cattle 4165 # poimaino {poy-mah'-ee-no}; from 4166; to tend as
a shepherd of (figuratively, superviser): -- feed ({cattle}),

feed 4165 # poimaino {poy-mah'-ee-no}; from 4166; to tend as a
shepherd of (figuratively, superviser): -- {feed} (cattle), rule.

herd 0034 # agele {ag-el'-ay}; from 71 [compare 32]; a drove: --

pastor 4166 # poimen {poy-mane'}; of uncertain affinity; a
shepherd (literally or figuratively): -- shepherd, {pastor}.[ql

rule 4165 # poimaino {poy-mah'-ee-no}; from 4166; to tend as a
shepherd of (figuratively, superviser): -- feed (cattle), {rule}.

shepherd 0750 # archipoimen {ar-khee-poy'-mane}; from 746 and
4166; a head shepherd: -- chief {shepherd}.[ql

shepherd 4166 # poimen {poy-mane'}; of uncertain affinity; a
shepherd (literally or figuratively): -- {shepherd}, pastor.[ql
