Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

Hiel 2419 ## Chiy&el {khee-ale'}; from 2416 and 410; living of God; Chiel, an Israelite: -- {Hiel}.

Ithiel 0384 ## &Iythiy&el {eeth-ee-ale'}; perhaps from 837 and 410; God has arrived; Ithiel, the name of an Israelite, also of a symbolical person: -- {Ithiel}.

Jehiel 3171 ## Y@chiy&el {yekh-ee-ale'}; or (2 Chron. 29:14) Y@chav&el {yekh-av-ale'}; from 2421 and 410; God will live; Jechiel (or Jechavel), the name of eight Israelites: -- {Jehiel}.

Jehiel 3262 ## Y@`uw&el {yeh-oo-ale'}; from 3261 and 410; carried away of God; Jeuel, the name of four Israelites; -- {Jehiel}, Jeiel, Jeuel. Compare 3273.

Jehiel 3273 ## Y@`iy&el {yeh-ee-ale'}; from 326l and 4l0; carried away of God; Jeiel, the name of six Israelites: -- Jeiel, {Jehiel}. Compare 3262.

Jekuthiel 3354 ## Y@quwthiy&el {yek-ooth-ee'-ale}; from the same as 3348 and 410; obedience of God; Jekuthiel, an Israelite: -- {Jekuthiel}.

Malchiel 4439 ## Malkiy&el {mal-kee-ale'}; from 4428 and 410; king of (i.e. appointed by) God; Malkiel, an Israelite: -- {Malchiel}.

Salathiel 4528 # Salathiel {sal-ath-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [7597]; Salathiel (i.e. Shealtiel), an Israelite: -- {Salathiel}.

Shalthiel 7597 ## Sh@&altiy&el {sheh-al-tee-ale'}; or Shaltiy&el {shal-tee-ale'}; from 7592 and 410; I have asked God; Shealtiel, an Israelite: -- {Shalthiel}, Shealtiel.