Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

Chiel 02419 ## Chiy'el {khee-ale'} ; from 02416 and 00410 ; living of God ; {Chiel} , an Israelite : -- Hiel .

Hiel 02419 ## Chiy'el {khee-ale'} ; from 02416 and 00410 ; living of God ; Chiel , an Israelite : -- {Hiel} .

Ithiel 00384 ## 'Iythiy'el {eeth-ee-ale'} ; perhaps from 00837 and 00410 ; God has arrived ; Ithiel , the name of an Israelite , also of a symbolical person : -- {Ithiel} .

Ithiel 00384 ## 'Iythiy'el {eeth-ee-ale'} ; perhaps from 00837 and 00410 ; God has arrived ; {Ithiel} , the name of an Israelite , also of a symbolical person : -- Ithiel .

Jechiel 03171 ## Y@chiy'el {yekh-ee-ale'} ; or (2 Chron . 29 : 14) Y@chav'el {yekh-av-ale'} ; from 02421 and 00410 ; God will live ; {Jechiel} (or Jechavel) , the name of eight Israelites : -- Jehiel .

Jechiel 03172 ## Y@chiy'eliy {yekh-ee-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03171 ; a Jechielite or descendant of {Jechiel} : -- Jehieli .

Jechielite 03172 ## Y@chiy'eliy {yekh-ee-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03171 ; a {Jechielite} or descendant of Jechiel : -- Jehieli .

Jehiel 03171 ## Y@chiy'el {yekh-ee-ale'} ; or (2 Chron . 29 : 14) Y@chav'el {yekh-av-ale'} ; from 02421 and 00410 ; God will live ; Jechiel (or Jechavel) , the name of eight Israelites : -- {Jehiel} .

Jehiel 03262 ## Y@` uw'el {yeh-oo-ale'} ; from 03261 and 00410 ; carried away of God ; Jeuel , the name of four Israelites ;-- {Jehiel} , Jeiel , Jeuel . Compare 03273 .

Jehiel 03273 ## Y@` iy'el {yeh-ee-ale'} ; from 0326l and 004l0 ; carried away of God ; Jeiel , the name of six Israelites : -- Jeiel , {Jehiel} . Compare 03262 .

Jehieli 03172 ## Y@chiy'eliy {yekh-ee-ay-lee'} ; patronymically from 03171 ; a Jechielite or descendant of Jechiel : -- {Jehieli} .

Jekuthiel 03354 ## Y@quwthiy'el {yek-ooth-ee'- ale} ; from the same as 03348 and 00410 ; obedience of God ; {Jekuthiel} , an Israelite : -- Jekuthiel .

Jekuthiel 03354 ## Y@quwthiy'el {yek-ooth-ee'- ale} ; from the same as 03348 and 00410 ; obedience of God ; Jekuthiel , an Israelite : -- {Jekuthiel} .

Malchiel 04439 ## Malkiy'el {mal-kee-ale'} ; from 04428 and 00410 ; king of (i . e . appointed by) God ; Malkiel , an Israelite : -- {Malchiel} .

Malchielite 04440 ## Malkiy'eliy {mal-kee-ay-lee'} ; patronymical from 04439 ; a Malkielite or descendant of Malkiel : -- {Malchielite} .

Salathiel 4528 - Salathiel {sal-ath-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [7597]; Salathiel (i.e. Shealtiel), an Israelite: -- {Salathiel}.

Salathiel 4528 - Salathiel {sal-ath-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [7597]; {Salathiel} (i.e. Shealtiel), an Israelite: -- Salathiel.

Salathiel 4528 - {Salathiel} {sal-ath-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [7597]; Salathiel (i.e. Shealtiel), an Israelite: -- Salathiel.

Shalthiel 07597 ## Sh@'altiy'el {sheh-al-tee-ale'} ; or Shaltiy'el {shal-tee-ale'} ; from 07592 and 00410 ; I have asked God ; Shealtiel , an Israelite : -- {Shalthiel} , Shealtiel .

shield 03591 ## kiydown {kee-dohn'} ; from the same as 03589 ; properly , something to strike with , i . e . a dart (perhaps smaller that 02595) : -- lance , {shield} , spear , target .

shield 04042 ## magan {maw-gan'} ; a denominative from 04043 ; properly , to {shield} ; encompass with ; figuratively , to rescue , to hand safely over (i . e . surrender) : -- deliver .

shield 04043 ## magen {maw-gane'} ; also (in plural) feminine m@ginnah {meg-in-naw'} ; from 01598 ; a shield (i . e . the small one or buckler) ; figuratively , a protector ; also the scaly hide of the crocodile : -- X armed , buckler , defence , ruler , + scale , {shield} .

shield 04043 ## magen {maw-gane'} ; also (in plural) feminine m@ginnah {meg-in-naw'} ; from 01598 ; a {shield} (i . e . the small one or buckler) ; figuratively , a protector ; also the scaly hide of the crocodile : -- X armed , buckler , defence , ruler , + scale , shield .

shield 05507 ## cocherah {so-khay-raw'} ; properly , active participle feminine of 05503 ; something surrounding the person , i . e . a {shield} : -- buckler .

shield 06793 ## tsinnah {tsin-naw'} ; feminine of 06791 ; a hook (as pointed) ; also a (large) shield (as if guarding by prickliness) ; also cold (as piercing) : -- buckler , cold , hook , {shield} , target .

shield 06793 ## tsinnah {tsin-naw'} ; feminine of 06791 ; a hook (as pointed) ; also a (large) {shield} (as if guarding by prickliness) ; also cold (as piercing) : -- buckler , cold , hook , shield , target .

shield 07982 ## shelet {sheh'- let} ; from 07980 ; probably a shield (as controlling , i . e . protecting the person) : -- {shield} .

shield 07982 ## shelet {sheh'- let} ; from 07980 ; probably a {shield} (as controlling , i . e . protecting the person) : -- shield .

shield 0785 - aspis {as-pece'}; of uncertain derivation; a buckler (or round {shield}); used of a serpent (as coiling itself), probably the " asp " : -- asp.

shield 2375 - thureos {thoo-reh-os'}; from 2374; a large shield (as door-shaped): -- {shield}.

shield 2375 - thureos {thoo-reh-os'}; from 2374; a large {shield} (as door-shaped): -- shield.