Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
first ......... among you , let him first 4413 -protos->

first ......... and that he should be the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... and the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... And the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... and the first 4416 -prototokos->

first ......... and there are first 4413 -protos->

first ......... and they to whom it was first 4386 -proteron->

first ......... And upon the first 3391 -mia->

first ......... at first 4412 -proton->

first ......... at the first 0746 -arche->

first ......... at the first 4412 -proton->

first ......... be first 4295 -prokeimai->

first ......... be first 4413 -protos->

first ......... be the first 0746 -arche->

first ......... being the first 3391 -mia->

first ......... but first 4412 -proton->

first ......... But first 4412 -proton->

first ......... But when the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... by , let the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... first 4276 -proelpizo->

first ......... first 4386 -proteron->

First ......... First 4412 -proton->

first ......... first 4412 -proton->

first ......... first 4413 -protos->

First ......... First 4413 -protos->

first ......... For first 4412 -proton->

first ......... for the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... from the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... had first preached 4296 -prokerusso->

first ......... hath first 4272 -prodidomi->

first ......... he first 4412 -proton->

first ......... he first 4413 -protos->

first ......... He first 4413 -protos->

first ......... he will first 4412 -proton->

first ......... him , The first 4413 -protos->

first ......... in the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... in the morning the first 3391 -mia->

first ......... is first 4412 -proton->

first ......... is the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... it first 4412 -proton->

first ......... me first 4412 -proton->

first ......... my first 4413 -protos->

first ......... not their first 0746 -arche->

first ......... of the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... out first 4412 -proton->

first ......... shall be first 4413 -protos->

first ......... shall first 4412 -proton->

first ......... should first 4412 -proton->

first ......... than the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... that , first 4412 -proton->

first ......... that are first 4413 -protos->

first ......... that first 4413 -protos->

first ......... that he had not first 4412 -proton->

first ......... that in me first 4413 -protos->

first ......... that was not first 4412 -proton->

first ......... the first 0746 -arche->

first ......... the first 1207 -deuteroprotos->

first ......... the first 3391 -mia->

first ......... The first 3391 -mia->

first ......... the first 4412 -proton->

first ......... the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... The first 4413 -protos->

first ......... the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... their first 4413 -protos->

first ......... themselves first 4413 -protos->

first ......... things from the very first 0509 -anothen->

first ......... thy first 4413 -protos->

first ......... thy way ; first 4412 -proton->

first ......... to be first 4413 -protos->

first ......... to the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... unto him , The first 4413 -protos->

first ......... unto the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... unto you at the first 4386 -proteron->

first ......... Unto you first 4412 -proton->

first ......... unto you first 4413 -protos->

first ......... Upon the first 3391 -mia->

first ......... upon the first 3391 -mia->

first ......... was first 4413 -protos->

first ......... while as the first 4413 -protos->

first ......... ye first 4412 -proton->

firstbegotten ......... in the firstbegotten 4416 -prototokos->

firstborn ......... her firstborn 4416 -prototokos->

firstborn ......... of the firstborn 4416 -prototokos->

firstborn ......... that he might be the firstborn 4416 -prototokos->

firstborn ......... the firstborn 4416 -prototokos->

firstfruit ......... the firstfruit 0536 -aparche->

firstfruits ......... being the firstfruits 0536 -aparche->

firstfruits ......... is the firstfruits 0536 -aparche->

firstfruits ......... of firstfruits 0536 -aparche->

firstfruits ......... that it is the firstfruits 0536 -aparche->

firstfruits ......... the firstfruits 0536 -aparche->