hazarded Interlinear Index Study
hazarded ACT 015 026 Men <0444 -anthropos -> that have
{hazarded} <3860 -paradidomi -> their lives <5590 -psuche -> for
the name <3686 -onoma -> of our Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus
<2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> .
have hazarded their lives for
* hazarded , 3860 ,
* hazarded , 3860 paradidomi ,
hazarded -3860 betray, betrayed, betrayeth, brought, cast,
committed, deliver, delivered, deliveredst, delivering, forth,
gave, give, given, {hazarded}, over, prison, put, recommended,
hazarded ......... that have hazarded 3860 -paradidomi->
hazarded 015 026 Act /${hazarded /their lives
for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .
hazarded Men that have {hazarded} their lives for
name of our Lord Jesus Christ.