Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
-arrhaphos- ......... seam 0729 -arrhaphos- >
-arrhaphos- ......... was without 0729 -arrhaphos- >
-ephapax- ......... at 2178 -ephapax- >
-ephapax- ......... for all 2178 -ephapax- >
-ephapax- ......... in once 2178 -ephapax- >
-ephapax- ......... once 2178 -ephapax- >
-epirrhapto- ......... seweth 1976 -epirrhapto- >
-hapas- ......... all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... And all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... and all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... And the whole 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... and they were all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... And they were all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... every 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... For all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... for all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... for we are all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... in all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... it , they all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... on all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... the whole 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... them all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... they were all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... unto him , All 0537 -hapas- >
-hapas- ......... unto them all 0537 -hapas- >
-hapax- ......... hath once 0530 -hapax- >
-hapax- ......... once 0530 -hapax- >
-hapax- ......... though ye once 0530 -hapax- >
-hapax- ......... was once 0530 -hapax- >
-hapax- ......... which was once 0530 -hapax- >
-hapax- ......... who were once 0530 -hapax- >
-haphe- ......... by joints 0860 -haphe- >
-haphe- ......... joint 0860 -haphe- >
-haplos- ......... men liberally 0574 -haplos- >
-haplotes- ......... bountifulness 0572 -haplotes- >
-haplotes- ......... but in singleness 0572 -haplotes- >
-haplotes- ......... from the simplicity 0572 -haplotes- >
-haplotes- ......... in singleness 0572 -haplotes- >
-haplotes- ......... let him do it with simplicity 0572 -haplotes- >
-haplotes- ......... liberal 0572 -haplotes- >
-haplotes- ......... of their liberality 0572 -haplotes- >
-haplotes- ......... that in simplicity 0572 -haplotes- >
-haplous- ......... be single 0573 -haplous- >
-haplous- ......... is single 0573 -haplous- >
-hapto- ......... And when they had kindled 0681 -hapto- >
-hapto- ......... doth not light 0681 -hapto- >
-hapto- ......... when he hath lighted 0681 -hapto- >
-haptomai- ......... And he touched 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... and touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... and touched 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... as touched 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... hath touched 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... him , and touched 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... him that they might touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... him to touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... I may but touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... I may touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... is that toucheth 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... not to touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... on them , and touched 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... one toucheth 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... she had touched 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... that he would touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... to him , that he should touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... to touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... Touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... touched 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... unto her , Touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-haptomai- ......... upon him for to touch 0680 -haptomai- >
-kathaper- ......... as well 2509 -kathaper- >
-kathaper- ......... even 2509 -kathaper- >
-kathaper- ......... Even 2509 -kathaper- >
-kathapto- ......... and fastened 2510 -kathapto- >
-kathapto- ......... on 2510 -kathapto- >
-misthapodosia- ......... of reward 3405 -misthapodosia- >
-misthapodosia- ......... of the reward 3405 -misthapodosia- >
-misthapodosia- ......... recompence 3405 -misthapodosia- >
-misthapodosia- ......... unto the recompence 3405 -misthapodosia- >
-misthapodotes- ......... that he is , and that he is a rewarder 3406 -misthapodotes- >
-rhaphis- ......... a needle s 4476 -rhaphis- >
-rhaphis- ......... of a needle 4476 -rhaphis- >
-rhapisma- ......... and they smote 4475 -rhapisma- >
-rhapisma- ......... by struck 4475 -rhapisma- >
-rhapisma- ......... him with the palms 4475 -rhapisma- >
-rhapisma- ......... him with their hands 4475 -rhapisma- >
-rhapisma- ......... with the palm 4475 -rhapisma- >
-rhapizo- ......... him with the palms 4474 -rhapizo- >
-rhapizo- ......... shall smite 4474 -rhapizo- >
-rhapizo- ......... smote 4474 -rhapizo- >
-sunthapto- ......... Buried 4916 -sunthapto- >
-sunthapto- ......... we are buried 4916 -sunthapto- >
-thapto- ......... and buried 2290 -thapto- >
-thapto- ......... and bury 2290 -thapto- >
-thapto- ......... And that he was buried 2290 -thapto- >
-thapto- ......... and was buried 2290 -thapto- >
-thapto- ......... buried 2290 -thapto- >
-thapto- ......... bury 2290 -thapto- >
-thapto- ......... him out , and buried 2290 -thapto- >
-thapto- ......... of them which have buried 2290 -thapto- >
haply ......... haply 0686 -ara->
haply ......... haply 3379 -mepote->
haply ......... haply 3381 -mepos->
happen ......... happen 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... But it is happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... is happened 1096 -ginomai->
happened ......... that the things which happened unto me have fallen 2064 -erchomai->
happened ......... that which had happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... thing happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... things happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... things which had happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happier ......... But she is happier 3107 -makarios->
Happy ......... Happy 3107 -makarios->
happy ......... happy 3107 -makarios->
happy ......... sake , happy 3107 -makarios->
happy ......... them happy 3106 -makarizo->
happy ......... things , happy 3107 -makarios->
perhaps ......... For perhaps 5029 -tacha->
perhaps ......... perhaps 0686 -ara->
perhaps ......... perhaps 3381 -mepos->
shape ......... his shape 1491 -eidos->
shape ......... shape 1491 -eidos->
shapes ......... And the shapes 3667 -homoioma->