Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

en-)grave 6603 ## pittuwach {pit-too'-akh}; or pittuach {pit-too'-akh; passive participle of 6605; sculpture (in low or high relief or even intaglio): -- carved (work) (are, {en-)grave}(-ing, -n).

en-)grave 6605 ## pathach {paw-thakh'}; a primitive root; to open wide (literally or figuratively); specifically, to loosen, begin, plough, carve: -- appear, break forth, draw (out), let go free, ({en-)grave}(-n), loose (self), (be, be set) open(-ing), put off, ungird, unstop, have vent.

engrave 1795 # entupoo {en-too-po'-o}; from 1722 and a derivative of 5179; to enstamp, i.e. engrave: -- {engrave}.

grave 0086 # haides {hah'-dace}; from 1 (as negative particle) and 1492; properly, unseen, i.e. "Hades" or the place (state) of departed souls: -- {grave}, hell.

grave 1164 ## b@`iy {beh-ee'}; from 1158; a prayer: -- {grave}. grave 2710 ## chaqaq {khaw-kak'}; a primitive root; properly, to hack, i.e. engrave (Judges 5:14, to be a scribe simply); by implication, to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (gen.) prescribe: -- appoint, decree, governor, {grave}, lawgiver, note, pourtray, print, set.

grave 3418 # mnema {mnay'-mah}; from 3415; a memorial, i.e. sepulchral monument (burial-place): -- {grave}, sepulchre, tomb.

grave 3419 # mnemeion {mnay-mi'-on}; from 3420; a remembrance, i.e. cenotaph (place of interment): -- {grave}, sepulchre, tomb.

grave 4586 # semnos {sem-nos'}; from 4576; venerable, i.e. honorable: -- {grave}, honest.

grave 6458 ## pacal {paw-sal'}; a primitive root; to carve, whether wood or stone: -- {grave}, hew.

grave 6900 ## q@buwrah {keb-oo-raw'}; or q@burah {keb-oo-raw'}; feminine passive participle of 6912; sepulture; (concretely) a sepulchre: -- burial, burying place, {grave}, sepulchre.

grave 6913 ## qeber {keh'-ber}; or (feminine) qibrah {kib-raw'}; from 6912; a sepulchre: -- burying place, {grave}, sepulchre.

grave 7585 ## sh@&owl {sheh-ole'}; or sh@ol {sheh-ole'}; from 7592; Hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat), including its accessories and inmates: -- {grave}, hell, pit.

grave 7845 ## shachath {shakh'-ath}; from 7743; a pit (especially as a trap); figuratively, destruction: -- corruption, destruction, ditch, {grave}, pit.

sepulchre 5028 # taphos {taf'-os}; masculine from 2290; a grave (the place of interment): -- {sepulchre}, tomb.

tomb 5028 # taphos {taf'-os}; masculine from 2290; a grave (the place of interment): -- sepulchre, {tomb}.