Abraham Gen_21_02 /^{Abraham /a son in his old
age , at the set time of which God had spoken to him.

Abraham Gen_22_11 /^{Abraham /Abraham : and he
said , Here am I.

Abraham Luk_16_23 /${Abraham /afar off , and
Lazarus in his bosom .

Abraham Gen_18_33 /^{Abraham /and Abraham
returned unto his place .

Abraham Heb_07_06 /${Abraham /and blessed him
that had the promises .

Abraham Gen_32_09 /^{Abraham /and God of my
father Isaac , the LORD which saidst unto me, Return unto thy
country , and to thy kindred , and I will deal well with thee:

Abraham Gen_26_18 /^{Abraham /and he called
their names after the names by which his father had called them.

Abraham Gen_22_01 /^{Abraham /and he said ,
Behold, here I am.

Abraham Gen_22_11 /^{Abraham /and he said , Here
am I.

Abraham Psa_105_09 /^{Abraham /and his oath unto
Isaac ;

Abraham Gal_03_16 /${Abraham /and his seed were
the promises made . He saith not , And to seeds , as of many ;
but as of one , And to thy seed , which is Christ .

Abraham Act_03_25 /${Abraham /And in thy seed
shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed .

Abraham Luk_13_28 /${Abraham /and Isaac , and
Jacob , and all the prophets , in the kingdom of God , and you
yourselves thrust out .

Abraham Mat_08_11 /${Abraham /and Isaac , and
Jacob , in the kingdom of heaven .

Abraham Gen_35_12 /^{Abraham /and Isaac , to
thee I will give it , and to thy seed after thee will I give the
land .

Abraham Gen_48_16 /^{Abraham /and Isaac ; and
let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth .

Abraham Gen_48_15 /^{Abraham /and Isaac did walk
, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day ,

Abraham Gen_35_27 /^{Abraham /and Isaac
sojourned .

Abraham Gen_26_01 /^{Abraham /And Isaac went
unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar .

Abraham 1Ch_16_16 /^{Abraham /and of his oath
unto Isaac ;

Abraham Act_03_13 /${Abraham /and of Isaac , and
of Jacob , the God of our fathers , hath glorified his Son Jesus
; whom ye delivered up , and denied him in the presence of
Pilate , when he was determined to let him go .

Abraham Gen_20_14 /^{Abraham /and restored him
Sarah his wife .

Abraham Gen_22_01 /^{Abraham /and said unto him,
Abraham : and he said , Behold, here I am.

Abraham Gen_20_09 /^{Abraham /and said unto him,
What hast thou done unto us? and what have I offended thee, that
thou hast brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin ? thou
hast done deeds unto me that ought not to be done .

Abraham Gen_49_31 /^{Abraham /and Sarah his wife
; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife ; and there I
buried Leah .

Abraham Gen_18_11 /^{Abraham /and Sarah were old
and well stricken in age ; and it ceased to be with Sarah after
the manner of women .

Abraham Gen_19_29 /^{Abraham /and sent Lot out
of the midst of the overthrow , when he overthrew the cities in
the which Lot dwelt .

Abraham 027 002 Jos /^{Abraham /and the father
of Nachor : and they served other gods .

Abraham Gen_31_42 /^{Abraham /and the fear of
Isaac , had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now
empty . God hath seen mine affliction and the labour of my hands
, and rebuked thee yesternight .

Abraham Luk_20_37 /${Abraham /and the God of
Isaac , and the God of Jacob .

Abraham Act_07_32 /${Abraham /and the God of
Isaac , and the God of Jacob . Then Moses trembled , and durst
not behold .

Abraham Mar_12_26 /${Abraham /and the God of
Isaac , and the God of Jacob ?

Abraham Mat_22_32 /${Abraham /and the God of
Isaac , and the God of Jacob ? God is not the God of the dead ,
but of the living .

Abraham Gen_31_53 /^{Abraham /and the God of
Nahor , the God of their father , judge betwixt us. And Jacob
sware by the fear of his father Isaac .

Abraham Luk_01_55 /${Abraham /and to his seed
for ever .

Abraham Act_13_26 /${Abraham /and whosoever
among you feareth God , to you is the word of this salvation
sent .

Abraham Gen_18_27 /^{Abraham /answered and said ,
Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord , which
am but dust and ashes :

Abraham Rom_09_07 /${Abraham /are they all
children : but , In Isaac shall thy seed be called .

Abraham Gen_17_15 /^{Abraham /As for Sarai thy
wife , thou shalt not call her name Sarai , but Sarah shall her
name be.

Abraham Isa_63_16 /^{Abraham /be ignorant of us,
and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD , art our father ,
our redeemer ; thy name is from everlasting .

Abraham Heb_06_13 /${Abraham /because he could
swear by no greater , he sware by himself ,

Abraham Act_07_08 /${Abraham /begat Isaac , and
circumcised him the eighth day ; and Isaac begat Jacob ; and
Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs .

Abraham 1Ch_01_34 /^{Abraham /begat Isaac . The
sons of Isaac ; Esau and Israel .

Abraham Gen_25_19 /^{Abraham /begat Isaac :

Abraham Mat_01_02 /${Abraham /begat Isaac ; and
Isaac begat Jacob ; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren ;

Abraham Gal_03_06 /${Abraham /believed God , and
it was accounted to him for righteousness .

Abraham Rom_04_03 /${Abraham /believed God , and
it was counted unto him for righteousness .

Abraham Jam_02_23 /${Abraham /believed God , and
it was imputed unto him for righteousness : and he was called
the Friend of God .

Abraham Act_07_16 /${Abraham /bought for a sum
of money of the sons of Emmor the father of Sychem .

Abraham Gen_50_13 /^{Abraham /bought with the
field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite ,
before Mamre .

Abraham Gen_49_30 /^{Abraham /bought with the
field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a buryingplace .

Abraham Gen_23_12 /^{Abraham /bowed down himself
before the people of the land .

Abraham Gen_22_09 /^{Abraham /built an altar
there, and laid the wood in order , and bound Isaac his son ,
and laid him on the altar upon the wood .

Abraham Gen_25_10 /^{Abraham /buried , and Sarah
his wife .

Abraham Gen_23_19 /^{Abraham /buried Sarah his
wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah before Mamre : the
same is Hebron in the land of Canaan .

Abraham Luk_16_30 /${Abraham /but if one went
unto them from the dead , they will repent .

Abraham Gal_03_18 /${Abraham /by promise .

Abraham Gen_21_03 /^{Abraham /called the name of
his son that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac .

Abraham Gen_22_14 /^{Abraham /called the name of
that place Jehovahjireh : as it is said to this day , In the
mount of the LORD it shall be seen .

Abraham 1Pe_03_06 /${Abraham /calling him lord :
whose daughters ye are , as long as ye do well , and are not
afraid with any amazement .

Abraham Gen_23_02 /^{Abraham /came to mourn for
Sarah , and to weep for her.

Abraham Gen_21_10 /^{Abraham /Cast out this
bondwoman and her son : for the son of this bondwoman shall not
be heir with my son , even with Isaac .

Abraham Gen_17_26 /^{Abraham /circumcised , and
Ishmael his son .

Abraham Gen_21_04 /^{Abraham /circumcised his
son Isaac being eight days old , as God had commanded him.

Abraham Isa_29_22 /^{Abraham /concerning the
house of Jacob , Jacob shall not now be ashamed , neither shall
his face now wax pale .

Abraham Gen_18_23 /^{Abraham /drew near , and
said , Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked ?

Abraham Gen_22_19 /^{Abraham /dwelt at Beersheba

Abraham Gen_17_17 /^{Abraham /fell upon his face
, and laughed , and said in his heart , Shall a child be born
unto him that is an hundred years old ? and shall Sarah , that
is ninety years old , bear ?

Abraham Gen_17_05 /^{Abraham /for a father of
many nations have I made thee .

Abraham Gen_23_18 /^{Abraham /for a possession
in the presence of the children of Heth , before all that went
in at the gate of his city .

Abraham Gen_23_20 /^{Abraham /for a possession
of a buryingplace by the sons of Heth .

Abraham Rom_04_09 /${Abraham /for righteousness .

Abraham Psa_47_09 /^{Abraham /for the shields of
the earth belong unto God : he is greatly exalted .

Abraham 027 003 Jos /^{Abraham /from the other
side of the flood , and led him throughout all the land of
Canaan , and multiplied his seed , and gave him Isaac .

Abraham Gen_19_27 /^{Abraham /gat up early in
the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD :

Abraham Heb_07_02 /${Abraham /gave a tenth part
of all ; first being by interpretation King of righteousness ,
and after that also King of Salem , which is , King of peace ;

Abraham Gen_25_05 /^{Abraham /gave all that he
had unto Isaac .

Abraham Gen_25_06 /^{Abraham /gave gifts , and
sent them away from Isaac his son , while he yet lived ,
eastward , unto the east country .

Abraham Heb_07_04 /${Abraham /gave the tenth of
the spoils .

Abraham Gen_25_08 /^{Abraham /gave up the ghost ,
and died in a good old age , an old man , and full of years;
and was gathered to his people .

Abraham Gal_04_22 /${Abraham /had two sons , the
one by a bondmaid , the other by a freewoman .

Abraham Gen_25_06 /^{Abraham /had, Abraham gave
gifts , and sent them away from Isaac his son , while he yet
lived , eastward , unto the east country .

Abraham Gen_18_06 /^{Abraham /hastened into the
tent unto Sarah , and said , Make ready quickly three measures
of fine meal , knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth .

Abraham Luk_16_24 /${Abraham /have mercy on me ,
and send Lazarus , that he may dip the tip of his finger in
water , and cool my tongue ; for I am tormented in this flame .

Abraham Gen_23_16 /^{Abraham /hearkened unto
Ephron ; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver , which he had
named in the audience of the sons of Heth , four hundred shekels
of silver , current money with the merchant .

Abraham Gen_22_07 /^{Abraham /his father , and
said , My father : and he said , Here am I, my son . And he said
, Behold the fire and the wood : but where is the lamb for a
burnt offering ?

Abraham Gen_26_15 /^{Abraham /his father , the
Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth .

Abraham Gen_26_18 /^{Abraham /his father ; for
the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham :
and he called their names after the names by which his father
had called them.

Abraham Gen_24_09 /^{Abraham /his master , and
sware to him concerning that matter .

Abraham Psa_105_06 /^{Abraham /his servant , ye
children of Jacob his chosen .

Abraham Psa_105_42 /^{Abraham /his servant .

Abraham Gen_24_12 /^{Abraham /I pray thee, send
me good speed this day , and shew kindness unto my master
Abraham .

Abraham Gen_24_42 /^{Abraham /if now thou do
prosper my way which I go :

Abraham Gen_24_01 /^{Abraham /in all things.

Abraham Gen_23_10 /^{Abraham /in the audience of
the children of Heth , even of all that went in at the gate of
his city , saying ,

Abraham Joh_08_52 /${Abraham /is dead , and the
prophets ; and thou sayest , If a man keep my saying , he shall
never taste of death .

Abraham Joh_08_39 /${Abraham /is our father .
Jesus saith unto them , If ye were Abraham's children , ye would
do the works of Abraham .

Abraham 1Ch_01_28 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and
Ishmael .

Abraham 2Ch_30_06 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and Israel ,
and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out
of the hand of the kings of Assyria .

Abraham Exo_32_13 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and Israel
, thy servants , to whom thou swarest by thine own self, and
saidst unto them, I will multiply your seed as the stars of
heaven , and all this land that I have spoken of will I give
unto your seed , and they shall inherit it for ever .

Abraham 2Ki_13_23 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and Jacob ,
and would not destroy them, neither cast he them from his
presence as yet .

Abraham Deu_01_08 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and Jacob ,
to give unto them and to their seed after them.

Abraham Deu_09_05 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and Jacob .

Abraham Jer_33_26 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and Jacob :
for I will cause their captivity to return , and have mercy on

Abraham Deu_09_27 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and Jacob ;
look not unto the stubbornness of this people , nor to their
wickedness , nor to their sin :

Abraham 1Ki_18_36 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and of
Israel , let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel ,
and that I am thy servant , and that I have done all these
things at thy word .

Abraham 1Ch_29_18 /^{Abraham /Isaac , and of
Israel , our fathers , keep this for ever in the imagination of
the thoughts of the heart of thy people , and prepare their
heart unto thee:

Abraham Gen_20_01 /^{Abraham /journeyed from
thence toward the south country , and dwelled between Kadesh and
Shur , and sojourned in Gerar .

Abraham Gen_21_12 /^{Abraham /Let it not be
grievous in thy sight because of the lad , and because of thy
bondwoman ; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto
her voice ; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called .

Abraham Gen_22_13 /^{Abraham /lifted up his eyes
, and looked , and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket
by his horns : and Abraham went and took the ram , and offered
him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son .

Abraham Gen_22_04 /^{Abraham /lifted up his eyes
, and saw the place afar off .

Abraham Gen_21_08 /^{Abraham /made a great feast
the same day that Isaac was weaned .

Abraham Gal_03_14 /${Abraham /might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ ; that we might receive the
promise of the Spirit through faith .

Abraham Gen_21_09 /^{Abraham /mocking .

Abraham Isa_41_08 /^{Abraham /my friend .

Abraham Gen_26_05 /^{Abraham /obeyed my voice ,
and kept my charge , my commandments , my statutes , and my laws

Abraham Exo_03_16 /^{Abraham /of Isaac , and of
Jacob , appeared unto me, saying , I have surely visited you,
and seen that which is done to you in Egypt :

Abraham Rom_11_01 /${Abraham /of the tribe of
Benjamin .

Abraham Rom_04_13 /${Abraham /or to his seed ,
through the law , but through the righteousness of faith .

Abraham Rom_04_01 /${Abraham /our father , as
pertaining to the flesh , hath found ?

Abraham Jam_02_21 /${Abraham /our father
justified by works , when he had offered Isaac his son upon the
altar ?

Abraham Gen_22_15 /^{Abraham /out of heaven the
second time ,

Abraham Gen_21_33 /^{Abraham /planted a grove in
Beersheba , and called there on the name of the LORD , the
everlasting God .

Abraham Gen_20_17 /^{Abraham /prayed unto God :
and God healed Abimelech , and his wife , and his maidservants ;
and they bare children.

Abraham Gen_25_10 /^{Abraham /purchased of the
sons of Heth : there was Abraham buried , and Sarah his wife .

Abraham Gen_18_07 /^{Abraham /ran unto the herd ,
and fetcht a calf tender and good , and gave it unto a young
man ; and he hasted to dress it.

Abraham Joh_08_56 /${Abraham /rejoiced to see my
day : and he saw it, and was glad .

Abraham Gen_21_25 /^{Abraham /reproved Abimelech
because of a well of water , which Abimelech's servants had
violently taken away .

Abraham Gen_18_33 /^{Abraham /returned unto his
place .

Abraham Gen_22_19 /^{Abraham /returned unto his
young men , and they rose up and went together to Beersheba ;
and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba .

Abraham Heb_07_01 /${Abraham /returning from the
slaughter of the kings , and blessed him ;

Abraham Gen_22_03 /^{Abraham /rose up early in
the morning , and saddled his ass , and took two of his young
men with him, and Isaac his son , and clave the wood for the
burnt offering , and rose up , and went unto the place of which
God had told him.

Abraham Gen_21_14 /^{Abraham /rose up early in
the morning , and took bread , and a bottle of water , and gave
it unto Hagar , putting it on her shoulder , and the child , and
sent her away : and she departed , and wandered in the
wilderness of Beersheba .

Abraham Gen_20_11 /^{Abraham /said , Because I
thought , Surely the fear of God is not in this place ; and they
will slay me for my wife's sake .

Abraham Gen_21_24 /^{Abraham /said , I will
swear .

Abraham Gen_22_08 /^{Abraham /said , My son ,
God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering : so they
went both of them together .

Abraham Luk_16_25 /${Abraham /said , Son ,
remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things ,
and likewise Lazarus evil things : but now he is comforted , and
thou art tormented .

Abraham Gen_20_02 /^{Abraham /said of Sarah his
wife , She is my sister : and Abimelech king of Gerar sent , and
took Sarah .

Abraham Gen_17_18 /^{Abraham /said unto God , O
that Ishmael might live before thee !

Abraham Gen_24_06 /^{Abraham /said unto him,
Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again .

Abraham Gen_24_02 /^{Abraham /said unto his
eldest servant of his house , that ruled over all that he had,
Put , I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh :

Abraham Gen_22_05 /^{Abraham /said unto his
young men , Abide ye here with the ass ; and I and the lad will
go yonder and worship , and come again to you.

Abraham Luk_16_29 /${Abraham /saith unto him ,
They have Moses and the prophets ; let them hear them .

Abraham Gen_22_20 /^{Abraham /saying , Behold,
Milcah , she hath also born children unto thy brother Nahor ;

Abraham Gen_21_22 /^{Abraham /saying , God is
with thee in all that thou doest :

Abraham Gen_23_14 /^{Abraham /saying unto him,

Abraham Gen_23_05 /^{Abraham /saying unto him,

Abraham Gal_03_08 /${Abraham /saying, In thee
shall all nations be blessed .

Abraham Gen_21_28 /^{Abraham /set seven ewe
lambs of the flock by themselves.

Abraham Gen_18_18 /^{Abraham /shall surely
become a great and mighty nation , and all the nations of the
earth shall be blessed in him?

Abraham 2Co_11_22 /${Abraham /so am I .

Abraham Gen_21_34 /^{Abraham /sojourned in the
Philistines land many days .

Abraham Gen_23_07 /^{Abraham /stood up , and
bowed himself to the people of the land , even to the children
of Heth .

Abraham Gen_23_03 /^{Abraham /stood up from
before his dead , and spake unto the sons of Heth , saying ,

Abraham Gen_18_22 /^{Abraham /stood yet before
the LORD .

Abraham Gen_22_10 /^{Abraham /stretched forth
his hand , and took the knife to slay his son .

Abraham Gen_25_11 /^{Abraham /that God blessed
his son Isaac ; and Isaac dwelt by the well Lahairoi .

Abraham Gen_21_07 /^{Abraham /that Sarah should
have given children suck ? for I have born him a son in his old
age .

Abraham Gen_18_17 /^{Abraham /that thing which I
do ;

Abraham Gen_18_19 /^{Abraham /that which he hath
spoken of him.

Abraham Exo_04_05 /^{Abraham /the God of Isaac ,
and the God of Jacob , hath appeared unto thee.

Abraham Exo_03_15 /^{Abraham /the God of Isaac ,
and the God of Jacob , hath sent me unto you: this is my name
for ever , and this is my memorial unto all generations .

Abraham Exo_03_06 /^{Abraham /the God of Isaac ,
and the God of Jacob . And Moses hid his face ; for he was
afraid to look upon God .

Abraham Act_07_17 /${Abraham /the people grew
and multiplied in Egypt ,

Abraham Gen_17_09 /^{Abraham /Thou shalt keep my
covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their
generations .

Abraham Gen_28_13 /^{Abraham /thy father , and
the God of Isaac : the land whereon thou liest , to thee will I
give it , and to thy seed ;

Abraham Gen_26_24 /^{Abraham /thy father : fear
not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy
seed for my servant Abraham's sake.

Abraham Gen_26_03 /^{Abraham /thy father ;

Abraham 2Ch_20_07 /^{Abraham /thy friend for ever

Abraham Mat_01_17 /${Abraham /to David are
fourteen generations ; and from David until the carrying away
into Babylon are fourteen generations ; and from the carrying
away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations .

Abraham Exo_33_01 /^{Abraham /to Isaac , and to
Jacob , saying , Unto thy seed will I give it:

Abraham Deu_06_10 /^{Abraham /to Isaac , and to
Jacob , to give thee great and goodly cities , which thou
buildedst not,

Abraham Deu_30_20 /^{Abraham /to Isaac , and to
Jacob , to give them.

Abraham Gen_50_24 /^{Abraham /to Isaac , and to
Jacob .

Abraham Deu_29_13 /^{Abraham /to Isaac , and to
Jacob .

Abraham Exo_06_08 /^{Abraham /to Isaac , and to
Jacob ; and I will give it you for an heritage : I am the LORD .

Abraham Luk_03_08 /${Abraham /to our father :
for I say unto you , That God is able of these stones to raise
up children unto Abraham .

Abraham Mat_03_09 /${Abraham /to our father :
for I say unto you , that God is able of these stones to raise
up children unto Abraham .

Abraham Gen_28_04 /^{Abraham /to thee, and to
thy seed with thee; that thou mayest inherit the land wherein
thou art a stranger , which God gave unto Abraham .

Abraham Gen_25_01 /^{Abraham /took a wife , and
her name was Keturah .

Abraham Gen_17_23 /^{Abraham /took Ishmael his
son , and all that were born in his house , and all that were
bought with his money , every male among the men of Abraham's
house ; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the
selfsame day , as God had said unto him.

Abraham Gen_21_27 /^{Abraham /took sheep and
oxen , and gave them unto Abimelech ; and both of them made a
covenant .

Abraham Gen_22_06 /^{Abraham /took the wood of
the burnt offering , and laid it upon Isaac his son ; and he
took the fire in his hand , and a knife ; and they went both of
them together .

Abraham Exo_06_03 /^{Abraham /unto Isaac , and
unto Jacob , by the name of God Almighty , but by my name
JEHOVAH was I not known to them.

Abraham Deu_34_04 /^{Abraham /unto Isaac , and
unto Jacob , saying , I will give it unto thy seed : I have
caused thee to see it with thine eyes , but thou shalt not go
over thither.

Abraham Num_32_11 /^{Abraham /unto Isaac , and
unto Jacob ; because they have not wholly followed me:

Abraham Joh_08_58 /${Abraham /was , I am .

Abraham Gen_21_05 /^{Abraham /was an hundred
years old , when his son Isaac was born unto him.

Abraham Gen_17_24 /^{Abraham /was ninety years
old and nine , when he was circumcised in the flesh of his
foreskin .

Abraham Gen_24_01 /^{Abraham /was old , and well
stricken in age : and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.

Abraham Eze_33_24 /^{Abraham /was one , and he
inherited the land : but we are many ; the land is given us for
inheritance .

Abraham Gen_23_16 /^{Abraham /weighed to Ephron
the silver , which he had named in the audience of the sons of
Heth , four hundred shekels of silver , current money with the
merchant .

Abraham Gen_22_13 /^{Abraham /went and took the
ram , and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of
his son .

Abraham Gen_18_16 /^{Abraham /went with them to
bring them on the way .

Abraham Rom_04_02 /${Abraham /were justified by
works , he hath whereof to glory ; but not before God .

Abraham Gen_21_29 /^{Abraham /What mean these
seven ewe lambs which thou hast set by themselves?

Abraham Gen_20_10 /^{Abraham /What sawest thou ,
that thou hast done this thing ?

Abraham Heb_11_08 /${Abraham /when he was called
to go out into a place which he should after receive for an
inheritance , obeyed ; and he went out , not knowing whither he
went .

Abraham Act_07_02 /${Abraham /when he was in
Mesopotamia , before he dwelt in Charran ,

Abraham Heb_11_17 /${Abraham /when he was tried ,
offered up Isaac : and he that had received the promises
offered up his only begotten son,

Abraham Gen_18_13 /^{Abraham /Wherefore did
Sarah laugh , saying , Shall I of a surety bear a child, which
am old ?

Abraham Gen_24_48 /^{Abraham /which had led me
in the right way to take my master's brother's daughter unto his
son .

Abraham Rom_04_12 /${Abraham /which he had being
yet uncircumcised .

Abraham Joh_08_53 /${Abraham /which is dead ?
and the prophets are dead : whom makest thou thyself ?

Abraham Mic_07_20 /^{Abraham /which thou hast
sworn unto our fathers from the days of old .

Abraham Luk_03_34 /${Abraham /which was the son
of Thara , which was the son of Nachor ,

Abraham Gen_24_27 /^{Abraham /who hath not left
destitute my master of his mercy and his truth : I being in the
way , the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren .

Abraham Rom_04_16 /${Abraham /who is the father
of us all ,

Abraham Luk_13_16 /${Abraham /whom Satan hath
bound , lo , these eighteen years , be loosed from this bond on
the sabbath day ?

Abraham Lev_26_42 /^{Abraham /will I remember ;
and I will remember the land .

Abraham Exo_02_24 /^{Abraham /with Isaac , and
with Jacob .

Abraham Isa_51_02 /^{Abraham /your father , and
unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone , and blessed
him, and increased him.

Abraham's Luk_16_22 /${Abraham's /bosom : the rich
man also died , and was buried ;

Abraham's Gen_24_15 /^{Abraham's /brother , with
her pitcher upon her shoulder .

Abraham's Gen_22_23 /^{Abraham's /brother .

Abraham's Joh_08_39 /${Abraham's /children , ye
would do the works of Abraham .

Abraham's 1Ch_01_32 /^{Abraham's /concubine : she
bare Zimran , and Jokshan , and Medan , and Midian , and Ishbak ,
and Shuah . And the sons of Jokshan ; Sheba , and Dedan .

Abraham's Gen_17_23 /^{Abraham's /house ; and
circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day , as
God had said unto him.

Abraham's Gen_25_07 /^{Abraham's /life which he
lived , an hundred threescore and fifteen years .

Abraham's Gen_26_24 /^{Abraham's /sake.

Abraham's Gal_03_29 /${Abraham's /seed , and heirs
according to the promise .

Abraham's Joh_08_33 /${Abraham's /seed , and were
never in bondage to any man : how sayest thou , Ye shall be made
free ?

Abraham's Joh_08_37 /${Abraham's /seed ; but ye
seek to kill me , because my word hath no place in you .

Abraham's Gen_24_59 /^{Abraham's /servant , and
his men .

Abraham's Gen_24_34 /^{Abraham's /servant .

Abraham's Gen_24_52 /^{Abraham's /servant heard
their words , he worshipped the LORD , bowing himself to the
earth .

Abraham's Gen_21_11 /^{Abraham's /sight because of
his son .

Abraham's Gen_28_09 /^{Abraham's /son , the sister
of Nebajoth , to be his wife .

Abraham's Gen_25_12 /^{Abraham's /son , whom Hagar
the Egyptian , Sarah's handmaid , bare unto Abraham :

Abraham's Gen_25_19 /^{Abraham's /son : Abraham
begat Isaac :

Abraham's Gen_20_18 /^{Abraham's /wife .

ashamed Luk_13_17 /${ashamed /and all the people
rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him .

ashamed Isa_45_16 /^{ashamed /and also
confounded , all of them: they shall go to confusion together
that are makers of idols .

ashamed Ezr_09_06 /^{ashamed /and blush to lift
up my face to thee, my God : for our iniquities are increased
over our head , and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens .

ashamed Psa_35_26 /^{ashamed /and brought to
confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt : let them be
clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against

ashamed Jer_14_03 /^{ashamed /and confounded ,
and covered their heads .

ashamed Jer_15_09 /^{ashamed /and confounded :
and the residue of them will I deliver to the sword before their
enemies , saith the LORD .

ashamed Isa_41_11 /^{ashamed /and confounded :
they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall
perish .

ashamed Jer_22_22 /^{ashamed /and confounded for
all thy wickedness .

ashamed Eze_36_32 /^{ashamed /and confounded for
your own ways , O house of Israel .

ashamed Psa_70_02 /^{ashamed /and confounded
that seek after my soul : let them be turned backward , and put
to confusion , that desire my hurt .

ashamed Psa_40_14 /^{ashamed /and confounded
together that seek after my soul to destroy it; let them be
driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil .

ashamed Isa_33_09 /^{ashamed /and hewn down :
Sharon is like a wilderness ; and Bashan and Carmel shake off
their fruits.

ashamed Psa_31_17 /^{ashamed /and let them be
silent in the grave .

ashamed 2Ch_30_15 /^{ashamed /and sanctified
themselves, and brought in the burnt offerings into the house of
the LORD .

ashamed Psa_06_10 /^{ashamed /and sore vexed :
let them return and be ashamed suddenly .

ashamed Mic_03_07 /^{ashamed /and the diviners
confounded : yea, they shall all cover their lips ; for there is
no answer of God .

ashamed 2Sa_10_05 /^{ashamed /and the king said ,
Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown , and then return .

ashamed 1Ch_19_05 /^{ashamed /And the king said ,
Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown , and then return .

ashamed Zec_09_05 /^{ashamed /and the king shall
perish from Gaza , and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited .

ashamed 2Ki_08_11 /^{ashamed /and the man of God
wept .

ashamed Isa_44_11 /^{ashamed /and the workmen ,
they are of men : let them all be gathered together , let them
stand up ; yet they shall fear , and they shall be ashamed
together .

ashamed Jer_17_13 /^{ashamed /and they that
depart from me shall be written in the earth , because they have
forsaken the LORD , the fountain of living waters .

ashamed Jud_03_25 /^{ashamed /and, behold, he
opened not the doors of the parlour ; therefore they took a key ,
and opened them: and, behold, their lord was fallen down dead
on the earth .

ashamed Hos_04_19 /^{ashamed /because of their
sacrifices .

ashamed Rom_05_05 /${ashamed /because the love
of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is
given unto us .

ashamed Psa_86_17 /^{ashamed /because thou, LORD
, hast holpen me, and comforted me.

ashamed 1Jo_02_28 /${ashamed /before him at his
coming .

ashamed Jer_50_12 /^{ashamed /behold, the
hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness , a dry land ,
and a desert .

ashamed 2Co_07_14 /${ashamed /but as we spake all
things to you in truth , even so our boasting , which I made
before Titus , is found a truth .

ashamed 1Pe_04_16 /${ashamed /but let him
glorify God on this behalf .

ashamed Psa_109_28 /^{ashamed /but let thy
servant rejoice .

ashamed Php_01_20 /${ashamed /but that with all
boldness , as always , so now also Christ shall be magnified in
my body , whether it be by life , or by death .

ashamed Psa_127_05 /^{ashamed /but they shall
speak with the enemies in the gate .

ashamed Psa_31_01 /^{ashamed /deliver me in thy
righteousness .

ashamed Zec_13_04 /^{ashamed /every one of his
vision , when he hath prophesied ; neither shall they wear a
rough garment to deceive :

ashamed Zep_03_11 /^{ashamed /for all thy doings
, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will
take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy
pride , and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy
mountain .

ashamed 2Ti_01_12 /${ashamed /for I know whom I
have believed , and am persuaded that he is able to keep that
which I have committed unto him against that day .

ashamed Psa_25_20 /^{ashamed /for I put my trust
in thee.

ashamed Psa_69_06 /^{ashamed /for my sake: let
not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of
Israel .

ashamed Rom_06_21 /${ashamed /for the end of
those things is death .

ashamed Isa_26_11 /^{ashamed /for their envy at
the people ; yea, the fire of thine enemies shall devour them.

ashamed Psa_119_007 /^{ashamed /for they dealt
perversely with me without a cause : but I will meditate in thy
precepts .

ashamed Jer_20_11 /^{ashamed /for they shall not
prosper : their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten .

ashamed Tit_02_08 /${ashamed /having no evil
thing to say of you .

ashamed 2Ki_02_17 /^{ashamed /he said , Send .
They sent therefore fifty men ; and they sought three days , but
found him not.

ashamed Psa_37_19 /^{ashamed /in the evil time :
and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied .

ashamed 2Co_09_04 /${ashamed /in this same
confident boasting .

ashamed Pro_12_04 /^{ashamed /is as rottenness
in his bones .

ashamed Psa_25_02 /^{ashamed /let not mine
enemies triumph over me.

ashamed Psa_74_21 /^{ashamed /let the poor and
needy praise thy name .

ashamed Psa_25_03 /^{ashamed /let them be
ashamed which transgress without cause .

ashamed Isa_54_04 /^{ashamed /neither be thou
confounded ; for thou shalt not be put to shame : for thou shalt
forget the shame of thy youth , and shalt not remember the
reproach of thy widowhood any more.

ashamed Jer_08_12 /^{ashamed /neither could they
blush : therefore shall they fall among them that fall : in the
time of their visitation they shall be cast down , saith the

ashamed Jer_06_15 /^{ashamed /neither could they
blush : therefore they shall fall among them that fall : at the
time that I visit them they shall be cast down , saith the LORD .

ashamed Isa_29_22 /^{ashamed /neither shall his
face now wax pale .

ashamed Isa_45_17 /^{ashamed /nor confounded
world without end .

ashamed Psa_31_17 /^{ashamed /O LORD ; for I
have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed , and let them
be silent in the grave .

ashamed Joe_01_11 /^{ashamed /O ye husbandmen ;
howl , O ye vinedressers , for the wheat and for the barley ;
because the harvest of the field is perished .

ashamed Isa_23_04 /^{ashamed /O Zidon : for the
sea hath spoken , even the strength of the sea , saying , I
travail not, nor bring forth children , neither do I nourish up
young men , nor bring up virgins .

ashamed Isa_30_05 /^{ashamed /of a people that
could not profit them, nor be an help nor profit , but a shame ,
and also a reproach .

ashamed Eze_43_11 /^{ashamed /of all that they
have done , shew them the form of the house , and the fashion
thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof,
and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and
all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in
their sight , that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all
the ordinances thereof, and do them.

ashamed Jer_02_36 /^{ashamed /of Assyria .

ashamed Jer_48_13 /^{ashamed /of Bethel their
confidence .

ashamed Jer_48_13 /^{ashamed /of Chemosh , as
the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel their confidence .

ashamed Jer_02_36 /^{ashamed /of Egypt , as thou
wast ashamed of Assyria .

ashamed Isa_20_05 /^{ashamed /of Ethiopia their
expectation , and of Egypt their glory .

ashamed Hos_10_06 /^{ashamed /of his own counsel

ashamed Luk_09_26 /${ashamed /of me and of my
words , of him shall the Son of man be ashamed , when he shall
come in his own glory , and in his Father's , and of the holy
angels .

ashamed Mar_08_38 /${ashamed /of me and of my
words in this adulterous and sinful generation ; of him also
shall the Son of man be ashamed , when he cometh in the glory of
his Father with the holy angels .

ashamed 2Ti_01_16 /${ashamed /of my chain :

ashamed Psa_119_011 /^{ashamed /of my hope .

ashamed Rom_01_16 /${ashamed /of the gospel of
Christ : for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one
that believeth ; to the Jew first , and also to the Greek .

ashamed Isa_01_29 /^{ashamed /of the oaks which
ye have desired , and ye shall be confounded for the gardens
that ye have chosen .

ashamed 2Ti_01_08 /${ashamed /of the testimony of
our Lord , nor of me his prisoner : but be thou partaker of the
afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God ;

ashamed Eze_43_10 /^{ashamed /of their
iniquities : and let them measure the pattern .

ashamed Eze_32_30 /^{ashamed /of their might ;
and they lie uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword ,
and bear their shame with them that go down to the pit .

ashamed Eze_16_27 /^{ashamed /of thy lewd way .

ashamed Jer_12_13 /^{ashamed /of your revenues
because of the fierce anger of the LORD .

ashamed 2Ti_02_15 /${ashamed /rightly dividing
the word of truth .

ashamed Num_12_14 /^{ashamed /seven days ? let
her be shut out from the camp seven days , and after that let
her be received in again.

ashamed 2Sa_19_03 /^{ashamed /steal away when
they flee in battle .

ashamed Psa_06_10 /^{ashamed /suddenly .

ashamed 1Pe_03_16 /${ashamed /that falsely
accuse your good conversation in Christ .

ashamed Isa_42_17 /^{ashamed /that trust in
graven images , that say to the molten images , Ye are our gods .

ashamed Isa_49_23 /^{ashamed /that wait for me.

ashamed Job_19_03 /^{ashamed /that ye make
yourselves strange to me.

ashamed Jer_08_09 /^{ashamed /they are dismayed
and taken : lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD ; and
what wisdom is in them?

ashamed Jer_14_04 /^{ashamed /they covered their
heads .

ashamed Jer_02_26 /^{ashamed /they, their kings ,
their princes , and their priests , and their prophets ,

ashamed Heb_11_16 /${ashamed /to be called their
God : for he hath prepared for them a city .

ashamed Heb_02_11 /${ashamed /to call them
brethren ,

ashamed Ezr_08_22 /^{ashamed /to require of the
king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the
enemy in the way : because we had spoken unto the king , saying ,
The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him;
but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him.

ashamed Isa_44_11 /^{ashamed /together .

ashamed Mar_08_38 /${ashamed /when he cometh in
the glory of his Father with the holy angels .

ashamed Jer_02_26 /^{ashamed /when he is found ,
so is the house of Israel ashamed ; they, their kings , their
princes , and their priests , and their prophets ,

ashamed Luk_09_26 /${ashamed /when he shall come
in his own glory , and in his Father's , and of the holy angels .

ashamed 119 000 Psa /^{ashamed /when I have
respect unto all thy commandments .

ashamed Isa_24_23 /^{ashamed /when the LORD of
hosts shall reign in mount Zion , and in Jerusalem , and before
his ancients gloriously .

ashamed Jer_06_15 /^{ashamed /when they had
committed abomination ? nay , they were not at all ashamed ,
neither could they blush : therefore they shall fall among them
that fall : at the time that I visit them they shall be cast
down , saith the LORD .

ashamed Jer_08_12 /^{ashamed /when they had
committed abomination ? nay, they were not at all ashamed ,
neither could they blush : therefore shall they fall among them
that fall : in the time of their visitation they shall be cast
down , saith the LORD .

ashamed Eze_16_61 /^{ashamed /when thou shalt
receive thy sisters , thine elder and thy younger : and I will
give them unto thee for daughters , but not by thy covenant .

ashamed Psa_25_03 /^{ashamed /which transgress
without cause .

ashamed Jer_31_19 /^{ashamed /yea, even
confounded , because I did bear the reproach of my youth .

Baalhamon Son_08_11 /^{Baalhamon /he let out the
vineyard unto keepers ; every one for the fruit thereof was to
bring a thousand pieces of silver .

bedchamber 2Sa_04_07 /^{bedchamber /and they smote
him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head , and gat
them away through the plain all night .

bedchamber Exo_08_03 /^{bedchamber /and upon thy
bed , and into the house of thy servants , and upon thy people ,
and into thine ovens , and into thy kneadingtroughs :

bedchamber Ecc_10_20 /^{bedchamber /for a bird of
the air shall carry the voice , and that which hath wings shall
tell the matter .

bedchamber 2Ki_11_02 /^{bedchamber /from Athaliah ,
so that he was not slain .

bedchamber 2Ch_22_11 /^{bedchamber /So Jehoshabeath ,
the daughter of king Jehoram , the wife of Jehoiada the priest ,
hid him from Athaliah , so that she slew him not.

bridechamber Luk_05_34 /${bridechamber /fast , while
the bridegroom is with them ?

bridechamber Mar_02_19 /${bridechamber /fast , while
the bridegroom is with them ? as long as they have the
bridegroom with them , they cannot fast .

bridechamber Mat_09_15 /${bridechamber /mourn , as
long as the bridegroom is with them ? but the days will come ,
when the bridegroom shall be taken from them , and then shall
they fast .

chamber Act_09_39 /${chamber /and all the widows
stood by him weeping , and shewing the coats and garments which
Dorcas made , while she was with them .

chamber Jud_16_12 /^{chamber /And he brake them
from off his arms like a thread .

chamber Jer_36_21 /^{chamber /And Jehudi read it
in the ears of the king , and in the ears of all the princes
which stood beside the king .

chamber 2Ki_04_11 /^{chamber /and lay there.

chamber 1Ki_06_08 /^{chamber /and out of the
middle into the third .

chamber Psa_19_05 /^{chamber /and rejoiceth as a
strong man to run a race .

chamber Jud_16_09 /^{chamber /And she said unto
him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson . And he brake the
withs , as a thread of tow is broken when it toucheth the fire .
So his strength was not known .

chamber Joe_02_16 /^{chamber /and the bride out
of her closet .

chamber 1Ki_01_15 /^{chamber /and the king was
very old ; and Abishag the Shunammite ministered unto the king .

chamber Gen_43_30 /^{chamber /and wept there.

chamber Jer_36_12 /^{chamber /and, lo, all the
princes sat there, even Elishama the scribe , and Delaiah the
son of Shemaiah , and Elnathan the son of Achbor , and Gemariah
the son of Shaphan , and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah , and all
the princes .

chamber Jud_15_01 /^{chamber /But her father
would not suffer him to go in .

chamber Eze_41_05 /^{chamber /four cubits ,
round about the house on every side .

chamber 2Ki_04_10 /^{chamber /I pray thee, on the
wall ; and let us set for him there a bed , and a table , and a
stool , and a candlestick : and it shall be, when he cometh to
us, that he shall turn in thither.

chamber Neh_13_07 /^{chamber /in the courts of
the house of God .

chamber 1Ki_17_23 /^{chamber /into the house ,
and delivered him unto his mother : and Elijah said , See , thy
son liveth .

chamber 2Ki_23_12 /^{chamber /of Ahaz , which the
kings of Judah had made , and the altars which Manasseh had made
in the two courts of the house of the LORD , did the king beat
down , and brake them down from thence, and cast the dust of
them into the brook Kidron .

chamber Jer_36_20 /^{chamber /of Elishama the
scribe , and told all the words in the ears of the king .

chamber Jer_36_10 /^{chamber /of Gemariah the
son of Shaphan the scribe , in the higher court , at the entry
of the new gate of the LORD'S house , in the ears of all the
people .

chamber Son_03_04 /^{chamber /of her that
conceived me.

chamber Ezr_10_06 /^{chamber /of Johanan the son
of Eliashib : and when he came thither, he did eat no bread ,
nor drink water : for he mourned because of the transgression of
them that had been carried away .

chamber Jer_35_04 /^{chamber /of Maaseiah the
son of Shallum , the keeper of the door :

chamber 2Ki_23_11 /^{chamber /of Nathanmelech the
chamberlain , which was in the suburbs , and burned the chariots
of the sun with fire .

chamber Neh_13_04 /^{chamber /of the house of
our God , was allied unto Tobiah :

chamber Jer_35_04 /^{chamber /of the princes ,
which was above the chamber of Maaseiah the son of Shallum , the
keeper of the door :

chamber Jer_35_04 /^{chamber /of the sons of
Hanan , the son of Igdaliah , a man of God , which was by the
chamber of the princes , which was above the chamber of Maaseiah
the son of Shallum , the keeper of the door :

chamber 2Sa_18_33 /^{chamber /over the gate , and
wept : and as he went , thus he said , O my son Absalom , my son
, my son Absalom ! would God I had died for thee , O Absalom ,
my son , my son !

chamber 2Sa_13_10 /^{chamber /that I may eat of
thine hand . And Tamar took the cakes which she had made , and
brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother .

chamber 2Ki_01_02 /^{chamber /that was in Samaria
, and was sick : and he sent messengers , and said unto them, Go
, enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover
of this disease .

chamber Eze_42_01 /^{chamber /that was over
against the separate place , and which was before the building
toward the north .

chamber 2Sa_13_10 /^{chamber /to Amnon her
brother .

chamber 1Ki_22_25 /^{chamber /to hide thyself.

chamber 2Ch_18_24 /^{chamber /to hide thyself.

chamber Eze_41_07 /^{chamber /to the highest by
the midst .

chamber Eze_40_13 /^{chamber /to the roof of
another: the breadth was five and twenty cubits , door against
door .

chamber Dan_06_10 /^{chamber /toward Jerusalem ,
he kneeled upon his knees three times a day , and prayed , and
gave thanks before his God , as he did aforetime .

chamber 1Ki_06_06 /^{chamber /was five cubits
broad , and the middle was six cubits broad , and the third was
seven cubits broad : for without in the wall of the house he
made narrowed rests round about , that the beams should not be
fastened in the walls of the house .

chamber 1Ki_06_08 /^{chamber /was in the right
side of the house : and they went up with winding stairs into
the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third .

chamber Eze_40_07 /^{chamber /was one reed long ,
and one reed broad ; and between the little chambers were five
cubits ; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate
within was one reed .

chamber Neh_13_05 /^{chamber /where aforetime
they laid the meat offerings , the frankincense , and the
vessels , and the tithes of the corn , the new wine , and the
oil , which was commanded to be given to the Levites , and the
singers , and the porters ; and the offerings of the priests .

chamber Act_20_08 /${chamber /where they were
gathered together .

chamber Eze_40_46 /^{chamber /whose prospect is
toward the north is for the priests , the keepers of the charge
of the altar : these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of
Levi , which come near to the LORD to minister unto him.

chamber Eze_40_45 /^{chamber /whose prospect is
toward the south , is for the priests , the keepers of the
charge of the house .

chamber Eze_41_09 /^{chamber /without , was five
cubits : and that which was left was the place of the side
chambers that were within .

chambering Rom_13_13 /${chambering /and wantonness ,
not in strife and envying .

chamberlain Est_02_03 /^{chamberlain /keeper of the
women ; and let their things for purification be given them:

chamberlain Rom_16_23 /${chamberlain /of the city
saluteth you , and Quartus a brother .

chamberlain Est_02_15 /^{chamberlain /the keeper of
the women , appointed . And Esther obtained favour in the sight
of all them that looked upon her.

chamberlain Act_12_20 /${chamberlain /their friend ,
desired peace ; because their country was nourished by the
king's country.

chamberlain Est_02_14 /^{chamberlain /which kept the
concubines : she came in unto the king no more, except the king
delighted in her, and that she were called by name .

chamberlain 2Ki_23_11 /^{chamberlain /which was in
the suburbs , and burned the chariots of the sun with fire .

chamberlains Est_06_14 /^{chamberlains /and hasted to
bring Haman unto the banquet that Esther had prepared .

chamberlains Est_02_21 /^{chamberlains /Bigthan and
Teresh , of those which kept the door , were wroth , and sought
to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus .

chamberlains Est_04_04 /^{chamberlains /came and told
it her. Then was the queen exceedingly grieved ; and she sent
raiment to clothe Mordecai , and to take away his sackcloth from
him: but he received it not.

chamberlains Est_07_09 /^{chamberlains /said before
the king , Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high , which
Haman had made for Mordecai , who had spoken good for the king ,
standeth in the house of Haman . Then the king said , Hang him

chamberlains Est_01_10 /^{chamberlains /that served
in the presence of Ahasuerus the king ,

chamberlains Est_06_02 /^{chamberlains /the keepers
of the door , who sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus .

chamberlains Est_01_12 /^{chamberlains /therefore was
the king very wroth , and his anger burned in him.

chamberlains Est_04_05 /^{chamberlains /whom he had
appointed to attend upon her, and gave him a commandment to
Mordecai , to know what it was, and why it was.

chambers 1Ki_06_10 /^{chambers /against all the
house , five cubits high : and they rested on the house with
timber of cedar .

chambers Eze_40_17 /^{chambers /and a pavement
made for the court round about : thirty chambers were upon the
pavement .

chambers Jer_22_14 /^{chambers /and cutteth him
out windows ; and it is cieled with cedar , and painted with
vermilion .

chambers Jer_35_02 /^{chambers /and give them
wine to drink .

chambers 1Ch_23_28 /^{chambers /and in the
purifying of all holy things , and the work of the service of
the house of God ;

chambers Isa_26_20 /^{chambers /and shut thy
doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment ,
until the indignation be overpast .

chambers Eze_40_38 /^{chambers /and the entries
thereof were by the posts of the gates , where they washed the
burnt offering .

chambers Eze_42_13 /^{chambers /and the south
chambers , which are before the separate place , they be holy
chambers , where the priests that approach unto the LORD shall
eat the most holy things : there shall they lay the most holy
things , and the meat offering , and the sin offering , and the
trespass offering ; for the place is holy .

chambers Eze_44_19 /^{chambers /and they shall
put on other garments ; and they shall not sanctify the people
with their garments .

chambers Neh_13_09 /^{chambers /and thither
brought I again the vessels of the house of God , with the meat
offering and the frankincense .

chambers Eze_40_16 /^{chambers /and to their
posts within the gate round about , and likewise to the arches :
and windows were round about inward : and upon each post were
palm trees .

chambers 1Ch_09_26 /^{chambers /and treasuries of
the house of God .

chambers Pro_24_04 /^{chambers /be filled with
all precious and pleasant riches .

chambers Mat_24_26 /${chambers /believe it not .

chambers Jer_22_13 /^{chambers /by wrong ; that
useth his neighbour's service without wages , and giveth him not
for his work ;

chambers Neh_12_44 /^{chambers /for the treasures
, for the offerings , for the firstfruits , and for the tithes ,
to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions
of the law for the priests and Levites : for Judah rejoiced for
the priests and for the Levites that waited .

chambers Eze_41_07 /^{chambers /for the winding
about of the house went still upward round about the house :
therefore the breadth of the house was still upward , and so
increased from the lowest chamber to the highest by the midst .

chambers 2Ch_31_11 /^{chambers /in the house of
the LORD ; and they prepared them,

chambers Psa_104_03 /^{chambers /in the waters :
who maketh the clouds his chariot : who walketh upon the wings
of the wind :

chambers Neh_10_38 /^{chambers /into the treasure
house .

chambers Pro_07_27 /^{chambers /of death .

chambers Eze_08_12 /^{chambers /of his imagery ?
for they say , The LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the
earth .

chambers Eze_40_10 /^{chambers /of the gate
eastward were three on this side , and three on that side ; they
three were of one measure : and the posts had one measure on
this side and on that side.

chambers Eze_41_26 /^{chambers /of the house ,
and thick planks .

chambers Neh_10_37 /^{chambers /of the house of
our God ; and the tithes of our ground unto the Levites , that
the same Levites might have the tithes in all the cities of our
tillage .

chambers Ezr_08_29 /^{chambers /of the house of
the LORD .

chambers Eze_46_19 /^{chambers /of the priests ,
which looked toward the north : and, behold, there was a place
on the two sides westward .

chambers Eze_40_44 /^{chambers /of the singers in
the inner court , which was at the side of the north gate ; and
their prospect was toward the south : one at the side of the
east gate having the prospect toward the north .

chambers Job_09_09 /^{chambers /of the south .

chambers Psa_105_30 /^{chambers /of their kings .

chambers 1Ki_06_05 /^{chambers /round about ,
against the walls of the house round about , both of the temple
and of the oracle : and he made chambers round about :

chambers 1Ch_28_12 /^{chambers /round about , of
the treasuries of the house of God , and of the treasuries of
the dedicated things :

chambers Eze_41_06 /^{chambers /round about ,
that they might have hold , but they had not hold in the wall of
the house .

chambers 1Ki_06_05 /^{chambers /round about :

chambers Eze_42_08 /^{chambers /that were in the
utter court was fifty cubits : and, lo, before the temple were
an hundred cubits .

chambers Eze_42_12 /^{chambers /that were toward
the south was a door in the head of the way , even the way
directly before the wall toward the east , as one entereth into

chambers Eze_41_09 /^{chambers /that were within .

chambers Psa_104_13 /^{chambers /the earth is
satisfied with the fruit of thy works .

chambers Eze_42_07 /^{chambers /the length
thereof was fifty cubits .

chambers Eze_40_21 /^{chambers /thereof were
three on this side and three on that side; and the posts thereof
and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate :
the length thereof was fifty cubits , and the breadth five and
twenty cubits .

chambers 1Ch_28_11 /^{chambers /thereof, and of
the inner parlours thereof, and of the place of the mercy seat ,

chambers Eze_40_29 /^{chambers /thereof, and the
posts thereof, and the arches thereof, according to these
measures : and there were windows in it and in the arches
thereof round about : it was fifty cubits long , and five and
twenty cubits broad .

chambers Eze_40_33 /^{chambers /thereof, and the
posts thereof, and the arches thereof, were according to these
measures : and there were windows therein and in the arches
thereof round about : it was fifty cubits long , and five and
twenty cubits broad .

chambers Eze_40_36 /^{chambers /thereof, the
posts thereof, and the arches thereof, and the windows to it
round about : the length was fifty cubits , and the breadth five
and twenty cubits .

chambers Eze_42_07 /^{chambers /toward the utter
court on the forepart of the chambers , the length thereof was
fifty cubits .

chambers Eze_42_04 /^{chambers /was a walk of ten
cubits breadth inward , a way of one cubit ; and their doors
toward the north .

chambers Eze_40_12 /^{chambers /was one cubit on
this side, and the space was one cubit on that side: and the
little chambers were six cubits on this side, and six cubits on
that side.

chambers Eze_42_09 /^{chambers /was the entry on
the east side , as one goeth into them from the utter court .

chambers Eze_41_10 /^{chambers /was the wideness
of twenty cubits round about the house on every side .

chambers Son_01_04 /^{chambers /we will be glad
and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine :
the upright love thee.

chambers Eze_41_08 /^{chambers /were a full reed
of six great cubits .

chambers Eze_40_07 /^{chambers /were five cubits ;
and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate within
was one reed .

chambers 1Ch_09_33 /^{chambers /were free : for
they were employed in that work day and night .

chambers Eze_42_10 /^{chambers /were in the
thickness of the wall of the court toward the east , over
against the separate place , and over against the building .

chambers Eze_42_05 /^{chambers /were shorter :
for the galleries were higher than these , than the lower , and
than the middlemost of the building .

chambers Eze_40_12 /^{chambers /were six cubits
on this side, and six cubits on that side.

chambers Eze_41_06 /^{chambers /were three , one
over another , and thirty in order ; and they entered into the
wall which was of the house for the side chambers round about ,
that they might have hold , but they had not hold in the wall of
the house .

chambers Eze_41_11 /^{chambers /were toward the
place that was left , one door toward the north , and another
door toward the south : and the breadth of the place that was
left was five cubits round about .

chambers Eze_40_17 /^{chambers /were upon the
pavement .

chambers Neh_10_39 /^{chambers /where are the
vessels of the sanctuary , and the priests that minister , and
the porters , and the singers : and we will not forsake the
house of our God .

chambers Eze_42_13 /^{chambers /where the priests
that approach unto the LORD shall eat the most holy things :
there shall they lay the most holy things , and the meat
offering , and the sin offering , and the trespass offering ;
for the place is holy .

chambers Eze_42_13 /^{chambers /which are before
the separate place , they be holy chambers , where the priests
that approach unto the LORD shall eat the most holy things :
there shall they lay the most holy things , and the meat
offering , and the sin offering , and the trespass offering ;
for the place is holy .

chambers Eze_42_11 /^{chambers /which were toward
the north , as long as they, and as broad as they: and all their
goings out were both according to their fashions , and according
to their doors .

chambers 2Ch_02_09 /^{chambers /with gold .

chameleon Lev_11_30 /^{chameleon /and the lizard ,
and the snail , and the mole .

champaign Deu_11_30 /^{champaign /over against
Gilgal , beside the plains of Moreh ?

champion 1Sa_17_04 /^{champion /out of the camp
of the Philistines , named Goliath , of Gath , whose height was
six cubits and a span .

champion 1Sa_17_23 /^{champion /the Philistine of
Gath , Goliath by name , out of the armies of the Philistines ,
and spake according to the same words : and David heard them.

champion 1Sa_17_51 /^{champion /was dead , they
fled .

Chimham 2Sa_19_37 /^{Chimham /let him go over
with my lord the king ; and do to him what shall seem good unto

Chimham 2Sa_19_38 /^{Chimham /shall go over with
me, and I will do to him that which shall seem good unto thee:
and whatsoever thou shalt require of me, that will I do for thee.

Chimham 2Sa_19_40 /^{Chimham /went on with him:
and all the people of Judah conducted the king , and also half
the people of Israel .

Chimham Jer_41_17 /^{Chimham /which is by
Bethlehem , to go to enter into Egypt ,

Elishama 1Ch_14_07 /^{Elishama /and Beeliada ,
and Eliphalet .

Elishama 2Sa_05_16 /^{Elishama /and Eliada , and
Eliphalet .

Elishama 1Ch_03_08 /^{Elishama /and Eliada , and
Eliphelet , nine .

Elishama 1Ch_03_06 /^{Elishama /and Eliphelet ,

Elishama 2Ch_17_08 /^{Elishama /and Jehoram ,
priests .

Elishama 1Ch_07_26 /^{Elishama /his son ,

Elishama Jer_41_01 /^{Elishama /of the seed royal
, and the princes of the king , even ten men with him, came unto
Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to Mizpah ; and there they did eat
bread together in Mizpah .

Elishama 2Ki_25_25 /^{Elishama /of the seed royal ,
came , and ten men with him, and smote Gedaliah , that he died ,
and the Jews and the Chaldees that were with him at Mizpah .

Elishama Jer_36_12 /^{Elishama /the scribe , and
Delaiah the son of Shemaiah , and Elnathan the son of Achbor ,
and Gemariah the son of Shaphan , and Zedekiah the son of
Hananiah , and all the princes .

Elishama Jer_36_20 /^{Elishama /the scribe , and
told all the words in the ears of the king .

Elishama Jer_36_21 /^{Elishama /the scribe's
chamber . And Jehudi read it in the ears of the king , and in
the ears of all the princes which stood beside the king .

Elishama Num_07_48 /^{Elishama /the son of
Ammihud , prince of the children of Ephraim , offered:

Elishama Num_07_53 /^{Elishama /the son of
Ammihud .

Elishama Num_10_22 /^{Elishama /the son of
Ammihud .

Elishama Num_02_18 /^{Elishama /the son of
Ammihud .

Elishama Num_01_10 /^{Elishama /the son of
Ammihud : of Manasseh ; Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur .

Etham Num_33_08 /^{Etham /and pitched in Marah

Etham Num_33_07 /^{Etham /and turned again
unto Pihahiroth , which is before Baalzephon : and they pitched
before Migdol .

Etham Exo_13_20 /^{Etham /in the edge of the
wilderness .

Etham Num_33_06 /^{Etham /which is in the edge
of the wilderness .

Gaham Gen_22_24 /^{Gaham /and Thahash , and
Maachah .

guestchamber Luk_22_11 /${guestchamber /where I shall
eat the passover with my disciples ?

guestchamber Mar_14_14 /${guestchamber /where I shall
eat the passover with my disciples ?

Ham Gen_10_20 /^{Ham /after their families ,
after their tongues , in their countries , and in their nations .

Ham Gen_07_13 /^{Ham /and Japheth , the sons
of Noah , and Noah's wife , and the three wives of his sons with
them, into the ark ;

Ham Gen_06_10 /^{Ham /and Japheth .

Ham 1Ch_01_04 /^{Ham /and Japheth .

Ham Gen_05_32 /^{Ham /and Japheth .

Ham Gen_09_18 /^{Ham /and Japheth : and Ham
is the father of Canaan .

Ham Gen_10_01 /^{Ham /and Japheth : and unto
them were sons born after the flood .

Ham Psa_106_22 /^{Ham /and terrible things
by the Red sea .

Ham Gen_14_05 /^{Ham /and the Emims in
Shaveh Kiriathaim ,

Ham Gen_10_06 /^{Ham /Cush , and Mizraim ,
and Phut , and Canaan .

Ham 1Ch_01_08 /^{Ham /Cush , and Mizraim ,
Put , and Canaan .

Ham 1Ch_04_40 /^{Ham /had dwelt there of old

Ham Gen_09_18 /^{Ham /is the father of
Canaan .

Ham Gen_09_22 /^{Ham /the father of Canaan ,
saw the nakedness of his father , and told his two brethren
without .

Haman Est_08_02 /^{Haman /and gave it unto
Mordecai . And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman .

Haman Est_05_14 /^{Haman /and he caused the
gallows to be made .

Haman Est_08_07 /^{Haman /and him they have
hanged upon the gallows , because he laid his hand upon the Jews

Haman Est_06_07 /^{Haman /answered the king ,
For the man whom the king delighteth to honour ,

Haman Est_06_06 /^{Haman /came in . And the
king said unto him, What shall be done unto the man whom the
king delighteth to honour ? Now Haman thought in his heart , To
whom would the king delight to do honour more than to myself?

Haman Est_07_01 /^{Haman /came to banquet with
Esther the queen .

Haman Est_05_05 /^{Haman /came to the banquet
that Esther had prepared .

Haman Est_05_04 /^{Haman /come this day unto
the banquet that I have prepared for him.

Haman Est_05_08 /^{Haman /come to the banquet
that I shall prepare for them, and I will do to morrow as the
king hath said .

Haman Est_03_02 /^{Haman /for the king had so
commanded concerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him
reverence .

Haman Est_05_09 /^{Haman /forth that day
joyful and with a glad heart : but when Haman saw Mordecai in
the king's gate , that he stood not up , nor moved for him, he
was full of indignation against Mordecai .

Haman Est_03_07 /^{Haman /from day to day ,
and from month to month , to the twelfth month, that is, the
month Adar .

Haman Est_03_05 /^{Haman /full of wrath .

Haman Est_03_12 /^{Haman /had commanded unto
the king's lieutenants , and to the governors that were over
every province , and to the rulers of every people of every
province according to the writing thereof, and to every people
after their language ; in the name of king Ahasuerus was it
written , and sealed with the king's ring .

Haman Est_07_09 /^{Haman /had made for
Mordecai , who had spoken good for the king , standeth in the
house of Haman . Then the king said , Hang him thereon.

Haman Est_04_07 /^{Haman /had promised to pay
to the king's treasuries for the Jews , to destroy them.

Haman Est_06_12 /^{Haman /hasted to his house
mourning , and having his head covered .

Haman Est_06_10 /^{Haman /Make haste , and
take the apparel and the horse , as thou hast said , and do even
so to Mordecai the Jew , that sitteth at the king's gate : let
nothing fail of all that thou hast spoken .

Haman Est_07_10 /^{Haman /on the gallows that
he had prepared for Mordecai . Then was the king's wrath
pacified .

Haman Est_05_10 /^{Haman /refrained himself:
and when he came home , he sent and called for his friends , and
Zeresh his wife .

Haman Est_05_12 /^{Haman /said moreover, Yea,
Esther the queen did let no man come in with the king unto the
banquet that she had prepared but myself; and to morrow am I
invited unto her also with the king .

Haman Est_03_08 /^{Haman /said unto king
Ahasuerus , There is a certain people scattered abroad and
dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom ;
and their laws are diverse from all people ; neither keep they
the king's laws : therefore it is not for the king's profit to
suffer them.

Haman Est_03_15 /^{Haman /sat down to drink ;
but the city Shushan was perplexed .

Haman Est_05_09 /^{Haman /saw Mordecai in the
king's gate , that he stood not up , nor moved for him, he was
full of indignation against Mordecai .

Haman Est_03_05 /^{Haman /saw that Mordecai
bowed not, nor did him reverence , then was Haman full of wrath .

Haman Est_03_06 /^{Haman /sought to destroy
all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus
, even the people of Mordecai .

Haman Est_06_05 /^{Haman /standeth in the
court . And the king said , Let him come in .

Haman Est_07_07 /^{Haman /stood up to make
request for his life to Esther the queen ; for he saw that there
was evil determined against him by the king .

Haman Est_08_03 /^{Haman /the Agagite , and
his device that he had devised against the Jews .

Haman Est_06_11 /^{Haman /the apparel and the
horse , and arrayed Mordecai , and brought him on horseback
through the street of the city , and proclaimed before him, Thus
shall it be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour

Haman Est_08_01 /^{Haman /the Jews enemy unto
Esther the queen . And Mordecai came before the king ; for
Esther had told what he was unto her.

Haman Est_03_11 /^{Haman /The silver is given
to thee, the people also, to do with them as it seemeth good to

Haman Est_09_24 /^{Haman /the son of
Hammedatha , the Agagite , the enemy of all the Jews , had
devised against the Jews to destroy them, and had cast Pur ,
that is, the lot , to consume them, and to destroy them;

Haman Est_09_10 /^{Haman /the son of
Hammedatha , the enemy of the Jews , slew they; but on the spoil
laid they not their hand .

Haman Est_03_01 /^{Haman /the son of
Hammedatha the Agagite , and advanced him, and set his seat
above all the princes that were with him.

Haman Est_03_10 /^{Haman /the son of
Hammedatha the Agagite , the Jews enemy .

Haman Est_08_05 /^{Haman /the son of
Hammedatha the Agagite , which he wrote to destroy the Jews
which are in all the king's provinces :

Haman Est_07_06 /^{Haman /Then Haman was
afraid before the king and the queen .

Haman Est_07_09 /^{Haman /Then the king said ,
Hang him thereon.

Haman Est_06_06 /^{Haman /thought in his heart
, To whom would the king delight to do honour more than to

Haman Est_05_05 /^{Haman /to make haste , that
he may do as Esther hath said . So the king and Haman came to
the banquet that Esther had prepared .

Haman Est_03_04 /^{Haman /to see whether
Mordecai's matters would stand : for he had told them that he
was a Jew .

Haman Est_05_11 /^{Haman /told them of the
glory of his riches , and the multitude of his children , and
all the things wherein the king had promoted him, and how he had
advanced him above the princes and servants of the king .

Haman Est_06_13 /^{Haman /told Zeresh his wife
and all his friends every thing that had befallen him. Then said
his wise men and Zeresh his wife unto him, If Mordecai be of the
seed of the Jews , before whom thou hast begun to fall , thou
shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before him.

Haman Est_06_14 /^{Haman /unto the banquet
that Esther had prepared .

Haman Est_07_06 /^{Haman /was afraid before
the king and the queen .

Haman Est_06_04 /^{Haman /was come into the
outward court of the king's house , to speak unto the king to
hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for him.

Haman Est_07_08 /^{Haman /was fallen upon the
bed whereon Esther was. Then said the king , Will he force the
queen also before me in the house ? As the word went out of the
king's mouth , they covered Haman's face .

Haman Est_09_12 /^{Haman /what have they done
in the rest of the king's provinces ? now what is thy petition ?
and it shall be granted thee: or what is thy request further ?
and it shall be done .

Haman's Est_07_08 /^{Haman's /face .

Haman's Est_09_14 /^{Haman's /ten sons .

Haman's Est_09_13 /^{Haman's /ten sons be hanged
upon the gallows .

Hamath Zec_09_02 /^{Hamath /also shall border
thereby; Tyrus , and Zidon , though it be very wise .

Hamath Isa_36_19 /^{Hamath /and Arphad ? where
are the gods of Sepharvaim ? and have they delivered Samaria out
of my hand ?

Hamath 2Ki_17_24 /^{Hamath /and from Sepharvaim ,
and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the
children of Israel : and they possessed Samaria , and dwelt in
the cities thereof.

Hamath Isa_11_11 /^{Hamath /and from the
islands of the sea .

Hamath 2Ki_18_34 /^{Hamath /and of Arpad ? where
are the gods of Sepharvaim , Hena , and Ivah ? have they
delivered Samaria out of mine hand ?

Hamath Num_34_08 /^{Hamath /and the goings
forth of the border shall be to Zedad :

Hamath 2Ki_19_13 /^{Hamath /and the king of
Arpad , and the king of the city of Sepharvaim , of Hena , and
Ivah ?

Hamath Isa_37_13 /^{Hamath /and the king of
Arphad , and the king of the city of Sepharvaim , Hena , and
Ivah ?

Hamath Eze_47_17 /^{Hamath /And this is the
north side .

Hamath Isa_10_09 /^{Hamath /as Arpad ? is not
Samaria as Damascus ?

Hamath 1Ch_18_03 /^{Hamath /as he went to
stablish his dominion by the river Euphrates .

Hamath Eze_47_16 /^{Hamath /Berothah , Sibraim ,
which is between the border of Damascus and the border of
Hamath ; Hazarhatticon , which is by the coast of Hauran .

Hamath Eze_48_01 /^{Hamath /for these are his
sides east and west ; a portion for Dan .

Hamath Eze_48_01 /^{Hamath /Hazarenan , the
border of Damascus northward , to the coast of Hamath ; for
these are his sides east and west ; a portion for Dan .

Hamath Eze_47_16 /^{Hamath /Hazarhatticon ,
which is by the coast of Hauran .

Hamath 1Ch_18_09 /^{Hamath /heard how David had
smitten all the host of Hadarezer king of Zobah ;

Hamath 2Sa_08_09 /^{Hamath /heard that David had
smitten all the host of Hadadezer ,

Hamath Jer_49_23 /^{Hamath /is confounded , and
Arpad : for they have heard evil tidings : they are fainthearted
; there is sorrow on the sea ; it cannot be quiet .

Hamath 2Ki_17_30 /^{Hamath /made Ashima ,

Hamath 2Ki_25_21 /^{Hamath /So Judah was carried
away out of their land .

Hamath 2Ki_23_33 /^{Hamath /that he might not
reign in Jerusalem ; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred
talents of silver , and a talent of gold .

Hamath Amo_06_02 /^{Hamath /the great : then go
down to Gath of the Philistines : be they better than these
kingdoms ? or their border greater than your border ?

Hamath Eze_47_20 /^{Hamath /This is the west
side .

Hamath Jer_52_27 /^{Hamath /Thus Judah was
carried away captive out of his own land .

Hamath 1Ki_08_65 /^{Hamath /unto the river of
Egypt , before the LORD our God , seven days and seven days ,
even fourteen days .

Hamath 2Ch_07_08 /^{Hamath /unto the river of
Egypt .

Hamath 2Ki_14_25 /^{Hamath /unto the sea of the
plain , according to the word of the LORD God of Israel , which
he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah , the son of Amittai ,
the prophet , which was of Gathhepher .

Hamath Jer_39_05 /^{Hamath /where he gave
judgment upon him.

Hamath Jer_52_09 /^{Hamath /where he gave
judgment upon him.

Hamath 2Ki_14_28 /^{Hamath /which belonged to
Judah , for Israel , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

Hamathite Gen_10_18 /^{Hamathite /and afterward
were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad .

Hamathzobah 2Ch_08_03 /^{Hamathzobah /and prevailed
against it.

Hammath Jos_19_35 /^{Hammath /Rakkath , and
Chinnereth ,

Hammedatha Est_03_01 /^{Hammedatha /the Agagite ,
and advanced him, and set his seat above all the princes that
were with him.

Hammedatha Est_09_24 /^{Hammedatha /the Agagite ,
the enemy of all the Jews , had devised against the Jews to
destroy them, and had cast Pur , that is, the lot , to consume
them, and to destroy them;

Hammedatha Est_03_10 /^{Hammedatha /the Agagite ,
the Jews enemy .

Hammedatha Est_08_05 /^{Hammedatha /the Agagite ,
which he wrote to destroy the Jews which are in all the king's
provinces :

Hammedatha Est_09_10 /^{Hammedatha /the enemy of
the Jews , slew they; but on the spoil laid they not their hand .

Hammelech Jer_36_26 /^{Hammelech /and Seraiah the
son of Azriel , and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel , to take Baruch
the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet : but the LORD hid them.

Hammelech Jer_38_06 /^{Hammelech /that was in the
court of the prison : and they let down Jeremiah with cords .
And in the dungeon there was no water , but mire : so Jeremiah
sunk in the mire .

hammer Jud_05_26 /^{hammer /and with the hammer
she smote Sisera , she smote off his head , when she had pierced
and stricken through his temples .

hammer Isa_41_07 /^{hammer /him that smote the
anvil , saying , It is ready for the sodering : and he fastened
it with nails , that it should not be moved .

hammer Jud_04_21 /^{hammer /in her hand , and
went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples , and
fastened it into the ground : for he was fast asleep and weary .
So he died .

hammer 1Ki_06_07 /^{hammer /nor axe nor any
tool of iron heard in the house , while it was in building .

hammer Jer_50_23 /^{hammer /of the whole earth
cut asunder and broken ! how is Babylon become a desolation
among the nations !

hammer Jud_05_26 /^{hammer /she smote Sisera ,
she smote off his head , when she had pierced and stricken
through his temples .

hammer Jer_23_29 /^{hammer /that breaketh the
rock in pieces ?

hammers Isa_44_12 /^{hammers /and worketh it
with the strength of his arms : yea, he is hungry , and his
strength faileth : he drinketh no water , and is faint .

hammers Jer_10_04 /^{hammers /that it move not.

Hammoleketh 1Ch_07_18 /^{Hammoleketh /bare Ishod ,
and Abiezer , and Mahalah .

Hammon Jos_19_28 /^{Hammon /and Kanah , even
unto great Zidon ;

Hammon 1Ch_06_76 /^{Hammon /with her suburbs ,
and Kirjathaim with her suburbs .

Hammothdor Jos_21_32 /^{Hammothdor /with her
suburbs , and Kartan with her suburbs ; three cities .

Hamonah Eze_39_16 /^{Hamonah /Thus shall they
cleanse the land .

Hamor Gen_34_18 /^{Hamor /and Shechem Hamor's
son .

Hamor Gen_34_20 /^{Hamor /and Shechem his son
came unto the gate of their city , and communed with the men of
their city , saying ,

Hamor Gen_34_26 /^{Hamor /and Shechem his son
with the edge of the sword , and took Dinah out of Shechem's
house , and went out .

Hamor Gen_34_24 /^{Hamor /and unto Shechem his
son hearkened all that went out of the gate of his city ; and
every male was circumcised , all that went out of the gate of
his city .

Hamor Gen_34_08 /^{Hamor /communed with them,
saying , The soul of my son Shechem longeth for your daughter :
I pray you give her him to wife .

Hamor Gen_34_13 /^{Hamor /his father
deceitfully , and said , because he had defiled Dinah their
sister :

Hamor Gen_34_04 /^{Hamor /saying , Get me this
damsel to wife .

Hamor Gen_33_19 /^{Hamor /Shechem's father ,
for an hundred pieces of money .

Hamor Jud_09_28 /^{Hamor /the father of
Shechem : for why should we serve him?

Hamor 027 032 Jos /^{Hamor /the father of
Shechem for an hundred pieces of silver : and it became the
inheritance of the children of Joseph .

Hamor Gen_34_06 /^{Hamor /the father of
Shechem went out unto Jacob to commune with him.

Hamor Gen_34_02 /^{Hamor /the Hivite , prince
of the country , saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and
defiled her .

Hamor's Gen_34_18 /^{Hamor's /son .

Hamuel 1Ch_04_26 /^{Hamuel /his son , Zacchur
his son , Shimei his son .

Hamul Num_26_21 /^{Hamul /the family of the
Hamulites .

Hamutal Jer_52_01 /^{Hamutal /the daughter of
Jeremiah of Libnah .

Hamutal 2Ki_23_31 /^{Hamutal /the daughter of
Jeremiah of Libnah .

Hamutal 2Ki_24_18 /^{Hamutal /the daughter of
Jeremiah of Libnah .

Hoham Jos_10_03 /^{Hoham /king of Hebron , and
unto Piram king of Jarmuth , and unto Japhia king of Lachish ,
and unto Debir king of Eglon , saying ,

Hoshama 1Ch_03_18 /^{Hoshama /and Nedabiah .

Hotham 1Ch_07_32 /^{Hotham /and Shua their
sister .

Hupham Num_26_39 /^{Hupham /the family of the
Huphamites .

Husham Gen_36_35 /^{Husham /died , and Hadad
the son of Bedad , who smote Midian in the field of Moab ,
reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was Avith .

Husham Gen_36_34 /^{Husham /of the land of
Temani reigned in his stead.

Husham 1Ch_01_45 /^{Husham /of the land of the
Temanites reigned in his stead.

Husham 1Ch_01_46 /^{Husham /was dead , Hadad
the son of Bedad , which smote Midian in the field of Moab ,
reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was Avith .

Ithamar Exo_28_01 /^{Ithamar /Aaron's sons .

Ithamar 1Ch_24_04 /^{Ithamar /according to the
house of their fathers .

Ithamar 1Ch_24_03 /^{Ithamar /according to their
offices in their service .

Ithamar 1Ch_24_04 /^{Ithamar /and thus were they
divided . Among the sons of Eleazar there were sixteen chief men
of the house of their fathers , and eight among the sons of
Ithamar according to the house of their fathers .

Ithamar Ezr_08_02 /^{Ithamar /Daniel : of the
sons of David ; Hattush .

Ithamar 1Ch_24_02 /^{Ithamar /executed the
priest's office .

Ithamar Lev_10_06 /^{Ithamar /his sons , Uncover
not your heads , neither rend your clothes ; lest ye die , and
lest wrath come upon all the people : but let your brethren ,
the whole house of Israel , bewail the burning which the LORD
hath kindled .

Ithamar Lev_10_12 /^{Ithamar /his sons that were
left , Take the meat offering that remaineth of the offerings of
the LORD made by fire , and eat it without leaven beside the
altar : for it is most holy :

Ithamar Num_03_04 /^{Ithamar /ministered in the
priest's office in the sight of Aaron their father .

Ithamar Exo_38_21 /^{Ithamar /son to Aaron the
priest .

Ithamar Num_04_33 /^{Ithamar /the son of Aaron
the priest .

Ithamar Num_04_28 /^{Ithamar /the son of Aaron
the priest .

Ithamar Num_07_08 /^{Ithamar /the son of Aaron
the priest .

Ithamar Lev_10_16 /^{Ithamar /the sons of Aaron
which were left alive, saying ,

Jeroham 1Ch_09_08 /^{Jeroham /and Elah the son
of Uzzi , the son of Michri , and Meshullam the son of
Shephathiah , the son of Reuel , the son of Ibnijah ;

Jeroham 2Ch_23_01 /^{Jeroham /and Ishmael the son
of Jehohanan , and Azariah the son of Obed , and Maaseiah the
son of Adaiah , and Elishaphat the son of Zichri , into covenant
with him.

Jeroham 1Ch_06_27 /^{Jeroham /his son , Elkanah
his son .

Jeroham 1Ch_12_07 /^{Jeroham /of Gedor .

Jeroham 1Ch_06_34 /^{Jeroham /the son of Eliel ,
the son of Toah ,

Jeroham 1Sa_01_01 /^{Jeroham /the son of Elihu ,
the son of Tohu , the son of Zuph , an Ephrathite :

Jeroham 1Ch_09_12 /^{Jeroham /the son of Pashur ,
the son of Malchijah , and Maasiai the son of Adiel , the son
of Jahzerah , the son of Meshullam , the son of Meshillemith ,
the son of Immer ;

Jeroham Neh_11_12 /^{Jeroham /the son of
Pelaliah , the son of Amzi , the son of Zechariah , the son of
Pashur , the son of Malchiah ,

Jeroham 1Ch_27_22 /^{Jeroham /These were the
princes of the tribes of Israel .

Joatham Mat_01_09 /${Joatham /and Joatham begat
Achaz ; and Achaz begat Ezekias ;

Joatham Mat_01_09 /${Joatham /begat Achaz ; and
Achaz begat Ezekias ;

Jotham Hos_01_01 /^{Jotham /Ahaz , and Hezekiah
, kings of Judah , and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash ,
king of Israel .

Jotham Mic_01_01 /^{Jotham /Ahaz , and Hezekiah
, kings of Judah , which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem

Jotham Isa_01_01 /^{Jotham /Ahaz , and Hezekiah
, kings of Judah .

Jotham 2Ch_27_07 /^{Jotham /and all his wars ,
and his ways , lo, they are written in the book of the kings of
Israel and Judah .

Jotham 2Ki_15_36 /^{Jotham /and all that he did ,
are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings
of Judah ?

Jotham 1Ch_02_47 /^{Jotham /and Geshan , and
Pelet , and Ephah , and Shaaph .

Jotham 2Ch_27_06 /^{Jotham /became mighty ,
because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God .

Jotham Jud_09_07 /^{Jotham /he went and stood
in the top of mount Gerizim , and lifted up his voice , and
cried , and said unto them, Hearken unto me, ye men of Shechem ,
that God may hearken unto you.

Jotham 1Ch_03_12 /^{Jotham /his son ,

Jotham 2Ki_15_07 /^{Jotham /his son reigned in
his stead.

Jotham 2Ch_26_23 /^{Jotham /his son reigned in
his stead.

Jotham 2Ch_26_21 /^{Jotham /his son was over the
king's house , judging the people of the land .

Jotham 1Ch_05_17 /^{Jotham /king of Judah , and
in the days of Jeroboam king of Israel .

Jotham 2Ki_16_01 /^{Jotham /king of Judah began
to reign .

Jotham Jud_09_21 /^{Jotham /ran away , and fled
, and went to Beer , and dwelt there, for fear of Abimelech his
brother .

Jotham 2Ch_27_09 /^{Jotham /slept with his
fathers , and they buried him in the city of David : and Ahaz
his son reigned in his stead.

Jotham 2Ki_15_38 /^{Jotham /slept with his
fathers , and was buried with his fathers in the city of David
his father : and Ahaz his son reigned in his stead.

Jotham 2Ki_15_05 /^{Jotham /the king's son was
over the house , judging the people of the land .

Jotham Jud_09_57 /^{Jotham /the son of
Jerubbaal .

Jotham Isa_07_01 /^{Jotham /the son of Uzziah ,
king of Judah , that Rezin the king of Syria , and Pekah the son
of Remaliah , king of Israel , went up toward Jerusalem to war
against it, but could not prevail against it.

Jotham 2Ki_15_30 /^{Jotham /the son of Uzziah .

Jotham 2Ki_15_32 /^{Jotham /the son of Uzziah
king of Judah to reign .

Jotham Jud_09_05 /^{Jotham /the youngest son of
Jerubbaal was left ; for he hid himself.

Jotham 2Ch_27_01 /^{Jotham /was twenty and five
years old when he began to reign , and he reigned sixteen years
in Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Jerushah , the
daughter of Zadok .

Loruhamah Hos_01_06 /^{Loruhamah /for I will no
more have mercy upon the house of Israel ; but I will utterly
take them away .

Loruhamah Hos_01_08 /^{Loruhamah /she conceived ,
and bare a son .

Misham 1Ch_08_12 /^{Misham /and Shamed , who
built Ono , and Lod , with the towns thereof:

Naham 1Ch_04_19 /^{Naham /the father of Keilah
the Garmite , and Eshtemoa the Maachathite .

Nahamani Neh_07_07 /^{Nahamani /Mordecai ,
Bilshan , Mispereth , Bigvai , Nehum , Baanah . The number , I
say, of the men of the people of Israel was this;

Raham 1Ch_02_44 /^{Raham /the father of
Jorkoam : and Rekem begat Shammai .

Shama 1Ch_11_44 /^{Shama /and Jehiel the sons
of Hothan the Aroerite ,

Shamariah 011 009 WIICh /^{Shamariah /and Zaham .

shambles 1Co_10_25 /${shambles /that eat , asking
no question for conscience sake :

shame Exo_32_25 /^{shame /among their enemies :

shame Eze_39_26 /^{shame /and all their
trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they
dwelt safely in their land , and none made them afraid .

shame Isa_30_05 /^{shame /and also a reproach .

shame Pro_19_26 /^{shame /and bringeth
reproach .

shame Psa_35_26 /^{shame /and dishonour that
magnify themselves against me.

shame Dan_12_02 /^{shame /and everlasting
contempt .

shame Psa_44_09 /^{shame /and goest not forth
with our armies .

shame Pro_09_07 /^{shame /and he that rebuketh
a wicked man getteth himself a blot .

shame Heb_12_02 /${shame /and is set down at
the right hand of the throne of God .

shame Hos_10_06 /^{shame /and Israel shall be
ashamed of his own counsel .

shame Psa_109_29 /^{shame /and let them cover
themselves with their own confusion , as with a mantle .

shame Eze_16_54 /^{shame /and mayest be
confounded in all that thou hast done , in that thou art a
comfort unto them.

shame Psa_69_19 /^{shame /and my dishonour :
mine adversaries are all before thee.

shame Jer_03_25 /^{shame /and our confusion
covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God , we
and our fathers , from our youth even unto this day , and have
not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God .

shame Psa_83_17 /^{shame /and perish :

shame Pro_17_02 /^{shame /and shall have part
of the inheritance among the brethren .

shame Isa_50_06 /^{shame /and spitting .

shame Job_08_22 /^{shame /and the dwelling
place of the wicked shall come to nought .

shame Isa_30_03 /^{shame /and the trust in the
shadow of Egypt your confusion .

shame Hos_09_10 /^{shame /and their
abominations were according as they loved .

shame Eze_44_13 /^{shame /and their
abominations which they have committed .

shame Pro_25_10 /^{shame /and thine infamy
turn not away .

shame Jer_46_12 /^{shame /and thy cry hath
filled the land : for the mighty man hath stumbled against the
mighty , and they are fallen both together .

shame Psa_53_05 /^{shame /because God hath
despised them.

shame Psa_132_18 /^{shame /but upon himself
shall his crown flourish .

shame Pro_11_02 /^{shame /but with the lowly
is wisdom .

shame Hos_04_18 /^{shame /do love , Give ye.

shame Eph_05_12 /${shame /even to speak of
those things which are done of them in secret .

shame 1Co_11_06 /${shame /for a woman to be
shorn or shaven , let her be covered .

shame Hab_02_16 /^{shame /for glory : drink
thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered : the cup of the
LORD'S right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful
spewing shall be on thy glory .

shame Act_05_41 /${shame /for his name .

shame Isa_54_04 /^{shame /for thou shalt
forget the shame of thy youth , and shalt not remember the
reproach of thy widowhood any more.

shame Eze_16_52 /^{shame /for thy sins that
thou hast committed more abominable than they : they are more
righteous than thou: yea, be thou confounded also, and bear thy
shame , in that thou hast justified thy sisters .

shame 1Co_14_35 /${shame /for women to speak
in the church .

shame Psa_69_07 /^{shame /hath covered my face

shame Jer_51_51 /^{shame /hath covered our
faces : for strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the
LORD'S house .

shame Jer_03_24 /^{shame /hath devoured the
labour of our fathers from our youth ; their flocks and their
herds , their sons and their daughters .

shame Psa_04_02 /^{shame /how long will ye
love vanity , and seek after leasing ? Selah .

shame Jud_18_07 /^{shame /in any thing ; and
they were far from the Zidonians , and had no business with any
man .

shame Eze_16_52 /^{shame /in that thou hast
justified thy sisters .

shame 1Co_06_05 /${shame /Is it so , that
there is not a wise man among you ? no, not one that shall be
able to judge between his brethren ?

shame Jer_13_26 /^{shame /may appear .

shame Mic_01_11 /^{shame /naked : the
inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Bethezel ;
he shall receive of you his standing .

shame Isa_20_04 /^{shame /of Egypt .

shame 2Ch_32_21 /^{shame /of face to his own
land . And when he was come into the house of his god , they
that came forth of his own bowels slew him there with the sword .

shame Psa_44_15 /^{shame /of my face hath
covered me,

shame Eze_36_06 /^{shame /of the heathen :

shame Eze_36_15 /^{shame /of the heathen any
more, neither shalt thou bear the reproach of the people any
more, neither shalt thou cause thy nations to fall any more,
saith the Lord GOD .

shame Eze_34_29 /^{shame /of the heathen any

shame Isa_22_18 /^{shame /of thy lord's house .

shame Rev_03_18 /${shame /of thy nakedness do
not appear ; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve , that thou
mayest see .

shame Isa_54_04 /^{shame /of thy youth , and
shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.

shame Psa_89_45 /^{shame /Selah .

shame Isa_47_03 /^{shame /shall be seen : I
will take vengeance , and I will not meet thee as a man .

shame Pro_03_35 /^{shame /shall be the
promotion of fools .

shame Pro_13_18 /^{shame /shall be to him that
refuseth instruction : but he that regardeth reproof shall be
honoured .

shame Eze_07_18 /^{shame /shall be upon all
faces , and baldness upon all their heads .

shame Mic_07_10 /^{shame /shall cover her
which said unto me, Where is the LORD thy God ? mine eyes shall
behold her: now shall she be trodden down as the mire of the
streets .

shame Oba_01_10 /^{shame /shall cover thee,
and thou shalt be cut off for ever .

shame Jer_48_39 /^{shame /so shall Moab be a
derision and a dismaying to all them about him.

shame Psa_44_07 /^{shame /that hated us.

shame Psa_70_03 /^{shame /that say , Aha , aha

shame Psa_40_15 /^{shame /that say unto me,
Aha , aha .

shame Psa_35_04 /^{shame /that seek after my
soul : let them be turned back and brought to confusion that
devise my hurt .

shame Psa_71_24 /^{shame /that seek my hurt .

shame Psa_83_16 /^{shame /that they may seek
thy name , O LORD .

shame Psa_40_14 /^{shame /that wish me evil .

shame 1Co_11_22 /${shame /them that have not ?
What shall I say to you ? shall I praise you in this ? I praise
you not .

shame 2Sa_13_13 /^{shame /to go ? and as for
thee, thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel . Now
therefore, I pray thee, speak unto the king ; for he will not
withhold me from thee.

shame Luk_14_09 /${shame /to take the lowest
room .

shame Hab_02_10 /^{shame /to thy house by
cutting off many people , and hast sinned against thy soul .

shame 1Co_11_14 /${shame /unto him ?

shame Pro_18_13 /^{shame /unto him.

shame 001 013 Jud /${shame /wandering stars ,
to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever .

shame Eze_16_63 /^{shame /when I am pacified
toward thee for all that thou hast done , saith the Lord GOD .

shame Jer_23_40 /^{shame /which shall not be
forgotten .

shame Php_03_19 /${shame /who mind earthly
things .

shame Eze_32_30 /^{shame /with them that go
down to the pit .

shame Eze_32_24 /^{shame /with them that go
down to the pit .

shame Eze_32_25 /^{shame /with them that go
down to the pit : he is put in the midst of them that be slain .

shame Isa_61_07 /^{shame /ye shall have double
; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion :
therefore in their land they shall possess the double :
everlasting joy shall be unto them.

shame 1Co_04_14 /${shame /you , but as my
beloved sons I warn you.

shamed Gen_38_23 /^{shamed /behold, I sent this
kid , and thou hast not found her.

shamed Psa_14_06 /^{shamed /the counsel of the
poor , because the LORD is his refuge .

shamed 2Sa_19_05 /^{shamed /this day the faces
of all thy servants , which this day have saved thy life , and
the lives of thy sons and of thy daughters , and the lives of
thy wives , and the lives of thy concubines ;

Shamed 1Ch_08_12 /^{Shamed /who built Ono , and
Lod , with the towns thereof:

shamefacedness 1Ti_02_09 /${shamefacedness /and
sobriety ; not with broided hair , or gold , or pearls , or
costly array ;

shameful Hab_02_16 /^{shameful /spewing shall be
on thy glory .

shameful Jer_11_13 /^{shameful /thing , even
altars to burn incense unto Baal .

shamefully Luk_20_11 /${shamefully /and sent him
away empty .

shamefully 1Th_02_02 /${shamefully /entreated , as
ye know , at Philippi , we were bold in our God to speak unto
you the gospel of God with much contention .

shamefully Hos_02_05 /^{shamefully /for she said ,
I will go after my lovers , that give me my bread and my water ,
my wool and my flax , mine oil and my drink .

shamefully Mar_12_04 /${shamefully /handled .

shamelessly 2Sa_06_20 /^{shamelessly /uncovereth

Shamer 1Ch_07_34 /^{Shamer /Ahi , and Rohgah ,
Jehubbah , and Aram .

shameth Pro_28_07 /^{shameth /his father .

Shamgar Jud_05_06 /^{Shamgar /the son of Anath ,
in the days of Jael , the highways were unoccupied , and the
travellers walked through byways .

Shamgar Jud_03_31 /^{Shamgar /the son of Anath ,
which slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad :
and he also delivered Israel .

Shamhuth 1Ch_27_08 /^{Shamhuth /the Izrahite :
and in his course were twenty and four thousand .

Shamir Jos_15_48 /^{Shamir /and Jattir , and
Socoh ,

Shamir Jud_10_01 /^{Shamir /in mount Ephraim .

Shamma 1Ch_07_37 /^{Shamma /and Shilshah , and
Ithran , and Beera .

Shammah 1Ch_01_37 /^{Shammah /and Mizzah .

Shammah Gen_36_13 /^{Shammah /and Mizzah : these
were the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife .

Shammah Gen_36_17 /^{Shammah /duke Mizzah :
these are the dukes that came of Reuel in the land of Edom ;
these are the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife .

Shammah 2Sa_23_33 /^{Shammah /the Hararite ,
Ahiam the son of Sharar the Hararite ,

Shammah 2Sa_23_25 /^{Shammah /the Harodite ,
Elika the Harodite ,

Shammah 2Sa_23_11 /^{Shammah /the son of Agee the
Hararite . And the Philistines were gathered together into a
troop , where was a piece of ground full of lentiles : and the
people fled from the Philistines .

Shammah 1Sa_16_09 /^{Shammah /to pass by . And
he said , Neither hath the LORD chosen this.

Shammai 1Ch_04_17 /^{Shammai /and Ishbah the
father of Eshtemoa .

Shammai 1Ch_02_28 /^{Shammai /and Jada . And the
sons of Shammai ; Nadab , and Abishur .

Shammai 1Ch_02_32 /^{Shammai /Jether , and
Jonathan : and Jether died without children .

Shammai 1Ch_02_28 /^{Shammai /Nadab , and
Abishur .

Shammai 1Ch_02_45 /^{Shammai /was Maon : and
Maon was the father of Bethzur .

Shammoth 1Ch_11_27 /^{Shammoth /the Harorite ,
Helez the Pelonite ,

Shammua 2Sa_05_14 /^{Shammua /and Shobab , and
Nathan , and Solomon ,

Shammua 1Ch_14_04 /^{Shammua /and Shobab ,
Nathan , and Solomon ,

Shammua Neh_12_18 /^{Shammua /of Shemaiah ,
Jehonathan ;

Shammua Neh_11_17 /^{Shammua /the son of Galal ,
the son of Jeduthun .

Shammua Num_13_04 /^{Shammua /the son of Zaccur .

Shamsherai 1Ch_08_26 /^{Shamsherai /and Shehariah ,
and Athaliah ,

Shapham 1Ch_05_12 /^{Shapham /the next , and
Jaanai , and Shaphat in Bashan .

Shepham Num_34_11 /^{Shepham /to Riblah , on the
east side of Ain ; and the border shall descend , and shall
reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward :

Shoham 1Ch_24_27 /^{Shoham /and Zaccur , and
Ibri .

Shuham Num_26_42 /^{Shuham /the family of the
Shuhamites . These are the families of Dan after their families .

Shuhamites Num_26_43 /^{Shuhamites /according to
those that were numbered of them, were threescore and four
thousand and four hundred .

Shuhamites Num_26_42 /^{Shuhamites /These are the
families of Dan after their families .

Shupham Num_26_39 /^{Shupham /the family of the
Shuphamites : of Hupham , the family of the Huphamites .

Shuphamites Num_26_39 /^{Shuphamites /of Hupham ,
the family of the Huphamites .

Thamar Mat_01_03 /${Thamar /and Phares begat
Esrom ; and Esrom begat Aram ;

Zetham 1Ch_23_08 /^{Zetham /and Joel , three .

Zetham 1Ch_26_22 /^{Zetham /and Joel his
brother , which were over the treasures of the house of the LORD
