Goliath Interlinear Index Study

Goliath 1SA 017 004 And there went <03318 +yatsa> > out a
champion <01143 +benayim > out of the camp <04264 +machaneh > of
the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > , named <08034 +shem >
{Goliath} <01555 +Golyath > , of Gath <01661 +Gath > , whose
height <01363 +gobahh > [ was ] six <08337 +shesh > cubits
<00520 +>ammah > and a span <02239 +zereth > .

Goliath 1SA 017 023 And as he talked <01696 +dabar > with them ,
behold <02009 +hinneh > , there came <05927 + up the
champion <01143 +benayim > , the Philistine <06430 +P@lishtiy >
of Gath <01661 +Gath > , {Goliath} <01555 +Golyath > by name
<08034 +shem > , out of the armies <04630 +ma of the
Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > , and spake <01696 +dabar >
according to the same <00428 +>el - leh > words <01697 +dabar > :
and David <01732 +David > heard <08085 +shama< > [ them ] .

Goliath 1SA 021 009 And the priest <03548 +kohen > said <00559
+>amar > , The sword <02719 +chereb >of {Goliath} <01555
+Golyath > the Philistine <06430 +P@lishtiy > , whom <00834
+>aher > thou slewest <05221 +nakah > in the valley <06010
+ of Elah <00425 +>Elah > , behold <02009 +hinneh > , it
[ is here ] wrapped <03874 +luwt > in a cloth <08071 +simlah >
behind <00310 +>achar > the ephod <00646 +>ephowd > : if <00518
+>im > thou wilt take <03947 +laqach > that , take <03947
+laqach > [ it ] : for [ there is ] no <00369 +>ayin > other
<00312 +>acher > save <02108 +zuwlah > that here <02088 +zeh > .
And David <01732 +David > said <00559 +>amar > , [ There is ]
none <00369 +>ayin > like that ; give <05414 +nathan > it me .

Goliath 1SA 022 010 And he enquired <07592 +sha>al > of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > for him , and gave <05414 +nathan > him
victuals <06720 +tseydah > , and gave <05414 +nathan > him the
sword <02719 +chereb > of {Goliath} <01555 +Golyath > the
Philistine <06430 +P@lishtiy > .

Goliath 2SA 021 019 And there was again <05750 + a battle
<04421 +milchamah > in Gob <01359 +Gob > with the Philistines
<06430 +P@lishtiy > , where Elhanan <00445 +>Elchanan > the son
<01121 +ben > of Jaareoregim <03296 +YaOr@giym > , a
Bethlehemite <01022 +Beyth hal - Lachmiy > , slew <05221 +nakah
> [ the brother of ] {Goliath} <01555 +Golyath > the Gittite
<01663 +Gittiy > , the staff <06086 + of whose spear
<02595 +chaniyth > [ was ] like a weaver s <00707 +>arag > beam
<04500 +manowr > .

Goliath 1CH 020 005 And there was war <04421 +milchamah > again
<05750 + with the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > ; and
Elhanan <00445 +>Elchanan > the son <01121 +ben > of Jair <02971
+Ya>iyr > slew <05221 +nakah > Lahmi <03902 +Lachmiy > the
brother <00251 +>ach > of {Goliath} <01555 +Golyath > the
Gittite <01663 +Gittiy > , whose spear <02595 +chaniyth > staff
<06086 + [ was ] like a weaver s <00707 +>arag > beam
<04500 +manowr >
