Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
-hebdomekonta- ......... And the seventy 1440 -hebdomekonta- >
-hebdomekonta- ......... seventy 1440 -hebdomekonta- >
-hebdomekonta- ......... threescore 1440 -hebdomekonta- >
-hebdomekontakis- ......... seventy 1441 -hebdomekontakis- >
-hebdomekontakis- ......... times 1441 -hebdomekontakis- >
-hebdomos- ......... And the seventh 1442 -hebdomos- >
-hebdomos- ......... at the seventh 1442 -hebdomos- >
-hebdomos- ......... of the seventh 1442 -hebdomos- >
-hebdomos- ......... place of the seventh 1442 -hebdomos- >
-hebdomos- ......... the seventh 1442 -hebdomos- >
-Hebraikos- ......... and Hebrew 1444 -Hebraikos- >
-Hebraios- ......... Are they Hebrews 1445 -Hebraios- >
-Hebraios- ......... of the Hebrews 1445 -Hebraios- >
-Hebraios- ......... the Hebrews 1445 -Hebraios- >
-Hebrais- ......... an Hebrew 1446 -Hebrais- >
-Hebrais- ......... in the Hebrew 1446 -Hebrais- >
-Hebrais- ......... unto them in the Hebrew 1446 -Hebrais- >
-Hebraisti- ......... but in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti- >
-Hebraisti- ......... in Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti- >
-Hebraisti- ......... in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti- >
-Hebraisti- ......... in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti- >
-Hebraisti- ......... tongue 1447 -Hebraisti- >
-Hebraisti- ......... tongue 1447 -Hebraisti- >
-Rhebekka- ......... this ; but when Rebecca 4479 -Rhebekka- >
Heber ......... which was the son of Heber 1443 -Eber->
Hebrew ......... an Hebrew 1446 -Hebrais->
Hebrew ......... and Hebrew 1444 -Hebraikos->
Hebrew ......... but in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->
Hebrew ......... in Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->
Hebrew ......... in the Hebrew 1446 -Hebrais->
Hebrew ......... in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->
Hebrew ......... in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->
Hebrew ......... unto them in the Hebrew 1446 -Hebrais->
Hebrews ......... Are they Hebrews 1445 -Hebraios->
Hebrews ......... of the Hebrews 1445 -Hebraios->
Hebrews ......... the Hebrews 1445 -Hebraios->
Phebe ......... unto you Phebe 5402 -Phoibe->