English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
advantageth - 3786 {advantageth}, profit,

altogether - 3650 all, {altogether}, every, throughout, whit, whole,

altogether - 3843 all, {altogether}, at, doubt, means, needs, no, wise,

altogether - 4183 abundant, {altogether}, common, far, great, greatly, long, many, much, oft, sore, straitly,

belongeth - 1510 am, been, belong, {belongeth}, fear, had, make, stand, used,

bringeth - 0399 bare, bear, {bringeth}, leadeth, offer, offered,

bringeth - 0616 begat, {bringeth}, forth,

bringeth - 1521 {bringeth}, brought, led,

bringeth - 1544 away, {bringeth}, cast, casteth, casting, driveth, drove, expelled, forth, leave, pluck, pull, put, putteth, send, sent, thrust,

bringeth - 2592 beareth, bring, {bringeth}, forth, fruit, fruitful,

bringeth - 4160 abode, agree, appointed, bare, bear, been, bring, {bringeth}, bringing, brought, cause, caused, causeth, commit, committed, committeth, content, continue, did, do, doest, doeth, doing, done, execute, exerciseth, forth, fulfil, fulfilling, gave,

bringeth - 4992 {bringeth}, salvation,

bringeth - 5088 bearest, born, bring, {bringeth}, brought, child, delivered, forth, travail,

bringeth - 5342 bare, bear, beareth, bearing, bring, {bringeth}, bringing, brought, came, carry, driven, endure, go, laid, leadeth, moved, reach, rushing, upholding,

forget - 1950 {forget}, forgetful, forgetteth, forgetting, forgotten,

forgetful - 1950 forget, {forgetful}, forgetteth, forgetting, forgotten,

forgetful - 1953 {forgetful},

forgetteth - 1950 forget, forgetful, {forgetteth}, forgetting, forgotten,

forgetting - 1950 forget, forgetful, forgetteth, {forgetting}, forgotten,

get - 1684 come, entered, entering, {get}, stepped, went,

get - 1826 depart, departed, {get}, gone,

get - 1831 abroad, away, came, camest, come, cometh, coming, depart, departed, departing, escaped, forth, {get}, go, gone, proceed, proceeded, proceedeth, spread, went,

get - 2597 came, come, cometh, coming, descend, descended, descending, down, fell, {get}, go, goeth, going, steppeth, went,

get - 4122 advantage, defraud, defrauded, gain, {get}, make,

get - 5217 away, depart, departing, {get}, go, goest, goeth, going, hence, went,

gethsemane - 1068 {gethsemane},

hangeth - 2910 hang, hanged, {hangeth},

judgeth - 0350 asking, discerned, examine, examined, examining, judge, judged, {judgeth}, searched,

judgeth - 2919 at, called, concluded, condemn, condemned, condemning, damned, decreed, determined, judge, judged, judgest, {judgeth}, judging, law, ordained, question, sentence, sue, thought,

lodgeth - 3579 entertained, lodge, lodged, {lodgeth}, strange,

purgeth - 2508 purged, {purgeth},

scourgeth - 3146 charged, scourged, {scourgeth},

together - 0240 another, each, mutual, one, other, themselves, {together}, yourselves,

together - 0260 also, {together}, withal,

together - 0346 gather, {together},

together - 0846 beside, cause, having, herself, himself, itself, jesus, one, ourselves, own, said, same, self, selfsame, selves, theirs, themselves, there, thereat, thereby, therein, thereof, thereon, therewith, these, things, this, those, thyself, {together},

together - 0864 {together},

together - 1794 {together}, wrapped,

together - 1996 gather, gathered, gathereth, {together},

together - 1997 assembling, gathering, {together},

together - 1998 came, running, {together},

together - 2086 {together}, unequally, yoked,

together - 2675 framed, joined, make, mending, perfect, perfected, perfectly, prepared, restore, {together},

together - 3674 {together},

together - 4776 made, sit, {together},

together - 4779 call, called, {together},

together - 4786 mixed, tempered, {together},

together - 4789 fellowheirs, heirs, {together},

together - 4801 joined, {together},

together - 4802 disputed, disputing, question, questioned, questioning, reasoning, {together},

together - 4806 quickened, {together},

together - 4811 {together},

together - 4816 gather, gathered, {together},

together - 4822 assuredly, compacted, gathering, instruct, knit, proving, {together},

together - 4831 followers, {together},

together - 4837 comforted, {together},

together - 4851 better, brought, expedient, good, profit, profitable, {together},

together - 4853 countrymen, {together},

together - 4856 agree, agreed, {together},

together - 4863 assembled, came, gather, gathered, gathereth, gathering, leadeth, {together}, took,

together - 4866 laboured, striving, {together},

together - 4867 called, {together},

together - 4873 at, sat, {together},

together - 4883 fitly, framed, joined, {together},

together - 4886 bands, bond, {together},

together - 4890 ran, {together},

together - 4891 raised, risen, {together},

together - 4897 {together}, went,

together - 4899 elected, {together},

together - 4903 helpeth, {together}, workers, working, wrought,

together - 4904 companion, fellowhelper, fellowhelpers, fellowlabourer, fellowlabourers, fellowworkers, helpers, labour, labourers, {together},

together - 4905 accompanied, assembled, came, come, cometh, companied, go, resort, resorted, {together}, went,

together - 4911 rose, {together},

together - 4925 builded, {together},

together - 4943 helping, {together},

together - 4966 sychem, {together},