gadi , 2KI , 15:14 , 2KI , 15:17

gadite , 2SA , 23:36

gadites , 1CH , 5:18 , 1CH , 5:26 , 1CH , 12:8 , 1CH , 12:37 ,
1CH , 26:32

gadites , 2KI , 10:33

gadites , DE , 3:12 , DE , 3:16 , DE , 4:43 , DE , 29:8

gadites , JOS , 1:12 , JOS , 12:6 , JOS , 13:8 , JOS , 22:1



Gadi Interlinear Index Study

Gadi 2KI 015 014 For Menahem <04505 +M@nachem > the son <01121
+ben > of {Gadi} <01424 +Gadiy > went <05927 + up from
Tirzah <08656 +Tirtsah > , and came <00935 +bow> > to Samaria
<08111 +Shom@rown > , and smote <05221 +nakah > Shallum <07967
+Shalluwm > the son <01121 +ben > of Jabesh <03003 +Yabesh > in
Samaria <08111 +Shom@rown > , and slew <04191 +muwth > him , and
reigned <04427 +malak > in his stead <08478 +tachath > .

Gadi 2KI 015 017 In the nine <08672 +tesha< > and thirtieth
<07970 +sh@lowshiym > year <08141 +shaneh > of Azariah <05838
+ king <04428 +melek > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah >
began Menahem <04505 +M@nachem > the son <01121 +ben > of {Gadi}
<01424 +Gadiy > to reign <04427 +malak > over <05921 +
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , [ and reigned ] ten <06235 +
years <08141 +shaneh > in Samaria <08111 +Shom@rown > .


gadi went up from tirzah <2KI15 -:14 >

- gadi , 1424 ,

Gadites DEU 003 012 . And this <02063 +zo>th > land <00776
+>erets > , [ which ] we possessed <03423 +yarash > at that
time <06256 + , from Aroer <06177 + , which
<00834 +>aher > [ is ] by the river <05158 +nachal > Arnon
<00769 +>Arnown > , and half <02677 +chetsiy > mount <02022
+har > Gilead <01568 +Gil , and the cities <05892 + > thereof , gave <05414 +nathan > I unto the Reubenites <07206
+R@>uwbeniy > and to the {Gadites} <01425 +Gadiy > .

Gadites DEU 003 016 And unto the Reubenites <07206 +R@>uwbeniy
> and unto the {Gadites} <01425 +Gadiy > I gave <05414 +nathan
> from Gilead <01568 +Gil even unto the river <05158
+nachal > Arnon <00769 +>Arnown > half <08432 +tavek > the
valley <05158 +nachal > , and the border <01366 +g@buwl >
even unto the river <05158 +nachal > Jabbok <02999 +Yabboq > ,
[ which is ] the border <01366 +g@buwl > of the children
<01121 +ben > of Ammon <05983 + ;

Gadites DEU 004 043 [ Namely ] , Bezer <01221 +Betser > in
the wilderness <04057 +midbar > , in the plain <04334
+miyshowr > country <00776 +>erets > , of the Reubenites
<07206 +R@>uwbeniy > ; and Ramoth <07216 +Ra>mowth > in
Gilead <01568 +Gil , of the {Gadites} <01425 +Gadiy > ;
and Golan <01474 +Gowlan > in Bashan <01316 +Bashan > , of
the Manassites <04520 +M@nashshiy > .

Gadites DEU 029 008 And we took <03947 +laqach > their land
<00776 +>erets > , and gave <05414 +nathan > it for an
inheritance <05159 +nachalah > unto the Reubenites <07206
+R@>uwbeniy > , and to the {Gadites} <01425 +Gadiy > , and to
the half <02677 +chetsiy > tribe <07626 +shebet > of Manasseh
<04520 +M@nashshiy > .



gadi -1424 {gadi} ,

gadite -1425 {gadite} , gadites ,

gadites -1425 gadite , {gadites} ,


Gadi 1424 -- Gadiy -- {Gadi}.

Gadites 1425 -- Gadiy -- {Gadites}, children of Gad.




Gadi 1424 ## Gadiy {gaw-dee'}; from 1409; fortunate; Gadi, an
Israelite: -- {Gadi}. [ql

Gadites 1425 ## Gadiy {gaw-dee'}; patronymically from 1410; a
Gadite (collectively) or descendants of Gad: -- {Gadites},
children of Gad. [ql


Gadi 015 017 IIKi /^{Gadi /to reign over
Israel , and reigned ten years in Samaria .

Gadi 015 014 IIKi /^{Gadi /went up from Tirzah
, and came to Samaria , and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in
Samaria , and slew him, and reigned in his stead.

Gadites 004 043 Deu /^{Gadites /and Golan in
Bashan , of the Manassites .

Gadites 005 018 ICh /^{Gadites /and half the
tribe of Manasseh , of valiant men , men able to bear buckler
and sword , and to shoot with bow , and skilful in war , were
four and forty thousand seven hundred and threescore , that went
out to the war .

Gadites 012 037 ICh /^{Gadites /and of the half
tribe of Manasseh , with all manner of instruments of war for
the battle , an hundred and twenty thousand .

Gadites 022 001 Jos /^{Gadites /and the half
tribe of Manasseh ,

Gadites 005 026 ICh /^{Gadites /and the half
tribe of Manasseh , and brought them unto Halah , and Habor ,
and Hara , and to the river Gozan , unto this day .

Gadites 026 032 ICh /^{Gadites /and the half
tribe of Manasseh , for every matter pertaining to God , and
affairs of the king .

Gadites 012 006 Jos /^{Gadites /and the half
tribe of Manasseh .

Gadites 010 033 IIKi /^{Gadites /and the
Reubenites , and the Manassites , from Aroer , which is by the
river Arnon , even Gilead and Bashan .

Gadites 001 012 Jos /^{Gadites /and to half the
tribe of Manasseh , spake Joshua , saying ,

Gadites 029 008 Deu /^{Gadites /and to the half
tribe of Manasseh .

Gadites 013 008 Jos /^{Gadites /have received
their inheritance , which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan
eastward , even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave them;

Gadites 003 016 Deu /^{Gadites /I gave from
Gilead even unto the river Arnon half the valley , and the
border even unto the river Jabbok , which is the border of the
children of Ammon ;

Gadites 012 008 ICh /^{Gadites /there separated
themselves unto David into the hold to the wilderness men of
might , and men of war fit for the battle , that could handle
shield and buckler , whose faces were like the faces of lions ,
and were as swift as the roes upon the mountains ;



gadi <2KI15 -14> For Menahem the son of {Gadi} went up from

and came to Samaria, and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in

and slew him, and reigned in his stead.

gadi <2KI15 -17> In the nine and thirtieth year of Azariah king

Judah began Menahem the son of {Gadi} to reign over Israel, [and

reigned] ten years in Samaria.
