dwellings Psa_55_15 /^{dwellings /and among them.

dwellings Zep_02_06 /^{dwellings /and cottages for
shepherds , and folds for flocks .

dwellings Isa_32_18 /^{dwellings /and in quiet
resting places ;

dwellings Jer_09_19 /^{dwellings /have cast us out

dwellings Eze_25_04 /^{dwellings /in thee: they
shall eat thy fruit , and they shall drink thy milk .

dwellings Psa_87_02 /^{dwellings /of Jacob .

dwellings Job_18_21 /^{dwellings /of the wicked ,
and this is the place of him that knoweth not God .

dwellings Lev_03_17 /^{dwellings /that ye eat
neither fat nor blood .

dwellings Lev_23_21 /^{dwellings /throughout your
generations .
