aaron took him elisheba

abimelech gat him up

abode with him fifteen days

absalom prepared him chariots <2SA15 -:1 >

according unto his years shall he give him again

achim begat eliud

after him abdon

after him arose jair

after him baruch

after him elon

after him gabbai

after him ibzan

after him pedaiah

after him repaired

after him repaired

after him repaired also shemaiah

after him repaired azariah

after him repaired benjamin

after him repaired binnui

after him repaired hananiah

after him repaired malchiah

after him repaired meremoth

after him repaired meshullam

after him repaired nehemiah

after him repaired their brethren

after him was none like him among all <2KI18 -:5 >

after him was shamgar

agag came unto him delicately <1SA15 -:32 >

again also he sent unto him another captain <2KI1 -:11 >

against him came up nebuchadnezzar king <2CH36 -:6 >

against him came up shalmaneser king <2KI17 -:3 >

against him concerning

all bare him witness

all his seed brought he with him into egypt

all israel stoned him with stones

all israel stoned him with stones <1KI12 -:18 >

all judah put him at all

all nations shall call him blessed

all these things we are more than conquerors through him -:37 >

also he armed him with <1SA17 -:38 >

although thou sayest thou shalt not see him

amram took him jochebed his father's sister

andrew asked him privately

anguish shall make him afraid

anointing him with oil

answer him not <2KI18 -:36 >

answer him not

answer him not again <2KI4 -:29 >

answer him with your speeches

answered him not <2KI18 -:36 >

answered him not

appointed him victuals <1KI11 -:18 >

arabians brought him flocks <2CH17 -:11 >

are incensed against him shall be ashamed

are sent by him for <1PE2 -:14 >

array against him with eight hundred thousand chosen men <2CH13
-:3 >

arrow cannot make him flee

as he blessed him he gave him

as he had appeared unto him at gibeon <1KI9 -:2 >

as many as touched him were made whole

as seeing him who is invisible

as they bound him with thongs

as they led him away

as thou hast given him power over all flesh

as though ye would inquire something more perfectly concerning

asked him not whence he

assyria shut him up <2KI17 -:4 >

at him they cast stones

baasha smote him at gibbethon <1KI15 -:27 >

babylon bound him

babylon took him <2KI24 -:12 >

bade him

balak said unto him

balak said unto him

bare false witness against him

bare him <2SA11 -:27 >

bare him

bare him

bare him after absalom <1KI1 -:6 >

bare him with sorrow <1CH4 -:9 >

battle was against him before <2SA10 -:9 >

battle was set against him before <1CH19 -:10 >

battle was too sore for him <2KI3 -:26 >

be at peace with him

be born unto him

be brought unto him

be called unto him

be healed by him

be round about him bring presents unto him

be thankful unto him

be unto him

be with him

bear him record

bear met him

bear witness against him <1KI21 -:10 >

beast's heart be given unto him

beat him

beat him above these with many stripes

because by him <2KI5 -:1 >

because god had translated him

because he feared him <2SA3 -:11 >

because he had another spirit with him

because he had bound him

because he hath nothing left him

because he hath received him safe

because he loved him <1SA20 -:17 >

because he loved him as his own soul <1SA18 -:3 >

because his father had done him shame <1SA20 -:34 >

because it knew him not <1JO3 -:1 >

because it seeth him not

because many devils were entered into him

because she judged him faithful who had promised

because she lay sore upon him

because there god appeared unto him

because they believed not them which had seen him after he was

because they counted him as

because they did not hearken unto him

because they knew him

because they knew him not

because they know not him

because they strove with him

because they took him for

because they turned back from him

because thou hast not given him warning

because we have sinned against him

because ye have known him <1JO2 -:14 >

because ye have known him <1JO2 -:13 >

before him <1KI16 -:25 >

before him <1KI16 -:30 >

before him <1KI19 -:19 >

before him <1KI21 -:10 >

before him <1SA16 -:6 >

before him <1SA17 -:41 >

before him <2KI21 -:11 >

before him <2KI5 -:23 >

before him

before him

before him

before him

before him

before him

before him

before him

before him his thick clouds passed

before him shall be gathered all nations

before him went

before him whom he believed

before it hear him

before ye ask him

begat him sh

begat him shall say unto him

begat loveth him also <1JO5 -:1 >

beheaded him <2SA4 -:7 >

beheaded him

behind him

behind him

behind him

behold him

behold how he loved him

being reproved by him for herodias his brother philip's wife

belial witnessed against him <1KI21 -:13 >

believe him not

believe on him

believe on him should receive

believed on him

believeth not god hath made him <1JO5 -:10 >

believeth on him

believeth on him

believeth on him is not condemned

believeth on him shall not be confounded <1PE2 -:6 >

bemoan him

benhadad sent unto him <1KI20 -:10 >

benjamin with him <2SA19 -:17 >

beor answered him from shittim unto gilgal

beside him stood mattithiah

besieged him <2SA20 -:15 >

besought him <2KI1 -:13 >

besought him

besought him

besought him

besought him

besought him

besought him

besought him

besought him

besought him

besought him greatly

besought him not

besought him with tears

bestowed upon him <1CH29 -:25 >

betray him

betray him

betray him unto them

betray him unto them

betrayed him gave them

betrayed him had given them

between him

bewray not him

biddeth him god speed is partaker <2JO1 -:11 >

bind him hand

blast upon him <2KI19 -:7 >

blast upon him

bless him <2SA8 -:10 >

blessed after him

blessed him

blessed him

blessed him

blessed him

blessed him

blessed him

blessing behind him

blessing wherewith his father blessed him

blind man said unto him

blind man unto him

blood find him without

blood pursue after him

blood unto him

body as it hath pleased him <1CO15 -:38 >

both let him die

bought him

bought him from

bound him <2CH36 -:6 >

bound him <2KI17 -:4 >

bound him

bound him

bound him

bound him

bound him before their eyes

bound him therewith

bound him with chains

bound him with fetters <2CH33 -:11 >

bound him with fetters <2KI25 -:7 >

bound him with fetters

bowed down themselves before him

bread shall be given him

bring forth him

bring him <1KI20 -:33 >

bring him <2SA14 -:10 >

bring him

bring him back again <2SA12 -:23 >

bring him back with thee into thine house <1KI13 -:18 >

bring him before

bring him down <1KI1 -:33 >

bring him down unto me

bring him forth

bring him forth

bring him hither

bring him low

bring him not

bring him not unto thee

bring him not unto thee

bring him on horseback through

bring him out unto

bring him unto his people

bring him unto me

bring him up <1SA19 -:15 >

bring him with thee <2TI4 -:11 >

bringeth him before great men

brook compass him about

brought forth those five kings unto him out

brought him <1KI1 -:38 >

brought him <1SA16 -:12 >

brought him <1SA30 -:11 >

brought him <2CH22 -:9 >

brought him <2CH25 -:23 >

brought him <2CH36 -:10 >

brought him <2KI23 -:30 >

brought him <2KI4 -:20 >

brought him

brought him

brought him

brought him

brought him

brought him

brought him

brought him again <2CH33 -:13 >

brought him back <1KI13 -:20 >

brought him back from <1KI13 -:26 >

brought him before saul with <1SA17 -:57 >

brought him down

brought him down out <1KI17 -:23 >

brought him forth into their council

brought him into

brought him no presents <1SA10 -:27 >

brought him on horseback through

brought him over <2SA2 -:8 >

brought him unto <1SA1 -:24 >

brought him unto areopagus

brought him unto jehoiakim

brought him up <2KI25 -:6 >

brought him up from

brought him up into

brought him word again <1KI20 -:9 >

brought him word again as

brought unto him all

brought with him vessels <2SA8 -:10 >

bruise him

bruising him hardly departeth from him

buffet him

buffeted him

build him an house <1CH14 -:1 >

build him an house <2CH2 -:3 >

build him an house <2CH2 -:6 >

build him an house <2CH36 -:23 >

build him an house at jerusalem

built him an house

buried him <1SA25 -:1 >

buried him <1SA28 -:3 >

buried him <2KI23 -:30 >

buried him <2KI9 -:28 >

buried him

buried him between zorah

buried him with his fathers <2CH25 -:28 >

buried with him

burn before him sweet incense <2CH2 -:4 >

burn him as he burned

burn him on

burn sacrifice before him <2CH2 -:6 >

burneth him

burnt offering unto him

bury him <1KI13 -:29 >

bury him <1KI14 -:13 >

bury him <1KI2 -:31 >

bush god spake unto him

but absalom pressed him <2SA13 -:27 >

but as many as received him

but barnabas took him

but believeth on him

but blessed him <2SA13 -:25 >

but conduct him forth <1CO16 -:11 >

but delivered him up for us all

but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee

but ehud made him

but for adam there was not found an help meet for him 20 >

but forgat him

but found him not <2KI2 -:17 >

but from him

but gathereth unto him all nations

but god delivered him not into his hand <1SA23 -:14 >

but god had mercy on him

but god raised him from

but god said unto him

but god suffered him not

but god was with him

but had certain questions against him

but have done unto him whatsoever they listed

but he answered him not <1SA14 -:37 >

but he answered him nothing

but he cast him down

but he helped him not <2CH28 -:21 >

but he loveth him

but he rebelled against him

but her father would not suffer him

but him

but him they saw not

but his citizens hated him

but his father called him benjamin

but his flesh upon him shall have pain

but his wife looked back from behind him

but his wife said unto him

but if he thrust him

but if he thrust him suddenly without enmity

but if ye forsake him <2CH15 -:2 >

but jesus gave him no answer

but jesus said unto him

but jesus said unto him

but jesus sent him away

but jesus took him by

but jesus turned him about

but john forbad him

but let him

but let him ask

but let him glorify god on this behalf <1PE4 -:16 >

but my mercy shall not depart away from him <2SA7 -:15 >

but no man laid hands on him

but no man laid hands on him

but now we see not yet all things put under him

but on him

but peter followed him afar off unto

but peter said unto him

but peter said unto him

but peter took him up

but rather fear him which is able

but rather let him labour

but saith unto him

but solomon built him an house

but strengthened him not <2CH28 -:20 >

but they brought him not into <2CH28 -:27 >

but they constrained him

but they knew not him

but they led him by

but they sent after him <2KI14 -:19 >

but this with an oath by him

but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him

but thou shalt surely kill him

but unto him

but unto him which died for them <2CO5 -:15 >

but we shall live with him by <2CO13 -:4 >

but when he cried unto him

but when they saw him walking upon

but will flee from him

but ye know him

by giving him

by giving him according <2CH6 -:23 >

by him <1CH11 -:11 >

by him

by him

by him

by him

by him

by him

by him

by him

by him actions are weighed <1SA2 -:3 >

by him all

by him all things consist

by him doth this man stand here before you whole

by him therefore let us offer

by him wax poor

by promising him life

caleb took unto him ephrath <1CH2 -:19 >

call ye upon him while he is near

called him alone

called him unto <1KI12 -:20 >

calling him lord <1PE3 -:6 >

came by him stood stil <2SA20 -:12 >

came with him out <2CH12 -:3 >

canst thou make him afraid as

carried him up into <1KI17 -:19 >

carried him up unto

carry him back <2CH18 -:25 >

carry him back unto amon <1KI22 -:26 >

carry him out <1KI21 -:10 >

cast him down

cast him down

cast him forth into

cast him into <2KI9 -:26 >

cast him into <2SA18 -:17 >

cast him into

cast him into

cast him into

cast him into prison

cast him into some pit

cast him into this pit

cast him out

cast him upon some mountain <2KI2 -:16 >

certain brethren from joppa accompanied him

certain maid beheld him as he sat by

certain man before him which had

certain woman named martha received him into her house :38 >

chanceth him by night

chased him from me

chenaanah had made him horns <2CH18 -:10 >

chenaanah made him horns <1KI22 -:11 >

chief captain took him by

chief priests had delivered him for envy

child came into him again <1KI17 -:22 >

child shall have him become

choose him out <1SA2 -:28 >

chose him five smooth stones out <1SA17 -:40 >

city believed on him for

city said unto him on

clothed him with

clothed him with garments

cloud received him out

come before him with burnt offerings

cometh against him shall do according

cometh against him with twenty thousand

comfort him by <2SA10 -:2 >

comfort him concerning his father <1CH19 -:2 >

comforted him over all

committed him unto gedaliah

common people heard him gladly

communing with him upon mount sinai

conduct him over jordan <2SA19 -:31 >

conducted paul brought him unto athens

confess over him all

could not come at him for

cried unto him with my mouth

cruel messenger shall be sent against him

cutteth him out windows

dare stir him up

david set him over his guard <2SA23 -:23 >

david set him over his guard <1CH11 -:25 >

david therefore calleth him lord

david therefore did as god commanded him <1CH14 -:16 >

david therefore himself calleth him lord

david went out whithersoever saul sent him <1SA18 -:5 >

david's heart smote him after <2SA24 -:10 >

day forth ask him any more

day he called him jerubbaal

decapolis how great things jesus had done for him

deceived heart hath turned him aside

deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his

deliver him from going down

deliver him from his grief

deliver him into <1SA23 -:20 >

deliver him into

deliver him into my hand

deliver him only <2SA20 -:21 >

delivered him again

delivered him out

delivered him unto his mother <1KI17 -:23 >

denied him not <1KI20 -:7 >

destroy him not <1SA26 -:9 >

destroy not him with thy meat

devil taketh him up into

devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain

devil threw him down

devour him shall offend

did his neighbour wrong thrust him away

didst send him cedars <2CH2 -:3 >

didst set him over

disciples came unto him privately

disciples saw him walking on

disciples suffered him not

disciples took him by night

do earnestly remember him still

do for him after

do him no harm

do him obeisance <2SA15 -:5 >

dragon gave him his power

dress him meat <2SA13 -:7 >

drew him out

drew him out

drink with him after he rose from

dwell with him among

dwelt with him among

east wind carrieth him away

edom came out against him with much people

edomites which compassed him about <2KI8 -:21 >

egypt put him down at jerusalem <2CH36 -:3 >

egyptians mourned for him threescore

enmity smite him with his hand

entering into him can defile him

entreated him with my mouth

eunuch saw him no more

every man gat him up upon his mule <2SA13 -:29 >

every one whose heart stirred him up

every one whose heart stirred him up

except it be given him from heaven

faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness

fastening his eyes upon him with john

fear him from generation

fear him not

fear him not

feed him with bread <1KI22 -:27 >

feed him with bread <2CH18 -:26 >

fetch him thence

fetch him unto me <1SA20 -:31 >

fetched him out <2SA9 -:5 >

fetched him thence <1SA10 -:23 >

flood shall they be overflown from before him

follow him into

followed him from galilee

for an hypocrite shall not come before him

for by him were all things created

for god had given him substance very much <2CH32 -:29 >

for he had sent him away <2SA3 -:22 >

for he loved him as he loved his own soul <1SA20 -:17 >

for he shall grow up before him as

for him after

for him hath god

for him will

for his god gave him rest round about <2CH20 -:30 >

for his sons carried him into

for if they escaped not who refused him

for many bare false witness against him

for they had not put him into prison

for thou hast made him most blessed for ever

for thou preventest him with

for through him we both have access by one spirit unto 18 >

for we have heard him say

for we shall see him as he is <1JO3 -:2 >

for who can tell him when it shall be

forasmuch as before him innocency was found

forbid him not

forthwith sent him away

found him by

found him gathering sticks brought him unto moses

found him not

found him not

found him not

found him sitting under an oak <1KI13 -:14 >

found him whom my soul loveth

from him shall be taken away even

from him shall be taken even

from him shall be taken even

from him which is

gat him home <2SA17 -:23 >

gat him unto his place

gat him up from gilgal unto gibeah <1SA13 -:15 >

gat him up into

gave him bread <1SA30 -:11 >

gave him commandment unto mordecai

gave him drink

gave him drink

gave him favour

gave him favour

gave him glory <1PE1 -:21 >

gave him isaac

gave him land <1KI11 -:18 >

gave him many great gifts

gave him presents <2KI17 -:3 >

gave him victuals <1SA22 -:10 >

get him up <1KI12 -:18 >

get him up <2CH10 -:18 >

gilead's wife bare him sons

gird him with

girded him with

give him according <1KI8 -:32 >

give him alway <2KI8 -:19 >

give him as many as he needeth

give him bread

give him drink

give him glory

give him money

give him money

give him no rest

give him water

give unto him my covenant

given him also

giveth him not for his work

giving him food

giving him thanks

gnasheth upon him with his teeth

go before him unto

go with him twain

go ye after him through

goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto >

god answered him by

god brought him forth out

god called unto him out

god gave him another heart <1SA10 -:9 >

god hath delivered him into mine hand <1SA23 -:7 >

god hath raised him from

god helped him against <2CH26 -:7 >

god made him king over all israel

god smote him there for <2SA6 -:7 >

god stirred him up <1KI11 -:23 >

god thrusteth him down

god was upon him also <1SA19 -:23 >

got him out

got him out

grant him mercy

great multitude from galilee followed him

great multitudes were gathered together unto him

great waters they shall not come nigh unto him

guard had let him go from ramah

had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him :40 >

had brought him into my mother's house

had commanded him concerning this thing <1KI11 -:10 >

had committed unto him men

had not moses his chosen stood before him

hang him thereon

hast crowned him with glory

hast slain him with <2SA12 -:9 >

hast thou with him spread out

hate him flee before him

hated him not

hated him not beforetime

hath given him authority

hath given him power

hath understanding searcheth him out

have born him six sons

have born him three sons

have brought him forth before you

have committed unto him against <2TI1 -:12 >

have created him for my glory

have cut him off

have delivered him into thy hand

have done unto him according

have driven him out for his wickedness

have filled him with

have given with him aholiab

have made him fair by

have made him thy lord

have raised him up

have rejected him from reigning over israel <1SA16 -:1 >

have therefore delivered him into

he abode with him three days

he answered him from heaven by fire upon <1CH21 -:26 >

he asked him if he saw ought

he asked him whether he had been any while dead

he besought him much

he blessed him there

he bring him down unto you

he brought him forth abroad

he brought him into

he brought him unto antioch

he brought him wine

he cannot answer him one

he commanded him all <1KI15 -:5 >

he counteth me unto him as

he delivered him out

he departed from him for

he did continually eat bread before him all

he did eat bread continually before him all <2KI25 -:29 >

he discerned him not

he gave him achsah his daughter

he gave him achsah his daughter

he gave him none inheritance

he gave him rachel his daughter

he gave him tithes

he girded him with

he had made him overseer

he had peace on all sides round about him <1KI4 -:24 >

he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him

he hath filled him with

he hath given him flocks

he hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace with him

he hath raised him from

he hath sent him away <2SA3 -:23 >

he heweth him down cedars

he kept him as

he laid him down upon his bed <1KI21 -:4 >

he led him about

he left him not one <1KI16 -:11 >

he looked round about on them which sat about him

he loosed him from

he loved him greatly <1SA16 -:21 >

he made darkness pavilions round about him <2SA22 -:12 >

he made him altars <2CH28 -:24 >

he made him drunk <2SA11 -:13 >

he made him governor over egypt

he made him lord

he made him overseer over his house

he made him ride on

he made him ruler over all <1KI11 -:28 >

he may please him who hath chosen him <2TI2 -:4 >

he might deliver him into thy hand

he might know wherefore they cried so against him

he might rid him out

he ordained him priests for <2CH11 -:15 >

he prepared him chariots <1KI1 -:5 >

he raised him up from

he removed him into this land

he rent him as he would have rent

he sat him down

he saw him no more <2KI2 -:12 >

he sent him also last unto them

he sent him away

he sent him into his fields

he sent judah before him unto joseph

he set him up <1SA15 -:12 >

he shall give him life for them <1JO5 -:16 >

he shall groan before him with

he shall let him go free for his eye's sake

he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake

he shall make him ruler over all his goods

he shall serve him for ever

he should carry him home

he slew him at megiddo <2KI23 -:29 >

he smite him with an hand weapon

he sought how he might conveniently betray him

he spake unto him yet again

he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted 22 >

he taketh with him peter

he then lying on jesus' breast saith unto him

he told him not <1SA10 -:16 >

he told him not

he took him aside from

he took him by

he took him out <1KI17 -:19 >

he took him unto him <1SA14 -:52 >

he took unto him all these

he took unto him bow <2KI13 -:15 >

he took with him his two sons

he took with him peter

he took with him seven hundred men <2KI3 -:26 >

he turned from him toward another <1SA17 -:30 >

he turned him unto

he will appoint him captains over thousands <1SA8 -:12 >

he will hear him from his holy heaven with

he will make him ruler over all

he will show him greater works than these

he would give him time

heapeth unto him all people

heard him concerning

heard him gladly

heard him read

heard him were astonished at his understanding

heaven followed him upon white horses

heaven standing by him on his right hand <1KI22 -:19 >

held him by

held him by

help him up

heritage appointed unto him by god

heweth him out

him abideth <1JO2 -:27 >

him again

him again

him again

him again

him alone

him also shall

him also there was born

him amen <2CO1 -:20 >

him are ye <1CO1 -:30 >

him as

him as an usurer

him as good as dead

him as he hath done

him as he hath done

him as it shall seem good unto thee <1SA24 -:4 >

him as thou didst unto sihon king

him at all times

him before

him by <1KI2 -:8 >

him by <1SA25 -:22 >

him by

him came forth

him come

him concerning

him crucified <1CO2 -:2 >

him declare

him dwelleth all

him every oppressor together

him fall <1KI1 -:52 >

him for <1SA2 -:36 >

him for

him for

him for

him for fear

him for righteousness

him for righteousness

him for righteousness

him for servants

him from <2PE1 -:17 >

him from

him from

him from elijah <2CH21 -:12 >

him from every quarter

him from gerar

him from year <1SA2 -:19 >

him give all

him god raised up

him hath god exalted with his right hand

him he hanged

him he heareth

him he shall be defiled

him hither

him instead

him into <2KI11 -:4 >

him into

him is

him is no darkness at all <1JO1 -:5 >

him is no sin <1JO3 -:5 >

him it is sin

him jerusalem

him less than nothing

him letters

him many

him more perfectly

him no fault

him only shalt thou serve

him only shalt thou serve

him ought himself also so <1JO2 -:6 >

him out <2CH11 -:13 >

him out <2CH15 -:9 >

him out <2CH25 -:10 >

him out

him out

him pertained <1KI4 -:12 >

him purifieth himself <1JO3 -:3 >

him remaining

him repaired ezer

him said

him shall

him shall

him shall

him shall

him shall

him shall be buried

him shall be cut off

him shall be desolate

him shall be given

him shall be given

him shall be given

him shall be given

him shall be much required

him shall be sweet

him shall god destroy <1CO3 -:17 >

him shall he teach

him shall inherit

him shall not be broken

him shall receive remission

him shall they glory

him shall ye do sacrifice <2KI17 -:36 >

him shall ye fear <2KI17 -:36 >

him shall ye hear

him shall ye hear

him shall ye worship <2KI17 -:36 >

him shalt thou cleave

him shalt thou serve

him shalt thou set by himself

him should all fulness dwell

him should not perish

him should not perish

him sinneth not <1JO3 -:6 >

him strangers

him there is found <1KI14 -:13 >

him therefore

him they agreed

him they compelled

him they had regard

him they have hanged upon

him they killed

him they will ask

him through all

him two <2KI9 -:32 >

him two turtledoves

him unto

him upon all nations <1CH14 -:17 >

him verily is <1JO2 -:5 >

him was given

him was life

him was yea <2CO1 -:19 >

him we live

him went forth throughout all judaea

him went out into every place

him were

him what shall seem goo <2SA19 -:37 >

him which believeth

him which divided

him which is escaped

him which is perfect

him which is weak be emboldened <1CO8 -:10 >

him which led his people through

him which smote great kings

him who alone doeth great wonders

him who hath called you out <1PE2 -:9 >

him who hath subjected

him who is raised from

him who prospereth

him who worketh all things after

him whom

him whom

him whom man despiseth

him will <2SA22 -:3 >

him will

him will

him will

him will

him will

him will

him will

him will

him will

him will

him will

him with <1CH11 -:23 >

him with <2SA23 -:21 >

him with

him with all speed

him with whom we have

him would paul have

him ye believe not

him ye will receive

him zechariah <1CH16 -:5 >

his city shall stone him with stones

his disciples asked him concerning

his disciples asked him privately

his face shone while he talked with him

his father had not displeased him at any time <1KI1 -:6 >

his four sons with him hid themselves <1CH21 -:20 >

his life shall be unto him for

his nurse took him up <2SA4 -:4 >

his own counsel shall cast him down

his own received him not

his own servants conspired against him for <2CH24 -:25 >

his place help him with silver

his place which thou hast appointed him <1SA29 -:4 >

his reproach shall his lord return unto him

his servants therefore took him out <2CH35 -:24 >

his sons did unto him according as he commanded them 12 >

his soul within him shall mourn

his wife had told him these things <1SA25 -:37 >

his young man thrust him through

hold him fast

honoureth him hath mercy on

house his disciples asked him again

how he had advanced him above

how he might betray him unto them

how he would have him called

how long is it ago since this came unto him

how much more do his friends go far from him

how shall he not with him also freely give us all things -:32 >

howbeit jesus suffered him not

huram sent him by <2CH8 -:18 >

hurt him not

hushim he begat abitub <1CH8 -:11 >

if david then call him lord

if he destroy him from his place

if he smite him with an instrument

if he smite him with throwing

if he take him another

if mischief befall him by

if thou have borne him hence

if thou seek him with all thy heart

if thy children have sinned against him

if we let him thus alone

inasmuch as he hated him not

israel smote him with

israel stoned him with stones <2CH10 -:18 >

israel went down with him from

it grieved him at his heart

it hath set him on fire round about

it shall be forgiven him for any thing

it shall be recompensed unto him again

it shall be very tempestuous round about him

it was counted unto him for righteousness

it was imputed unto him for righteousness

it was revealed unto him by

jacob took him rods

jehoiada took for him two wives <2CH24 -:3 >

jehu shall serve him much <2KI10 -:18 >

jerusalem did him honour at his death <2CH32 -:33 >

jews informed him against paul

jews putting him forward

jews sought him at

joab had sent him for <2SA11 -:22 >

joab took him aside <2SA3 -:27 >

jonathan loved him as his own soul <1SA18 -:1 >

jonathan showed him all those things <1SA19 -:7 >

joshua made him sharp knives

joyful noise unto him with psalms

judah had shut him up

judge him according

judge him not

keep for him for evermore

keep him alive

king asked him secretly

king granted him all his request

king hath sent with him zadok <1KI1 -:44 >

king sat him down <1SA20 -:24 >

king will enrich him with great riches <1SA17 -:25 >

king's hand was restored him again <1KI13 -:6 >

king's house over him with fire <1KI16 -:18 >

knew him beforetime saw <1SA10 -:11 >

knew him not

knew him not

knew him not

knew what his younger son had done unto him

know him not

know him not

know him not see his days

laid him down again <1KI19 -:6 >

laid him on <2KI4 -:21 >

laid him on

laid him upon his own bed <1KI17 -:19 >

laid wait for him all night

lamech took unto him two wives

law bare him pharez <1CH2 -:4 >

layeth at him cannot hold

lead him by

leadeth him into

led him away

led him away

led him into their council

led him out

led him out

led him throughout all

led him unto

led him unto pilate

lest any finding him should kill him

lest he get him fenced cities <2SA20 -:6 >

let destruction come upon him at unawares

let him accept an offering <1SA26 -:19 >

let him acknowledge <1CO14 -:37 >

let him alone <2KI23 -:18 >

let him alone <2SA16 -:11 >

let him alone

let him also rejoice

let him answer it

let him appoint officers over

let him ask

let him be acceptable

let him be accursed

let him be accursed

let him be anathema maranatha <1CO16 -:22 >

let him be as

let him be condemned

let him be crucified

let him be crucified

let him be filthy still

let him be god <1KI18 -:24 >

let him be hanged thereon

let him be holy still

let him be ignorant <1CO14 -:38 >

let him be known among

let him be put

let him be righteous still

let him be slain <2KI11 -:8 >

let him be slain with <2CH23 -:14 >

let him be unjust still

let him be unto thee as

let him be your minister

let him be your servant

let him become <1CO3 -:18 >

let him bring it

let him bring it

let him call for

let him come

let him come

let him come down <1SA17 -:8 >

let him come near

let him come now <2KI5 -:8 >

let him come unto me

let him come unto them

let him curse <2SA16 -:11 >

let him declare what he seeth

let him deliver him

let him deliver him now

let him deliver me out <1SA26 -:24 >

let him deny himself

let him deny himself

let him deny himself

let him depart <1CO7 -:15 >

let him die

let him die

let him dip his foot

let him do <2SA15 -:26 >

let him do

let him do it <1PE4 -:11 >

let him do it

let him do likewise

let him do what he will <1CO7 -:36 >

let him do what seemeth him good <1SA3 -:18 >

let him down through

let him drink

let him eat at home <1CO11 -:34 >

let him eschew evil <1PE3 -:11 >

let him fetch your brother

let him first cast

let him follow me

let him forbear

let him give her

let him glory <1CO1 -:31 >

let him glory <2CO10 -:17 >

let him go <2SA20 -:11 >

let him go

let him go

let him go

let him go

let him go

let him go

let him go for

let him go free

let him go over with my lord <2SA19 -:37 >

let him go up

let him have

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear

let him hear what

let him hear what

let him hear what

let him hear what

let him hear what

let him hear what

let him hear what

let him impart

let him keep silence <1CO14 -:28 >

let him kiss me with

let him know

let him likewise not return back

let him make speed

let him not approach

let him not be ashamed <1PE4 -:16 >

let him not be circumcised <1CO7 -:18 >

let him not become uncircumcised <1CO7 -:18 >

let him not come down

let him not go down with us <1SA29 -:4 >

let him not leave us <1KI8 -:57 >

let him not live

let him not put her away <1CO7 -:12 >

let him not see my face <2SA14 -:24 >

let him not spare

let him now come down from

let him offer

let him pay double

let him plead for himself

let him pray

let him refrain his tongue from evil <1PE3 -:10 >

let him reprove me

let him return

let him return unto

let him save himself

let him say <2KI9 -:17 >

let him seek peace <1PE3 -:11 >

let him sell his garment

let him send unto his servants <2CH2 -:15 >

let him show out

let him sing psalms

let him speak <1CO14 -:28 >

let him speak <1PE4 -:11 >

let him speak my word faithfully

let him take

let him take

let him take all <2SA19 -:30 >

let him take his rod away from me

let him teach them <2KI17 -:27 >

let him tell

let him tread down my life upon

let him trust

let him turn <2SA14 -:24 >

let him turn

let him turn

let him understand

let him which is on

let it be unto him as

let judgment be executed speedily upon him

let not him which eateth not judge him

let them exalt him also

let them sing praises unto him with

let this child's soul come into him again <1KI17 -:21 >

let us cut him off from

let us go forth therefore unto him without

let us make him drink wine this night also

let us set for him there <2KI4 -:10 >

let us smite him with

levi gathered themselves together unto him

lift up thy hands toward him for

like as when she was brought up with him

like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven

like unto him was there no king before him <2KI23 -:25 >

lion met him by <1KI13 -:24 >

look for him shall he appear

look for him with <1CO16 -:11 >

lord answered him not <1SA28 -:6 >

lord before him with our burnt offerings

lord called unto him out

lord called unto him out

lord delivered him from

lord delivereth him out

lord god sent him forth from

lord had brought him out

lord had confirmed him king over israel <1CH14 -:2 >

lord had delivered him out <2SA22 -:1 >

lord had established him king over israel <2SA5 -:12 >

lord had given him rest <2CH14 -:6 >

lord had given him rest round about from all his enemies <2SA7
-:1 >

lord had given him rest round about from all his enemies

lord hath delivered him unto <1KI13 -:26 >

lord hath taken him up <2KI2 -:16 >

lord heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him -:8 >

lord his god delivered him into <2CH28 -:5 >

lord our god delivered him before us

lord reward him according <2TI4 -:14 >

lord sent against him bands <2KI24 -:2 >

lord shall raise him up <1KI14 -:14 >

lord shall raise him up

lord shall separate him unto evil out

lord should have submitted themselves unto him

lord showed him all

lord thy god hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him -:14 >

lord thy god hath chosen him out

lord unto him into <2SA6 -:10 >

lord will not hold him guiltless

lord will strengthen him upon

love him with all

loveth him chasteneth him betimes

made him can make his sword

made him his captain over <1SA18 -:13 >

made him houses <1CH15 -:1 >

made him king <2CH23 -:11 >

made him king <2CH26 -:1 >

made him king <2CH36 -:1 >

made him king <2KI23 -:30 >

made him king

made him king instead <2KI14 -:21 >

made him king over all israel <1KI12 -:20 >

made him king over gilead <2SA2 -:9 >

made him look up

made him pass before samuel <1SA16 -:8 >

made him ruler over

magnified him exceedingly <2CH1 -:1 >

maid saw him again

make an atonement for him before

make him arise up from among his brethren <2KI9 -:2 >

make him king <1CH11 -:10 >

make him king <1KI12 -:1 >

make him king <1KI16 -:21 >

make him king <2CH10 -:1 >

make him king <2CH11 -:22 >

make him stand

make him swear <2CH6 -:22 >

make ye him drunken

making him very glad

man over against him with his sword drawn

man what shall be after him under

man with him until

man's pride shall bring him low

man's uncle shall take him up

manasseh had provoked him withal <2KI23 -:26 >

many believed on him there

many other things blasphemously spake they against him :65 >

many other women which came up with him unto jerusalem :41 >

may awake him out

may show him kindness for jonathan's sake <2SA9 -:1 >

meet him after his return from

meet him unto

meet him with his coat rent <2SA15 -:32 >

meet him with timbrels

men which journeyed with him stood speechless

men which were sent unto him from cornelius

men with him into egypt

mercy shall compass him about

might preach him among

millstone upon him from <2SA11 -:21 >

minister unto him for ever <1CH15 -:2 >

moreover he provided him cities <2CH32 -:29 >

moses gat him into

mountains bring him forth food

move him at times

naarah bare him ahuzam <1CH4 -:6 >

nations set against him on every side from

nations shall not flow together any more unto him

neither after him arose there <2KI23 -:25 >

neither bid him god speed <2JO1 -:10 >

neither let him which is

neither shall his place any more behold him

neither shall his place know him any more

neither shall they be pleasing unto him

neither shalt thou lay upon him usury

next day john seeth jesus coming unto him

next unto him abinadab <1SA17 -:13 >

next unto him also repaired hananiah

next unto him builded

next unto him repaired hashabiah

next unto him repaired hattush

next unto him repaired shallum

next unto him repaired uzziel

no man did put on him his ornaments

none like him among all <1SA10 -:24 >

none shall raise him up

nor condemn him when he is judged

nor did him reverence

nor lend him thy victuals for increase

nor save him out

nor seek him for all this

north shall come against him like

not be ashamed before him at his coming <1JO2 -:28 >

not on him only

not toward him as before

nourished him for her own son

now annas had sent him bound unto caiaphas

now sarai abram's wife bare him no children

now therefore hold him not guiltless <1KI2 -:9 >

now when jesus saw great multitudes about him

offer him for

offer him there for

offered him up for

offering him vinegar

ofttimes it hath cast him into

on him they laid

one speaking unto him from off

or have cast upon him any thing without laying

or hurl at him by laying

or if thou know him not

or let him take hold

or lifted up myself when evil found him

or what likeness will ye compare unto him

or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens

other disciples therefore said unto him

other jews dissembled likewise with him

our enemies might serve him without fear

out unto him under

penuel answered him as

people answered him after this manner <1SA17 -:27 >

people answered him again after <1SA17 -:30 >

people answered him not <1KI18 -:21 >

people came unto him as he was teaching

people followed him trembling <1SA13 -:7 >

people for what cause she had touched him

people made him head

people murmured such things concerning him

people resort unto him again

people returned after him only <2SA23 -:10 >

people saw him walking

perceive him not

peter followed him afar off

peter seeing him saith

peter was grieved because he said unto him

pharaoh's daughter took him up

pharisee which had bidden him saw

pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight 15 >

pharisees saw him eat with publicans

pharisees which were with him heard these words

pilate asked him again

place whither they have led him captive

power was given him over all kindreds

praise him according

praise him for his mighty acts

praise him upon

praise him upon

praise him with

praise him with

praise him with

praise him with stringed instruments

prayer also shall be made for him continually

preached unto him jesus

priest gave him hallowed <1SA21 -:6 >

priest shall look on him again

priest shall make an atonement for him as touching his sin

priest shall make an atonement for him as concerning his sin

priest shall make an atonement for him before

priest shall make an atonement for him before

priest shall make an atonement for him before

priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his sin -:6 >

priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his ignorance
wherein he erred

priest shall make an atonement for him for his sin which he hath

priest shall make an atonement for him with

priest shall make an atonement for him with

priest shall pronounce him clean

priest shall pronounce him clean

priest shall pronounce him clean

priest shall pronounce him clean

priest shall pronounce him clean

priest shall pronounce him unclean

priest shall pronounce him unclean

priest shall pronounce him unclean

priest shall pronounce him unclean

priest shall pronounce him unclean

priest shall pronounce him unclean

priest shall pronounce him unclean

priest shall pronounce him utterly unclean

priest shall shut him up seven days

priest shall shut him up seven days

priest shall shut him up seven days more

prophet anoint him there king over israel <1KI1 -:34 >

prophet have anointed him king <1KI1 -:45 >

prophet unto him into

prove him with hard questions <1KI10 -:1 >

provoke him not

pursued after him seven days' journey

put him into

put him into

putting his hands on him said

rage with him because <2CH16 -:10 >

raise him up from <2SA12 -:17 >

raised him from

raised him up

raised him up from <1PE1 -:21 >

ran upon him with one accord

ransomed him from

ravens brought him bread <1KI17 -:6 >

receive him as myself

receive him not into <2JO1 -:10 >

receive him therefore

received him joyfully

rehoboam took him mahalath <2CH11 -:18 >

rent him sore

restored him sarah his wife

royal majesty as had not been on any king before him <1CH29 -:
25 >

salute him not <2KI4 -:29 >

samuel told him every whit <1SA3 -:18 >

sat at meat with him began

sat at meat with him heard these things

sat him down there

sat on him had

sat on him had

sat on him was death

saul came after him into <1SA26 -:3 >

saul chose him three thousand <1SA13 -:2 >

saul gave him michal his <1SA18 -:27 >

saul secretly practiced mischief against him <1SA23 -:9 >

saul set him over <1SA18 -:5 >

saul sought him every day <1SA23 -:14 >

save him from death

saved him out

saw him come close unto

saw him not since

saw him saying unto me

saw him shall

saw ye him whom my soul loveth

say unto him one by one

scourge for him according

scribes sought how they might take him by craft

see him before

see ye him whom <1SA10 -:24 >

seek him with

sendest him away

sent him again

sent him away

sent him forth

sent him not

sent him therefore

servants did strike him with

serve him day

serve him only <1SA7 -:3 >

serve him with <1CH28 -:9 >

serve him with all yo

serve him with all your heart

serve him with one consent

served him not <2KI18 -:7 >

served with him yet seven other years

serveth him not

set him before eleazar

set him before eleazar

set him before pharaoh

set him before thee

set him before them

set him by him

set him for their watchman

set him on

set him on his own beast

set him over

set him over

set him without

setteth him on

seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee

shall cover him all

shall cut him asunder

shall give him shall be

shall give him shall never thirst

shall go unto him at midnight

shall hiss him out

shall not shut him up

shall pronounce him clean

shall speak with him mouth

shall they part him among

shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need

shaphat shall stand on him this day <2KI6 -:31 >

sharezer his sons smote him with <2KI19 -:37 >

sharezer his sons smote him with

she bare him aaron

she bare him ahban <1CH2 -:29 >

she bare him attai <1CH2 -:35 >

she bare him nadab

she bare him phinehas

she bare him segub <1CH2 -:21 >

she bare him zimran

she besought him

she bound him with them

she brought him into her father's house

she brought him unto pharaoh's daughter

she came unto him

she caught him by <2KI4 -:27 >

she caught him by his garment

she caused him

she communed with him <1KI10 -:2 >

she conceived by him

she constrained him <2KI4 -:8 >

she covered him with

she declared unto him before all

she despised him <1CH15 -:29 >

she despised him <2SA6 -:16 >

she gave him bilhah her handmaid

she go from him

she had compassion on him

she have born him sons or daughters

she hid him three months

she looked upon him

she made him sleep upon her knees

she moved him

she moved him

she returned unto him into

she said moreover unto him

she said unto him <1KI1 -:17 >

she said unto him <1KI2 -:16 >

she said unto him <2SA13 -:16 >

she said unto him

she said unto him

she said unto him

she said unto him

she said unto him

she saith unto him

she saith unto him

she spake unto him according

she stood before him <2KI4 -:12 >

she told him <2KI8 -:6 >

she took for him an ark

she took him up with her <1SA1 -:24 >

she was not given unto him

she wept before him

she will do him good

sheep follow him

shepherds is called forth against him

shield went before him <1SA17 -:7 >

shilonite found him <1KI11 -:29 >

shimea david's brother slew him <1CH20 -:7 >

shine after him

shot forth her branches toward him

should answer him

should betray him

should build him an house <2CH2 -:6 >

should come upon him

should fear before him

should serve him

show him

show him my salvation

show unto him marvellous

showed before him my trouble

showed him mercy

showed him openly

showed mercy on him

showed unto him all

showeth him all

showeth him all things

shut him up

signs which he had commanded him

simon answering said unto him

simon peter said unto him

simon peter saith unto him

sin which he hath done shall be forgiven him

sing psalms unto him <1CH16 -:9 >

sing psalms unto him

sing unto him <1CH16 -:9 >

sing unto him

sing unto him

sing unto him with

sit with him

sitting before him <2KI4 -:38 >

sitting down they watched him there

six hundred men which came after him from gath <2SA15 -:18 >

six were born unto him <1CH3 -:4 >

slain him <1KI13 -:26 >

slay him <1SA19 -:11 >

slay him

slay him

slay him

slay him

slay him

slay him with guile

slayeth him

slew him <1KI13 -:24 >

slew him <1KI2 -:34 >

slew him <1KI20 -:36 >

slew him <1SA17 -:35 >

slew him <1SA17 -:50 >

slew him <1SA17 -:51 >

slew him <2CH33 -:24 >

slew him <2KI10 -:9 >

slew him <2KI15 -:10 >

slew him <2KI15 -:14 >

slew him <2KI15 -:30 >

slew him <2SA1 -:10 >

slew him <2SA14 -:6 >

slew him <2SA18 -:15 >

slew him <2SA4 -:10 >

slew him <2SA4 -:7 >

slew him

slew him

slew him

slew him at

slew him on his bed <2CH24 -:25 >

slew him there <2CH25 -:27 >

slew him there <2KI14 -:19 >

slew him with his ow <1CH11 -:23 >

slew him with his own spear <2SA23 -:21 >

slothful killeth him

small ship should wait on him because

smite him <1KI20 -:35 >

smite him <1SA20 -:33 >

smite him also <2KI9 -:27 >

smite him mortally

smite him on

smiteth him

smiteth him

smitten him <1CH18 -:10 >

smitten him <2SA8 -:10 >

smote him <1KI16 -:10 >

smote him <1SA17 -:35 >

smote him <1SA17 -:35 >

smote him <2KI12 -:21 >

smote him <2KI15 -:25 >

smote him <2KI15 -:30 >

smote him

smote him

smote him

smote him before <2KI15 -:10 >

smote him on

smote him there under <2SA3 -:27 >

snare for him

so he blessed him

so he brought him into his house

so he departed from him <2KI5 -:19 >

so he let him go

so he sent him out

so he smote him therewith <2SA20 -:10 >

so he took him

so he went back with him <1KI13 -:19 >

so it fell out unto him <2KI7 -:20 >

so let him curse <2SA16 -:10 >

so let him eat <1CO11 -:28 >

so let him give <2CO9 -:7 >

so let him walk <1CO7 -:17 >

so let it be far from him

so let it come unto him

so shall we come upon him <2SA17 -:12 >

so shall ye say unto him <2CH34 -:26 >

so she caught him

so she went from him <2KI4 -:5 >

so simeon went with him

so they cast him out

so they left off speaking with him

so they made him ride <2KI10 -:16 >

so they might deliver him unto

so they saddled him <1KI13 -:13 >

so they sat down with him upon

so they smote him

so when they continued asking him

soldiers also mocked him

soldiers led him away into

solomon said unto him <1KI1 -:53 >

some evil beast hath devoured him

something hath befallen him <1SA20 -:26 >

son also himself be subject unto him <1CO15 -:28 >

son left him <2CH21 -:17 >

son said unto him

sop satan entered into him

sorrow is turned into joy before him

sought him

sought him

sought him

sought him

sought him whom my soul loveth

sought him with their whole desire <2CH15 -:15 >

sought how they might destroy him

south push at him

spake against him

spake kindly unto him

spake unto him <2KI5 -:13 >

spake unto him

spake unto him

spake unto him

spake unto him out

speak against him <2CH32 -:17 >

speak on this manner unto him <2SA14 -:3 >

speak unto him

speak unto him

speak unto him for adonijah <1KI2 -:19 >

speak with him

speak with him

speak with him

speak with him

speak with him quietly <2SA3 -:27 >

spear came out behind him <2SA2 -:23 >

spear smote him under <2SA2 -:23 >

spirit call him lord

spirit driveth him into

spirit said unto him

spirit taketh him

spirit tare him

spit on him

spoileth him

spread their net over him

spread upon him

stamped upon him

stand before him <2CH29 -:11 >

stand before him

standard against him

standing about him <1SA22 -:6 >

stayed him

steal him away

steel shall strike him through

stole him

stole him from among <2CH22 -:11 >

stole him from among <2KI11 -:2 >

stone him <1KI21 -:10 >

stone him

stone him with stones

stoned him with stones

stoned him with stones at <2CH24 -:21 >

stones upon him <2SA18 -:17 >

stoning him <1SA30 -:6 >

stood about him <1SA22 -:17 >

stood about him <1SA22 -:7 >

stood against him

stood before him <1KI3 -:16 >

stood before him <1SA16 -:21 >

stood before him <2CH10 -:8 >

stood before him <2KI5 -:15 >

stood before him <2KI8 -:9 >

stood before him

stood by him <1SA17 -:26 >

stood by him

stood by him

stood by him went out from him

stood upon him <2SA1 -:10 >

stood with him

stood with him there

storm hurleth him out

stretch forth mine hand against him <1SA24 -:6 >

stretch out thine hands toward him

stretched himself upon him <2KI4 -:35 >

stronger than he shall come upon him

struck him not again <2SA20 -:10 >

subdue nations before him

suddenly do they shoot at him

suddenly there shined round about him

sun be risen upon him

sun rose upon him

supposing him

supposing him

sustained him

sware by him

sware by him

sweareth by him shall glory

sweet odours unto him

sword against him throughout all my mountains

synagogue were fastened on him

syria came up against him <2CH24 -:23 >

syria said unto him <1KI20 -:23 >

syrians had given him <2KI9 -:15 >

syrians had given him at ramah <2KI8 -:29 >

table knew for what intent he spake this unto him

table with him

tahpenes bare him genubath his son <1KI11 -:20 >

take away his sackcloth from him

take for him

take from him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him away

take him away

take him by force

take him by force from among them

take him down

take him with them

take unto him my two sons <2KI4 -:1 >

take ye him

take ye him

taketh him by

taking him up into an high mountain

talent from him

talk deceitfully for him

tame him

tarry until thou have weaned him <1SA1 -:23 >

tarry with him

taught him

taught him knowledge

taunting proverb against him

teach us what we shall say unto him

teachest him out

tears unto him

tell him <2SA12 -:18 >

tell him

tell him

tell him his fault between thee

tell me where thou hast laid him

tell them what things should happen unto him

tempest stealeth him away

tempted him

tempting desired him

tempting him

tempting him

tempting him

tempting him

tempting him

ten men with him <2KI25 -:25 >

ten thousand men after him

ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him

terrors shall make him afraid on every side

terrors take hold on him as waters

testify against him

their father loved him more than all his brethren

their princes gave him

them which came up with him from galilee

them which sat with him at meat

them which should hereafter believe on him <1TI1 -:15 >

them which were with him

them will love him most

them would have taken him

then abiah hezron's wife bare him ashur <1CH2 -:24 >

then abner looked behind him <2SA2 -:20 >

then absalom called unto him <2SA15 -:2 >

then achish gave him ziklag <1SA27 -:6 >

then an angel touched him <1KI19 -:5 >

then asa went out against him <2CH14 -:10 >

then asked they him

then came forth unto him eliakim

then came there unto him all his brethren

then came together unto him

then come unto him

then cometh simon peter following him

then delivered he him therefore unto them

then drew near unto him all

then he is gracious unto him

then he made him

then he questioned with him

then he said unto him <1KI13 -:15 >

then he shall count with him

then he suffered him

then he would answer him <1SA2 -:16 >

then his master shall bring him unto

then his wife shall go out with him

then jesus beholding him loved him

then judah came near unto him

then kill him <2SA13 -:28 >

then let him bring for his sin

then let him come near

then let him count

then let him write her

then lot chose him all

then one said unto him

then peter said unto him

then peter took him

then pharaoh said unto him <1KI11 -:22 >

then prayed they him

then said abner unto him <2SA3 -:16 >

then said he unto him <1KI20 -:36 >

then said he unto him

then said his servants unto him <2SA12 -:21 >

then said his wife unto him

then said jeremiah unto him

then said jesus unto him

then said jesus unto him

then said jesus unto him

then said jesus unto him

then said one unto him

then said paul unto him

then said pilate unto him

then said they unto him

then said they unto him

then said they unto him

then said they unto him

then said they unto him

then said they unto him

then said they unto him

then said they unto him

then said they unto him

then said zebul unto him

then saith jesus unto him

then saith pilate unto him

then shall his brother's wife come unto him

then shall they also answer him

then shall we raise against him seven shepherds

then shall ye also appear with him

then shall ye do unto him

then she said unto him <2SA20 -:17 >

then simon peter answered him

then straightway they departed from him which should have
examined him

then their anger was abated toward him

then they carried him forth out <1KI21 -:13 >

then they reviled him

then they sought him

then they took him

then they willingly received him into

then thou consentedst with him

then thou shalt relieve him

then took he him up

then took they him

then was brought unto him one possessed with

then were there brought unto him little children

then were there two thieves crucified with him

then who can hinder him

then ye shall come up after him <1KI1 -:35 >

then ye shall kill him

there accompanied him into asia sopater

there appeared an angel unto him from heaven

there appeared unto him an angel

there are gathered unto him vain men <2CH13 -:7 >

there assembled unto him out

there came unto him

there came unto him

there followed him <2SA11 -:8 >

there followed him

there followed him

there followed him great multitudes

there is nothing done for him

there made him

there met him

there met him out

there met him ten men

there met him two possessed with devils

there shall ye see him

there shall ye see him

there stood no man with him

there talked with him two men

there they crucified him

there they made him

there upon him

there was delivered unto him

there was evil determined against him by

there was gathered unto him

there was given him dominion

there was given unto him

there was given unto him

there was given unto him much incense

there went great multitudes with him

there went out after him joab's men <2SA20 -:7 >

there went out unto him all

there went up with him both chariots

there went with him <1SA10 -:26 >

there were also with him other little ships

there were born unto him seven sons

there were with him about four hundred men <1SA22 -:2 >

therefore he hath poured upon him

therefore he slew him <1CH10 -:14 >

therefore his arm brought salvation unto him

therefore his sisters sent unto him

therefore meddle not with him

therefore my bowels are troubled for him

therefore said they unto him

therefore saul removed him from him <1SA18 -:13 >

therefore shall he leave his blood upon him

therefore there was wrath upon him <2CH32 -:25 >

therefore they compassed about him <2CH18 -:31 >

therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death 4 >

these things are hidden from him

these were born unto him <1CH3 -:5 >

they abhor him

they accompanied him unto

they all condemned him

they all forsook him

they also went down into hell with him unto

they answered him <2KI1 -:8 >

they answered him

they answered him

they answered him

they answered him

they asked him

they asked him

they asked him

they asked him

they asked him

they asked him

they asked him

they asked him

they awake him

they bear him upon

they beat him also

they bemoaned him

they beseech him

they besought him

they besought him

they besought him

they besought him for her

they besought him instantly

they bound him with two new cords

they bring him unto

they bring unto him one

they brought him <2CH35 -:24 >

they brought him

they brought him

they brought him

they brought him

they brought him down

they brought him down from <1KI1 -:53 >

they brought him forth

they brought him hastily out

they brought him into

they brought him into holds

they brought him near before him

they brought him on horses <2KI14 -:20 >

they brought him unto him

they brought him unto moses

they brought him up

they brought him upon horses <2CH25 -:28 >

they brought him with chains unto

they brought unto him

they brought unto him all

they brought unto him all sick people

they brought unto him also infants

they brought unto him many

they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning :3 >

they buried him <1KI14 -:18 >

they buried him <1KI15 -:8 >

they buried him <2CH14 -:1 >

they buried him <2CH16 -:14 >

they buried him <2CH22 -:9 >

they buried him <2CH24 -:16 >

they buried him <2CH24 -:25 >

they buried him <2CH27 -:9 >

they buried him <2CH28 -:27 >

they buried him <2CH32 -:33 >

they buried him <2CH33 -:20 >

they buried him <2KI10 -:35 >

they buried him <2KI13 -:20 >

they buried him <2KI13 -:9 >

they buried him

they buried him

they buried him

they buried him with his fathers <2KI15 -:7 >

they buried him with his fathers <2KI12 -:21 >

they buried him with his fathers <2CH26 -:23 >

they called him zacharias

they came near unto him

they came unto him

they came unto him

they carry him

they cast him out

they caught him <2CH22 -:9 >

they caught him

they clothed him with purple

they come unto him

they communed with him at

they conspired against him <2CH24 -:21 >

they conspired against him

they could not answer him again

they could not cure him

they covenanted with him for thirty pieces

they covered him with clothes <1KI1 -:1 >

they cried before him

they crucified him

they crucified him

they departed from him <2KI3 -:27 >

they departed from him

they derided him

they despised him <1SA10 -:27 >

they did chide with him sharply

they did help him <2CH32 -:3 >

they did not receive him

they do obey him

they durst not ask him any

they dwelt with him all <1SA22 -:4 >

they embalmed him

they even prepare war against him

they feared him

they fed him with grass like oxen

they fell before him on

they fled before him <1CH19 -:14 >

they fled before him <2SA10 -:13 >

they fled from him <1SA19 -:8 >

they followed him

they followed him

they followed him on foot out

they fought against him

they fought with him <1CH19 -:17 >

they gathered unto him all <2KI23 -:1 >

they gave him <1KI12 -:13 >

they gave him <1SA30 -:12 >

they gave him

they gave him

they gave him audience unto this word

they gave him threescore

they gave him vinegar

they gave judgment upon him <2KI25 -:6 >

they gnashed on him with

they had anointed him king <1KI5 -:1 >

they had cast him out

they had done these things unto him

they had mocked him

they hate him

they hated him

they hated him yet

they hated him yet

they have born him children

they have caused him <1KI1 -:44 >

they have done unto him whatsoever they listed

they hid him <2KI11 -:2 >

they knew him

they knew him not

they laid their hands on him

they laughed him

they laughed him

they laughed him

they left him

they lied unto him with their tongues

they looked unto him

they loose him

they love him

they made him drink water <1SA30 -:11 >

they made him king <2KI11 -:12 >

they marvelled at him

they may minister unto him

they may open unto him immediately

they might accuse him

they might accuse him

they might accuse him

they might bring him

they might cast him down headlong

they might find an accusation against him

they might give him horses

they might take him

they mourned over him <1KI13 -:30 >

they obey him

they overcame him by

they overtook him

they pleased him not <1KI9 -:12 >

they presented unto him gifts

they pressed upon him for

they prevented with their bread him

they provoked him <1KI14 -:22 >

they provoked him

they pursued after him

they put him

they put him

they put him

they put on him

they raised over him

they said therefore unto him

they said therefore unto him

they said unto him <2KI1 -:6 >

they said unto him <2KI19 -:3 >

they said unto him <2KI2 -:16 >

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they said unto him

they sat before him

they say nothing unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they say unto him

they seemed unto him

they send unto him certain

they sent him away

they sent out unto him their disciples with

they sent unto him

they sent unto him two men

they set bread before him <2SA12 -:20 >

they set him between

they set on for him by himself

they shall amerce him

they shall be forgiven him

they shall condemn him

they shall condemn him

they shall hang upon him all

they shall kill him

they shall kill him

they shall look on him whom they pierced

they shall mock him

they shall mourn for him

they shall not be mentioned unto him

they shall not lament for him

they shall not lament for him

they shall prevail against him

they shall reckon unto him seven days

they shall serve him

they shall take him into

they should be with him

they should believe on him which should come after him :4 >

they should bring forth him

they should cast him out

they should give him

they should give him daily

they should not give him into

they should not go with him <2CH25 -:13 >

they should not know him

they should not make him known

they should not make him known

they sinned yet more against him by provoking

they smote him <2CH28 -:5 >

they smote him <2SA4 -:7 >

they smote him on

they smote him under <2SA4 -:6 >

they smote him with their hands

they sought him among

they spake unto him <1KI12 -:7 >

they spake unto him <2CH10 -:7 >

they spake unto him

they spake unto him

they spit upon him

they stripped him

they struck him on

they thrust him out from thence <2CH26 -:20 >

they told him <1KI20 -:17 >

they told him <1SA11 -:5 >

they told him

they told him

they told him all

they took him

they took him

they took him

they took him even as he was

they took him unto

they took his glory from him

they turned back again from pursuing him <2CH18 -:32 >

they turned back from pursuing him <1KI22 -:33 >

they watched him

they watched him

they went down after him

they went out every man from him <2SA13 -:9 >

they were offended at him

they which before had seen him

they which have seen him shall say

they which went before rebuked him

they which were with him

they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him

they worshipped him

they worshipped him

they wounded him also

thine eye shall not pity him

thine hand shall be first upon him

thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him

thine honour upon him

thing pleased him <1SA18 -:20 >

thirty with him <1CH11 -:42 >

this book shall lie upon him

this commandment have we from him <1JO4 -:21 >

this judgment shall it be done unto him

this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him 14 >

this man was also with him

this vine did bend her roots toward him

this which is given unto him

thomas saith unto him

those jews which believed on him

those men said unto him

those which pitch by him

thou beatest him with

thou commandest him

thou cover him

thou crownedst him with glory

thou givest him not warning

thou givest him nought

thou hang him on

thou hast both seen him

thou hast covered him with shame

thou hast given him bread <1SA22 -:13 >

thou hast given him his heart's desire

thou hast kept for him this great kindness <1KI3 -:6 >

thou hast killed for him

thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance :6 >

thou hast sent him away <2SA3 -:24 >

thou madest him

thou madest him

thou mayest be delivered from him

thou mayest cleave unto him

thou mayest give him rest from

thou mayest recover him <2KI5 -:6 >

thou meetest him

thou prevailest for ever against him

thou promisedst him <1KI8 -:24 >

thou promisedst him <1KI8 -:25 >

thou shalt anoint him <1SA9 -:16 >

thou shalt beat him with

thou shalt deliver it unto him by

thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto sihon king >

thou shalt forgive him

thou shalt furnish him liberally out

thou shalt go forth from him

thou shalt hear him

thou shalt let him go free from thee

thou shalt love him as thyself

thou shalt make thy prayer unto him

thou shalt not compel him

thou shalt not consent unto him

thou shalt not forsake him

thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury

thou shalt not let him go away empty

thou shalt not oppress him

thou shalt not rule over him with rigour

thou shalt rule over him

thou shalt sanctify him therefore

thou shalt say unto him

thou shalt say unto him

thou shalt speak unto him <1KI21 -:19 >

thou shalt speak unto him <1KI21 -:19 >

thou shalt speak unto him

thou shalt stone him with stones

thou shalt surely give him

thou shalt surely help him

thou shalt surely help with him

thou shalt take him from mine altar

thou shouldest magnify him

thou shouldest put him

thou shouldest receive him for ever

thou shouldest set thine heart upon him

thou shouldest visit him every morning

thou therefore receive him

thou visitest him

thou visitest him

thou wilt build him an house <1CH17 -:25 >

thou wilt not deliver him unto

thou wouldest send him

though we have rebelled against him

thousand thousands ministered unto him

three men stood by him

three times did joash beat him <2KI13 -:25 >

three were born unto him <1CH2 -:3 >

threw stones at him <2SA16 -:13 >

thronged him

through death he might destroy him

through him

through him might believe

thrust him out

thus his father wept for him

thus shall ye say unto him

thus shalt thou say unto him

thy garments like him

thy words have upholden him

till he had destroyed him <2KI10 -:17 >

told him <1KI18 -:16 >

told him <2KI10 -:8 >

told him <2KI18 -:37 >

told him <2KI4 -:31 >

told him <2KI9 -:36 >

told him <2SA1 -:13 >

told him <2SA1 -:5 >

told him <2SA14 -:33 >

told him <2SA18 -:11 >

told him

told him

told him

told him

told him all <1KI13 -:11 >

told him all <1SA19 -:18 >

told him all

told him all

told him all

told him all

told him all things

told him all those sayings <1SA25 -:12 >

told him concerning

told him said <2SA1 -:6 >

too strong for him

took cities from him <2CH13 -:19 >

took counsel how they might entangle him

took him <2SA15 -:5 >

took him

took him

took him

took him

took him down

took him from

took him out

took him up out

took his people with him

took unto him his wife

took upon him

took with him ten talents <2KI5 -:5 >

touch him

touch him

touch him

touched him <1KI19 -:7 >

touched him

touched him

touched him

toucheth him

trap for him

trembling ye received him <2CO7 -:15 >

trespass against him

troop shall overcome him

trust on him <2KI18 -:21 >

try him <2CH32 -:31 >

try him every moment

turn from him

turn upon him

turned him about

turned him about

twelve apostles with him

twenty elders fall down before him

twenty men with him <2SA3 -:20 >

two blind men followed him

two disciples heard him speak

two kings stood not before him <2KI10 -:4 >

two kings with him <1KI20 -:1 >

two men with him <1SA28 -:8 >

two others with him

two shall withstand him

under him on <2KI9 -:13 >

until he had left him none remaining

until he hath driven out his enemies from before him 21 >

until he left him none remaining <2KI10 -:11 >

until there was none left him alive

unto him again

unto him hath he given all

unto him he said

unto him into

unto him therewith

unto him which hath ten talents

unto him ye shall hearken

upon him an ephod <1CH15 -:27 >

upon him while he is eating

upon my mountains tread him under foot

vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold

very destruction let him fall

wait for him

wait for him

wait for him

wait for him

wait for him

wait patiently for him

waited on him continually

waiteth for him

walked no more with him

war set him at nought

war which went with him

war with him

war with him

warned him <2KI6 -:10 >

wars which were about him on every side <1KI5 -:3 >

was also upright before him <2SA22 -:24 >

was also upright before him

was born unto him

was by him

was come unto him <2SA12 -:4 >

was come upon him

was counted unto him for righteousness unto all generations for

was done by him

was due unto him

was heavy on him <2SA14 -:26 >

was neighbour unto him

was set before him endured

was under him shall be unclean until

was unto him <2SA12 -:3 >

was with him when he called lazarus out

watch him <1SA19 -:11 >

waters made him great

way for an adversary against him

way spoil him

way with him

we by him <1CO8 -:6 >

we call upon him

we cannot find him out

we do sacrifice unto him since

we esteemed him not

we forbad him

we forbad him

we have fellowship with him <1JO1 -:6 >

we have found him

we have heard him speak blasphemous words against moses :11 >

we have not forsaken him <2CH13 -:10 >

we have sent with him <2CO8 -:18 >

we have swallowed him up

we have waited for him

we have waited for him

we heard him say

we know him <1JO2 -:3 >

we know not where they have laid him

we love him <1JO4 -:19 >

we make him <1JO1 -:10 >

we may bind him

we may die with him

we may eat him <2KI6 -:28 >

we may eat him <2KI6 -:29 >

we may kill him <2SA14 -:7 >

we may know him <1JO5 -:20 >

we may prevail against him

we may seek him with thee

we might live through him <1JO4 -:9 >

we said unto him

we shall also live with him

we shall be like him <1JO3 -:2 >

we shall be saved from wrath through him

we shall kill him

we shall not find him

we shall prevail against him

we should desire him

we should live together with him <1TH5 -:10 >

we should serve him

we should serve him

we should serve him

we smote him

we smote him until none was left

we sought him not after <1CH15 -:13 >

we spake unto him <2SA12 -:18 >

we told him

we told him

we told him according

we took him

we will believe him

we will come unto him

we will lie with him

we will light upon him as <2SA17 -:12 >

we will persuade him

we would not have delivered him up unto thee

weep for him

weep sore for him

weighed him

well with him

went after him

went also after him <2SA20 -:14 >

went away from him unto her father's house

went down with him unto <2KI1 -:15 >

went out after him <1SA17 -:35 >

went out with him

went over him <1CH29 -:30 >

went softly unto him

went up with him

went up with him said

went with him

wept upon him

were about him with

were assembled unto him <1KI8 -:5 >

were assembled unto him before <2CH5 -:6 >

were before him <1KI16 -:33 >

were before him <2KI17 -:2 >

were before him <2KI18 -:5 >

were born unto him <1CH2 -:9 >

were born unto him <2SA5 -:14 >

were brought up with him <2CH10 -:8 >

were brought up with him spake unto him <2CH10 -:10 >

were circumcised with him

were commanded him

were crucified with him reviled him

were done by him

were grown up with him <1KI12 -:8 >

were grown up with him spake unto him <1KI12 -:10 >

were merry with him

were present with him bowed themselves <2CH29 -:29 >

were with him

were with him

were with him

were with him

were with him

were with him

were with him

were with him

were with him

were with him

were with him at mizpah <2KI25 -:25 >

were with him followed after him

were with him said

were with him were heavy with sleep

what doest thou against him

what doest thou unto him

what givest thou him

what shall be after him

when all things shall be subdued unto him <1CO15 -:28 >

when david had called him <2SA11 -:13 >

when he draweth him into his net

when he had apprehended him

when he had brought him down <1SA30 -:16 >

when he had found him

when he had found him

when he had given him licence

when he had removed him

when he had seen him <2KI23 -:29 >

when he had taken him <2KI4 -:20 >

when he had taken him

when he had taken him being bound

when he heard him

when he looked behind him <2SA1 -:7 >

when he looked on him

when he meeteth him

when he meeteth him

when he raised him from

when he saw him

when he saw him

when he saw him

when he saw him

when he would have put him

when herod had sought for him

when herod would have brought him forth

when his son isaac was born unto him

when jesus beheld him

when jesus saw him lie

when king zedekiah sent unto him pashur

when melchisedec met him

when saul looked behind him <1SA24 -:8 >

when she bare him

when she could not longer hide him

when she had done giving him drink

when she had weaned him <1SA1 -:24 >

when she pressed him daily with her words

when she saw him

when they beheld him

when they could not come nigh unto him for

when they found him not

when they had appointed him

when they had blindfolded him

when they had bound him

when they had called him unto david <2SA9 -:2 >

when they had crucified him

when they had found him

when they had found him on

when they had mocked him

when they had slain him <2CH22 -:9 >

when they had stripped him <1CH10 -:9 >

when they had taken him

when they have chastened him

when they saw him

when they saw him

when they saw him

when they saw him

when they saw him

when they saw him

when they saw him afar off

when they see him

when they sought him <1SA10 -:21 >

when they spake daily unto him

when they urged him till he was ashamed <2KI2 -:17 >

when they were departed from him <2CH24 -:25 >

when they which were about him saw what would follow 49 >

when thou hast circumcised him

when thou sendest him away free from thee

when thou sendest him out free from thee

when uriah was come unto him <2SA11 -:7 >

when we shall see him

when we were with him <2PE1 -:18 >

when ye find him

when ye see him again

where have ye laid him

where he gave judgment upon him

where he gave judgment upon him

where it liketh him best

where they crucified him

whereby an atonement shall be made for him

wherefore god also hath highly exalted him

wherefore he sent for him

wherefore he slew him also

wherefore his servants said unto him <1KI1 -:2 >

wherefore israel turned away from him

wherefore let him <1CO10 -:12 >

wherefore let him <1CO14 -:13 >

wherefore she told him nothing <1SA25 -:36 >

wherefore slew he him <1JO3 -:12 >

whereof we accuse him

whether he would heal him on

which aided him

which also betrayed him

which bare him abijah <2CH11 -:20 >

which bare him children <2CH11 -:19 >

which bare him hur <1CH2 -:19 >

which betrayed him

which betrayed him

which betrayed him

which brought him again from <2SA3 -:26 >

which came with him from galilee

which did eat with him

which did put all things under him <1CO15 -:27 >

which fear before him

which followed him

which gave him an house <1KI11 -:18 >

which god did by him

which god gave unto him

which god giveth him

which god giveth him under

which god had told him

which had appeared unto him twice <1KI11 -:9 >

which had betrayed him

which had brought him down thither

which had happened unto him

which had made him whole

which hath sent him <2KI19 -:16 >

which hath torn him <1KI13 -:26 >

which he had done before him <1KI15 -:3 >

which he had spoken unto him

which he hath given will he pay him again

which he put forth against him <1KI13 -:4 >

which jesus said unto him

which ministered unto him

which owed him an hundred pence

which owed him ten thousand talents

which pierced him

which returned not again unto him any more

which said unto him <2CH25 -:15 >

which said unto him

which seemeth him good <2SA10 -:12 >

which shall lie down with him

which shall render him

which she had brought him <1SA25 -:35 >

which she spake unto him

which should betray him

which smote him <2CH28 -:23 >

which stood before him <1KI12 -:8 >

which stood over against him

which stripped him

which they had given him <1KI12 -:8 >

which thou hast promised him <2CH6 -:15 >

which thou hast promised him <2CH6 -:16 >

which ungodly sinners have spoken against him

which was delivered him

which was delivered him

which was given him

which was not lawful for him

which were born him

which were born unto him <1CH3 -:1 >

which were born unto him

which were crucified with him

which ye return him <1SA6 -:8 >

while ye be with him <2CH15 -:2 >

who also betrayed him

who also was gathered after him

who appeared unto him

who are taken captive by him at his will <2TI2 -:26 >

who by him do believe <1PE1 -:21 >

who can hinder him

who can tell him

who can turn him

who drove him away

who had made him swear by god <2CH36 -:13 >

who hath enjoined him his way

who hath given him

who hath raised him from

who hath seen him there <1SA23 -:22 >

who may say unto him

who raised him from

who sent unto him <2CH32 -:31 >

who shall entreat for him <1SA2 -:25 >

who shall repay him

who shall rouse him up

who shall stir him up

who should betray him

who slew him with

who stedfastly beholding him

who strengthened themselves with him <1CH11 -:10 >

who teacheth like him

who then can behold him

who was dear unto him

who will say unto him

whole city how great things jesus had done unto him >

wholly given unto him out

whom milcah bare unto him

whore against him

whoring after him

whose branches turned toward him

whose seed goeth from him

whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed

whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed

whosoever shall receive me receiveth him

whosoever sinneth hath not seen him <1JO3 -:6 >

why could not we cast him out

why could not we cast him out

why did ye not then believe him

why didst thou not smite him there <2SA18 -:11 >

why dost thou strive against him

why have ye not brought him

why hear ye him

why persecute we him

why then believed ye him not

why then did ye not believe him

wicked man over him

wicked one toucheth him not <1JO5 -:18 >

wicked shall come upon him

widows stood by him weeping

will answer him

will appease him with

will appoint him his portion with

will be surety for him

will believe on him

will bring him <1SA1 -:22 >

will bring him

will bring him

will bring him

will build him <1SA2 -:35 >

will cause him <2KI19 -:7 >

will cause him

will cause him

will chasten him with <2SA7 -:14 >

will clothe him with thy robe

will come upon him while he <2SA17 -:2 >

will contend with him

will cut him

will cut him off

will cut him off from

will cut him off from among his people

will cut him off from among his people

will cut him off from among his people

will cut off from ahab him <1KI21 -:21 >

will cut off from ahab him <2KI9 -:8 >

will cut off from jeroboam him <1KI14 -:10 >

will deliver him

will deliver him

will deliver him into thine hand

will deliver him unto you

will destroy him from

will drive him into

will entice him <2CH18 -:20 >

will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant

will exalt him

will fasten him

will give him

will give him

will give him her <1SA18 -:21 >

will give him his daughter <1SA17 -:25 >

will give him rest from all his enemies round about <1CH22 -:9

will give him unto <1SA1 -:11 >

will give unto him

will god hear his cry when trouble cometh upon him

will he give him

will he give him

will he give him

will he let him go well away <1SA24 -:19 >

will he offer him

will heal him

will heal him

will lead him also

will liken him unto

will look for him

will love him

will magnify him with thanksgiving

will maintain mine own ways before him

will make him

will make him

will make him

will make him

will make him afraid <2SA17 -:2 >

will make him an help meet for him

will make him fruitful

will make him prince all <1KI11 -:34 >

will multiply him exceedingly

will not his foolishness depart from him

will not rather say unto him

will not straightway pull him out on

will not take my mercy away from him <1CH17 -:13 >

will persuade him <1KI22 -:21 >

will plead against him with pestilence

will plead for him

will plead with him there for his trespass

will pour water upon him

will praise him among

will prepare him an habitation

will punish him

will put my spirit upon him

will put them with him

will rain upon him

will raise him up at

will raise him up at

will raise him up at

will run after him <2KI5 -:20 >

will say unto him

will say unto him by

will search him out throughout all <1SA23 -:23 >

will seek him whom my soul loveth

will send him against an hypocritical nation

will send him unto you

will send unto him wanderers

will set him on high

will settle him <1CH17 -:14 >

will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake

will speak unto him

will spread my net upon him

will stretch out my hand upon him

will suddenly make him run away from her

will sup with him

will surely have mercy upon him

will surely show myself unto him <1KI18 -:15 >

will take him away

will therefore chastise him

will therefore chastise him

will visit him

will write upon him

will ye save him

wilt thou believe him

wilt thou condemn him

wilt thou play with him as

wilt thou take him for

wilt thou trust him

wilt thou yet say before him

wisdom given unto him hath written unto you <2PE3 -:15 >

with abominations provoked they him

with an impudent face said unto him

with favour wilt thou compass him as

with her much fair speech she caused him

with him <1CH11 -:9 >

with him <1CH12 -:27 >

with him <1CH18 -:10 >

with him <1CH9 -:20 >

with him <1SA14 -:17 >

with him <1SA14 -:2 >

with him <1SA16 -:18 >

with him <1SA18 -:14 >

with him <1SA22 -:6 >

with him <1SA25 -:25 >

with him <1SA30 -:21 >

with him <1SA30 -:9 >

with him <1SA9 -:5 >

with him <2CH1 -:1 >

with him <2CH15 -:9 >

with him <2CH18 -:2 >

with him <2CH18 -:2 >

with him <2CH18 -:30 >

with him <2CH32 -:7 >

with him <2CH32 -:8 >

with him <2CO6 -:1 >

with him <2KI25 -:28 >

with him <2SA1 -:11 >

with him <2SA10 -:13 >

with him <2SA15 -:22 >

with him <2SA15 -:24 >

with him <2SA16 -:14 >

with him <2SA17 -:10 >

with him <2SA17 -:16 >

with him <2SA17 -:22 >

with him <2SA17 -:29 >

with him <2SA18 -:1 >

with him <2SA24 -:2 >

with him <2SA3 -:20 >

with him <2SA3 -:31 >

with him <2SA5 -:10 >

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him

with him also

with him an hundred <2CH17 -:18 >

with him an hundred

with him an hundred

with him an hundred forty

with him armed men with bow <2CH17 -:17 >

with him assembled themselves <1SA14 -:20 >

with him at jerusalem <2SA15 -:14 >

with him before <1KI8 -:5 >

with him come out against thee

with him covered every man his head <2SA15 -:30 >

with him did david bring up <2SA2 -:3 >

with him drew nigh before <1CH19 -:14 >

with him fifty males

with him fifty men <2KI15 -:25 >

with him four hundred men

with him fourscore males

with him fourscore priests <2CH26 -:17 >

with him from baale <2SA6 -:2 >

with him he shall work deceitfully

with him heard <1KI1 -:41 >

with him jeshaiah

with him lifted up their voice <1SA30 -:4 >

with him mighty men <2CH17 -:14 >

with him priscilla

with him pursued them unto gerar <2CH14 -:13 >

with him seventy males

with him shall flee <2SA17 -:2 >

with him ten princes

with him there shall not be left so much as one <2SA17 -:12 >

with him they crucify two thieves

with him three hundred males

with him twenty

with him two asses saddled

with him two hundred <2CH17 -:15 >

with him two hundred

with him two hundred males

with him two hundred thousand mighty men <2CH17 -:16 >

with him unto achish <1SA27 -:2 >

with him went up all

with him were assembled all

with him were come <2SA3 -:23 >

with him were reckoned by genealogy

with him will <2SA16 -:18 >

with him will

with his seed after him

without blame before him

without him was not any thing made

withstood him

witnesses shall be first upon him

woe unto him

woe unto him

woe unto him

woe unto him

woe unto him

woman said unto him <1SA28 -:9 >

woman saith unto him

woman saith unto him

woman saith unto him

woman saith unto him

woman slew him

woman unto him <2KI6 -:26 >

woman's husband will lay upon him

womb make him

womb shall forget him

word communicate unto him

word unto him

world is gone after him

world knew him not

world through him might be saved

world was made by him

worm shall feed sweetly on him

worship him

worship him

worship him

worship him

worship him

worship him

worship him also

worship him must worship

worship thou him

would declare unto him

would do him justice <2SA15 -:4 >

would have given him <2SA4 -:10 >

would have hid myself from him

would have killed him

would let him go no more home <1SA18 -:2 >

would not let him go

wound him up

wounds which were given him at ramah <2CH22 -:6 >

wrapped him

wrapped him

wrath upon him

wrought miracles before him

ye believe on him whom he hath sent

ye believed him not

ye believed him not

ye make him twofold more

ye suffer him no more

ye take from him burdens

yearly hired servant shall he be with him

yet among many nations was there no king like him

yet god giveth him not power

yet let him remember

yet we did esteem him stricken

young man was unto him as one
