five 1Ch_07_03 /^{five /all of them chief men

five Gen_18_28 /^{five /And he said , If I
find there forty and five , I will not destroy it.

five 2Ch_15_19 /^{five /and thirtieth year of
the reign of Asa .

five Dan_12_12 /^{five /and thirty days .

five Gen_11_12 /^{five /and thirty years ,
and begat Salah :

five Jer_52_31 /^{five /and twentieth day of
the month , that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the first year
of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah ,
and brought him forth out of prison ,

five Eze_40_01 /^{five /and twentieth year of
our captivity , in the beginning of the year , in the tenth day
of the month , in the fourteenth year after that the city was
smitten , in the selfsame day the hand of the LORD was upon me,
and brought me thither.

five Eze_40_13 /^{five /and twenty cubits ,
door against door .

five Eze_40_25 /^{five /and twenty cubits .

five Eze_40_21 /^{five /and twenty cubits .

five Eze_40_36 /^{five /and twenty cubits .

five Eze_40_29 /^{five /and twenty cubits
broad .

five Eze_40_33 /^{five /and twenty cubits
broad .

five Eze_40_30 /^{five /and twenty cubits
long , and five cubits broad .

five Eze_08_16 /^{five /and twenty men , with
their backs toward the temple of the LORD , and their faces
toward the east ; and they worshipped the sun toward the east .

five Eze_11_01 /^{five /and twenty men ;
among whom I saw Jaazaniah the son of Azur , and Pelatiah the
son of Benaiah , princes of the people .

five Joh_06_19 /${five /and twenty or thirty
furlongs , they see Jesus walking on the sea , and drawing nigh
unto the ship : and they were afraid .

five Eze_45_12 /^{five /and twenty shekels ,
fifteen shekels , shall be your maneh .

five Eze_45_03 /^{five /and twenty thousand ,
and the breadth of ten thousand : and in it shall be the
sanctuary and the most holy place.

five Eze_48_13 /^{five /and twenty thousand ,
and the breadth ten thousand .

five Eze_48_15 /^{five /and twenty thousand ,
shall be a profane place for the city , for dwelling , and for
suburbs : and the city shall be in the midst thereof.

five Eze_48_20 /^{five /and twenty thousand :
ye shall offer the holy oblation foursquare , with the
possession of the city .

five Eze_48_20 /^{five /and twenty thousand
by five and twenty thousand : ye shall offer the holy oblation
foursquare , with the possession of the city .

five Eze_48_09 /^{five /and twenty thousand
in length , and of ten thousand in breadth .

five Eze_48_13 /^{five /and twenty thousand
in length , and ten thousand in breadth : all the length shall
be five and twenty thousand , and the breadth ten thousand .

five Eze_48_10 /^{five /and twenty thousand
in length : and the sanctuary of the LORD shall be in the midst

five Eze_48_10 /^{five /and twenty thousand
in length, and toward the west ten thousand in breadth , and
toward the east ten thousand in breadth , and toward the south
five and twenty thousand in length : and the sanctuary of the
LORD shall be in the midst thereof.

five Eze_45_06 /^{five /and twenty thousand
long , over against the oblation of the holy portion: it shall
be for the whole house of Israel .

five Eze_45_05 /^{five /and twenty thousand
of length , and the ten thousand of breadth , shall also the
Levites , the ministers of the house , have for themselves, for
a possession for twenty chambers .

five Eze_48_21 /^{five /and twenty thousand
of the oblation toward the east border , and westward over
against the five and twenty thousand toward the west border ,
over against the portions for the prince : and it shall be the
holy oblation ; and the sanctuary of the house shall be in the
midst thereof.

five Eze_48_08 /^{five /and twenty thousand
reeds in breadth , and in length as one of the other parts ,
from the east side unto the west side : and the sanctuary shall
be in the midst of it.

five Eze_45_01 /^{five /and twenty thousand
reeds, and the breadth shall be ten thousand . This shall be
holy in all the borders thereof round about .

five Eze_48_21 /^{five /and twenty thousand
toward the west border , over against the portions for the
prince : and it shall be the holy oblation ; and the sanctuary
of the house shall be in the midst thereof.

five 2Ch_29_01 /^{five /and twenty years old ,
and he reigned nine and twenty years in Jerusalem . And his
mother's name was Abijah , the daughter of Zechariah .

Five 2Ki_15_33 /^{Five /and twenty years old
was he when he began to reign , and he reigned sixteen years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jerusha , the daughter of
Zadok .

five 2Ch_27_08 /^{five /and twenty years old
when he began to reign , and reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem .

Five Mar_06_38 /${Five /and two fishes .

five Rev_17_10 /${five /are fallen , and one
is , and the other is not yet come ; and when he cometh , he
must continue a short space .

five Joh_06_09 /${five /barley loaves , and
two small fishes : but what are they among so many ?

five Joh_06_13 /${five /barley loaves , which
remained over and above unto them that had eaten .

five Exo_26_27 /^{five /bars for the boards
of the other side of the tabernacle , and five bars for the
boards of the side of the tabernacle , for the two sides
westward .

five Exo_36_32 /^{five /bars for the boards
of the other side of the tabernacle , and five bars for the
boards of the tabernacle for the sides westward .

five Exo_26_27 /^{five /bars for the boards
of the side of the tabernacle , for the two sides westward .

five Exo_36_32 /^{five /bars for the boards
of the tabernacle for the sides westward .

five 1Ki_07_39 /^{five /bases on the right
side of the house , and five on the left side of the house : and
he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward over
against the south .

five Luk_16_28 /${five /brethren ; that he
may testify unto them , lest they also come into this place of
torment .

five Gen_45_22 /^{five /changes of raiment .

five Luk_19_19 /${five /cities .

five 1Ch_04_32 /^{five /cities :

five Isa_19_18 /^{five /cities in the land of
Egypt speak the language of Canaan , and swear to the LORD of
hosts ; one shall be called , The city of destruction .

five 1Ki_07_16 /^{five /cubits , and the
height of the other chapiter was five cubits :

five Exo_38_18 /^{five /cubits , answerable
to the hangings of the court .

five 2Ch_02_12 /^{five /cubits , reaching to
the wall of the house : and the other wing was five cubits also,
joining to the wing of the other cherub .

five 2Ch_02_11 /^{five /cubits , reaching to
the wall of the house : and the other wing was likewise five
cubits , reaching to the wing of the other cherub .

five 2Ch_02_11 /^{five /cubits , reaching to
the wing of the other cherub .

five Jer_52_22 /^{five /cubits , with network
and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about , all of brass .
The second pillar also and the pomegranates were like unto these.

five 2Ch_02_15 /^{five /cubits .

five 1Ki_07_16 /^{five /cubits :

five 1Ki_07_23 /^{five /cubits : and a line
of thirty cubits did compass it round about .

five Eze_41_09 /^{five /cubits : and that
which was left was the place of the side chambers that were
within .

five Eze_40_07 /^{five /cubits ; and the
threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one
reed .

five 2Ch_02_12 /^{five /cubits also, joining
to the wing of the other cherub .

five 1Ki_06_06 /^{five /cubits broad , and
the middle was six cubits broad , and the third was seven cubits
broad : for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed
rests round about , that the beams should not be fastened in the
walls of the house .

five 2Ch_06_13 /^{five /cubits broad , and
three cubits high , and had set it in the midst of the court :
and upon it he stood , and kneeled down upon his knees before
all the congregation of Israel , and spread forth his hands
toward heaven ,

five Eze_40_30 /^{five /cubits broad .

five Exo_27_01 /^{five /cubits broad ; the
altar shall be foursquare : and the height thereof shall be
three cubits .

five 2Ch_02_15 /^{five /cubits high , and the
chapiter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits .

five 1Ki_06_10 /^{five /cubits high : and
they rested on the house with timber of cedar .

five 1Ch_11_23 /^{five /cubits high; and in
the Egyptian's hand was a spear like a weaver's beam ; and he
went down to him with a staff , and plucked the spear out of the
Egyptian's hand , and slew him with his own spear .

five 2Ch_06_13 /^{five /cubits long , and five
cubits broad , and three cubits high , and had set it in the
midst of the court : and upon it he stood , and kneeled down
upon his knees before all the congregation of Israel , and
spread forth his hands toward heaven ,

five Exo_27_01 /^{five /cubits long , and
five cubits broad ; the altar shall be foursquare : and the
height thereof shall be three cubits .

five Exo_27_18 /^{five /cubits of fine twined
linen , and their sockets of brass .

five Eze_40_48 /^{five /cubits on that side:
and the breadth of the gate was three cubits on this side, and
three cubits on that side.

five Eze_41_02 /^{five /cubits on the one
side, and five cubits on the other side: and he measured the
length thereof, forty cubits : and the breadth , twenty cubits .

five Eze_41_02 /^{five /cubits on the other
side: and he measured the length thereof, forty cubits : and the
breadth , twenty cubits .

five Eze_40_48 /^{five /cubits on this side,
and five cubits on that side: and the breadth of the gate was
three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side.

five Eze_41_11 /^{five /cubits round about .

five Exo_38_01 /^{five /cubits the breadth
thereof; it was foursquare ; and three cubits the height thereof.

five 2Ch_03_02 /^{five /cubits the height
thereof; and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about .

five 1Ki_06_24 /^{five /cubits the other wing
of the cherub : from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the
uttermost part of the other were ten cubits .

five Eze_41_12 /^{five /cubits thick round
about , and the length thereof ninety cubits .

five Exo_38_01 /^{five /cubits was the length
thereof, and five cubits the breadth thereof; it was foursquare ;
and three cubits the height thereof.

five 1Ki_06_24 /^{five /cubits was the one
wing of the cherub , and five cubits the other wing of the
cherub : from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the
uttermost part of the other were ten cubits .

five Exo_26_09 /^{five /curtains by
themselves, and six curtains by themselves, and shalt double the
sixth curtain in the forefront of the tabernacle .

five Exo_36_16 /^{five /curtains by
themselves, and six curtains by themselves.

five Exo_36_10 /^{five /curtains he coupled
one unto another .

five Exo_36_10 /^{five /curtains one unto
another : and the other five curtains he coupled one unto
another .

five Exo_26_03 /^{five /curtains shall be
coupled one to another .

five Exo_26_03 /^{five /curtains shall be
coupled together one to another ; and other five curtains shall
be coupled one to another .

five 1Sa_25_42 /^{five /damsels of hers that
went after her; and she went after the messengers of David , and
became his wife .

five Num_11_19 /^{five /days , neither ten
days , nor twenty days ;

five Act_20_06 /${five /days ; where we abode
seven days .

five Act_24_01 /${five /days Ananias the high
priest descended with the elders , and with a certain orator
named Tertullus , who informed the governor against Paul .

five Exo_36_31 /^{five /for the boards of the
one side of the tabernacle ,

five Exo_26_26 /^{five /for the boards of the
one side of the tabernacle ,

Five 1Sa_06_04 /^{Five /golden emerods , and
five golden mice , according to the number of the lords of the
Philistines : for one plague was on you all, and on your lords .

five 1Sa_06_04 /^{five /golden mice ,
according to the number of the lords of the Philistines : for
one plague was on you all, and on your lords .

five Num_07_65 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Abidan the son of
Gideoni .

five Num_07_71 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Ahiezer the son of
Ammishaddai .

five Num_07_83 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Ahira the son of
Enan .

five Num_07_29 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Eliab the son of
Helon .

five Num_07_47 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Eliasaph the son of
Deuel .

five Num_07_53 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Elishama the son of
Ammihud .

five Num_07_35 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Elizur the son of
Shedeur .

five Num_07_59 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Gamaliel the son of
Pedahzur .

five Num_07_17 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Nahshon the son of
Amminadab .

five Num_07_23 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Nethaneel the son
of Zuar .

five Num_07_77 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Pagiel the son of
Ocran .

five Num_07_41 /^{five /he goats , five lambs
of the first year : this was the offering of Shelumiel the son
of Zurishaddai .

five 1Ch_07_07 /^{five /heads of the house of
their fathers , mighty men of valour ; and were reckoned by
their genealogies twenty and two thousand and thirty and four .

five Eze_48_16 /^{five /hundred , and on the
east side four thousand and five hundred , and the west side
four thousand and five hundred .

five Eze_48_16 /^{five /hundred , and the
south side four thousand and five hundred , and on the east side
four thousand and five hundred , and the west side four thousand
and five hundred .

five Eze_48_16 /^{five /hundred , and the
west side four thousand and five hundred .

five Num_31_28 /^{five /hundred , both of the
persons , and of the beeves , and of the asses , and of the
sheep :

five 2Ch_26_13 /^{five /hundred , that made
war with mighty power , to help the king against the enemy .

five Eze_48_34 /^{five /hundred , with their
three gates ; one gate of Gad , one gate of Asher , one gate of
Naphtali .

five Num_26_18 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_01_33 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_02_19 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_26_27 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_01_21 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_02_11 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_01_41 /^{five /hundred .

five Eze_48_16 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_26_22 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_03_22 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_02_28 /^{five /hundred .

five Num_26_37 /^{five /hundred . These are
the sons of Joseph after their families .

five Eze_48_32 /^{five /hundred : and three
gates ; and one gate of Joseph , one gate of Benjamin , one gate
of Dan .

five Num_31_39 /^{five /hundred ; of which
the LORD'S tribute was threescore and one .

five 1Ki_09_23 /^{five /hundred and fifty ,
which bare rule over the people that wrought in the work .

five Num_02_32 /^{five /hundred and fifty .

five Num_01_46 /^{five /hundred and fifty .

five Exo_38_26 /^{five /hundred and fifty men.

five Num_04_48 /^{five /hundred and fourscore

five Neh_07_70 /^{five /hundred and thirty
priests garments .

five 1Co_15_06 /${five /hundred brethren at
once ; of whom the greater part remain unto this present , but
some are fallen asleep .

five Eze_42_20 /^{five /hundred broad , to
make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place .

five Eze_45_02 /^{five /hundred in breadth,
square round about ; and fifty cubits round about for the
suburbs thereof.

five Eze_45_02 /^{five /hundred in length,
with five hundred in breadth, square round about ; and fifty
cubits round about for the suburbs thereof.

five Eze_48_30 /^{five /hundred measures .

five Eze_48_33 /^{five /hundred measures :
and three gates ; one gate of Simeon , one gate of Issachar ,
one gate of Zebulun .

five 1Ch_04_42 /^{five /hundred men , went to
mount Seir , having for their captains Pelatiah , and Neariah ,
and Rephaiah , and Uzziel , the sons of Ishi .

five Est_09_06 /^{five /hundred men .

five Est_09_12 /^{five /hundred men in
Shushan the palace , and the ten sons of Haman ; what have they
done in the rest of the king's provinces ? now what is thy
petition ? and it shall be granted thee: or what is thy request
further ? and it shall be done .

five Gen_05_30 /^{five /hundred ninety and
five years , and begat sons and daughters :

five 2Ch_35_09 /^{five /hundred oxen .

five Luk_07_41 /${five /hundred pence , and
the other fifty .

five Eze_42_18 /^{five /hundred reeds , with
the measuring reed .

five Eze_42_17 /^{five /hundred reeds , with
the measuring reed round about .

five Eze_42_16 /^{five /hundred reeds , with
the measuring reed round about .

five Eze_42_20 /^{five /hundred reeds long ,
and five hundred broad , to make a separation between the
sanctuary and the profane place .

five Eze_42_19 /^{five /hundred reeds with
the measuring reed .

five Job_01_03 /^{five /hundred she asses ,
and a very great household ; so that this man was the greatest
of all the men of the east .

five Num_31_36 /^{five /hundred sheep :

five Exo_30_24 /^{five /hundred shekels,
after the shekel of the sanctuary , and of oil olive an hin :

five Exo_30_23 /^{five /hundred shekels, and
of sweet cinnamon half so much , even two hundred and fifty
shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels,

five 2Ch_13_17 /^{five /hundred thousand
chosen men .

five 2Sa_24_09 /^{five /hundred thousand men .

five Gen_11_11 /^{five /hundred years , and
begat sons and daughters .

five Gen_05_32 /^{five /hundred years old :
and Noah begat Shem , Ham , and Japheth .

five Job_01_03 /^{five /hundred yoke of oxen ,
and five hundred she asses , and a very great household ; so
that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east .

five Joh_04_18 /${five /husbands ; and he
whom thou now hast is not thy husband : in that saidst thou
truly .

five Gen_18_28 /^{five /I will not destroy it.

five Luk_12_52 /${five /in one house divided ,
three against two , and two against three .

five Isa_17_06 /^{five /in the outmost
fruitful branches thereof, saith the LORD God of Israel .

five Jos_10_17 /^{five /kings are found hid
in a cave at Makkedah .

five Jos_10_16 /^{five /kings fled , and hid
themselves in a cave at Makkedah .

five Num_31_08 /^{five /kings of Midian :
Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword .

five Jos_10_05 /^{five /kings of the Amorites
, the king of Jerusalem , the king of Hebron , the king of
Jarmuth , the king of Lachish , the king of Eglon , gathered
themselves together , and went up , they and all their hosts ,
and encamped before Gibeon , and made war against it.

five Jos_10_23 /^{five /kings unto him out of
the cave , the king of Jerusalem , the king of Hebron , the king
of Jarmuth , the king of Lachish , and the king of Eglon .

five Jos_10_22 /^{five /kings unto me out of
the cave .

five Num_07_65 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni .

five Num_07_71 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai .

five Num_07_83 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Ahira the son of Enan .

five Num_07_29 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Eliab the son of Helon .

five Num_07_47 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel .

five Num_07_53 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Elishama the son of Ammihud .

five Num_07_35 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur .

five Num_07_59 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur .

five Num_07_17 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab .

five Num_07_23 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Nethaneel the son of Zuar .

five Num_07_77 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Pagiel the son of Ocran .

five Num_07_41 /^{five /lambs of the first
year : this was the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai

five Mat_14_19 /${five /loaves , and the two
fishes , and looking up to heaven , he blessed , and brake , and
gave the loaves to his disciples , and the disciples to the
multitude .

five Mat_14_17 /${five /loaves , and two
fishes .

five Mar_08_19 /${five /loaves among five
thousand , how many baskets full of fragments took ye up ? They
say unto him , Twelve .

five Luk_09_16 /${five /loaves and the two
fishes , and looking up to heaven , he blessed them , and brake ,
and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude .

five Mar_06_41 /${five /loaves and the two
fishes , he looked up to heaven , and blessed , and brake the
loaves , and gave them to his disciples to set before them ; and
the two fishes divided he among them all .

five Luk_09_13 /${five /loaves and two fishes
; except we should go and buy meat for all this people .

five 1Sa_21_03 /^{five /loaves of bread in
mine hand , or what there is present .

five Mat_16_09 /${five /loaves of the five
thousand , and how many baskets ye took up ?

five 1Sa_06_18 /^{five /lords , both of
fenced cities , and of country villages , even unto the great
stone of Abel , whereon they set down the ark of the LORD :
which stone remaineth unto this day in the field of Joshua , the
Bethshemite .

five Jud_03_03 /^{five /lords of the
Philistines , and all the Canaanites , and the Sidonians , and
the Hivites that dwelt in mount Lebanon , from mount Baalhermon
unto the entering in of Hamath .

five Jos_13_03 /^{five /lords of the
Philistines ; the Gazathites , and the Ashdothites , the
Eshkalonites , the Gittites , and the Ekronites ; also the
Avites :

five 1Sa_06_16 /^{five /lords of the
Philistines had seen it, they returned to Ekron the same day .

five 1Sa_25_18 /^{five /measures of parched
corn, and an hundred clusters of raisins , and two hundred cakes
of figs, and laid them on asses .

five Gen_47_02 /^{five /men , and presented
them unto Pharaoh .

five Jud_18_07 /^{five /men departed , and
came to Laish , and saw the people that were therein , how they
dwelt careless , after the manner of the Zidonians , quiet and
secure ; and there was no magistrate in the land , that might
put them to shame in any thing ; and they were far from the
Zidonians , and had no business with any man .

five Jud_18_02 /^{five /men from their coasts
, men of valour , from Zorah , and from Eshtaol , to spy out the
land , and to search it; and they said unto them, Go , search
the land : who when they came to mount Ephraim , to the house of
Micah , they lodged there.

five 2Ki_25_19 /^{five /men of them that were
in the king's presence , which were found in the city , and the
principal scribe of the host , which mustered the people of the
land , and threescore men of the people of the land that were
found in the city :

five Jud_18_14 /^{five /men that went to spy
out the country of Laish , and said unto their brethren , Do ye
know that there is in these houses an ephod , and teraphim , and
a graven image , and a molten image ? now therefore consider
what ye have to do .

five Jud_18_17 /^{five /men that went to spy
out the land went up , and came in thither, and took the graven
image , and the ephod , and the teraphim , and the molten image :
and the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six
hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war .

five Luk_01_24 /${five /months , saying ,

five Rev_09_10 /${five /months .

five Rev_09_05 /${five /months : and their
torment was as the torment of a scorpion , when he striketh a
man .

five Gen_18_28 /^{five /of the fifty
righteous : wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five ?
And he said , If I find there forty and five , I will not
destroy it.

five 2Ki_07_13 /^{five /of the horses that
remain , which are left in the city, in it: behold, I say, they
are even as all the multitude of the Israelites that are
consumed : and let us send and see .

five 1Ch_02_06 /^{five /of them in all.

five Mat_25_02 /${five /of them were wise ,
and five were foolish .

five Lev_26_08 /^{five /of you shall chase an
hundred , and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight
: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword .

five 1Ki_07_49 /^{five /on the left , before
the oracle , with the flowers , and the lamps , and the tongs of
gold ,

five 2Ch_03_06 /^{five /on the left , to wash
in them: such things as they offered for the burnt offering they
washed in them; but the sea was for the priests to wash in .

five 2Ch_03_07 /^{five /on the left .

five 2Ch_03_08 /^{five /on the left . And he
made an hundred basons of gold .

five 1Ki_07_39 /^{five /on the left side of
the house : and he set the sea on the right side of the house
eastward over against the south .

five 2Ch_03_06 /^{five /on the right hand ,
and five on the left , to wash in them: such things as they
offered for the burnt offering they washed in them; but the sea
was for the priests to wash in .

five 2Ch_03_07 /^{five /on the right hand ,
and five on the left .

five 2Ch_03_08 /^{five /on the right side ,
and five on the left . And he made an hundred basons of gold .

five 1Ki_07_49 /^{five /on the right side,
and five on the left , before the oracle , with the flowers ,
and the lamps , and the tongs of gold ,

five 2Ki_13_19 /^{five /or six times ; then
hadst thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed it: whereas
now thou shalt smite Syria but thrice .

five Exo_22_01 /^{five /oxen for an ox , and
four sheep for a sheep .

five Jer_52_30 /^{five /persons : all the
persons were four thousand and six hundred .

five 1Sa_22_18 /^{five /persons that did wear
a linen ephod .

five 2Ki_06_25 /^{five /pieces of silver .

five 1Ki_07_03 /^{five /pillars , fifteen in
a row .

five Exo_36_38 /^{five /pillars of it with
their hooks : and he overlaid their chapiters and their fillets
with gold : but their five sockets were of brass .

five Exo_26_37 /^{five /pillars of shittim
wood, and overlay them with gold , and their hooks shall be of
gold : and thou shalt cast five sockets of brass for them.

five Joh_05_02 /${five /porches .

five Luk_19_18 /${five /pounds .

five Num_07_65 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of Abidan
the son of Gideoni .

five Num_07_71 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of Ahiezer
the son of Ammishaddai .

five Num_07_83 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of Ahira
the son of Enan .

five Num_07_29 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of Eliab
the son of Helon .

five Num_07_47 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of
Eliasaph the son of Deuel .

five Num_07_53 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of
Elishama the son of Ammihud .

five Num_07_35 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of Elizur
the son of Shedeur .

five Num_07_59 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of
Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur .

five Num_07_17 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of Nahshon
the son of Amminadab .

five Num_07_23 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of
Nethaneel the son of Zuar .

five Num_07_77 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of Pagiel
the son of Ocran .

five Num_07_41 /^{five /rams , five he goats ,
five lambs of the first year : this was the offering of
Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai .

five Isa_30_17 /^{five /shall ye flee : till
ye be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain , and as an
ensign on an hill .

five 1Sa_25_18 /^{five /sheep ready dressed ,
and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred clusters of
raisins , and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses .

five Num_18_16 /^{five /shekels , after the
shekel of the sanctuary , which is twenty gerahs .

five Num_03_47 /^{five /shekels apiece by the
poll , after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take them:

five Exo_38_28 /^{five /shekels he made hooks
for the pillars , and overlaid their chapiters , and filleted

five Lev_27_06 /^{five /shekels of silver ,
and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of
silver .

five Num_03_50 /^{five /shekels, after the
shekel of the sanctuary :

five Neh_07_67 /^{five /singing men and
singing women .

five Neh_07_69 /^{five /six thousand seven
hundred and twenty asses .

five 1Sa_17_40 /^{five /smooth stones out of
the brook , and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even
in a scrip ; and his sling was in his hand : and he drew near to
the Philistine .

five Exo_26_37 /^{five /sockets of brass for

five Exo_36_38 /^{five /sockets were of brass

five 2Sa_21_08 /^{five /sons of Michal the
daughter of Saul , whom she brought up for Adriel the son of
Barzillai the Meholathite :

five Luk_12_06 /${five /sparrows sold for two
farthings , and not one of them is forgotten before God ?

five Mat_25_20 /${five /talents , saying ,
Lord , thou deliveredst unto me five talents : behold , I have
gained beside them five talents more .

five Mat_25_15 /${five /talents , to another
two , and to another one ; to every man according to his several
ability ; and straightway took his journey .

five Mat_25_16 /${five /talents .

five Mat_25_20 /${five /talents : behold , I
have gained beside them five talents more .

five Mat_25_20 /${five /talents came and
brought other five talents , saying , Lord , thou deliveredst
unto me five talents : behold , I have gained beside them five
talents more .

five Mat_25_20 /${five /talents more .

five Mat_25_16 /${five /talents went and
traded with the same , and made them other five talents .

five Ezr_02_67 /^{five /their asses , six
thousand seven hundred and twenty .

five Mat_16_09 /${five /thousand , and how
many baskets ye took up ?

five Est_09_16 /^{five /thousand , but they
laid not their hands on the prey ,

five Mar_08_19 /${five /thousand , how many
baskets full of fragments took ye up ? They say unto him ,
Twelve .

five Eze_48_15 /^{five /thousand , that are
left in the breadth over against the five and twenty thousand ,
shall be a profane place for the city , for dwelling , and for
suburbs : and the city shall be in the midst thereof.

five Act_04_04 /${five /thousand .

five Joh_06_10 /${five /thousand .

five 2Ki_19_35 /^{five /thousand : and when
they arose early in the morning , behold, they were all dead
corpses .

five Isa_37_36 /^{five /thousand : and when
they arose early in the morning , behold, they were all dead
corpses .

five Jud_20_35 /^{five /thousand and an
hundred men : all these drew the sword .

five Num_01_37 /^{five /thousand and four
hundred .

five Num_02_23 /^{five /thousand and four
hundred .

five Num_26_50 /^{five /thousand and four
hundred .

five Ezr_01_11 /^{five /thousand and four
hundred . All these did Sheshbazzar bring up with them of the
captivity that were brought up from Babylon unto Jerusalem .

five Num_26_41 /^{five /thousand and six
hundred .

five Num_02_15 /^{five /thousand and six
hundred and fifty .

five Eze_45_06 /^{five /thousand broad , and
five and twenty thousand long , over against the oblation of the
holy portion: it shall be for the whole house of Israel .

five Jos_08_12 /^{five /thousand men , and
set them to lie in ambush between Bethel and Ai , on the west
side of the city .

five Mat_14_21 /${five /thousand men , beside
women and children .

five Mar_06_44 /${five /thousand men .

five Luk_09_14 /${five /thousand men . And he
said to his disciples , Make them sit down by fifties in a
company .

five Jud_20_45 /^{five /thousand men ; and
pursued hard after them unto Gidom , and slew two thousand men
of them.

five Jud_20_46 /^{five /thousand men that
drew the sword ; all these were men of valour .

five Ezr_02_69 /^{five /thousand pound of
silver , and one hundred priests ' garments .

five Num_31_32 /^{five /thousand sheep ,

five 1Sa_17_05 /^{five /thousand shekels of
brass .

five Num_01_25 /^{five /thousand six hundred
and fifty .

five 2Ch_35_09 /^{five /thousand small cattle,
and five hundred oxen .

five 1Ch_29_07 /^{five /thousand talents and
ten thousand drams , and of silver ten thousand talents , and of
brass eighteen thousand talents , and one hundred thousand
talents of iron .

five 2Co_11_24 /${five /times received I forty
stripes save one .

five Gen_43_34 /^{five /times so much as any
of theirs. And they drank , and were merry with him.

five Jos_10_26 /^{five /trees : and they were
hanging upon the trees until the evening .

five Mat_25_02 /${five /were foolish .

five 1Co_14_19 /${five /words with my
understanding , that by my voice I might teach others also ,
than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue .

five Gen_05_06 /^{five /years , and begat
Enos :

five Gen_05_15 /^{five /years , and begat
Jared :

five Gen_05_21 /^{five /years , and begat
Methuselah :

five Gen_05_30 /^{five /years , and begat
sons and daughters :

five Jos_14_10 /^{five /years , even since
the LORD spake this word unto Moses , while the children of
Israel wandered in the wilderness : and now, lo, I am this day
fourscore and five years old .

five Gen_45_06 /^{five /years , in the which
there shall neither be earing nor harvest .

five Gen_05_23 /^{five /years :

five Gen_05_17 /^{five /years : and he died .

five Gen_05_11 /^{five /years : and he died .

five Gen_11_32 /^{five /years : and Terah
died in Haran .

five 1Ki_22_42 /^{five /years in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi .

five 2Ch_20_31 /^{five /years in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi .

five 2Ki_21_01 /^{five /years in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Hephzibah .

five 2Ch_33_01 /^{five /years in Jerusalem :

five Gen_45_11 /^{five /years of famine ;
lest thou, and thy household , and all that thou hast, come to
poverty .

five Lev_27_06 /^{five /years old , then thy
estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver , and for
the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver .

five Jos_14_10 /^{five /years old .

five Num_08_24 /^{five /years old and upward
they shall go in to wait upon the service of the tabernacle of
the congregation :

five Lev_27_05 /^{five /years old even unto
twenty years old , then thy estimation shall be of the male
twenty shekels , and for the female ten shekels .

five 2Ki_18_02 /^{five /years old was he when
he began to reign ; and he reigned twenty and nine years in
Jerusalem . His mother's name also was Abi , the daughter of
Zachariah .

five 2Ch_36_05 /^{five /years old when he
began to reign , and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem : and
he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God .

five 2Ch_27_01 /^{five /years old when he
began to reign , and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem . His
mother's name also was Jerushah , the daughter of Zadok .

five 2Ch_20_31 /^{five /years old when he
began to reign , and he reigned twenty and five years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of
Shilhi .

five 2Ch_25_01 /^{five /years old when he
began to reign , and he reigned twenty and nine years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem .

five 2Ki_14_02 /^{five /years old when he
began to reign , and reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem .
And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem .

five 2Ki_23_36 /^{five /years old when he
began to reign ; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem . And
his mother's name was Zebudah , the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah

five 1Ki_22_42 /^{five /years old when he
began to reign ; and he reigned twenty and five years in
Jerusalem . And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of
Shilhi .

five Gen_12_04 /^{five /years old when he
departed out of Haran .

five 2Sa_04_04 /^{five /years old when the
tidings came of Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel , and his nurse
took him up , and fled : and it came to pass, as she made haste
to flee , that he fell , and became lame . And his name was
Mephibosheth .

five Isa_07_08 /^{five /years shall Ephraim
be broken , that it be not a people .

five Luk_14_19 /${five /yoke of oxen , and I
go to prove them : I pray thee have me excused .
