goods 0202 -- /own -- force, {goods}, might, strength, substance.
goods 2428 -- chayil -- able, activity, (+) army, band of men
(soldiers), company,(great) forces, {goods}, host, might, power,
riches, strength, strong,substance, train, (+)valiant(-ly),
valour, virtuous(-ly), war,worthy(-ily).
goods 5232 -- n@kac -- {goods}.
goods 7075 qinyan -- -- getting, {goods}, X with money, riches,
goods 3776 ** ousia ** {goods}, substance.
goods 4147 ** plouteo ** be increased with {goods}, (be made,
wax) rich.
goods 4632 ** skeuos ** {goods}, sail, stuff, vessel.
goods 5223 ** huparxis ** {goods}, substance.
goods 5224 ** huparchonta ** {goods}, that which one has, things
which (one) possesseth,substance, that hast.