all things as joash his father did <2KI14 -:3 >

also deny before my father which is

also saul my father knoweth <1SA23 -:17 >

art thou greater than our father abraham

art thou greater than our father jacob

as david thy father walked <1KI9 -:4 >

as david thy father walked <2CH7 -:17 >

as his father manasseh did <2KI21 -:20 >

as his father showed kindness unto me <2SA10 -:2 >

as manasseh his father had humbled himself <2CH33 -:23 >

as my father hath appointed unto me

as my father made <1KI20 -:34 >

as thou didst deal with david my father <2CH2 -:3 >

as thy father david did walk <1KI3 -:14 >

as your father also is merciful

because her father disallowed her

because his father had done him shame <1SA20 -:34 >

because his father showed kindness <1CH19 -:2 >

behold thy father

bethuel thy mother's father

between my father <1KI15 -:19 >

between my father <2CH16 -:3 >

bewail her father

blessing wherewith his father blessed him

bring down my father hither

bring your father

brought it unto his father

bury his father

bury his father

bury my father

bury my father

bury my father

bury thy father

but as my father hath taught me

but for father

but he told not his father <1SA14 -:1 >

but he told not his father or his mother what he had done

but her father would not suffer him

but his father

but his father

but his father called him benjamin

but his father observed

but if her father disallow her

but if it please my father <1SA20 -:13 >

but jonathan heard not when his father charged <1SA14 -:27 >

but my father giveth you

but my father only

but my father which is

but not like his father <2KI3 -:2 >

but unto thy father which is

by our father isaac

called his father jacob

carved images which manasseh his father had made <2CH33 -:22 >

confess also before my father which is

cup which my father hath given me

curseth father or mother

curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put 9 >

damsel's father fifty

damsel's father had said unto

damsel's father said

damsel's father said unto his son

damsel's father shall say unto

david his father did <2KI18 -:3 >

david his father had dedicated <2CH5 -:1 >

david his father had done <2CH29 -:2 >

david my father could not build an house unto <1KI5 -:3 >

did huram his father make <2CH4 -:16 >

did not thy father eat

do ought for his father or his mother

doth my father yet live

drink for their father or for their mother

ephraim their father mourned many days <1CH7 -:22 >

even as your father which is

father abraham

father abraham

father also <1JO2 -:23 >

father are one

father bear

father by him

father chasteneth not

father do

father for you

father gave me commandment

father giveth me shall come

father had given all things into his hands

father hath are mine

father hath bestowed upon us <1JO3 -:1 >

father hath given me

father hath life

father hath loved me

father hath not left me alone

father hath put

father hath sanctified

father hath sent me

father hath sent me

father himself

father himself loveth you

father honour <2PE1 -:17 >

father honour

father is

father is not <1JO2 -:15 >

father is this

father is with me

father judgeth no man

father knew

father knoweth me

father loveth

father loveth

father may be glorified

father or

father pitieth

father raiseth up

father said

father said unto me

father sealed

father seeketh such

father sent <1JO4 -:14 >

father shall be divided against

father unto you <2CO6 -:18 >

father which hath sent him

father which hath sent me

father which hath sent me draw him

father which sent me

father will send

for my father fought for you

for my father is greater than

for she had neither father nor mother

for whereas my father put <2CH10 -:11 >

for your father knoweth what things ye have need

for your heavenly father knoweth

glorify your father which is

glory appeared unto our father abraham

had stood before solomon his father while he yet lived <2CH10 -
:6 >

hamor his father deceitfully

haran died before his father terah

hateth me hateth my father also

have sounded my father about <1SA20 -:12 >

he hath cursed his father or his mother

he shall not make himself unclean for his father

heard thy father speak unto esau thy brother

heavenly father give

her father hear her vow

her father said

her father shall hold his peace at her

her father with fire

herein is my father glorified

high places which hezekiah his father had destroyed <2KI21 -:3

high places which hezekiah his father had broken down <2CH33 -:
3 >

his father again

his father amaziah <2CH26 -:1 >

his father amaziah <2KI14 -:21 >

his father amaziah did <2CH26 -:4 >

his father amaziah had done <2KI15 -:3 >

his father asa <1KI22 -:46 >

his father came down

his father david <2CH17 -:3 >

his father david

his father had dedicated <2CH15 -:18 >

his father had done <1KI22 -:53 >

his father had done <2KI24 -:9 >

his father had made <2KI3 -:2 >

his father had not displeased him at any time <1KI1 -:6 >

his father he sent after this

his father herod

his father isaac

his father isaac

his father isaac said unto him

his father jug

his father laid his right hand upon

his father loveth him

his father or mother

his father rebuked him

his father refused

his father saw him

his father served <2KI21 -:21 >

his father uzziah did <2CH27 -:2 >

his father uzziah had done <2KI15 -:34 >

his father walked <2KI21 -:21 >

his father was

his father will go

his father with

his father with his angels

his father zacharias was filled with

honour not his father or his mother

how much more shall your father which is

if her father had but spit

if her father utterly refuse

if his father have no brethren

if thy father at all miss me <1SA20 -:6 >

isaac his father answered

isaac his father said unto him

jacob came unto isaac his father unto mamre

jacob their father revived

jacob their father said unto them

jehoahaz his father by war <2KI13 -:25 >

jonadab our father commanded us

joseph brought unto his father th gen

kindness which jehoiada his father had done <2CH24 -:22 >

king my father brought out

kish saul's father were lost <1SA9 -:3 >

land wherein his father was

lest my father leave <1SA9 -:5 >

let my father arise

let thy promise unto david my father be established <2CH1 -:9 >

let us make our father drink wine

living father hath sent me

loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy >

meat for his father by

most high god gave nebuchadnezzar thy father

mourning for his father seven days

mourning for my father are at hand

my father abraham

my father chastised you with whips <2CH10 -:14 >

my father chastised you with whips <2CH10 -:11 >

my father david <2CH6 -:4 >

my father david not knowing <1KI2 -:32 >

my father for ever

my father hath been with me

my father hath chastised you with whips <1KI12 -:11 >

my father hath troubled <1SA14 -:29 >

my father he liked me <1CH28 -:4 >

my father is

my father isaac

my father made me swear

my father made your yoke heavy <1KI12 -:14 >

my father made your yoke heavy <2CH10 -:14 >

my father nor my m jug

my father peradventure will feel me

my father upon you

my father which is

my father which is

my father which is

my father which is

my father will do nothing either great or small <1SA20 -:2 >

my father will love him

my father worketh hitherto

names by which his father had called them

neither will your father forgive your trespasses

neither will your father which is

now whereas my father did lade you with <1KI12 -:11 >

numbering wherewith david his father had numbered them <2CH2 -:
17 >

nursing father beareth

our father abraham

our father abraham

our father be done away from among his family

our father david

our father died

our father said

our father which art

our father which art

pass when we came up unto thy servant my father

rechab our father commanded us

riches which god hath taken from our father

saul my father seeketh <1SA19 -:2 >

saul my father shall not find thee <1SA23 -:17 >

setteth light by his father or his mother

she profaneth her father

she returned unto her father

she said unto her father

shechem said unto her father

shechem spake unto his father hamor

shechem's father

ship with zebedee their father

showed you from my father

silver vessels which his father nebuchadnezzar had taken out

smiteth his father

so his father went down unto

so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you 35 >

spake unto david thy father <1KI6 -:12 >

stand beside my father <1SA19 -:3 >

stood before solomon his father while he yet lived <1KI12 -:6 >

such as his father loved

sware unto abraham thy father

take your father

thee have they set light by father

their father <1CH26 -:6 >

their father <1KI13 -:11 >

their father <1SA10 -:12 >

their father <1SA2 -:25 >

their father

their father

their father

their father

their father

their father

their father

their father

their father for song <1CH25 -:6 >

their father gave them great gifts <2CH21 -:3 >

their father gave them inheritance among their brethren -:15 >

their father israel said unto them

their father jeduthun <1CH25 -:3 >

their father loved him more than all his brethren

their father said unto them <1KI13 -:12 >

their father said unto them

their father saw

their father shall they marry

their father spake unto them

their father was dead

then his father

then his father

then shall his father

therefore came his father out

therefore doth my father love me

they came unto jacob their father unto

they left their father zebedee

they made their father drink wine

they made their father drink wine

things which david his father had dedicated <1KI7 -:51 >

things which his father had dedicated <1KI15 -:15 >

this day with our father

this day with our father

thou hast left thy father

thou hast showed great mercy unto david my father <2CH1 -:8 >

thou hast showed unto thy servant david my father great mercy
<1KI3 -:6 >

thou knowest thy father <2SA17 -:8 >

thou rode together after ahab his father <2KI9 -:25 >

thou shalt bring thy father

thou which hast kept with thy servant david my father <2CH6 -:
15 >

thus his father wept for him

thy father <1CH28 -:9 >

thy father <1KI12 -:4 >

thy father <1KI15 -:19 >

thy father <1SA2 -:27 >

thy father <1SA2 -:30 >

thy father <1SA20 -:8 >

thy father <2CH10 -:4 >

thy father <2CH16 -:3 >

thy father <2KI3 -:13 >

thy father <2SA16 -:21 >

thy father <2SA17 -:10 >

thy father <2SA17 -:8 >

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father

thy father all <1SA2 -:28 >

thy father answer thee roughly <1SA20 -:10 >

thy father certainly knoweth <1SA20 -:3 >

thy father did command before he died

thy father did put upon us <2CH10 -:9 >

thy father hath

thy father hath killed

thy father hath left <1SA10 -:2 >

thy father have prevailed above

thy father light

thy father made our yoke grievous <1KI12 -:4 >

thy father made our yoke grievous <2CH10 -:4 >

thy father made our yoke heavy <1KI12 -:10 >

thy father made our yoke heavy <2CH10 -:10 >

thy father straitly charged <1SA14 -:28 >

thy father which is

thy father which seeth

thy father which seeth

thy first father hath sinned

thy servant my father

thy servant my father said unto us

thy servant our father

thy servant our father with sorrow

told her father

told his father

took your father abraham from

was not abraham our father justified by works

we have one father

when her father

when his father was dead

when moses' father

when my father

when thy father cometh <2SA13 -:5 >

where is thy father

which asa his father had taken <2CH17 -:2 >

which chose me before thy father <2SA6 -:21 >

which he did unto his father

which my father took from thy father <1KI20 -:34 >

which my heavenly father hath not planted

which spake with his mouth unto david my father <1KI8 -:15 >

which thou spakest unto thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:26

which ye have seen with your father

who hast kept with thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:24 >

who said unto his father

whose father

whose father

whoso curseth father or mother

whoso curseth his father or his mother

whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father

whoso robbeth his father or his mother

why should my father hide this thing from me <1SA20 -:2 >

will be his father <1CH17 -:13 >

will be his father <1CH28 -:6 >

will be his father <2SA7 -:14 >

will commune with my father <1SA19 -:3 >

will confess his name before my father

will make them savoury meat for thy father

without father

ye should have known my father also

ye should have known my father also

yet his father made him <1CH26 -:10 >

yet your heavenly father feedeth them

yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter <1KI12 -:9 >

your father abraham rejoiced

your father also which is

your father an amorite

your father hath deceived me

your father knoweth

your father spake unto me yesternight

your father upon

your father well

your father which is

your father which is

your father which is

your father which speaketh

your father ye will do

your father yet alive

your heavenly father will also forgive you
