herd 1241 ## baqar {baw-kawr'}; from 1239; beef cattle or an
animal of the ox family of either gender (as used for plowing);
collectively, a herd: -- beeve, bull (+ -- ock), + calf, + cow,
great [cattle], + heifer, {herd}, kine, ox. [ql
herd 4735 ## miqneh {mik-neh'}; from 7069; something bought, i.e.
property, but only livestock; abstractly, acquisition: --
cattle, flock, {herd}, possession, purchase, substance.[ql
herd 5739 ##
muster (of animals): -- drove, flock, {herd}.[ql
herd 0034 # agele {ag-el'-ay}; from 71 [compare 32]; a drove: --
herdman 0951 ## bowker {bo-kare'}; properly, active participle
from 1239 as denominative from 1241; a cattle-tender: --
{herdman}. [ql
herdman 5349 ## noqed {no-kade'}; active participle from the
same as 5348; a spotter (of sheep or cattle), i.e. the owner or
tender (who thus marks them): -- {herdman}, sheepmaster.[ql
herdman 7462 ## ra
flock; i.e. pasture it; intransitively, to graze (literally or
figuratively); generally to rule; by extension, to associate
with (as a friend): -- X break, companion, keep company with,
devour, eat up, evil entreat, feed, use as a friend, make
friendship with, {herdman}, keep [sheep](-er), pastor, +
shearing house, shepherd, wander, waste.[ql
herds 6629 ## tso>n {tsone}; or ts@>own (Psalm 144:13) {tseh-
one'}; from an unused root meaning to migrate; a collective name
for a flock (of sheep or goats); also figuratively (of men): --
(small) cattle, flock (+ -s), lamb (+ -s), sheep([-cote, -fold, -
shearer, {-herds}]).[ql
shepherd 7462 ## ra
flock; i.e. pasture it; intransitively, to graze (literally or
figuratively); generally to rule; by extension, to associate
with (as a friend): -- X break, companion, keep company with,
devour, eat up, evil entreat, feed, use as a friend, make
friendship with, herdman, keep [sheep](-er), pastor, + shearing
house, {shepherd}, wander, waste.[ql
shepherd 0750 # archipoimen {ar-khee-poy'-mane}; from 746 and
4166; a head shepherd: -- chief {shepherd}.[ql
shepherd 4166 # poimen {poy-mane'}; of uncertain affinity; a
shepherd (literally or figuratively): -- {shepherd}, pastor.[ql
shipherd 7473 ## ro
pastoral; as noun, a shepherd: -- {shipherd}.[ql