bountifully ......... bountifully 2129 -eulogia->

carefully ......... carefully 4708 -spoudaioteros->

carefully ......... it carefully 1567 -ekzeteo->

cheerfully ......... cheerfully 2115 -euthumos->

deceitfully ......... deceitfully 1389 -doloo->

despitefully ......... despitefully 1908 -epereazo->

despitefully ......... for them which despitefully 1908 -

despitefully ......... them despitefully 5195 -hubrizo->

faithfully ......... faithfully 4103 -pistos->

full ......... a full 4134->

full ......... a full 4134->

full ......... and full 4134 -pleres->

full ......... and full of glory 1392 -doxazo->

full ......... and was full of heaviness 0085 -ademoneo->

full ......... are full 3324 -mestos->

full ......... be full 5460 -photeinos->

full ......... being full 4134 -pleres->

full ......... full 1072 -gemizo->

full ......... full 1073 -gemo->

full ......... full 3324 -mestos->

full ......... full 4130 -pletho->

full ......... full 4134 -pleres->

full ......... full 4135 -plerophoreo->

full ......... full 4137 -pleroo->

full ......... full 4138 -pleroma->

full ......... full of sores 1669 -helkoo->

full ......... full of vinegar 3690 -oxos->

full ......... he was full 4137 -pleroo->

full ......... him ; and they were full 1073 -gemo->

full ......... I am full 4137 -pleroo->

full ......... in full 4136 -plerophoria->

full ......... is full 1073 -gemo->

full ......... is full 5460 -photeinos->

full ......... is full of darkness 4652 -skoteinos->

full ......... it was full 4137 -pleroo->

full ......... may be full 4137 -pleroo->

full ......... may be full 4137->

full ......... may be full 4137->

full ......... me full 4137 -pleroo->

full ......... might be full 4137 -pleroo->

full ......... O full 4134 -pleres->

full ......... of the full 4136 -plerophoria->

full ......... part is full 1073 -gemo->

full ......... shall be full 5460 -photeinos->

full ......... shall be full of darkness 4652 -skoteinos->

full ......... that the full 4134 -pleres->

full ......... These men are full 3325 -mestoo->

full ......... these sayings , they were full 4134 -pleres->

full ......... they are full 1073 -gemo->

full ......... to be full 5526 -chortazo->

full ......... to the full 4136 -plerophoria->

full ......... to them that are of full 5046 -teleios->

Full ......... unto them , Full well 2573 -kalos->

full ......... unto you that are full 1705 -empiplemi->

full ......... was full of darkness 4656 -skotoo->

full ......... woman was full 4134 -pleres->

full ......... ye are full 2880 -korennumi->

full ......... ye are full 3324 -mestos->

fuller ......... fuller 1102 -gnapheus->

fully ......... And being fully 4135 -plerophoreo->

fully ......... are fully ripe 0187 -akmazo->

fully ......... But thou hast fully 3877 -parakoloutheo->

fully ......... I have fully 4137 -pleroo->

fully ......... man be fully 4135 -plerophoreo->

fully ......... might be fully 4135 -plerophoreo->

fully ......... was fully 4845 -sumpleroo->

joyfully ......... him joyfully 5463 -chairo->

joyfully ......... joyfully 5479 -chara->

lawfully ......... it lawfully 3545 -nomimos->

lawfully ......... lawfully 3545 -nomimos->

plentifully ......... plentifully 2164 -euphoreo->

reproachfully ......... to speak reproachfully 5484 -charin->

shamefully ......... and were shamefully 5195 -hubrizo->

shamefully ......... him shamefully 0818 -atimazo->

shamefully ......... shamefully 0821> handled 0821> .

spitefully ......... and spitefully 5195 -hubrizo->

spitefully ......... them spitefully 5195 -hubrizo->

wilfully ......... wilfully 1596 -hekousios->

wrongfully ......... wrongfully 0095 -adikos->
