bear shall feed

death shall feed on them

did feed delicately are desolate

do feed themselves

fat pasture shall they feed upon

feed cattle

feed him

feed him with bread <1KI22 -:27 >

feed him with bread <2CH18 -:26 >

feed his father's sheep at bethlehem <1SA17 -:15 >

feed jacob his people

feed me

feed me with food convenient for me

feed my lambs

feed my people <1CH17 -:6 >

feed my people

feed my people israel <2SA7 -:7 >

feed my sheep

feed swine

feed thee there <1KI17 -:4 >

feed thee with

feed their father's flock

feed them also

feed them upon

feed thy kids beside

feed thy people with thy rod

feed your flocks

flocks nor herds feed before

he shall feed his flock like

he shall feed on carmel

he shall feed them

he shall feed them

lamb shall feed together

lambs feed after their manner

lord will feed them as

righteous feed many

shepherds feed

shepherds feed themselves any more

they shall feed

they shall feed every one

they shall feed thereupon

they should feed her there

thou shalt feed my people israel <2SA5 -:2 >

thou shalt feed my people israel <1CH11 -:2 >

throne shall feed them

where they feed

which feed among

which shall feed you with knowledge

will again feed

will feed

will feed my flock

will feed thee with me <2SA19 -:33 >

will feed them

will feed them

will feed them

will feed them with judgment

will feed them with wormwood

will not feed you

will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them 4 >

winepress shall not feed them

worm shall feed sweetly on him

ye feed not
