Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
-methermeneuo- ......... being interpreted 3177 -methermeneuo- >
-methermeneuo- ......... by interpretation 3177 -methermeneuo- >
-methermeneuo- ......... is , being interpreted 3177 -methermeneuo- >
-methermeneuo- ......... which is , being interpreted 3177 -methermeneuo- >
altogether ......... and altogether 4183 -polus->
altogether ......... he it altogether 3843 -pantos->
altogether ......... not altogether 3843 -pantos->
altogether ......... unto him , Thou wast altogether 3650 -holos->
together ......... both together 0846 -autos->
together ......... in pain together 4944 -sunodino->
together ......... not together .
together ......... not together 4905 -sunerchomai->
together ......... out of the way , they are together 0260 -hama->
together ......... them together 4863 -sunago->
together ......... themselves together 4863 -sunago->
together ......... There were together 3674 -homou->
together ......... thick together 1865 -epathroizo->
together ......... together , and running 5240 -huperekchuno->
together ......... together .
together ......... together 0240 -allelon->
together ......... together 0260 -hama->
together ......... together 0346 -anakephalaiomai->
together ......... together 0846 -autos->
together ......... together 0864 -aphikneomai->
together ......... together 1794 -entulisso->
together ......... together 1996 -episunago->
together ......... together 1997 -episunagoge->
together ......... together 1998 -episuntrecho->
together ......... together 2086 -heterozugeo->
together ......... together 2675 -katartizo->
together ......... together 3674 -homou->
together ......... together 4776 -sugkathizo->
together ......... together 4779 -sugkaleo->
together ......... together 4786 -sugkerannumi->
together ......... together 4789 -sugkleronomos->
together ......... together 4794 -sugkupto->
together ......... together 4801 -suzeugnumi->
together ......... together 4802 -suzeteo->
together ......... together 4806 -suzoopoieo->
together ......... together 4811 -sukophanteo->
together ......... together 4822 -sumbibazo->
together ......... together 4831 -summimetes->
together ......... together 4836 -sumparaginomai->
together ......... together 4837 -sumparakaleo->
together ......... together 4851 -sumphero->
together ......... together 4853 -sumphuletes->
together ......... together 4854 -sumphutos->
together ......... together 4856 -sumphoneo->
together ......... together 4863 -sunago->
together ......... together 4865 -sunagonizomai->
together ......... together 4866 -sunathleo->
together ......... together 4867 -sunathroizo->
together ......... together 4873 -sunanakeimai->
together ......... together 4883 -sunarmologeo->
together ......... together 4885 -sunauxano->
together ......... together 4888 -sundoxazo->
together ......... together 4890 -sundrome->
together ......... together 4896 -suneimi->
together ......... together 4897 -suneiserchomai->
together ......... together 4899 -suneklektos->
together ......... together 4903 -sunergeo->
together ......... together 4904 -sunergos->
together ......... together 4905 -sunerchomai->
together ......... together 4925 -sunoikodomeo->
together ......... together 4943 -sunupourgeo->
together ......... together 4966 -Suchem->
together ......... together ; and every 3956 -pas->
together ......... together and reasoned 4802 -suzeteo->
together ......... together for the last 2078 -eschatos->
together ......... up together 0260 -hama->
together ......... up together 0846 -autos->
together ......... up together 4911 -sunephistemi->
together ......... us together 4806 -suzoopoieo->
together ......... us up together 4891 -sunegeiro->
together ......... were together 0846 -autos->
together ......... ye together 4816 -sullego->
together ......... yourselves together 4863 -sunago->
whether ......... And whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... and whether 5037 -te->
whether ......... but whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... by him , I say , whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... for us , that , whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... For whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... For whether 5037 -te->
whether ......... For whether 5101 -tis->
whether ......... for whether 5101 -tis->
whether ......... him , whether 1487 -ei->
whether ......... him whether 1487 -ei->
whether ......... me whether 1487 -ei->
whether ......... not whether 1487 -ei->
whether ......... of you , whether 1487 -ei->
whether ......... sake : whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... that , whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... that whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... to us , whether 1535 -eite->
Whether ......... unto them , Whether 1487 -ei->
Whether ......... unto them , Whether 5101 -tis->
whether ......... us whether 1487 -ei->
Whether ......... Whether 1487 -ei->
whether ......... whether 1487 -ei->
whether ......... whether 1520 -heis->
Whether ......... Whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... whether 1535 -eite->
whether ......... whether 2273 -etoi->
whether ......... whether 3379 -mepote->
whether ......... whether 4220 -poteron->
whether ......... whether 5037 -te->
Whether ......... Whether 5101 -tis->
whether ......... whether I speak 2980 -laleo->
whether ......... whether in the body 4983 -soma->