Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0037 + Hallowed + Sanctify + sanctify + sanctified + sanctifieth + But sanctify + is sanctified + let him be holy + hath sanctified + being sanctified + that sanctifieth + we are sanctified + he was sanctified + might be sanctified + he that sanctifieth + For it is sanctified + but ye are sanctified + that he might sanctify + That he might sanctify + them that are sanctified + them which are sanctified + and they who are sanctified + to them that are sanctified + And for their sakes I sanctify +/ . hagiazo {hag-ee-ad'-zo}; from 0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ ; to make holy, i .e . (ceremonially) purify or consecrate; (mentally) to venerate: --hallow, be holy, sanctify .
0038 + and holiness + unto holiness + sanctification + men and holiness + but unto holiness + in sanctification + and sanctification +/ . hagiasmos {hag-ee-as-mos'}; from 0037 + Hallowed + Sanctify + sanctify + sanctified + sanctifieth + But sanctify + is sanctified + let him be holy + hath sanctified + being sanctified + that sanctifieth + we are sanctified + he was sanctified + might be sanctified + he that sanctifieth + For it is sanctified + but ye are sanctified + that he might sanctify + That he might sanctify + them that are sanctified + them which are sanctified + and they who are sanctified + to them that are sanctified + And for their sakes I sanctify +/ ; properly, purification, i .e . (the state) purity; concretely (by Hebraism) a purifier: --holiness, sanctification .
0039 + the holy + sanctuary + the Holiest + the sanctuary + into the holiest + of the sanctuary +/ . hagion {hag'-ee-on}; neuter of 0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ ; a sacred thing (i .e . spot): --holiest (of all), holy place, sanctuary .
0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ . hagios {hag'-ee-os}; from hagos (an awful thing) [compare 0053 + pure + chaste + to be clear + as he is pure + things are pure +/ , 2282 + cherisheth + and cherisheth +/ ]; sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated): --(most) holy (one, thing), saint .
0041 + of his holiness +/ . hagiotes {hag-ee-ot'-ace}; from 0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ ; sanctity (i .e . properly, the state): --holiness .
0042 + holiness + of holiness + in holiness +/ . hagiosune {hag-ee-o-soo'-nay}; from 0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ ; sacredness (i .e . properly, the quality): --holiness .
0053 + pure + chaste + to be clear + as he is pure + things are pure +/ . hagnos {hag-nos'}; from the same as 0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ ; properly, clean, i .e . (figuratively) innocent, modest, perfect: --chaste, clean, pure .
0462 + unholy + for unholy +/ . anosios {an-os'-ee-os}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 3741 + holy + Holy + mercies + up holy + art holy + us who is holy +/ : --unholy .
0748 + priest +/ . archieratikos {ar-khee-er-at-ee-kos'}; from 0746 + rule + corners + the first + beginning + from the beginning 0746- from the beginning 0746- be the first + principality + at the first + The beginning + the beginning + the beginning + principalities + the principles + not their first + in the beginning + is the beginning + In the beginning + are the beginning + to principalities + are the beginnings + from the beginning + him unto the power + was in the beginning + that in the beginning + but from the beginning + But from the beginning + was from the beginning + unto the principalities + hath from the beginning + with me from the beginning + unto you from the beginning + as was not from the beginning + him that is from the beginning + as they were from the beginning +/ and a derivative of 2413 + the holy + about holy +/ ; high-priestly: --of the high-priest .
2404 + and them in Hierapolis +/ . Hierapolis {hee-er-ap'-ol-is}; from 2413 + the holy + about holy +/ and 4172 + city + cities + a city + A city + to city + any city + the city + our city + in a city + the cities + for a city + their city + unto a city + of the city + in the city + to the city + was the city + And the city + all the city + he to a city + and the city + in that city + to that city + of that city + for that city + up their city + unto the city + ye in the city + them from city + it in the city + and the cities + out of the city + for them a city + men of the city + in their cities + part of the city + in the same city + out of that city + to their own city + I was in the city + and unto the city + out of the cities + for it is the city + him out of the city + There was in a city + with him in the city + not how that the city + belonging to the city + we were out of the city + and we were in that city +/ ; holy city; Hierapolis, a place in Asia Minor: --Hierapolis .
2409 + priest + priest + priests + the high + a priest + the priest + and priests + the priests + to the priest + of the priests + for the priests + unto the priests + days the priests + Thou art a priest + but for the priests + place Thou art a priest + he should not be a priest + but they shall be priests + seeing that there are priests +/ . hiereus {hee-er-yooce'}; from 2413 + the holy + about holy +/ ; a priest (literally or figuratively): --(high) priest .
2411 + the temple + in the temple + of the temple + that the temple + than the temple + from the temple + me in the temple + and in the temple + him in the temple + out of the temple + not from the temple + to him in the temple + him out of the temple + with you in the temple + of the things of the temple + came 3719 + came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temp came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temp / early 3719 + came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temp came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temp / in the morning to him in the temp / . hieron {hee-er-on'}; neuter of 2413 + the holy + about holy +/ ; a sacred place, i .e . the entire precincts (whereas 3485 + temple + shrines + the temple + by the temple + in the temple + is the temple + of the temple + in his temple + for the temple + not in temples + are the temple + And the temple + hath the temple + out of the temple + for ye are the temple + so long in the temple + And the veil of the temple + ye not that ye are the temple +/ denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere): --temple .
2412 + holiness + as becometh +/ . hieroprepes {hee-er-op-rep-ace'}; from 2413 + the holy + about holy +/ and the same as 4241 + become + became + it becometh + is it comely + For it became +/ ; reverent: --as becometh holiness .
2413 + the holy + about holy +/ . hieros {hee-er-os'}; of uncertain affinity; sacred: --holy .
2420 + priesthood + priesthood + For the priesthood +/ . hierosune {hee-er-o-soo'-nay}; from 2413 + the holy + about holy +/ ; sacredness, i .e . (by implication) the priestly office: --priesthood .
2839 + common + unclean + an unholy + the common + with defiled + things common + not thou common + thing to be unclean + thing that is common + to him it is unclean + unto you of the common +/ . koinos {koy-nos'}; probably from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ ; common, i .e . (literally) shared by all or several, or (cer .) profane: --common, defiled, unclean, unholy .
2840 + defile + defileth + that call + and defile + the unclean + that defileth + and they defile + not thou common + and hath polluted + thing that defileth + are they that defile +/ . koinoo {koy-no'-o}; from 2839 + common + unclean + an unholy + the common + with defiled + things common + not thou common + thing to be unclean + thing that is common + to him it is unclean + unto you of the common +/ ; to make (or consider) profane (ceremonially): --call common, defile, pollute, unclean .
2844 + partakers + a partner + a partaker + companions + were partners + he is my partner + ye might be partakers + that as ye are partakers + not that ye should have fellowship +/ . koinonos {koy-no-nos'}; from 2839 + common + unclean + an unholy + the common + with defiled + things common + not thou common + thing to be unclean + thing that is common + to him it is unclean + unto you of the common +/ ; a sharer, i .e . associate: --companion, X fellowship, partaker, partner .
3741 + holy + Holy + mercies + up holy + art holy + us who is holy +/ . hosios {hos'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; properly, right (by intrinsic or divine character; thus distinguished from 1342 + just + a just + it meet + of just + is just + are just + is right + and just + The just + was just + the just + righteous + that Just + and a just + of the just + it be right + O righteous + of the Just + for The just + is righteous + of righteous + the righteous + as it is meet + and righteous + his righteous + of a righteous + things are just + for a righteous + was a righteous + of the righteous + One and the Just + but the righteous + it is a righteous + For that righteous + as he is righteous + that which is just + that he was a just + shall the righteous + that he is righteous + to do with that just + that he might be just + that he was righteous + that they were righteous + and he that is righteous +/ , which refers rather to human statutes and relations; from 2413 + the holy + about holy +/ , which denotes formal consecration; and from 0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ , which relates to purity from defilement), i .e . hallowed (pious, sacred, sure): --holy, mercy, shalt be .
3742 + holiness + In holiness +/ . hosiotes {hos-ee-ot'-ace}; from 3741 + holy + Holy + mercies + up holy + art holy + us who is holy +/ ; piety: --holiness .
3743 + holily +/ . hosios {hos-ee-oce'}; adverb from 3741 + holy + Holy + mercies + up holy + art holy + us who is holy +/ ; piously: --holily .
4151 + life + Ghost + spirit + Spirit + spirits + Spirits + a spirit + The wind + my spirit + in spirit + of spirit + is spirit + by spirit + of spirits + The spirit + and spirit + The Spirit + the Spirit + his spirit + the spirit + the spirits + is a Spirit + up the ghost + in my spirit + of my Spirit + for a spirit + of spiritual + and in spirit + ye the Spirit + and my spirit + to the Spirit + And my spirit + he the Spirit + to the spirit + is the spirit + in the spirit + we the spirit + with a spirit + by his Spirit + of the spirit + of the Spirit + as the Spirit + by the Spirit + in the Spirit + us the spirit + in his spirit + him in spirit + And the Spirit + and the spirit + not the Spirit + but the Spirit + but the spirit + for the Spirit + is that Spirit + with my spirit + and the Spirit + And her spirit + not the spirit + with our spirit + them the spirit + out the spirits + even the Spirit + that the spirit + unto the Spirit + with the spirit + And the spirits + Even the Spirit + with the Spirit + us of his Spirit + unto the spirits + he of the Spirit + up of the Spirit + out of my Spirit + It is the spirit + but in the Spirit + him in the spirit + to you the Spirit + and of the Spirit + but of the spirit + and in the spirit + and by the Spirit + be with thy spirit + and to the spirits + unto you the spirit + and that the Spirit + in us by the Spirit + I was in the spirit + but with the Spirit + I was in the Spirit + shall of the Spirit + not that the spirits + an one in the spirit + And it is the Spirit + ye through the Spirit + even as by the Spirit + but to be spiritually + so be that the Spirit + against the Holy Ghost + are ye ; for the spirit + unto you they are spirit + the things of the Spirit + I with you in the spirit + For they are the spirits + For we through the Spirit + them unto us by his Spirit + him ; howbeit in the spirit + not the things of the Spirit +/ . pneuma {pnyoo'-mah}; from 4154 + blew + bloweth + wind blow + that blew + to the wind + should not blow +/ ; a current of air, i .e . breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i .e . (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc ., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit: --ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind . Compare 5590 + life + Soul + soul + mind + minds + souls + lives + a soul + my life + my soul + My soul + The life + thy soul + and soul + the soul + his life + our lives + I my life + the souls + and souls + is my soul + to my soul + man s life + their lives + as thy soul + their minds + us to doubt + it heartily + of the soul + for his soul + upon my soul + thy own soul + his own soul + of our lives + down my life + of your souls + down his life + down thy life + that thy soul + that his soul + from the heart + Is not the life + asunder of soul + not their lives + have for my life + unto them My soul + he unto them My soul + the keeping of their souls + not yourselves ; for his life + unto them and I saw the souls +/ .
4152 + spiritual + a spiritual + is spiritual + up spiritual + and spiritual + are spiritual + up a spiritual + of that spiritual + which is spiritual + of their spiritual + unto you spiritual + things with spiritual + that which is spiritual + and there is a spiritual + But he that is spiritual + unto you as unto spiritual +/ . pneumatikos {pnyoo-mat-ik-os'}; from 4151 + life + Ghost + spirit + Spirit + spirits + Spirits + a spirit + The wind + my spirit + in spirit + of spirit + is spirit + by spirit + of spirits + The spirit + and spirit + The Spirit + the Spirit + his spirit + the spirit + the spirits + is a Spirit + up the ghost + in my spirit + of my Spirit + for a spirit + of spiritual + and in spirit + ye the Spirit + and my spirit + to the Spirit + And my spirit + he the Spirit + to the spirit + is the spirit + in the spirit + we the spirit + with a spirit + by his Spirit + of the spirit + of the Spirit + as the Spirit + by the Spirit + in the Spirit + us the spirit + in his spirit + him in spirit + And the Spirit + and the spirit + not the Spirit + but the Spirit + but the spirit + for the Spirit + is that Spirit + with my spirit + and the Spirit + And her spirit + not the spirit + with our spirit + them the spirit + out the spirits + even the Spirit + that the spirit + unto the Spirit + with the spirit + And the spirits + Even the Spirit + with the Spirit + us of his Spirit + unto the spirits + he of the Spirit + up of the Spirit + out of my Spirit + It is the spirit + but in the Spirit + him in the spirit + to you the Spirit + and of the Spirit + but of the spirit + and in the spirit + and by the Spirit + be with thy spirit + and to the spirits + unto you the spirit + and that the Spirit + in us by the Spirit + I was in the spirit + but with the Spirit + I was in the Spirit + shall of the Spirit + not that the spirits + an one in the spirit + And it is the Spirit + ye through the Spirit + even as by the Spirit + but to be spiritually + so be that the Spirit + against the Holy Ghost + are ye ; for the spirit + unto you they are spirit + the things of the Spirit + I with you in the spirit + For they are the spirits + For we through the Spirit + them unto us by his Spirit + him ; howbeit in the spirit + not the things of the Spirit +/ ; non-carnal, i .e . (humanly) ethereal (as opposed to gross), or (daemoniacally) a spirit (concretely), or (divinely) supernatural, regenerate, religious: --spiritual . Compare 5591 + sensual + a natural + But the natural + There is a natural + but that which is natural +/ .