hiss Lam_02_16 /^{hiss /and gnash the teeth :
they say , We have swallowed her up : certainly this is the day
that we looked for ; we have found , we have seen it.

hiss 1Ki_09_08 /^{hiss /and they shall say ,
Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land , and to this house ?

hiss Zep_02_15 /^{hiss /and wag his hand .

hiss Lam_02_15 /^{hiss /and wag their head at
the daughter of Jerusalem , saying, Is this the city that men
call The perfection of beauty , The joy of the whole earth ?

hiss Jer_50_13 /^{hiss /at all her plagues .

hiss Jer_49_17 /^{hiss /at all the plagues

hiss Eze_27_36 /^{hiss /at thee; thou shalt
be a terror , and never shalt be any more .

hiss Jer_19_08 /^{hiss /because of all the
plagues thereof.

hiss Isa_07_18 /^{hiss /for the fly that is
in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt , and for the bee
that is in the land of Assyria .

hiss Zec_10_08 /^{hiss /for them, and gather
them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they
have increased .

hiss Job_27_23 /^{hiss /him out of his place .

hiss Isa_05_26 /^{hiss /unto them from the
end of the earth : and, behold, they shall come with speed
swiftly :

hissing Jer_25_18 /^{hissing /and a curse ; as
it is this day ;

hissing Jer_29_18 /^{hissing /and a reproach ,
among all the nations whither I have driven them:

hissing Jer_25_09 /^{hissing /and perpetual
desolations .

hissing 2Ch_29_08 /^{hissing /as ye see with your
eyes .

hissing Jer_18_16 /^{hissing /every one that
passeth thereby shall be astonished , and wag his head .

hissing Jer_19_08 /^{hissing /every one that
passeth thereby shall be astonished and hiss because of all the
plagues thereof.

hissing Mic_06_16 /^{hissing /therefore ye shall
bear the reproach of my people .

hissing Jer_51_37 /^{hissing /without an
inhabitant .
