goat Pro_30_31 /^{goat /also ; and a king ,
against whom there is no rising up .

goat Lev_16_21 /^{goat /and confess over him
all the iniquities of the children of Israel , and all their
transgressions in all their sins , putting them upon the head of
the goat , and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into
the wilderness :

goat Lev_04_24 /^{goat /and kill it in the
place where they kill the burnt offering before the LORD : it is
a sin offering .

goat Lev_16_18 /^{goat /and put it upon the
horns of the altar round about .

goat Lev_16_21 /^{goat /and shall send him
away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness :

goat Deu_14_05 /^{goat /and the pygarg , and
the wild ox , and the chamois .

goat Dan_08_05 /^{goat /came from the west on
the face of the whole earth , and touched not the ground : and
the goat had a notable horn between his eyes .

goat Num_28_22 /^{goat /for a sin offering ,
to make an atonement for you.

goat Eze_43_25 /^{goat /for a sin offering :
they shall also prepare a young bullock , and a ram out of the
flock , without blemish .

goat Num_29_22 /^{goat /for a sin offering ;
beside the continual burnt offering , and his meat offering ,
and his drink offering .

goat Num_29_38 /^{goat /for a sin offering ;
beside the continual burnt offering , and his meat offering ,
and his drink offering .

goat Num_29_28 /^{goat /for a sin offering ;
beside the continual burnt offering , and his meat offering ,
and his drink offering .

goat Num_29_31 /^{goat /for a sin offering ;
beside the continual burnt offering , his meat offering , and
his drink offering .

goat Num_29_34 /^{goat /for a sin offering ;
beside the continual burnt offering , his meat offering , and
his drink offering .

goat Lev_16_26 /^{goat /for the scapegoat
shall wash his clothes , and bathe his flesh in water , and
afterward come into the camp .

goat Lev_16_27 /^{goat /for the sin offering ,
whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the holy place,
shall one carry forth without the camp ; and they shall burn in
the fire their skins , and their flesh , and their dung .

goat Dan_08_05 /^{goat /had a notable horn
between his eyes .

goat Lev_17_03 /^{goat /in the camp , or that
killeth it out of the camp ,

goat Lev_16_22 /^{goat /in the wilderness .

goat Lev_22_27 /^{goat /is brought forth ,
then it shall be seven days under the dam ; and from the eighth
day and thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made by
fire unto the LORD .

goat Dan_08_21 /^{goat /is the king of Grecia
: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king .

goat Num_15_27 /^{goat /of the first year for
a sin offering .

goat Lev_10_16 /^{goat /of the sin offering ,
and, behold, it was burnt : and he was angry with Eleazar and
Ithamar , the sons of Aaron which were left alive, saying ,

goat Lev_16_15 /^{goat /of the sin offering ,
that is for the people , and bring his blood within the vail ,
and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bullock ,
and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat , and before the mercy seat :

goat Gen_15_09 /^{goat /of three years old ,
and a ram of three years old , and a turtledove , and a young
pigeon .

goat Lev_16_10 /^{goat /on which the lot fell
to be the scapegoat , shall be presented alive before the LORD ,
to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat
into the wilderness .

goat Lev_16_22 /^{goat /shall bear upon him
all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited : and he shall
let go the goat in the wilderness .

goat Lev_03_12 /^{goat /then he shall offer
it before the LORD .

goat Num_18_17 /^{goat /thou shalt not redeem
; they are holy : thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar
, and shalt burn their fat for an offering made by fire , for a
sweet savour unto the LORD .

goat Lev_16_09 /^{goat /upon which the LORD'S
lot fell , and offer him for a sin offering .

goat Dan_08_08 /^{goat /waxed very great :
and when he was strong , the great horn was broken ; and for it
came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven .

goat Lev_09_15 /^{goat /which was the sin
offering for the people , and slew it, and offered it for sin ,
as the first .

goats Lev_04_28 /^{goats /a female without
blemish , for his sin which he hath sinned .

goats Lev_04_23 /^{goats /a male without
blemish :

goats Ezr_06_17 /^{goats /according to the
number of the tribes of Israel .

goats Gen_30_33 /^{goats /and brown among the
sheep , that shall be counted stolen with me.

goats Heb_09_12 /${goats /and calves , but by
his own blood he entered in once into the holy place , having
obtained eternal redemption for us.

goats Gen_37_31 /^{goats /and dipped the coat
in the blood ;

goats 1Sa_25_02 /^{goats /and he was shearing
his sheep in Carmel .

goats Gen_27_09 /^{goats /and I will make them
savoury meat for thy father , such as he loveth :

goats Gen_30_32 /^{goats /and of such shall be
my hire .

goats Lev_16_07 /^{goats /and present them
before the LORD at the door of the tabernacle of the
congregation .

goats Heb_09_13 /${goats /and the ashes of an
heifer sprinkling the unclean , sanctifieth to the purifying of
the flesh :

goats Psa_104_18 /^{goats /and the rocks for
the conies .

goats Gen_32_14 /^{goats /and twenty he goats ,
two hundred ewes , and twenty rams ,

goats Pro_27_26 /^{goats /are the price of the
field .

goats Jer_50_08 /^{goats /before the flocks .

goats Eze_45_23 /^{goats /daily for a sin
offering .

goats Num_07_65 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni .

goats Num_07_71 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Ahiezer the son of
Ammishaddai .

goats Num_07_83 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Ahira the son of Enan .

goats Num_07_29 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Eliab the son of Helon .

goats Num_07_47 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel .

goats Num_07_53 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Elishama the son of
Ammihud .

goats Num_07_35 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur .

goats Num_07_59 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Gamaliel the son of
Pedahzur .

goats Num_07_17 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Nahshon the son of
Amminadab .

goats Num_07_23 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Nethaneel the son of Zuar .

goats Num_07_77 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Pagiel the son of Ocran .

goats Num_07_41 /^{goats /five lambs of the
first year : this was the offering of Shelumiel the son of
Zurishaddai .

goats Lev_01_10 /^{goats /for a burnt
sacrifice ; he shall bring it a male without blemish .

goats Lev_16_05 /^{goats /for a sin offering ,
and one ram for a burnt offering .

goats Lev_23_19 /^{goats /for a sin offering ,
and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace
offerings .

goats Num_29_05 /^{goats /for a sin offering ,
to make an atonement for you:

goats Num_15_24 /^{goats /for a sin offering .

goats Num_07_40 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_82 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_16 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_52 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_76 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_46 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_64 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_58 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_34 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_70 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_22 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Num_07_28 /^{goats /for a sin offering :

goats Ezr_08_35 /^{goats /for a sin offering :
all this was a burnt offering unto the LORD .

goats Lev_09_03 /^{goats /for a sin offering ;
and a calf and a lamb , both of the first year , without blemish
, for a burnt offering ;

goats Lev_05_06 /^{goats /for a sin offering ;
and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his
sin .

goats Num_29_19 /^{goats /for a sin offering ;
beside the continual burnt offering , and the meat offering
thereof, and their drink offerings .

goats Num_29_25 /^{goats /for a sin offering ;
beside the continual burnt offering , his meat offering , and
his drink offering .

goats Num_29_16 /^{goats /for a sin offering ;
beside the continual burnt offering , his meat offering , and
his drink offering .

goats Num_29_11 /^{goats /for a sin offering ;
beside the sin offering of atonement , and the continual burnt
offering , and the meat offering of it, and their drink
offerings .

goats 2Ch_29_21 /^{goats /for a sin offering
for the kingdom , and for the sanctuary , and for Judah . And he
commanded the priests the sons of Aaron to offer them on the
altar of the LORD .

goats Num_28_15 /^{goats /for a sin offering
unto the LORD shall be offered , beside the continual burnt
offering , and his drink offering .

goats Num_07_87 /^{goats /for sin offering
twelve .

goats Zec_10_03 /^{goats /for the LORD of
hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah , and hath made
them as his goodly horse in the battle .

goats 2Ch_29_23 /^{goats /for the sin offering
before the king and the congregation ; and they laid their hands
upon them:

goats 1Sa_19_13 /^{goats /hair for his bolster
, and covered it with a cloth .

goats 1Sa_19_16 /^{goats /hair for his bolster

goats Exo_36_14 /^{goats /hair for the tent
over the tabernacle : eleven curtains he made them.

goats Exo_26_07 /^{goats /hair to be a
covering upon the tabernacle : eleven curtains shalt thou make .

goats Exo_25_04 /^{goats /hair,

goats Exo_35_06 /^{goats /hair,

goats Num_31_20 /^{goats /hair, and all things
made of wood .

goats Exo_35_23 /^{goats /hair, and red skins
of rams , and badgers skins , brought them.

goats Exo_35_26 /^{goats /hair.

goats Gen_31_38 /^{goats /have not cast their
young , and the rams of thy flock have I not eaten .

goats Eze_27_21 /^{goats /in these were they
thy merchants .

goats Pro_27_27 /^{goats /milk enough for thy
food , for the food of thy household , and for the maintenance
for thy maidens .

goats Eze_39_18 /^{goats /of bullocks , all of
them fatlings of Bashan .

goats Job_39_01 /^{goats /of the rock bring
forth ? or canst thou mark when the hinds do calve ?

goats Mat_25_33 /${goats /on the left .

goats Lev_16_08 /^{goats /one lot for the LORD
, and the other lot for the scapegoat .

goats Psa_50_09 /^{goats /out of thy folds .

goats Psa_66_15 /^{goats /Selah .

goats Heb_10_04 /${goats /should take away
sins .

goats Num_07_88 /^{goats /sixty , the lambs of
the first year sixty . This was the dedication of the altar ,
after that it was anointed .

goats Son_06_05 /^{goats /that appear from
Gilead .

goats Son_04_01 /^{goats /that appear from
mount Gilead .

goats Gen_30_35 /^{goats /that were
ringstraked and spotted , and all the she goats that were
speckled and spotted , and every one that had some white in it,
and all the brown among the sheep , and gave them into the hand
of his sons .

goats Gen_30_35 /^{goats /that were speckled
and spotted , and every one that had some white in it, and all
the brown among the sheep , and gave them into the hand of his
sons .

goats Num_28_30 /^{goats /to make an atonement
for you.

goats Gen_32_14 /^{goats /two hundred ewes ,
and twenty rams ,

goats Gen_27_16 /^{goats /upon his hands , and
upon the smooth of his neck :

goats Deu_32_14 /^{goats /with the fat of
kidneys of wheat ; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the
grape .

goats Isa_34_06 /^{goats /with the fat of the
kidneys of rams : for the LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah , and
a great slaughter in the land of Idumea .

goats Heb_09_19 /${goats /with water , and
scarlet wool , and hyssop , and sprinkled both the book , and
all the people ,

goats Eze_43_22 /^{goats /without blemish for
a sin offering ; and they shall cleanse the altar , as they did
cleanse it with the bullock .

goatskins Heb_11_37 /${goatskins /being destitute ,
afflicted , tormented ;

scapegoat Lev_16_10 /^{scapegoat /into the
wilderness .

scapegoat Lev_16_10 /^{scapegoat /shall be
presented alive before the LORD , to make an atonement with him,
and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness .

scapegoat Lev_16_26 /^{scapegoat /shall wash his
clothes , and bathe his flesh in water , and afterward come into
the camp .
