Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0038 + and holiness + unto holiness + sanctification + men and holiness + but unto holiness + in sanctification + and sanctification +/ . hagiasmos {hag-ee-as-mos'}; from 0037 + Hallowed + Sanctify + sanctify + sanctified + sanctifieth + But sanctify + is sanctified + let him be holy + hath sanctified + being sanctified + that sanctifieth + we are sanctified + he was sanctified + might be sanctified + he that sanctifieth + For it is sanctified + but ye are sanctified + that he might sanctify + That he might sanctify + them that are sanctified + them which are sanctified + and they who are sanctified + to them that are sanctified + And for their sakes I sanctify +/ ; properly, purification, i .e . (the state) purity; concretely (by Hebraism) a purifier: --holiness, sanctification .
0041 + of his holiness +/ . hagiotes {hag-ee-ot'-ace}; from 0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ ; sanctity (i .e . properly, the state): --holiness .
0042 + holiness + of holiness + in holiness +/ . hagiosune {hag-ee-o-soo'-nay}; from 0040 + holy + Holy + most + saint + saints + be holy + an holy + is holy + you holy + and holy + the Holy + the holy + his holy + The Holy + thy holy + but holy + of saints + that holy + be ye holy + his saints + Be ye holy + the saints + in the holy + of the Holy + in the Holy + of the holy + as the Holy + of thy holy + by the holy + and an holy + and ye holy + to the Holy + ye the Holy + you is holy + of his holy + by the Holy + and the Holy + with an holy + for the Holy + and the holy + not the holy + For the Holy + to be saints + but the Holy + unto an holy + And the Holy + them the Holy + To the saints + in his saints + with the holy + to thy saints + that the Holy + in the saints + are they holy + to the saints + with the Holy + to his saints + from the holy + unto his holy + of his saints + from the Holy + and of saints + of the saints + to thee . Holy + with that holy + for the saints + with the saints + that the saints + and of the Holy + and of the holy + unto the saints + us with an holy + and in the Holy + he that is holy + but by the Holy + unto us his holy + Whereof the Holy + good to the Holy + unto her The Holy + which is the Holy + there be any Holy + things ; and holy + and with the Holy + and to the saints + but which the Holy + upon them the Holy + and he that is holy + after that the Holy + and out of the holy + from God by an holy + unto him by the Holy + that she may be holy + ye to be in all holy + in her is of the Holy + that we should be holy + unto you with the Holy + when we were with him in the holy + thing ; but that it should be holy +/ ; sacredness (i .e . properly, the quality): --holiness .
2150 + holiness + godliness + is godliness + of godliness + to godliness + but godliness + But godliness + and godliness + And to godliness + rather unto godliness +/ . eusebeia {yoo-seb'-i-ah}; from 2152 + a devout + A devout + the godly + servants and a devout +/ ; piety; specially, the gospel scheme: --godliness, holiness .
2412 + holiness + as becometh +/ . hieroprepes {hee-er-op-rep-ace'}; from 2413 + the holy + about holy +/ and the same as 4241 + become + became + it becometh + is it comely + For it became +/ ; reverent: --as becometh holiness .
3742 + holiness + In holiness +/ . hosiotes {hos-ee-ot'-ace}; from 3741 + holy + Holy + mercies + up holy + art holy + us who is holy +/ ; piety: --holiness .
5502 + it the cherubims +/ . cheroubim {kher-oo-beem'}; plural of Hebrew origin [ 3742 + holiness + In holiness +/ ]; "cherubim" (i .e . cherubs or kerubim): --cherubims .