fish Neh_13_16 /^{fish /and all manner of
ware , and sold on the sabbath unto the children of Judah , and
in Jerusalem .

fish Jon_02_10 /^{fish /and it vomited out
Jonah upon the dry land.

fish Luk_24_42 /${fish /and of an honeycomb .

fish Eze_47_09 /^{fish /because these waters
shall come thither: for they shall be healed ; and every thing
shall live whither the river cometh .

fish Zep_01_10 /^{fish /gate , and an howling
from the second , and a great crashing from the hills .

fish 2Ch_33_14 /^{fish /gate , and compassed
about Ophel , and raised it up a very great height , and put
captains of war in all the fenced cities of Judah .

fish Neh_12_39 /^{fish /gate , and the tower
of Hananeel , and the tower of Meah , even unto the sheep gate :
and they stood still in the prison gate .

fish Neh_03_03 /^{fish /gate did the sons of
Hassenaah build , who also laid the beams thereof, and set up
the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars thereof.

fish Luk_11_11 /${fish /give him a serpent ?

fish Joh_21_09 /${fish /laid thereon , and
bread .

fish Joh_21_13 /${fish /likewise .

fish Eze_47_10 /^{fish /of the great sea ,
exceeding many .

fish Gen_01_28 /^{fish /of the sea , and over
the fowl of the air , and over every living thing that moveth
upon the earth .

fish Gen_01_26 /^{fish /of the sea , and over
the fowl of the air , and over the cattle , and over all the
earth , and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the
earth .

fish Psa_08_08 /^{fish /of the sea , and
whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas .

fish Num_11_22 /^{fish /of the sea be
gathered together for them, to suffice them?

fish Eze_29_05 /^{fish /of thy rivers : thou
shalt fall upon the open fields ; thou shalt not be brought
together , nor gathered : I have given thee for meat to the
beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven .

fish Eze_29_04 /^{fish /of thy rivers shall
stick unto thy scales .

fish Eze_29_04 /^{fish /of thy rivers to
stick unto thy scales , and I will bring thee up out of the
midst of thy rivers , and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick
unto thy scales .

fish Eze_47_10 /^{fish /shall be according to
their kinds , as the fish of the great sea , exceeding many .

fish Job_41_07 /^{fish /spears ?

fish Isa_50_02 /^{fish /stinketh , because
there is no water , and dieth for thirst .

fish Mat_17_27 /${fish /that first cometh up ;
and when thou hast opened his mouth , thou shalt find a piece
of money : that take , and give unto them for me and thee .

fish Exo_07_18 /^{fish /that is in the river
shall die , and the river shall stink ; and the Egyptians shall
lothe to drink of the water of the river .

fish Deu_04_18 /^{fish /that is in the waters
beneath the earth :

fish Exo_07_21 /^{fish /that was in the river
died ; and the river stank , and the Egyptians could not drink
of the water of the river ; and there was blood throughout all
the land of Egypt .

fish Jer_16_16 /^{fish /them; and after will
I send for many hunters , and they shall hunt them from every
mountain , and from every hill , and out of the holes of the
rocks .

fish Jon_01_17 /^{fish /three days and three
nights .

fish Jon_01_17 /^{fish /to swallow up Jonah .
And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three
nights .

fish Num_11_05 /^{fish /which we did eat in
Egypt freely ; the cucumbers , and the melons , and the leeks ,
and the onions , and the garlick :

fish Joh_21_10 /${fish /which ye have now
caught .

fish Luk_11_11 /${fish /will he for a fish
give him a serpent ?

fish Mat_07_10 /${fish /will he give him a
serpent ?

fish's Jon_02_01 /^{fish's /belly ,

fisher's Joh_21_07 /${fisher's /coat unto him,
naked , and did cast himself into the sea .

fishermen Luk_05_02 /${fishermen /were gone out of
them , and were washing their nets .

fishers Isa_19_08 /^{fishers /also shall mourn ,
and all they that cast angle into the brooks shall lament , and
they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish .

fishers Mat_04_19 /${fishers /of men .

fishers Mar_01_17 /${fishers /of men .

fishers Jer_16_16 /^{fishers /saith the LORD ,
and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters
, and they shall hunt them from every mountain , and from every
hill , and out of the holes of the rocks .

fishers Eze_47_10 /^{fishers /shall stand upon
it from Engedi even unto Eneglaim ; they shall be a place to
spread forth nets ; their fish shall be according to their kinds
, as the fish of the great sea , exceeding many .

fishes Joh_21_11 /${fishes /an hundred and
fifty and three : and for all there were so many , yet was not
the net broken .

fishes 1Co_15_39 /${fishes /and another of
birds .

fishes Mat_15_36 /${fishes /and gave thanks ,
and brake them, and gave to his disciples , and the disciples to
the multitude .

fishes Mar_08_07 /${fishes /and he blessed ,
and commanded to set them also before them.

fishes Mat_14_19 /${fishes /and looking up to
heaven , he blessed , and brake , and gave the loaves to his
disciples , and the disciples to the multitude .

fishes Luk_09_16 /${fishes /and looking up to
heaven , he blessed them , and brake , and gave to the disciples
to set before the multitude .

fishes Luk_05_06 /${fishes /and their net brake

fishes Joh_06_11 /${fishes /as much as they
would .

fishes Joh_06_09 /${fishes /but what are they
among so many ?

fishes Mar_06_41 /${fishes /divided he among
them all .

fishes Luk_09_13 /${fishes /except we should go
and buy meat for all this people .

fishes Mar_06_41 /${fishes /he looked up to
heaven , and blessed , and brake the loaves , and gave them to
his disciples to set before them ; and the two fishes divided he
among them all .

fishes Eze_38_20 /^{fishes /of the sea , and
the fowls of the heaven , and the beasts of the field , and all
creeping things that creep upon the earth , and all the men that
are upon the face of the earth , shall shake at my presence ,
and the mountains shall be thrown down , and the steep places
shall fall , and every wall shall fall to the ground .

fishes Zep_01_03 /^{fishes /of the sea , and
the stumblingblocks with the wicked ; and I will cut off man
from off the land , saith the LORD .

fishes Hab_01_14 /^{fishes /of the sea , as the
creeping things , that have no ruler over them?

fishes Gen_09_02 /^{fishes /of the sea ; into
your hand are they delivered .

fishes Hos_04_03 /^{fishes /of the sea also
shall be taken away .

fishes Job_12_08 /^{fishes /of the sea shall
declare unto thee.

fishes Ecc_09_12 /^{fishes /that are taken in
an evil net , and as the birds that are caught in the snare ; so
are the sons of men snared in an evil time , when it falleth
suddenly upon them.

fishes Luk_05_09 /${fishes /which they had
taken :

fishing Joh_21_03 /${fishing /They say unto him ,
We also go with thee . They went forth , and entered into a
ship immediately ; and that night they caught nothing .

fishpools Son_07_04 /^{fishpools /in Heshbon , by
the gate of Bathrabbim : thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon
which looketh toward Damascus .
