coals 0439 # anthrakia {anth-rak-ee-ah'}; from 440; a bed of
burning coals: -- fire of {coals}.[ql

fire 4443 # pura {poo-rah'}; from 4442; a fire (concretely): --

fire 0440 # anthrax {anth'-rax}; of uncertain derivation; a
live coal: -- coal of {fire}.[ql

fire 0439 # anthrakia {anth-rak-ee-ah'}; from 440; a bed of
burning coals: -- {fire} of coals.[ql

fire 4447 # purinos {poo'-ree-nos}; from 4443; fiery, i.e. (by
implication) flaming: -- of {fire}.[ql

fire 4442 # pur {poor}; a primary word; "fire" (literally or
figuratively, specifically, lightning): -- fiery, {fire}.[ql

fire 5394 # phlogizo {flog-id'-zo}; from 5395; to cause a blaze,
i.e. ignite (figuratively, to inflame with passion): -- set on

fire 4448 # puroo {poo-ro'-o}; from 4442; to kindle, i.e.
(passively) to be ignited, glow (literally), be refined (by
implication), or (figuratively) to be inflamed (with anger,
grief, lust): -- burn, fiery, be on {fire}, try.[ql

fire 5457 # phos {foce}; from an obsolete phao (to shine or
make manifest, especially by rays; compare 5316, 5346);
luminousness (in the widest application, nat. or artificial,
abstract or concrete, literal or figurative): -- {fire}, light.

of 0439 # anthrakia {anth-rak-ee-ah'}; from 440; a bed of
burning coals: -- fire {of} coals.[ql
