful <07423 +r@miyah > [ man ]
roasteth <02760 +charak > not that which he took in {hunting}
<06718 +tsayid > : but the substance <01952 +hown > of a
diligent <02742 +charuwts > man <00120 +>adam > [ is ] precious
<03368 +yaqar > .
- hunting , 6718 ,
hunting GEN 027 030 . And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass ,
as soon <00834 +>aher > as Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > had made
an end <03615 +kalah > of blessing <01293 +B@rakah > Jacob
<03290 +Ya , and Jacob <03290 +Ya was yet
<00389 +>ak > scarce gone <03318 +yatsa> > out from the
presence <06440 +paniym > of Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > his
father <1> , that Esau <06215 + his brother <00251
+>ach > came <00935 +bow> > in from his {hunting} <06718
+tsayid > .
hunting -6718 food , hunter , {hunting} , provision , venison ,
victuals ,
hunting 6718 -- tsayid -- X catcheth, food, X hunter, (that
which he took in){hunting}, venison, victuals.
hunting 6718 ## tsayid {tsah'-yid}; from a form of 6679 and
meaning the same; the chase; also game (thus taken); (generally)
lunch (especially for a journey): -- X catcheth, food, X hunter,
(that which he took in) {hunting}, venison, victuals.[ql
hunting 012 027 Pro /^{hunting /but the
substance of a diligent man is precious .
hunting 2 -
hunting And it came to pass, as soon as Isaac had
made an end of blessing Jacob, and Jacob was yet scarce gone out
from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother
came in from his {hunting}.
hunting The slothful [man] roasteth not that which
he took in {hunting}: but the substance of a diligent man [is]