-acheiropoietos- ......... hands 0886 -acheiropoietos- >

-acheiropoietos- ......... made 0886 -acheiropoietos- >

-acheiropoietos- ......... not made 0886 -acheiropoietos- >

-acheiropoietos- ......... with hands 0886 -acheiropoietos- >

-acheiropoietos- ......... without 0886 -acheiropoietos- >

-autocheir- ......... hands 0849 -autocheir- >

-autocheir- ......... out with our own 0849 -autocheir- >

-cheir- ......... And by the hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... and from the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... and his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... and in his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... And in their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... And the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... be ! And the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... by his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... by his hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... by the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... by the hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... by their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... from his hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... Hath not my hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... her by the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... her hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... her his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... him by the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... him hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... his hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... in her hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... in his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... in his hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... in the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... in their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... is in his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... it out : and his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... it with mine own hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... man by the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... me out of the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... my hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... my hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... not the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... not their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... of hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... of my hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... of the hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... of their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... of their own hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... of thy hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... out his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... out of our hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... out of the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... out of their hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... own hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... the hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... thee : and in their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... them by the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... them his hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... them in their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... them out of my hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... they their hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... thy hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... thy hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... unto the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... unto them his hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... unto them with the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... up his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... up his hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... up the hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... upon , and our hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... with hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... with his hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... with his hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... with the hand 5495 -cheir- >

-cheir- ......... your hands 5495 -cheir- >

-cheiragogeo- ......... being led 5496 -cheiragogeo- >

-cheiragogeo- ......... but they led 5496 -cheiragogeo- >

-cheiragogeo- ......... by the hand 5496 -cheiragogeo- >

-cheiragogeo- ......... him by the hand 5496 -cheiragogeo- >

-cheiragogos- ......... him by the hand 5497 -cheiragogos- >

-cheiragogos- ......... some to lead 5497 -cheiragogos- >

-cheirographon- ......... out the handwriting 5498 -
cheirographon- >

-cheiron- ......... a worse 5501 -cheiron- >

-cheiron- ......... and is worse 5501 -cheiron- >

-cheiron- ......... and worse 5501 -cheiron- >

-cheiron- ......... is worse 5501 -cheiron- >

-cheiron- ......... shall be worse 5501 -cheiron- >

-cheiron- ......... sorer 5501 -cheiron- >

-cheiron- ......... worse 5501 -cheiron- >

-cheiropoietos- ......... by hands 5499 -cheiropoietos- >

-cheiropoietos- ......... made 5499 -cheiropoietos- >

-cheiropoietos- ......... not made 5499 -cheiropoietos- >

-cheiropoietos- ......... places made 5499 -cheiropoietos- >

-cheiropoietos- ......... that is made 5499 -cheiropoietos- >

-cheiropoietos- ......... with hands 5499 -cheiropoietos- >

-cheirotoneo- ......... And when they had ordained 5500 -
cheirotoneo- >

-cheirotoneo- ......... chosen 5500 -cheirotoneo- >

-diacheirizomai- ......... to kill 1315 -diacheirizomai- >

-diacheirizomai- ......... ye slew 1315 -diacheirizomai- >

-diaphtheiro- ......... and shouldest destroy 1311 -diaphtheiro-

-diaphtheiro- ......... corrupteth 1311 -diaphtheiro- >

-diaphtheiro- ......... of corrupt 1311 -diaphtheiro- >

-diaphtheiro- ......... perish 1311 -diaphtheiro- >

-diaphtheiro- ......... them which destroy 1311 -diaphtheiro- >

-diaphtheiro- ......... were destroyed 1311 -diaphtheiro- >

-epicheireo- ......... about 2021 -epicheireo- >

-epicheireo- ......... but they went 2021 -epicheireo- >

-epicheireo- ......... have taken 2021 -epicheireo- >

-epicheireo- ......... in hand 2021 -epicheireo- >

-epicheireo- ......... took 2021 -epicheireo- >

-heirs ......... and joint -heirs 4789 -sugkleronomos->

-katphtheiro- ......... not ; and shall utterly 2704 -
katphtheiro- >

-katphtheiro- ......... of corrupt 2704 -katphtheiro- >

-katphtheiro- ......... perish 2704 -katphtheiro- >

-phtheiro- ......... corrupt 5351 -phtheiro- >

-phtheiro- ......... destroy 5351 -phtheiro- >

-phtheiro- ......... did corrupt 5351 -phtheiro- >

-phtheiro- ......... is corrupt 5351 -phtheiro- >

-phtheiro- ......... man defile 5351 -phtheiro- >

-phtheiro- ......... should be corrupted 5351 -phtheiro- >

-phtheiro- ......... things they corrupt 5351 -phtheiro- >

-phtheiro- ......... we have corrupted 5351 -phtheiro- >

-procheirizomai- ......... hath chosen 4400 -procheirizomai- >

-procheirizomai- ......... purpose , to make 4400 -
procheirizomai- >

-procheirotoneo- ......... before 4401 -procheirotoneo- >

-procheirotoneo- ......... chosen 4401 -procheirotoneo- >

-Sappheire- ......... with Sapphira 4551 -Sappheire- >

-sappheiros- ......... sapphire 4552 -sappheiros- >

fellowheirs ......... should be fellowheirs 4789 -sugkleronomos->

heir ......... an heir 2818 -kleronomos->

heir ......... heir 2818 -kleronomos->

heir ......... is the heir 2818 -kleronomos->

heir ......... shall not be heir 2816 -kleronomeo->

heir ......... that he should be the heir 2818 -kleronomos->

heir ......... That the heir 2818 -kleronomos->

heirs ......... and as being heirs 4789 -sugkleronomos->

heirs ......... and heirs 2818 -kleronomos->

heirs ......... be heirs 2818 -kleronomos->

heirs ......... for them who shall be heirs 2816 -kleronomeo->

heirs ......... heirs 2818 -kleronomos->

heirs ......... the heirs 4789 -sugkleronomos->

heirs ......... unto the heirs 2818 -kleronomos->

their ......... And by their prayer 1162 -deesis->

their ......... And for their sakes I sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->

their ......... And in their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... and in their minds 1271 -dianoia->

their ......... And in their mouth 4750 -stoma->

their ......... and in their tails 3769 -oura->

their ......... and out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->

their ......... and their armies 4753 -strateuma->

their ......... and their brethren 0080 -adephos->

their ......... and their conscience 4893 -suneidesis->

their ......... And their dead 4430 -ptoma->

their ......... and their debtors 3781 -opheiletes->

their ......... and their deep 0899 -bathos->

their ......... and their ears 3775 -ous->

their ......... and their enemies 2190 -echthros->

their ......... and their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... And their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... and their faces 4383 -prosopon->

their ......... and their father 3962 -pater->

their ......... and their foolish 0801 -asunetos->

their ......... and their iniquities 0458 -anomia->

their ......... and their mouth 4750 -stoma->

their ......... and their net 1350 -diktuon->

their ......... and their own 2398 -idios->

their ......... and their power 1849 -exousia->

their ......... and their rulers 0758 -archon->

their ......... and their sins 0265 -hamartema->

their ......... And their sins 0266 -hamartia->

their ......... and their sins 0266 -hamartia->

their ......... and their sores 1668 -helkos->

their ......... and their teeth 3599 -odous->

their ......... and their thoughts 3053 -logismos->

their ......... and their torment 0929 -basanismos->

their ......... And their word 3056 -logos->

their ......... and their words 4487 -rhema->

their ......... And their words 4487 -rhema->

their ......... and their works 2041 -ergon->

their ......... And there was in their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

their ......... are in their generation 1074 -genea->

their ......... are in their ways 3598 -hodos->

their ......... are open unto their prayers 1162 -deesis->

their ......... as their own 1438 -heautou->

their ......... be to their own 2398 -idios->

their ......... but rather through their fall 3900 -paraptoma->

their ......... But their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... but their heart 2588 -kardia->

their ......... But their laying 1917 -epiboule->

their ......... But their minds 3540 -noema->

their ......... but their own 1438 -heautou->

their ......... But their scribes 1122 -grammateus->

their ......... by him of their infirmities 0769 -astheneia->

their ......... by their fruits 2590 -karpos->

their ......... by their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... by their own conscience 4893 -suneidesis->

their ......... did their witness 3141 -marturia->

their ......... down their clothes 2440 -himation->

their ......... down their faces 4383 -prosopon->

their ......... for by their occupation 5078 -techne->

their ......... for their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... for their folly 0454 -anoia->

their ......... for their heart 2588 -kardia->

their ......... for their journey 3598 -hodos->

their ......... for their lord 2962 -kurios->

their ......... for their much 4180 -polulogia->

their ......... For their power 1849 -exousia->

their ......... for their sin 0266 -hamartia->

their ......... for their tails 3769 -oura->

their ......... for their work s 2041 -ergon->

their ......... For to their power 1411 -dunamis->

their ......... forth their lots 2819 -kleros->

their ......... from their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... from their labours 2873 -kopos->

their ......... from their masters 2962 -kurios->

their ......... from their mother s 3384 -meter->

their ......... from their seats 2362 -thronos->

their ......... from their sins 0266 -hamartia->

their ......... have of their abundance 4052 -perisseuo->

their ......... having their conscience 4893 -suneidesis->

their ......... he their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... he their manners 5159 -tropophoreo->

their ......... he their understanding 3563 -nous->

their ......... him , but their witness 3141 -marturia->

their ......... him from them , and in their hearts 2588 -kardia-

their ......... him of their own 2398 -idios->

their ......... him out of their sight 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... him with their hands 4475 -rhapisma->

their ......... him with their teeth 3599 -odous->

their ......... in of their abundance 4052 -perisseuo->

their ......... in their affliction 2347 -thlipsis->

their ......... in their cities 4172 -polis->

their ......... in their foreheads 3359 -metopon->

their ......... in their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... in their heart 2588 -kardia->

their ......... in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

their ......... in their imaginations 1261 -dialogismos->

their ......... in their knowledge 1922 -epignosis->

their ......... in their law 3551 -nomos->

their ......... in their lust 3715 -orexis->

their ......... in their own 0848 -hautou->

their ......... in their own craftiness 3834 -panourgia->

their ......... in their proper 2398 -idios->

their ......... in their purse 2223 -zone->

their ......... in their right 1188 -dexios->

their ......... in their season 2540 -kairos->

their ......... in their seasons 2540 -kairos->

their ......... in their synagogues 4864 -sunagoge->

their ......... in their tails 3769 -oura->

their ......... in their vessels 0030 -aggeion->

their ......... in them ; and I will be their God 2316 -theos->

their ......... into their own 2398 -idios->

their ......... is in their mouth 4750 -stoma->

their ......... is in their shame 0152 -aischune->

their ......... is their belly 2836 -koilia->

their ......... is upon their heart 2588 -kardia->

their ......... Let their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... Let their table 5132 -trapeza->

their ......... may be a supply for their want 5303 -husterema->

their ......... me with their lips 5491 -cheilos->

their ......... must their wives 1135 -gune->

their ......... not , and their damnation 0684 -apoleia->

their ......... not of their deeds 2041 -ergon->

their ......... not their first 0746 -arche->

their ......... not their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... not their lives 5590 -psuche->

their ......... of their conversation 0391 -anastrophe->

their ......... of their deeds 2041 -ergon->

their ......... of their diseases 3554 -nosos->

their ......... of their error 4106 -plane->

their ......... of their Father 3962 -pater->

their ......... of their feet 4228 -pous->

their ......... of their fornication 4202 -porneia->

their ......... of their gains 2039 -ergasia->

their ......... of their garments 2440 -himation->

their ......... of their habitation 2733 -katoikia->

their ......... of their hands ,

their ......... of their hands .

their ......... of their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... of their heart 2588 -kardia->

their ......... of their hearts 2588 -kardia->

their ......... of their infirmities 3554 -nosos->

their ......... of their joy 5479 -chara->

their ......... of their law 3551 -nomos->

their ......... of their liberality 0572 -haplotes->

their ......... of their lying in wait 1747 -enedra->

their ......... of their mind 3563 -nous->

their ......... of their own 2398 -idios->

their ......... of their own children 5207 -huios->

their ......... of their own company to Antioch 0490 -Antiocheia-

their ......... of their own hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... of their own hearts 2588 -kardia->

their ......... of their own selves 5367 -philautos->

their ......... of their pains 4192 -ponos->

their ......... of their prophecy 4394 -propheteia->

their ......... of their salvation 4991 -soteria->

their ......... of their sins 0266 -hamartia->

their ......... of their sorceries 5331 -pharmakeia->

their ......... of their spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->

their ......... of their terror 5401 -phobos->

their ......... of their testimony 3141 -marturia->

their ......... of their thefts 2809 -klemma->

their ......... of their torment 0929 -basanismos->

their ......... of their unbelief 0570 -apaistia->

their ......... of their wings 4420 -pterux->

their ......... on their journey 3596 -hodoiporeo->

their ......... on their journey after 0516 -axios->

their ......... on their journey diligently 4709 -spoudaios->

their ......... on their way 4311 -propempo->

their ......... out of their coasts 3725 -horion->

their ......... out of their hand 5495 -cheir->

their ......... out of their hearts 2588 -kardia->

their ......... out of their mouth 4750 -stoma->

their ......... out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->

their ......... out of their places 5117 -topos->

their ......... out of their sight .

their ......... out their own 1438 -heautou->

their ......... out their young 1025 -brephos->

their ......... out unto him their disciples 3101 -mathetes->

their ......... over them ; and their great 3173 -megas->

their ......... sake , and for their sakes which 3588 -ho->

their ......... shall be in their foreheads 3359 -metopon->

their ......... shall be with them , and be their God 2316 -

their ......... shall have their part 3313 -meros->

their ......... shall their unbelief 0570 -apaistia->

their ......... that is , of their brethren 0080 -adephos->

their ......... that is in their house 3624 -oikos->

their ......... that their abundance 4051 -perisseuma->

their ......... That their hearts 2588 -kardia->

their ......... that their legs 4628 -skelos->

their ......... that their rulers 0758 -archon->

their ......... the keeping of their souls 5590 -psuche->

their ......... thee : and in their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... their angels 0032 -aggelos->

their ......... their back 3577 -notos->

their ......... their books 0976 -biblos->

their ......... their breasts 4738 -stethos->

their ......... their brother 0080 -adephos->

their ......... their children 5043 -teknon->

their ......... their children 5388 -philoteknos->

their ......... their city 4172 -polis->

their ......... their clothes 2440 -himation->

their ......... their conscience 4893 -suneidesis->

their ......... their council 4892 -sunedrion->

their ......... their country 5561 -chora->

their ......... their craftiness 3834 -panourgia->

their ......... their crowns 4735 -stephanos->

their ......... their dead 3498 -nekros->

their ......... their dead 4430 -ptoma->

their ......... their deeds 2041 -ergon->

their ......... their deeds 4234 -praxis->

their ......... their dues 3782 -opheile->

their ......... their ears 0189 -akoe->

their ......... their ears 3775 -ous->

their ......... their enemies 2190 -echthros->

their ......... their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... their eyes : and immediately 2112 -eutheos->

their ......... their face 4383 -prosopon->

their ......... their faces 4383 -prosopon->

their ......... their faith 4102 -pistis->

their ......... their father 3962 -pater->

their ......... their fathers 3962 -pater->

their ......... their feet 4228 -pous->

Their ......... Their feet 4228 -pous->

their ......... their fellowservants 4889 -sundoulos->

their ......... their first 4413 -protos->

their ......... their flock 4167 -poimne->

their ......... their friend 3982 -peitho->

their ......... their fulness 4138 -pleroma->

their ......... their garments 2440 -himation->

their ......... their gifts 1435 -doron->

their ......... their glory 1391 -doxa->

their ......... their God 2316 -theos->

their ......... their groaning 4726 -stenagmos->

their ......... their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... their hard 4642 -skleros->

their ......... their heads 2776 -kephale->

their ......... their heart 2588 -kardia->

their ......... their hearts 2588 -kardia->

their ......... their houses 3624 -oikos->

their ......... their husbands 0435 -aner->

their ......... their husbands 5362 -philandros->

their ......... their hypocrisy 5272 -hupokrisis->

their ......... their kingdom 0932 -basileia->

their ......... their kinsfolk 4773 -suggenes->

their ......... their knees 1119 -gonu->

their ......... their labours 2873 -kopos->

their ......... their lamps 2985 -lampas->

their ......... their land 1093 -ge->

their ......... their lifetime 2198 -zao->

their ......... their lips 5491 -cheilos->

their ......... their lives 5590 -psuche->

their ......... their meat 5160 -trophe->

their ......... their merchandise 1117 -gomos->

their ......... their mind 1271 -dianoia->

their ......... their mind 3563 -nous->

their ......... their minds , and said 3004 -lego->

their ......... their minds 5590 -psuche->

their ......... their ministry 1248 -diakonia->

their ......... their nets 1350 -diktuon->

their ......... their own , not the things which are Jesus 2424 -

their ......... their own 0848 -hautou->

their ......... their own 1438 -heautou->

their ......... their own 2398 -idios->

their ......... their own bodies 4983 -soma->

their ......... their own country 5561 -chora->

their ......... their own selves 1438 -heautou->

their ......... their parents 1118 -goneus->

their ......... their parents 4269 -progonos->

their ......... their part he is evil 0987 -blasphemeo->

their ......... their peace 2270 -hesuchazo->

their ......... their peace 4601 -sigao->

their ......... their peace 4623 -siopao->

their ......... their pernicious 0684 -apoleia->

their ......... their phylacteries 5440 -phulakterion->

their ......... their possessions 2933 -ktema->

their ......... their power 1411 -dunamis->

their ......... their purpose 4286 -prothesis->

their ......... their reward 3408 -misthos->

their ......... their robes 4749 -stole->

their ......... their seats 2362 -thronos->

their ......... their senses 0145 -aistheterion->

their ......... their sepulchres 3419 -mnemeion->

their ......... their ships 4143 -ploion->

their ......... their sick 0732 -arrhostos->

their ......... their sight 0308 -anablepo->

their ......... their sins 0266 -hamartia->

their ......... their sound 5353 -phthoggos->

their ......... their stripes 4127 -plege->

their ......... their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

their ......... their testimony 3141 -marturia->

their ......... their thoughts 1261 -dialogismos->

their ......... their thoughts 1270 -dianoema->

their ......... their thoughts 1761 -enthumesis->

their ......... their threatenings 0547 -apeile->

Their ......... Their throat 2995 -larugx->

their ......... their time 2119 -eukaireo->

their ......... their tongues 1100 -glossa->

their ......... their treasures 2344 -thesauros->

their ......... their trespasses 3900 -paraptoma->

their ......... their ungodly 0763 -asebeia->

their ......... their voices 5456 -phone->

their ......... their way , and found 2147 -heurisko->

their ......... their way .

their ......... their way 3598 -hodos->

their ......... their way :

their ......... their ways , one 3303 -men->

their ......... their ways into 1519 -eis->

their ......... their ways to the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

their ......... their weak 0770 -astheneo->

their ......... their whole 3650 -holos->

their ......... their wickedness 4189 -poneria->

their ......... their widows 5503 -chera->

their ......... their wives 1135 -gune->

their ......... their women 2338 -thelus->

their ......... their word 3056 -logos->

their ......... their works 2041 -ergon->

their ......... their worm 4663 -skolex->

their ......... them by their fruits 2590 -karpos->

their ......... them from their purpose 1013 -boulema->

their ......... them in their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... them in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

their ......... them in their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

their ......... them out of their coasts 3725 -horion->

their ......... them their clothes 2440 -himation->

their ......... them their hire 3408 -misthos->

their ......... them their portion 4620 -sitometron->

their ......... them up in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

their ......... them with one of their fingers 1147 -daktulos->

their ......... them with their unbelief 0570 -apaistia->

their ......... themselves with their own 0848 -hautou->

their ......... they of their murders 5408 -phonos->

their ......... they their hands 5495 -cheir->

their ......... things , their duty 3784 -opheilo->

their ......... through their unbelief 0543 -apeitheia->

their ......... to be their king 0935 -basileus->

their ......... to their charge 2476 -histemi->

their ......... to their charge 3049 -logizomai->

their ......... to their minister 5257 -huperetes->

their ......... to their own 2398 -idios->

their ......... to their own city 4172 -polis->

their ......... to their own houses 3624 -oikos->

their ......... to their unrighteousness 0093 -adikia->

their ......... to their will 2307 -thelema->

their ......... to their works 2041 -ergon->

their ......... unto him of their substance 5224 -huparchonta->

their ......... unto me with their mouth 4750 -stoma->

their ......... unto their fellows 2083 -hetairos->

their ......... unto their lord 2962 -kurios->

their ......... unto their own 1438 -heautou->

their ......... unto their own 2398 -idios->

their ......... unto their partners 3353 -metochos->

their ......... unto us their children 5043 -teknon->

their ......... up their city 4172 -polis->

their ......... up their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... up their sins 0266 -hamartia->

their ......... up their voice 5456 -phone->

their ......... up their voices 5456 -phone->

their ......... upon their faces 4383 -prosopon->

their ......... upon their feet 4228 -pous->

their ......... upon their foreheads 3359 -metopon->

their ......... was their place 5117 -topos->

their ......... with their dissimulation 5272 -hupokrisis->

their ......... with their ears 3775 -ous->

their ......... with their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

their ......... with their fathers 3962 -pater->

their ......... with their flesh 4561 -sarx->

their ......... with their harps 2788 -kithara->

their ......... with their heart 2588 -kardia->

their ......... with their lamps 2985 -lampas->

their ......... with their rulers 0758 -archon->

their ......... with their sacrifices 2378 -thusia->

their ......... with their tongues 1100 -glossa->

their ......... with their unlawful 0459 -anomos->

their ......... you from their company , and shall reproach 3679

their ......... you in their synagogues 4864 -sunagoge->

theirs ......... for theirs 0846 -autos->

theirs ......... men , as theirs 1565 -ekeinos->

theirs ......... theirs and ours 2257 -hemon->
