agates Isa_54_12 /^{agates /and thy gates of
carbuncles , and all thy borders of pleasant stones .

gates Rev_21_12 /${gates /and at the gates
twelve angels , and names written thereon , which are the names
of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel :

gates 2Ch_14_07 /^{gates /and bars , while the
land is yet before us; because we have sought the LORD our God ,
we have sought him, and he hath given us rest on every side . So
they built and prospered .

gates 1Sa_23_07 /^{gates /and bars .

gates 2Ch_08_05 /^{gates /and bars ;

gates Deu_03_05 /^{gates /and bars ; beside
unwalled towns a great many .

gates Deu_26_12 /^{gates /and be filled ;

gates Psa_24_07 /^{gates /and be ye lift up ,
ye everlasting doors ; and the King of glory shall come in .

gates Oba_01_11 /^{gates /and cast lots upon
Jerusalem , even thou wast as one of them.

gates 1Ch_22_03 /^{gates /and for the joinings
; and brass in abundance without weight ;

gates Rev_21_13 /${gates /and on the west
three gates .

gates Eze_48_32 /^{gates /and one gate of
Joseph , one gate of Benjamin , one gate of Dan .

gates Isa_45_01 /^{gates /and the gates shall
not be shut ;

gates Deu_16_11 /^{gates /and the stranger ,
and the fatherless , and the widow , that are among you, in the
place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to place his name there.

gates Neh_12_30 /^{gates /and the wall .

gates 2Sa_18_24 /^{gates /and the watchman went
up to the roof over the gate unto the wall , and lifted up his
eyes , and looked , and behold a man running alone.

gates Deu_12_18 /^{gates /and thou shalt
rejoice before the LORD thy God in all that thou puttest thine
hands unto.

gates Act_14_13 /${gates /and would have done
sacrifice with the people .

gates Son_07_13 /^{gates /are all manner of
pleasant fruits, new and old , which I have laid up for thee, O
my beloved .

gates Lam_01_04 /^{gates /are desolate : her
priests sigh , her virgins are afflicted , and she is in
bitterness .

gates Lam_02_09 /^{gates /are sunk into the
ground ; he hath destroyed and broken her bars : her king and
her princes are among the Gentiles : the law is no more; her
prophets also find no vision from the LORD .

gates Eze_26_10 /^{gates /as men enter into a
city wherein is made a breach .

gates Pro_08_03 /^{gates /at the entry of the
city , at the coming in at the doors .

gates Act_09_24 /${gates /day and night to
kill him .

gates Psa_24_09 /^{gates /even lift them up ,
ye everlasting doors ; and the King of glory shall come in .

gates Deu_17_05 /^{gates /even that man or
that woman , and shalt stone them with stones , till they die .

gates Deu_12_12 /^{gates /forasmuch as he hath
no part nor inheritance with you.

gates Psa_147_13 /^{gates /he hath blessed thy
children within thee.

gates Pro_01_21 /^{gates /in the city she
uttereth her words , saying,

gates Deu_15_07 /^{gates /in thy land which
the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart ,
nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother :

gates Rev_22_14 /${gates /into the city .

gates Jer_49_31 /^{gates /nor bars , which
dwell alone .

gates Eze_48_31 /^{gates /northward ; one gate
of Reuben , one gate of Judah , one gate of Levi .

gates Psa_122_02 /^{gates /O Jerusalem .

gates Isa_45_02 /^{gates /of brass , and cut
in sunder the bars of iron :

gates Psa_107_16 /^{gates /of brass , and cut
the bars of iron in sunder .

gates Isa_54_12 /^{gates /of carbuncles , and
all thy borders of pleasant stones .

gates Psa_107_18 /^{gates /of death .

gates Psa_09_13 /^{gates /of death :

gates Job_38_17 /^{gates /of death been opened
unto thee? or hast thou seen the doors of the shadow of death ?

gates 1Sa_17_52 /^{gates /of Ekron . And the
wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Shaaraim ,
even unto Gath , and unto Ekron .

gates Mat_16_18 /${gates /of hell shall not
prevail against it .

gates Rev_21_25 /${gates /of it shall not be
shut at all by day : for there shall be no night there .

gates Jos_06_26 /^{gates /of it.

gates Jer_01_15 /^{gates /of Jerusalem , and
against all the walls thereof round about , and against all the
cities of Judah .

gates Jer_22_19 /^{gates /of Jerusalem .

gates Lam_04_12 /^{gates /of Jerusalem .

gates Jer_17_21 /^{gates /of Jerusalem ;

gates Jer_17_19 /^{gates /of Jerusalem ;

gates Neh_07_03 /^{gates /of Jerusalem be
opened until the sun be hot ; and while they stand by , let them
shut the doors , and bar them: and appoint watches of the
inhabitants of Jerusalem , every one in his watch , and every
one to be over against his house .

gates Neh_13_19 /^{gates /of Jerusalem began
to be dark before the sabbath , I commanded that the gates
should be shut , and charged that they should not be opened till
after the sabbath : and some of my servants set I at the gates ,
that there should no burden be brought in on the sabbath day .

gates Jer_17_27 /^{gates /of Jerusalem on the
sabbath day ; then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof,
and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem , and it shall not
be quenched .

gates Psa_118_19 /^{gates /of righteousness :
I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD :

gates Eze_48_31 /^{gates /of the city shall be
after the names of the tribes of Israel : three gates northward ;
one gate of Reuben , one gate of Judah , one gate of Levi .

gates Psa_09_14 /^{gates /of the daughter of
Zion : I will rejoice in thy salvation .

gates Isa_38_10 /^{gates /of the grave : I am
deprived of the residue of my years .

gates Eze_44_11 /^{gates /of the house , and
ministering to the house : they shall slay the burnt offering
and the sacrifice for the people , and they shall stand before
them to minister unto them.

gates 1Ch_09_23 /^{gates /of the house of the
LORD , namely, the house of the tabernacle , by wards .

gates 2Ch_23_19 /^{gates /of the house of the
LORD , that none which was unclean in any thing should enter in .

gates Eze_44_17 /^{gates /of the inner court ,
and within .

gates Eze_44_17 /^{gates /of the inner court ,
they shall be clothed with linen garments ; and no wool shall
come upon them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner
court , and within .

gates Jer_15_07 /^{gates /of the land ; I will
bereave them of children, I will destroy my people , since they
return not from their ways .

gates Isa_13_02 /^{gates /of the nobles .

gates Neh_02_08 /^{gates /of the palace which
appertained to the house , and for the wall of the city , and
for the house that I shall enter into . And the king granted me,
according to the good hand of my God upon me.

gates Eze_26_02 /^{gates /of the people : she
is turned unto me: I shall be replenished , now she is laid
waste :

gates Pro_14_19 /^{gates /of the righteous .

gates Nah_02_06 /^{gates /of the rivers shall
be opened , and the palace shall be dissolved .

gates 1Ch_09_19 /^{gates /of the tabernacle :
and their fathers , being over the host of the LORD , were
keepers of the entry .

gates 2Ch_31_02 /^{gates /of the tents of the

gates Jer_17_25 /^{gates /of this city kings
and princes sitting upon the throne of David , riding in
chariots and on horses , they, and their princes , the men of
Judah , and the inhabitants of Jerusalem : and this city shall
remain for ever .

gates Jer_17_24 /^{gates /of this city on the
sabbath day , but hallow the sabbath day , to do no work therein;

gates Jer_22_04 /^{gates /of this house kings
sitting upon the throne of David , riding in chariots and on
horses , he, and his servants , and his people .

gates Nah_03_13 /^{gates /of thy land shall be
set wide open unto thine enemies : the fire shall devour thy
bars .

gates Psa_87_02 /^{gates /of Zion more than
all the dwellings of Jacob .

gates Rev_21_13 /${gates /on the north three
gates ; on the south three gates ; and on the west three gates .

gates Rev_21_13 /${gates /on the south three
gates ; and on the west three gates .

gates Eze_48_34 /^{gates /one gate of Gad ,
one gate of Asher , one gate of Naphtali .

gates Eze_48_33 /^{gates /one gate of Simeon ,
one gate of Issachar , one gate of Zebulun .

gates Deu_18_06 /^{gates /out of all Israel ,
where he sojourned , and come with all the desire of his mind
unto the place which the LORD shall choose ;

gates Eze_40_18 /^{gates /over against the
length of the gates was the lower pavement .

gates Isa_60_18 /^{gates /Praise .

gates Isa_62_10 /^{gates /prepare ye the way
of the people ; cast up , cast up the highway ; gather out the
stones ; lift up a standard for the people .

gates Jer_51_58 /^{gates /shall be burned with
fire ; and the people shall labour in vain , and the folk in the
fire , and they shall be weary .

gates Isa_60_11 /^{gates /shall be open
continually ; they shall not be shut day nor night ; that men
may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles , and that their
kings may be brought .

gates Deu_14_29 /^{gates /shall come , and
shall eat and be satisfied ; that the LORD thy God may bless
thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest .

gates Isa_03_26 /^{gates /shall lament and
mourn ; and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground .

gates Isa_45_01 /^{gates /shall not be shut ;

gates Neh_13_19 /^{gates /should be shut , and
charged that they should not be opened till after the sabbath :
and some of my servants set I at the gates , that there should
no burden be brought in on the sabbath day .

gates Deu_14_21 /^{gates /that he may eat it;
or thou mayest sell it unto an alien : for thou art an holy
people unto the LORD thy God . Thou shalt not seethe a kid in
his mother's milk .

gates Isa_26_02 /^{gates /that the righteous
nation which keepeth the truth may enter in .

gates Eze_21_15 /^{gates /that their heart may
faint , and their ruins be multiplied : ah ! it is made bright ,
it is wrapped up for the slaughter .

gates Neh_13_19 /^{gates /that there should no
burden be brought in on the sabbath day .

gates Deu_31_12 /^{gates /that they may hear ,
and that they may learn , and fear the LORD your God , and
observe to do all the words of this law :

gates Deu_05_14 /^{gates /that thy manservant
and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.

gates 2Ki_23_08 /^{gates /that were in the
entering in of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city ,
which were on a man's left hand at the gate of the city .

gates Deu_12_17 /^{gates /the tithe of thy
corn , or of thy wine , or of thy oil , or the firstlings of thy
herds or of thy flock , nor any of thy vows which thou vowest ,
nor thy freewill offerings , or heave offering of thine hand :

gates Deu_15_22 /^{gates /the unclean and the
clean person shall eat it alike , as the roebuck , and as the
hart .

gates Deu_17_08 /^{gates /then shalt thou
arise , and get thee up into the place which the LORD thy God
shall choose ;

gates Rev_21_15 /${gates /thereof , and the
wall thereof .

gates Neh_01_03 /^{gates /thereof are burned
with fire .

gates Neh_02_17 /^{gates /thereof are burned
with fire : come , and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem ,
that we be no more a reproach .

gates Neh_02_03 /^{gates /thereof are consumed
with fire ?

gates 1Ki_16_34 /^{gates /thereof in his
youngest son Segub , according to the word of the LORD , which
he spake by Joshua the son of Nun .

gates Jer_14_02 /^{gates /thereof languish ;
they are black unto the ground ; and the cry of Jerusalem is
gone up .

gates Neh_02_13 /^{gates /thereof were
consumed with fire .

gates Jer_17_27 /^{gates /thereof, and it
shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem , and it shall not be
quenched .

gates Deu_14_27 /^{gates /thou shalt not
forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee.

gates Deu_28_52 /^{gates /throughout all thy
land , which the LORD thy God hath given thee.

gates Eze_21_22 /^{gates /to cast a mount ,
and to build a fort .

gates Neh_13_22 /^{gates /to sanctify the
sabbath day . Remember me, O my God , concerning this also, and
spare me according to the greatness of thy mercy .

gates Jer_07_02 /^{gates /to worship the LORD .

gates Rev_21_12 /${gates /twelve angels , and
names written thereon , which are the names of the twelve tribes
of the children of Israel :

gates Deu_28_52 /^{gates /until thy high and
fenced walls come down , wherein thou trustedst , throughout all
thy land : and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout
all thy land , which the LORD thy God hath given thee.

gates Pro_08_34 /^{gates /waiting at the posts
of my doors .

gates Eze_40_18 /^{gates /was the lower
pavement .

gates Jud_05_08 /^{gates /was there a shield
or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel ?

gates Neh_11_19 /^{gates /were an hundred
seventy and two .

gates Rev_21_21 /${gates /were twelve pearls ;
every several gate was of one pearl : and the street of the city
was pure gold , as it were transparent glass .

gates 1Ch_09_22 /^{gates /were two hundred and
twelve . These were reckoned by their genealogy in their
villages , whom David and Samuel the seer did ordain in their
set office .

gates Deu_12_15 /^{gates /whatsoever thy soul
lusteth after , according to the blessing of the LORD thy God
which he hath given thee: the unclean and the clean may eat
thereof, as of the roebuck , and as of the hart .

gates Deu_12_21 /^{gates /whatsoever thy soul
lusteth after .

gates Pro_31_23 /^{gates /when he sitteth
among the elders of the land .

gates Deu_23_16 /^{gates /where it liketh him
best : thou shalt not oppress him.

gates Eze_40_38 /^{gates /where they washed
the burnt offering .

gates Deu_17_02 /^{gates /which the LORD thy
God giveth thee, man or woman , that hath wrought wickedness in
the sight of the LORD thy God , in transgressing his covenant ,

gates Deu_16_18 /^{gates /which the LORD thy
God giveth thee, throughout thy tribes : and they shall judge
the people with just judgment .

gates Deu_16_05 /^{gates /which the LORD thy
God giveth thee:

gates Psa_100_04 /^{gates /with thanksgiving ,
and into his courts with praise : be thankful unto him, and
bless his name .
