Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0086 + O grave + in hell + of hell + to hell + and Hell + and hell + And in hell +/ . haides {hah'-dace}; from 0001 + Alpha (as negative particle) and 1492 + Wot + saw + see + tell + know + wist + Know + knew + I wot + I saw + he saw + to see + He saw + I wist + we wot + ye see + we wot + ye can + we saw + I know + Ye see + I knew + beheld + seeing + ye saw + Behold + Knowing + Ye know + did see + him saw + him saw + And saw + out saw + me wist + and see + knowing + not see + man see + knowest + knoweth + ye know + and saw + We know + we know + to know + him knew + them saw + they see + they saw + I cannot + I beheld + I looked + and knew + and look + and seen + maid saw + may know + and know + not tell + which saw + but canst + part knew + We cannot + by he saw + he beheld + as ye can + And I saw + and I saw + knowledge + hath seen + shall see + had known + have seen + us I know + they know + they knew + for I know + out to see + up and saw + and looked + and seeing + shall know + For I know + let us see + And seeing + and he saw + One to see + and I know + And I knew + As ye know + of knowing + perceiving + But I know + And I know + me and saw + And he saw + me and see + as ye know + you I know + For we know + For he knew + For ye know + For he wist + I shall see + But he knew + by they saw + he had seen + When he saw + But we know + I have seen + for we know + And we know + And ye know + not to know + not knowing + for ye know + was and saw + and ye know + when he saw + are we sure + and we know + and knowing + thou sawest + and knoweth + and knowest + that ye know + things I saw + And I beheld + that ye knew + thou knewest + when ye knew + thou knowest + We have seen + ye had known + thou knowing + thing I know + ye shall see + we have seen + And I looked + Thou knewest + and had seen + to have seen + or no I know + Thou knowest + when they saw + and shall see + up he knoweth + that I looked + and have seen + I say ye know + but ye cannot + saying I know + be let us see + for they knew + And I am sure + Did not I see + I do not know + When they saw + And hath seen + hath not seen + have you know + me and ye know + fellow we know + him ; and wist + and understand + But he knowing + that I may see + that they know + and he knoweth + and perceiving + Do ye not know + for you to see + and when I saw + thou shalt see + thou hast seen + unto them Know + they have seen + unto you I know + while we cannot + And when he saw + but having seen + thou hast known + because ye know + having not seen + that we do know + they should see + unto him I know + that we may see + One and ye know + that he knoweth + for to consider + unto thee I saw + him when he saw + But when he saw + him but ye know + and when he saw + But we are sure + and when she saw + that thou sawest + and not perceive + that ye may know + that when ye see + And that knowing + And when she saw + he understandeth + when they beheld + unto him Knowest + but him they saw + the door and saw + for we have seen + him ; but I know + And they that saw + and when they saw + that they may see + that we might see + him for they know + that thou knowest + And when they saw + unto them Ye know + and have not seen + But when they saw + not ye for I know + on them that know + ye out for to see + him when they see + her when they saw + unto thee knowing + of me ; and I know + when they had seen + things and we know + thing that ye know + that we might know + And because he saw + because he knoweth + them are not aware + things that he saw + him and perceiving + of them when he saw + unto him and he saw + to him that knoweth + for I had not known + unto you but I know + to pass and ye know + things ye have seen + things they had seen + forasmuch as ye know + Forasmuch as ye know + them ; for they know + But that ye may know + one of you should know + he was and when he saw + And when they had seen + that he should not see + from him for they know + and when they had seen + and shall not perceive + him ourselves and know + we shall be but we know + but that they might see + me ye should have known + thou not unto me knowest + that they should not see + works that they had seen + unto you Ye shall not see + long that thou mayest know + him and ye when ye had seen + unto them and when they saw + are they that have not seen + him unto him and when he saw +/ ; properly, unseen, i .e . "Hades" or the place (state) of departed souls: --grave, hell .

3419 + tomb + the tombs + sepulchre + it in a tomb + to the grave + the sepulchre + And the graves + unto the grave + the sepulchres + to the sepulchre + of the sepulchre + out of the tombs + their sepulchres + out of his grave + out of the graves + him in a sepulchre + unto the sepulchre + from the sepulchre + for ye are as graves + him out of the tombs + out of the sepulchre + that are in the graves + away from the sepulchre + day ; for the sepulchre + that he had lain in the grave +/ . mnemeion {mnay-mi'-on}; from 3420 + in remembrance +/ ; a remembrance, i .e . cenotaph (place of interment): --grave, sepulchre, tomb .

4586 + grave + be grave + things are honest +/ . semnos {sem-nos'}; from 4576 + to worship + worshippeth + up the devout + and religious + they do worship + do they worship + which worshipped + and of the devout + and with the devout + one that worshipped +/ ; venerable, i .e . honorable: --grave, honest .

4587 + gravity + and honesty +/ . semnotes {sem-not'-ace}; from 4586 + grave + be grave + things are honest +/ ; venerableness, i .e . probity: --gravity, honesty .

5028 + the tombs + sepulchre + sepulchres + the sepulchre + that the sepulchre +/ . taphos {taf'-os}; masculine from 2290 + bury + buried + and bury + and buried + and was buried + him out and buried + And that he was buried + of them which have buried +/ ; a grave (the place of interment): --sepulchre, tomb .