fillet Jer_52_21 /^{fillet /of twelve cubits
did compass it; and the thickness thereof was four fingers : it
was hollow .

filleted Exo_38_28 /^{filleted /them.

filleted Exo_38_17 /^{filleted /with silver .

filleted Exo_27_17 /^{filleted /with silver ;
their hooks shall be of silver , and their sockets of brass .

filleth Eph_01_23 /${filleth /all in all .

filleth Job_09_18 /^{filleth /me with bitterness

filleth Psa_129_07 /^{filleth /not his hand ;
nor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom .

filleth Psa_107_09 /^{filleth /the hungry soul
with goodness .

filleth Psa_84_06 /^{filleth /the pools .

filleth Psa_147_14 /^{filleth /thee with the
finest of the wheat .

fillets Exo_38_12 /^{fillets /of silver .

fillets Exo_38_11 /^{fillets /of silver .

fillets Exo_27_11 /^{fillets /of silver .

fillets Exo_38_19 /^{fillets /of silver .

fillets Exo_38_17 /^{fillets /of silver ; and
the overlaying of their chapiters of silver ; and all the
pillars of the court were filleted with silver .

fillets Exo_27_10 /^{fillets /shall be of silver

fillets Exo_38_10 /^{fillets /were of silver .

fillets Exo_36_38 /^{fillets /with gold : but
their five sockets were of brass .
