griefs , ISA , 53:4



griefs Interlinear Index Study

griefs ISA 053 004 . Surely <00403 +>aken > he hath borne <05375
+nasa> > our {griefs} <02483 +choliy > , and carried <05445
+cabal > our sorrows <04341 +mak>ob > : yet we did esteem <02803
+chashab > him stricken <05060 +naga< > , smitten <05221 +nakah
> of God <00430 +>elohiym > , and afflicted <06031 + .


surely he hath borne our griefs

- griefs , 2483 ,



griefs -2483 disease , grief , {griefs} , sick , sickness ,
sicknesses ,






griefs 053 004 Isa /^{griefs /and carried our
sorrows : yet we did esteem him stricken , smitten of God , and
afflicted .


griefs 1 -


griefs Surely he hath borne our {griefs}, and
carried our

sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and

