Achshaph Jos_12_20 /^{Achshaph /one ;

chapel Amo_07_13 /^{chapel /and it is the
king's court .

chapiter 1Ki_07_31 /^{chapiter /and above was a
cubit : but the mouth thereof was round after the work of the
base , a cubit and an half : and also upon the mouth of it were
gravings with their borders , foursquare , not round .

chapiter 1Ki_07_17 /^{chapiter /and seven for the
other chapiter .

chapiter Jer_52_22 /^{chapiter /of brass was upon
it; and the height of one chapiter was five cubits , with
network and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about , all of
brass . The second pillar also and the pomegranates were like
unto these.

chapiter 2Ki_25_17 /^{chapiter /round about , all
of brass : and like unto these had the second pillar with
wreathen work .

chapiter 2Ch_02_15 /^{chapiter /that was on the
top of each of them was five cubits .

chapiter 2Ki_25_17 /^{chapiter /three cubits ; and
the wreathen work , and pomegranates upon the chapiter round
about , all of brass : and like unto these had the second pillar
with wreathen work .

chapiter 2Ki_25_17 /^{chapiter /upon it was brass :
and the height of the chapiter three cubits ; and the wreathen
work , and pomegranates upon the chapiter round about , all of
brass : and like unto these had the second pillar with wreathen
work .

chapiter 1Ki_07_16 /^{chapiter /was five cubits ,
and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits :

chapiter Jer_52_22 /^{chapiter /was five cubits ,
with network and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about ,
all of brass . The second pillar also and the pomegranates were
like unto these.

chapiter 1Ki_07_16 /^{chapiter /was five cubits :

chapiters Exo_38_28 /^{chapiters /and filleted

chapiters Exo_38_19 /^{chapiters /and their
fillets of silver .

chapiters Exo_36_38 /^{chapiters /and their
fillets with gold : but their five sockets were of brass .

chapiters 1Ki_07_16 /^{chapiters /of molten brass ,
to set upon the tops of the pillars : the height of the one
chapiter was five cubits , and the height of the other chapiter
was five cubits :

chapiters Exo_38_17 /^{chapiters /of silver ; and
all the pillars of the court were filleted with silver .

chapiters Jer_52_22 /^{chapiters /round about ,
all of brass . The second pillar also and the pomegranates were
like unto these.

chapiters 1Ki_07_41 /^{chapiters /that were on the
top of the two pillars ; and the two networks , to cover the two
bowls of the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars ;

chapiters 1Ki_07_42 /^{chapiters /that were upon
the pillars ;

chapiters 1Ki_07_18 /^{chapiters /that were upon
the top , with pomegranates : and so did he for the other
chapiter .

chapiters 1Ki_07_19 /^{chapiters /that were upon
the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch , four
cubits .

chapiters 1Ki_07_20 /^{chapiters /upon the two
pillars had pomegranates also above , over against the belly
which was by the network : and the pomegranates were two hundred
in rows round about upon the other chapiter .

chapiters 2Ch_03_12 /^{chapiters /which were on the
top of the pillars ;

chapiters 2Ch_03_12 /^{chapiters /which were on the
top of the two pillars , and the two wreaths to cover the two
pommels of the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars ;

chapiters 2Ch_03_13 /^{chapiters /which were upon
the pillars .

chapiters 1Ki_07_41 /^{chapiters /which were upon
the top of the pillars ;

chapiters 1Ki_07_17 /^{chapiters /which were upon
the top of the pillars ; seven for the one chapiter , and seven
for the other chapiter .

chapmen 2Ch_09_14 /^{chapmen /and merchants
brought . And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the
country brought gold and silver to Solomon .

chapt Jer_14_04 /^{chapt /for there was no
rain in the earth , the plowmen were ashamed , they covered
their heads .

Elishaphat 2Ch_23_01 /^{Elishaphat /the son of
Zichri , into covenant with him.

hap Rut_02_03 /^{hap /was to light on a part
of the field belonging unto Boaz , who was of the kindred of
Elimelech .

Hapharaim Jos_19_19 /^{Hapharaim /and Shion , and
Anaharath ,

haply Luk_14_29 /${haply /after he hath laid
the foundation , and is not able to finish it, all that behold
it begin to mock him ,

haply Mar_11_13 /${haply /he might find any
thing thereon : and when he came to it , he found nothing but
leaves ; for the time of figs was not yet.

haply 2Co_09_04 /${haply /if they of Macedonia
come with me , and find you unprepared , we not , ye should be
ashamed in this same confident boasting .

haply 1Sa_14_30 /^{haply /the people had eaten
freely to day of the spoil of their enemies which they found ?
for had there not been now a much greater slaughter among the
Philistines ?

haply Act_17_27 /${haply /they might feel
after him , and find him , though he be not far from every one
of us :

haply Act_05_39 /${haply /ye be found even to
fight against God .

happen Isa_41_22 /^{happen /let them shew the
former things , what they be, that we may consider them, and
know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come .

happen Pro_12_21 /^{happen /to the just : but
the wicked shall be filled with mischief .

happen 1Sa_28_10 /^{happen /to thee for this
thing .

happen Mar_10_32 /${happen /unto him ,

happened 2Sa_01_06 /^{happened /by chance upon
mount Gilboa , behold, Saul leaned upon his spear ; and, lo, the
chariots and horsemen followed hard after him.

happened 2Sa_20_01 /^{happened /to be there a man
of Belial , whose name was Sheba , the son of Bichri , a
Benjamite : and he blew a trumpet , and said , We have no part
in David , neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse :
every man to his tents , O Israel .

happened Rom_11_25 /${happened /to Israel , until
the fulness of the Gentiles be come in .

happened 1Sa_06_09 /^{happened /to us .

happened Act_03_10 /${happened /unto him .

happened Est_04_07 /^{happened /unto him, and of
the sum of the money that Haman had promised to pay to the
king's treasuries for the Jews , to destroy them.

happened Php_01_12 /${happened /unto me have
fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel ;

happened 2Pe_02_22 /${happened /unto them
according to the true proverb , The dog is turned to his own
vomit again ; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in
the mire .

happened 1Co_10_11 /${happened /unto them for
ensamples : and they are written for our admonition , upon whom
the ends of the world are come .

happened 1Pe_04_12 /${happened /unto you :

happened Jer_44_23 /^{happened /unto you, as at
this day .

happeneth Ecc_08_14 /^{happeneth /according to the
work of the righteous : I said that this also is vanity .

happeneth Ecc_08_14 /^{happeneth /according to the
work of the wicked ; again, there be wicked men, to whom it
happeneth according to the work of the righteous : I said that
this also is vanity .

happeneth Ecc_02_15 /^{happeneth /even to me ; and
why was I then more wise ? Then I said in my heart , that this
also is vanity .

happeneth Ecc_02_15 /^{happeneth /to the fool , so
it happeneth even to me ; and why was I then more wise ? Then I
said in my heart , that this also is vanity .

happeneth Ecc_02_14 /^{happeneth /to them all.

happeneth Ecc_09_11 /^{happeneth /to them all.

happier 1Co_07_40 /${happier /if she so abide ,
after my judgment : and I think also that I have the Spirit of
God .

Happy Gen_30_13 /^{Happy /am I , for the
daughters will call me blessed : and she called his name Asher .

happy 2Ch_09_07 /^{happy /are these thy
servants , which stand continually before thee, and hear thy
wisdom .

happy 1Ki_10_08 /^{happy /are these thy
servants , which stand continually before thee, and that hear
thy wisdom .

Happy 2Ch_09_07 /^{Happy /are thy men , and
happy are these thy servants , which stand continually before
thee, and hear thy wisdom .

Happy 1Ki_10_08 /^{Happy /are thy men , happy
are these thy servants , which stand continually before thee,
and that hear thy wisdom .

happy Joh_13_17 /${happy /are ye if ye do them

happy 1Pe_03_14 /${happy /are ye: and be not
afraid of their terror , neither be troubled ;

happy 1Pe_04_14 /${happy /are ye; for the
spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you : on their part he
is evil spoken of , but on your part he is glorified .

Happy Deu_33_29 /^{Happy /art thou, O Israel :
who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD , the shield
of thy help , and who is the sword of thy excellency ! and thine
enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread
upon their high places .

happy Pro_03_18 /^{happy /is every one that
retaineth her.

Happy Rom_14_22 /${Happy /is he that
condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth .

Happy Psa_146_05 /^{Happy /is he that hath the
God of Jacob for his help , whose hope is in the LORD his God :

happy Pro_29_18 /^{happy /is he.

happy Pro_14_21 /^{happy /is he.

happy Pro_16_20 /^{happy /is he.

Happy Psa_144_15 /^{Happy /is that people ,
that is in such a case : yea, happy is that people , whose God
is the LORD .

happy Psa_144_15 /^{happy /is that people ,
whose God is the LORD .

Happy Pro_28_14 /^{Happy /is the man that
feareth alway : but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into
mischief .

Happy Pro_03_13 /^{Happy /is the man that
findeth wisdom , and the man that getteth understanding .

Happy Psa_127_05 /^{Happy /is the man that
hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed , but
they shall speak with the enemies in the gate .

happy Job_05_17 /^{happy /is the man whom God
correcteth : therefore despise not thou the chastening of the
Almighty :

happy Act_26_02 /${happy /king Agrippa ,
because I shall answer for myself this day before thee touching
all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews :

happy Psa_137_08 /^{happy /shall he be, that
rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

Happy Psa_137_09 /^{Happy /shall he be, that
taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones .

happy Psa_128_02 /^{happy /shalt thou be, and
it shall be well with thee.

happy Jer_12_01 /^{happy /that deal very
treacherously ?

happy Jam_05_11 /${happy /which endure . Ye
have heard of the patience of Job , and have seen the end of the
Lord ; that the Lord is very pitiful , and of tender mercy .

happy Mal_03_15 /^{happy /yea, they that work
wickedness are set up ; yea, they that tempt God are even
delivered .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_45 /^{Jehoshaphat /and his might
that he shewed , and how he warred , are they not written in the
book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_25 /^{Jehoshaphat /and his people
came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in
abundance both riches with the dead bodies , and precious jewels
, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could
carry away : and they were three days in gathering of the spoil ,
it was so much .

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_12_18 /^{Jehoshaphat /and Jehoram ,
and Ahaziah , his fathers , kings of Judah , had dedicated , and
his own hallowed things , and all the gold that was found in the
treasures of the house of the LORD , and in the king's house ,
and sent it to Hazael king of Syria : and he went away from
Jerusalem .

Jehoshaphat 1Ch_15_24 /^{Jehoshaphat /and Nethaneel ,
and Amasai , and Zechariah , and Benaiah , and Eliezer , the
priests , did blow with the trumpets before the ark of God : and
Obededom and Jehiah were doorkeepers for the ark .

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_03_12 /^{Jehoshaphat /and the king of
Edom went down to him.

Jehoshaphat Joe_03_02 /^{Jehoshaphat /and will plead
with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel , whom
they have scattered among the nations , and parted my land .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_21_02 /^{Jehoshaphat /Azariah , and
Jehiel , and Zechariah , and Azariah , and Michael , and
Shephatiah : all these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of
Israel .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_17_03 /^{Jehoshaphat /because he
walked in the first ways of his father David , and sought not
unto Baalim ;

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_08_16 /^{Jehoshaphat /being then king
of Judah , Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah began to
reign .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_18 /^{Jehoshaphat /bowed his head
with his face to the ground : and all Judah and the inhabitants
of Jerusalem fell before the LORD , worshipping the LORD .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_31 /^{Jehoshaphat /cried out , and
the LORD helped him; and God moved them to depart from him.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_32 /^{Jehoshaphat /cried out .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_17 /^{Jehoshaphat /Did I not tell
thee that he would not prophesy good unto me, but evil ?

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_18 /^{Jehoshaphat /Did I not tell
thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil ?

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_19_04 /^{Jehoshaphat /dwelt at
Jerusalem : and he went out again through the people from
Beersheba to mount Ephraim , and brought them back unto the LORD
God of their fathers .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_03 /^{Jehoshaphat /feared , and
set himself to seek the LORD , and proclaimed a fast throughout
all Judah .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_34 /^{Jehoshaphat /first and last ,
behold, they are written in the book of Jehu the son of Hanani ,
who is mentioned in the book of the kings of Israel .

Jehoshaphat Joe_03_12 /^{Jehoshaphat /for there will
I sit to judge all the heathen round about .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_01 /^{Jehoshaphat /had riches and
honour in abundance , and joined affinity with Ahab .

Jehoshaphat 1Ch_03_10 /^{Jehoshaphat /his son ,

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_17_01 /^{Jehoshaphat /his son reigned
in his stead, and strengthened himself against Israel .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_15_24 /^{Jehoshaphat /his son
reigned in his stead.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_30 /^{Jehoshaphat /I will
disguise myself, and enter into the battle ; but put thou on thy
robes . And the king of Israel disguised himself, and went into
the battle .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_29 /^{Jehoshaphat /I will disguise
myself, and will go to the battle ; but put thou on thy robes .
So the king of Israel disguised himself; and they went to the
battle .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_27 /^{Jehoshaphat /in the
forefront of them, to go again to Jerusalem with joy ; for the
LORD had made them to rejoice over their enemies .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_21_02 /^{Jehoshaphat /king of Israel .

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_03_01 /^{Jehoshaphat /king of Judah ,
and reigned twelve years .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_51 /^{Jehoshaphat /king of Judah ,
and reigned two years over Israel .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_03 /^{Jehoshaphat /king of Judah ,
Wilt thou go with me to Ramothgilead ? And he answered him, I am
as thou art, and my people as thy people ; and we will be with
thee in the war .

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_01_17 /^{Jehoshaphat /king of Judah ;
because he had no son .

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_08_16 /^{Jehoshaphat /king of Judah
began to reign .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_35 /^{Jehoshaphat /king of Judah
join himself with Ahaziah king of Israel , who did very wickedly

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_09 /^{Jehoshaphat /king of Judah
sat either of them on his throne , clothed in their robes , and
they sat in a void place at the entering in of the gate of
Samaria ; and all the prophets prophesied before them.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_49 /^{Jehoshaphat /Let my
servants go with thy servants in the ships . But Jehoshaphat
would not.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_44 /^{Jehoshaphat /made peace
with the king of Israel .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_48 /^{Jehoshaphat /made ships of
Tharshish to go to Ophir for gold : but they went not; for the
ships were broken at Eziongeber .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_17_11 /^{Jehoshaphat /presents , and
tribute silver ; and the Arabians brought him flocks , seven
thousand and seven hundred rams , and seven thousand and seven
hundred he goats .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_17_05 /^{Jehoshaphat /presents ; and
he had riches and honour in abundance .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_31 /^{Jehoshaphat /reigned over
Judah : he was thirty and five years old when he began to reign ,
and he reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem . And his
mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi .

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_03_11 /^{Jehoshaphat /said , Is there
not here a prophet of the LORD , that we may enquire of the LORD
by him? And one of the king of Israel's servants answered and
said , Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat , which poured water on
the hands of Elijah .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_07 /^{Jehoshaphat /said , Is
there not here a prophet of the LORD besides , that we might
enquire of him?

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_06 /^{Jehoshaphat /said , Is there
not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might enquire of

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_07 /^{Jehoshaphat /said , Let not
the king say so.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_08 /^{Jehoshaphat /said , Let not
the king say so.

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_03_12 /^{Jehoshaphat /said , The word
of the LORD is with him. So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat
and the king of Edom went down to him.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_04 /^{Jehoshaphat /said to the
king of Israel , I am as thou art, my people as thy people , my
horses as thy horses .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_04 /^{Jehoshaphat /said unto the
king of Israel , Enquire , I pray thee, at the word of the LORD
to day .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_05 /^{Jehoshaphat /said unto the
king of Israel , Enquire , I pray thee, at the word of the LORD
to day .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_37 /^{Jehoshaphat /saying ,
Because thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah , the LORD hath
broken thy works . And the ships were broken , that they were
not able to go to Tarshish .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_02 /^{Jehoshaphat /saying , There
cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on
this side Syria ; and, behold, they be in Hazazontamar , which
is Engedi .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_19_08 /^{Jehoshaphat /set of the
Levites , and of the priests , and of the chief of the fathers
of Israel , for the judgment of the LORD , and for controversies
, when they returned to Jerusalem .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_19_02 /^{Jehoshaphat /Shouldest thou
help the ungodly , and love them that hate the LORD ? therefore
is wrath upon thee from before the LORD .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_21_01 /^{Jehoshaphat /slept with his
fathers , and was buried with his fathers in the city of David .
And Jehoram his son reigned in his stead.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_50 /^{Jehoshaphat /slept with his
fathers , and was buried with his fathers in the city of David
his father : and Jehoram his son reigned in his stead.

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_20 /^{Jehoshaphat /stood and said ,
Hear me, O Judah , and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem ; Believe in
the LORD your God , so shall ye be established ; believe his
prophets , so shall ye prosper .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_05 /^{Jehoshaphat /stood in the
congregation of Judah and Jerusalem , in the house of the LORD ,
before the new court ,

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_31 /^{Jehoshaphat /that they said ,
It is the king of Israel . Therefore they compassed about him
to fight : but Jehoshaphat cried out , and the LORD helped him;
and God moved them to depart from him.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_32 /^{Jehoshaphat /that they said
, Surely it is the king of Israel . And they turned aside to
fight against him: and Jehoshaphat cried out .

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_03_14 /^{Jehoshaphat /the king of
Judah , I would not look toward thee, nor see thee.

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_03_07 /^{Jehoshaphat /the king of
Judah , saying , The king of Moab hath rebelled against me: wilt
thou go with me against Moab to battle ? And he said , I will go
up : I am as thou art, my people as thy people , and my horses
as thy horses .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_02 /^{Jehoshaphat /the king of
Judah came down to the king of Israel .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_19_01 /^{Jehoshaphat /the king of
Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_10 /^{Jehoshaphat /the king of
Judah sat each on his throne , having put on their robes , in a
void place in the entrance of the gate of Samaria ; and all the
prophets prophesied before them.

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_28 /^{Jehoshaphat /the king of
Judah went up to Ramothgilead .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_29 /^{Jehoshaphat /the king of
Judah went up to Ramothgilead .

Jehoshaphat 1Ch_18_15 /^{Jehoshaphat /the son of
Ahilud , recorder .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_04_03 /^{Jehoshaphat /the son of
Ahilud , the recorder .

Jehoshaphat 2Sa_20_24 /^{Jehoshaphat /the son of
Ahilud was recorder :

Jehoshaphat 2Sa_08_16 /^{Jehoshaphat /the son of
Ahilud was recorder ;

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_41 /^{Jehoshaphat /the son of Asa
began to reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of
Israel .

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_09_02 /^{Jehoshaphat /the son of
Nimshi , and go in , and make him arise up from among his
brethren , and carry him to an inner chamber ;

Jehoshaphat 2Ki_09_14 /^{Jehoshaphat /the son of
Nimshi conspired against Joram . Ramothgilead , he and all
Israel , because of Hazael king of Syria .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_04_17 /^{Jehoshaphat /the son of
Paruah , in Issachar :

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_18_07 /^{Jehoshaphat /There is yet
one man , by whom we may enquire of the LORD : but I hate him;
for he never prophesied good unto me, but always evil : the same
is Micaiah the son of Imla . And Jehoshaphat said , Let not the
king say so.

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_08 /^{Jehoshaphat /There is yet
one man , Micaiah the son of Imlah , by whom we may enquire of
the LORD : but I hate him; for he doth not prophesy good
concerning me, but evil . And Jehoshaphat said , Let not the
king say so.

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_15 /^{Jehoshaphat /Thus saith the
LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this
great multitude ; for the battle is not yours, but God's .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_21_12 /^{Jehoshaphat /thy father ,
nor in the ways of Asa king of Judah ,

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_01 /^{Jehoshaphat /to battle .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_20_30 /^{Jehoshaphat /was quiet : for
his God gave him rest round about .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_42 /^{Jehoshaphat /was thirty and
five years old when he began to reign ; and he reigned twenty
and five years in Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Azubah
the daughter of Shilhi .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_17_12 /^{Jehoshaphat /waxed great
exceedingly ; and he built in Judah castles , and cities of
store .

Jehoshaphat 2Ch_22_09 /^{Jehoshaphat /who sought the
LORD with all his heart . So the house of Ahaziah had no power
to keep still the kingdom .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_04 /^{Jehoshaphat /Wilt thou go
with me to battle to Ramothgilead ? And Jehoshaphat said to the
king of Israel , I am as thou art, my people as thy people , my
horses as thy horses .

Jehoshaphat 1Ki_22_49 /^{Jehoshaphat /would not.

Joshaphat 1Ch_11_43 /^{Joshaphat /the Mithnite ,

perhaps Phm_01_15 /${perhaps /he therefore
departed for a season , that thou shouldest receive him for ever

perhaps 2Co_02_07 /${perhaps /such a one should
be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow .

perhaps Act_08_22 /${perhaps /the thought of
thine heart may be forgiven thee .

shape Luk_03_22 /${shape /like a dove upon him
, and a voice came from heaven , which said , Thou art my
beloved Son ; in thee I am well pleased .

shapen Psa_51_05 /^{shapen /in iniquity ; and
in sin did my mother conceive me.

shapes Rev_09_07 /${shapes /of the locusts were
like unto horses prepared unto battle ; and on their heads were
as it were crowns like gold , and their faces were as the faces
of men .

Shapham 1Ch_05_12 /^{Shapham /the next , and
Jaanai , and Shaphat in Bashan .

Shaphan 2Ch_34_20 /^{Shaphan /and Abdon the son
of Micah , and Shaphan the scribe , and Asaiah a servant of the
king's , saying ,

Shaphan 2Ki_22_12 /^{Shaphan /and Achbor the son
of Michaiah , and Shaphan the scribe , and Asahiah a servant of
the king's , saying ,

Shaphan 2Ki_22_14 /^{Shaphan /and Asahiah , went
unto Huldah the prophetess , the wife of Shallum the son of
Tikvah , the son of Harhas , keeper of the wardrobe ; in
Jerusalem in the college ; and they communed with her.

Shaphan Jer_29_03 /^{Shaphan /and Gemariah the
son of Hilkiah , unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
saying ,

Shaphan 2Ki_22_08 /^{Shaphan /and he read it.

Shaphan Jer_43_06 /^{Shaphan /and Jeremiah the
prophet , and Baruch the son of Neriah .

Shaphan Jer_36_12 /^{Shaphan /and Zedekiah the
son of Hananiah , and all the princes .

Shaphan 2Ch_34_16 /^{Shaphan /carried the book to
the king , and brought the king word back again, saying , All
that was committed to thy servants , they do it.

Shaphan Jer_36_11 /^{Shaphan /had heard out of
the book all the words of the LORD ,

Shaphan 2Ki_22_10 /^{Shaphan /read it before the
king .

Shaphan 2Ch_34_18 /^{Shaphan /read it before the
king .

Shaphan 2Ki_25_22 /^{Shaphan /ruler .

Shaphan Jer_40_09 /^{Shaphan /sware unto them
and to their men , saying , Fear not to serve the Chaldeans :
dwell in the land , and serve the king of Babylon , and it shall
be well with you.

Shaphan Jer_39_14 /^{Shaphan /that he should
carry him home : so he dwelt among the people .

Shaphan 2Ki_22_12 /^{Shaphan /the scribe , and
Asahiah a servant of the king's , saying ,

Shaphan 2Ch_34_20 /^{Shaphan /the scribe , and
Asaiah a servant of the king's , saying ,

Shaphan 2Ch_34_15 /^{Shaphan /the scribe , I have
found the book of the law in the house of the LORD . And Hilkiah
delivered the book to Shaphan .

Shaphan 2Ki_22_08 /^{Shaphan /the scribe , I have
found the book of the law in the house of the LORD . And Hilkiah
gave the book to Shaphan , and he read it.

Shaphan Jer_36_10 /^{Shaphan /the scribe , in
the higher court , at the entry of the new gate of the LORD'S
house , in the ears of all the people .

Shaphan 2Ki_22_09 /^{Shaphan /the scribe came to
the king , and brought the king word again , and said , Thy
servants have gathered the money that was found in the house ,
and have delivered it into the hand of them that do the work ,
that have the oversight of the house of the LORD .

Shaphan 2Ki_22_10 /^{Shaphan /the scribe shewed
the king , saying , Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book .
And Shaphan read it before the king .

Shaphan 2Ch_34_18 /^{Shaphan /the scribe told the
king , saying , Hilkiah the priest hath given me a book . And
Shaphan read it before the king .

Shaphan 2Ch_34_08 /^{Shaphan /the son of Azaliah ,
and Maaseiah the governor of the city , and Joah the son of
Joahaz the recorder , to repair the house of the LORD his God .

Shaphan 2Ki_22_03 /^{Shaphan /the son of Azaliah ,
the son of Meshullam , the scribe , to the house of the LORD ,
saying ,

Shaphan Jer_26_24 /^{Shaphan /was with Jeremiah ,
that they should not give him into the hand of the people to
put him to death .

Shaphan Jer_40_05 /^{Shaphan /whom the king of
Babylon hath made governor over the cities of Judah , and dwell
with him among the people : or go wheresoever it seemeth
convenient unto thee to go . So the captain of the guard gave
him victuals and a reward , and let him go .

Shaphan Eze_08_11 /^{Shaphan /with every man his
censer in his hand ; and a thick cloud of incense went up .

Shaphan Jer_41_02 /^{Shaphan /with the sword ,
and slew him, whom the king of Babylon had made governor over
the land .

Shaphat 1Ch_05_12 /^{Shaphat /in Bashan .

Shaphat 1Ki_19_16 /^{Shaphat /of Abelmeholah
shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room.

Shaphat 2Ki_06_31 /^{Shaphat /shall stand on him
this day .

Shaphat 1Ch_03_22 /^{Shaphat /six .

Shaphat 1Ch_27_29 /^{Shaphat /the son of Adlai :

Shaphat Num_13_05 /^{Shaphat /the son of Hori .

Shaphat 2Ki_03_11 /^{Shaphat /which poured water
on the hands of Elijah .

Shaphat 1Ki_19_19 /^{Shaphat /who was plowing
with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth :
and Elijah passed by him, and cast his mantle upon him.

Shapher Num_33_24 /^{Shapher /and encamped in
Haradah .

Tahapanes Jer_02_16 /^{Tahapanes /have broken the
crown of thy head .

Tehaphnehes Eze_30_18 /^{Tehaphnehes /also the day
shall be darkened , when I shall break there the yokes of Egypt :
and the pomp of her strength shall cease in her : as for her, a
cloud shall cover her, and her daughters shall go into captivity
