heat 0228 -- /aza/ -- {heat}, hot.

heat 1197 -- ba\ar -- be brutish, bring (put, take) away, burn,
(cause to) eat (up),feed, {heat}, kindle, set ([on fire]), waste.

heat 2527 -- chom -- {heat}, to be hot (warm).

heat 2534 -- chemah -- anger, bottles, hot displeasure, furious(-
ly, -- ry), {heat},indignation, poison, rage, wrath(-ful).

heat 2535 -- chammah -- {heat}, sun.

heat 2552 -- chamam -- enflame self, get (have) {heat}, be (wax)
hot, (be, wax) warm(self, at).

heat 2721 -- choreb -- desolation, drought, dry, {heat}, X
utterly, waste.

heat 2750 -- choriy -- fierce, X great, {heat}.

heat 3179 -- yacham -- get {heat}, be hot, conceive, be warm.

heat 7565 resheph -- -- arrow, (burning) coal, burning {heat}, +
spark, hotthunderbolt.

heat 8273 -- sharab -- {heat}, parched ground.

heat 2329 ** therme ** {heat}.

heat 2738 ** kauma ** {heat}.

heat 2741 ** kausoo ** fervent {heat}.

heat 2742 ** kauson ** (burning) {heat}.

heathen 1471 -- gowy -- Gentile, {heathen}, nation, people.

heathen 1482 ** ethnikos ** {heathen} (man).

heathen 1484 ** ethnos ** Gentile, {heathen}, nation, people.

motheaten 4598 ** setobrotos ** {motheaten}.

sheath 5084 -- nadan -- {sheath}.

sheath 8593 -- ta\ar -- [pen-]knife, razor, scabbard, shave,

sheath 2336 ** theke ** {sheath}.

theatre 2302 ** theatron ** spectacle, {theatre}.

wheat 1250 -- bar -- corn, {wheat}.

wheat 1715 -- dagan -- corn ([floor]), {wheat}.

wheat 2406 -- chittah -- {wheat}(-en).

wheat 2591 -- chinta/ -- {wheat}.

wheat 7383 riyphah -- -- ground corn, {wheat}.

wheat 4621 ** sitos ** corn, {wheat}.
