Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies
Genesis Chapter 1
Abishai 0052 ## &Abiyshay {ab-ee-shah'ee}; or (shorter) &Abshay {ab-shah'ee}; from 1 and 7862; father of a gift (i.e. probably generous); Abishai, an Israelite: -- {Abishai}.
Amashai 6023 ## `Amashcay {am-ash-sah'-ee}; probably from 6006; burdensome; Amashsay, an Israelite: -- {Amashai}.
Berothai 1268 ## Berowthah {bay-ro-thaw'}; or Berothay {bay-ro-that'-ee}; probably from 1266; cypress or cypresslike; Berothah or Berothai, a place north of Palestine: -- Berothah, {Berothai}.
Ephai 5778 ## `Owphay {o-fah'-ee}; from 5775; birdlike; Ephai, an Israelite: -- {Ephai} [from margin].
Hai 5857 ## `Ay {ah'ee}; or (feminine) `Aya& (Neh. 11:31) {ah-yaw'}; or `Ayath (Isaiah 10:28) {ah-yawth'}; for 5856; Ai, Aja or Ajath, a place in Palestine: -- Ai, Aija, Aijath, {Hai}.
Hushai 2365 ## Chuwshay {khoo-shah'-ee}; from 2363; hasty; Chushai, an Israelite: -- {Hushai}.
Ithai 0863 ## &Ittay {it-tah'ee}; or &Iythay {ee-thah'ee}; from 854; near; Ittai or Ithai, the name of a Gittite and of an Israelite: -- {Ithai}, Ittai.
Jeshishai 3454 ## Y@shiyshay {yesh-ee-shah'-ee}; from 3453; aged; Jeshishai, an Israelite: -- {Jeshishai}.
Meonothai 4587 ## M@`ownothay {meh-o-no-thah'-ee}; plural of 4585; habitative; Meonothai, an Israelite: -- {Meonothai}.
Peulthai 6469 ## P@ull`thay {peh-ool-leh-thah'-ee}; from 6468; laborious; Peullethai, an Israelite: -- {Peulthai}.
Shabbethai 7678 ## Shabb@thay {shab-beth-ah'-ee}; from 7676; restful; Shabbethai, the name of three Israelites: -- {Shabbethai}.
Shashai 8343 ## Shashay {shaw-shah'-ee}; perhaps from 8336; whitish; Shashai, an Israelite: -- {Shashai}.
Sheshai 8344 ## Sheshay {shay-shah'-ee}; probably for 8343; Sheshai, a Canaanite: -- {Sheshai}.
Shimshai 8124 ## Shimshay (Aramaic) {shim-shah'-ee}; from 8122; sunny; Shimshai, a Samaritan: -- {Shimshai}.
Sibbechai 5444 ## Cibb@kay {sib-bek-ah'-ee}; from 5440; copse-like; Sibbecai, an Israelite: -- Sibbecai, {Sibbechai}.
Uthai 5793 ## `Uwthay {oo-thah'-ee}; from 5790; succoring; Uthai, the name of two Israelites: -- {Uthai}.
Zilthai 6769 ## Tsill@thay {tsil-leth-ah'-ee}; from the feminine of 6738; shady; Tsillethai, the name of two Israelites: -- {Zilthai}.
Zophai 6689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof}; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'-ee}; or Tsiyph {tseef}; from 6688; honey-comb; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph, the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine: -- {Zophai}, Zuph.
Zuph 6689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof}; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'-ee}; or Tsiyph {tseef}; from 6688; honey-comb; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph, the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine: -- Zophai, {Zuph}.