dumb , 1CO , 12:2

dumb , 2PE , 2:16

dumb , AC , 8:32

dumb , DA , 10:15

dumb , EX , 4:11

dumb , EZE , 3:26 , EZE , 24:27 , EZE , 33:22

dumb , HAB , 2:18 , HAB , 2:19

dumb , ISA , 35:6 , ISA , 53:7 , ISA , 56:10

dumb , LU , 1:20 , LU , 11:14 , LU , 11:14

dumb , MR , 7:37 , MR , 9:17 , MR , 9:25

dumb , MT , 9:32 , MT , 9:33 , MT , 12:22 , MT , 12:22 , MT ,
15:30 , MT , 15:31

dumb , PR , 31:8

dumb , PS , 38:13 , PS , 39:2 , PS , 39:9


an 3424 # mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980;
hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): -- having {an}
impediment in his speech.[ql

dumb 0216 # alalos {al'-al-os}; from 1 (as a negative particle)
and 2980; mute: -- {dumb}.[ql

dumb 2974 # kophos {ko-fos'}; from 2875; blunted, i.e.
(figuratively) of hearing (deaf) or speech (dumb): -- deaf,
{dumb}, speechless.[ql

dumb 0880 # aphonos {af'-o-nos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 5456; voiceless, i.e. mute (by nature or choice);
figuratively, unmeaning: -- {dumb}, without signification.[ql

dumb 4623 # siopao {see-o-pah'-o}; from siope (silence, i.e. a
hush; properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or
inability to speak; and thus differing from 4602, which is
rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak, although
the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf
also, like 2974 properly); figuratively, to be calm (as quiet
water): -- {dumb}, (hold) peace.[ql

having 3424 # mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980;
hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): -- {having} an
impediment in his speech.[ql

his 3424 # mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980;
hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): -- having an impediment
in {his} speech.[ql

hold 4623 # siopao {see-o-pah'-o}; from siope (silence, i.e. a
hush; properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or
inability to speak; and thus differing from 4602, which is
rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak, although
the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf
also, like 2974 properly); figuratively, to be calm (as quiet
water): -- dumb, ({hold}) peace.[ql

impediment 3424 # mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980;
hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): -- having an
{impediment} in his speech.[ql

in 3424 # mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980; hardly
talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): -- having an impediment {in}
his speech.[ql

peace 4623 # siopao {see-o-pah'-o}; from siope (silence, i.e. a
hush; properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or
inability to speak; and thus differing from 4602, which is
rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak, although
the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf
also, like 2974 properly); figuratively, to be calm (as quiet
water): -- dumb, (hold) {peace}.[ql

speechless 1769 # enneos {en-neh-os'}; from 1770; dumb (as
making signs), i.e. silent from astonishment: -- {speechless}.[ql

speech 3424 # mogilalos {mog-il-al'-os}; from 3425 and 2980;
hardly talking, i.e. dumb (tongue-tied): -- having an impediment
in his {speech}.[ql


dumb Interlinear Index Study

dumb EXO 004 011 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto him , Who <04310 +miy > hath made <07760 +suwm >
man s <00120 +>adam > mouth <06310 +peh > ? or <00176 +>ow > who
<04310 +miy > maketh <07760 +suwm > the {dumb} <00483 +>illem > ,
or <00176 +>ow > deaf <02795 +cheresh > , or <00176 +>ow > the
seeing <06493 +piqqeach > , or <00176 +>ow > the blind <05787
+ ? have not I the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ?

dumb PSA 038 013 But I , as a deaf <02795 +cheresh > [ man ] ,
heard <08085 +shama< > not ; and [ I was ] as a {dumb} <00483
+>illem > man [ that ] openeth <06605 +pathach > not his mouth
<06310 +peh > .

dumb PSA 039 002 I was {dumb} <00481 +>alam > with silence
<01747 +duwmiyah > , I held <02714 +cheqer > my peace <02814
+chashah > , [ even ] from good <02896 +towb > ; and my sorrow
<03511 +k@>eb > was stirred <05916 + .

dumb PSA 039 009 I was {dumb} <00481 +>alam > , I opened <06605
+pathach > not my mouth <06310 +peh > ; because <03588 +kiy >
thou didst <06213 + [ it ] .

dumb PRO 031 008 Open <06605 +pathach > thy mouth <06310 +peh >
for the {dumb} <00483 +>illem > in the cause <01779 +diyn > of
all <03605 +kol > such as are appointed <01121 +ben > to
destruction <02475 +chalowph > .

dumb ISA 035 006 Then <00227 +>az > shall the lame <06455
+picceach > [ man ] leap <01801 +dalag > as an hart <00354
+>ayal > , and the tongue <03956 +lashown > of the {dumb} <00483
+>illem > sing <07442 +ranan > : for in the wilderness <04057
+midbar > shall waters <04325 +mayim > break <01234 +baqa< > out
, and streams <05158 +nachal > in the desert <06160 + .

dumb ISA 053 007 He was oppressed <05065 +nagas > , and he was
afflicted <06031 + , yet he opened <06605 +pathach > not
his mouth <06310 +peh > : he is brought <02986 +yabal > as a
lamb <07716 +seh > to the slaughter <02875 +Tebach > , and as a
sheep <07353 +rachel > before <06440 +paniym > her shearers
<01494 +gazaz > is {dumb} <00481 +>alam > , so he openeth <06605
+pathach > not his mouth <06310 +peh > .

dumb ISA 056 010 His watchmen <06822 +tsaphah > [ are ] blind
<05787 + : they are all <03605 +kol > ignorant , they [
are ] all <03605 +kol > {dumb} <00483 +>illem > dogs <03611
+keleb > , they cannot bark <05024 +nabach > ; sleeping <01957
+hazah > , lying <07901 +shakab > down <07901 +shakab > , loving
<00157 +>ahab > to slumber <05123 +nuwm > .

dumb EZE 003 026 And I will make thy tongue <03956 +lashown >
cleave <01692 +dabaq > to the roof <02441 +chek > of thy mouth
<02441 +chek > , that thou shalt be {dumb} <00481 +>alam > , and
shalt not be to them a reprover <03198 +yakach > : for they [
are ] a rebellious <04805 +m@riy > house <01004 +bayith > .

dumb EZE 024 027 In that day <03117 +yowm > shall thy mouth
<06310 +peh > be opened <06605 +pathach > to him which is
escaped <06412 +paliyt > , and thou shalt speak <01696 +dabar > ,
and be no <03808 +lo> > more <05750 + {dumb} <00481
+>alam > : and thou shalt be a sign <04159 +mowpheth > unto them
; and they shall know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > .

dumb EZE 033 022 Now the hand <03027 +yad > of the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > was upon me in the evening <06153 + , afore
<06440 +paniym > he that was escaped <06412 +paliyt > came
<00935 +bow> > ; and had opened <06605 +pathach > my mouth
<06310 +peh > , until <05704 + he came <00935 +bow> > to me
in the morning <01242 +boqer > ; and my mouth <06310 +peh > was
opened <06605 +pathach > , and I was no <03808 +lo> > more
<05750 + {dumb} <00481 +>alam > .

dumb DAN 010 015 And when he had spoken <01696 +dabar > such
<00428 +>el - leh > words <01697 +dabar > unto me , I set <05414
+nathan > my face <06440 +paniym > toward the ground <00776
+>erets > , and I became <00481 +>alam > {dumb} <00481 +>alam > .

dumb HAB 002 018 What <04100 +mah > profiteth <03276 +ya
the graven <06459 +pecel > image that the maker <03335 +yatsar >
thereof hath graven <06458 +pacal > it ; the molten <04541
+maccekah > image , and a teacher <03384 +yarah > of lies <08267
+sheqer > , that the maker <03335 +yatsar > of his work <03336
+yetser > trusteth <00982 +batach > therein <05921 + , to
make <06213 + {dumb} <00483 +>illem > idols <00457
+>eliyl > ?

dumb HAB 002 019 Woe <01945 +howy > unto him that saith <00559
+>amar > to the wood <06086 + , Awake <06974 +quwts > ; to
the {dumb} <01748 +duwmam > stone <68> , Arise <05782 + ,
it shall teach <03384 +yarah > ! Behold <02009 +hinneh > , it [
is ] laid <08610 +taphas > over with gold <02091 +zahab > and
silver <03701 +keceph > , and [ there is ] no <00369 +>ayin >
breath <07307 +ruwach > at all <03605 +kol > in the midst <07130
+qereb > of it .

dumb MAT 009 032 As they went <1831 -exerchomai -> out , behold
<2400 -idou -> , they brought <4374 -prosphero -> to him a
{dumb} <2974 -kophos -> man <0444 -anthropos -> possessed <1139 -
daimonizomai -> with a devil <1139 -daimonizomai -> .

dumb MAT 009 033 And when the devil <1140 -daimonion -> was cast
<1544 -ekballo -> out , the {dumb} <2974 -kophos -> spake <2980 -
laleo -> : and the multitudes <3793 -ochlos -> marvelled <2296 -
thaumazo -> , saying <3004 -lego -> , It was never <3763 -
oudepote -> so <3779 -houto -> seen <5316 -phaino -> in Israel
<2474 -Israel -> .

dumb MAT 012 022 . Then <5119 -tote -> was brought <4374 -
prosphero -> unto him one possessed <1139 -daimonizomai -> with
a devil <1139 -daimonizomai -> , blind <5185 -tuphlos -> , and
dumb <2974 -kophos -> : and he healed <2323 -therapeuo -> him ,
insomuch <5620 -hoste -> that the blind <5185 -tuphlos -> and
{dumb} <2974 -kophos -> both <2532 -kai -> spake <2980 -laleo ->
and saw <0991 -blepo -> .

dumb MAT 012 022 . Then <5119 -tote -> was brought <4374 -
prosphero -> unto him one possessed <1139 -daimonizomai -> with
a devil <1139 -daimonizomai -> , blind <5185 -tuphlos -> , and
{dumb} <2974 -kophos -> : and he healed <2323 -therapeuo -> him ,
insomuch <5620 -hoste -> that the blind <5185 -tuphlos -> and
dumb <2974 -kophos -> both <2532 -kai -> spake <2980 -laleo ->
and saw <0991 -blepo -> .

dumb MAT 015 030 And great <4183 -polus -> multitudes <3793 -
ochlos -> came <4334 -proserchomai -> unto him , having <2192 -
echo -> with them [ those that were ] lame <5560 -cholos -> ,
blind <5185 -tuphlos -> , {dumb} <2974 -kophos -> , maimed <2948
-kullos -> , and many <4183 -polus -> others <2087 -heteros -> ,
and cast <4496 -rhipto -> them down <4496 -rhipto -> at <3844 -
para -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> feet <4228 -pous -> ; and he
healed <2323 -therapeuo -> them :

dumb MAT 015 031 Insomuch <5620 -hoste -> that the multitude
<3793 -ochlos -> wondered <2296 -thaumazo -> , when they saw
<0991 -blepo -> the {dumb} <2974 -kophos -> to speak <2980 -
laleo -> , the maimed <2948 -kullos -> to be whole <5199 -hugies
-> , the lame <5560 -cholos -> to walk <4043 -peripateo -> , and
the blind <5185 -tuphlos -> to see <0991 -blepo -> : and they
glorified <1392 -doxazo -> the God <2316 -theos -> of Israel
<2474 -Israel -> .

dumb MAR 007 037 And were beyond <5249 -huperperissos -> measure
<5249 -huperperissos -> astonished <1605 -ekplesso -> , saying
<3004 -lego -> , He hath done <4160 -poieo -> all <3956 -pas ->
things well <2573 -kalos -> : he maketh <4160 -poieo -> both
<5037 -te -> the deaf <2974 -kophos -> to hear <0191 -akouo -> ,
and the {dumb} <0216 -alalos -> to speak <2980 -laleo -> .

dumb MAR 009 017 And one <1520 -heis -> of the multitude <3793 -
ochlos -> answered <0611 -apokrinomai -> and said <2036 -epo -> ,
Master <1320 -didaskalos -> , I have brought <5342 -phero ->
unto thee my son <5207 -huios -> , which hath <2192 -echo -> a
{dumb} <0216 -alalos -> spirit <4151 -pneuma -> ;

dumb MAR 009 025 When Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> saw <1492 -eido ->
that the people <3793 -ochlos -> came <1998 -episuntrecho ->
running <1998 -episuntrecho -> together <1998 -episuntrecho -> ,
he rebuked <2008 -epitimao -> the foul <0169 -akathartos ->
spirit <4151 -pneuma -> , saying <3004 -lego -> unto him , [
Thou ] {dumb} <0216 -alalos -> and deaf <2974 -kophos -> spirit
<4151 -pneuma -> , I charge <2004 -epitasso -> thee , come <1831
-exerchomai -> out of him , and enter <1525 -eiserchomai -> no
<3371 -meketi -> more <3371 -meketi -> into <1519 -eis -> him .

dumb LUK 001 020 And , behold 2400 -idou - , thou shalt be
{dumb} 4623 -siopao - , and not able 1410 -dunamai - to speak
2980 -laleo - , until LUK 0891 -achri - the day 2250 -hemera -
that these 5023 -tauta - things shall be performed 1096 -ginomai
- , because 3759 -ouai - thou believest 4100 -pisteuo - not my
words 3056 -logos - , which 3748 -hostis - shall be fulfilled
4137 -pleroo - in their season 2540 -kairos - .

dumb LUK 011 014 . And he was casting 1544 -ekballo - out a
devil 1140 -daimonion - , and it was dumb 2974 -kophos - . And
it came 1096 -ginomai - to pass , when the devil 1140 -daimonion
- was gone 1831 -exerchomai - out , the {dumb} 2974 -kophos -
spake 2980 -laleo - ; and the people 3793 -ochlos - wondered
2296 -thaumazo - .

dumb LUK 011 014 . And he was casting 1544 -ekballo - out a
devil 1140 -daimonion - , and it was {dumb} 2974 -kophos - . And
it came 1096 -ginomai - to pass , when the devil 1140 -daimonion
- was gone 1831 -exerchomai - out , the dumb 2974 -kophos -
spake 2980 -laleo - ; and the people 3793 -ochlos - wondered
2296 -thaumazo - .

dumb ACT 008 032 The place <4042 -perioche -> of the scripture
<1124 -graphe -> which he read <0314 -anaginosko -> was this
<3778 -houtos -> , He was led <0071 -ago -> as a sheep <4263 -
probaton -> to the slaughter <4967 -sphage -> ; and like <5613 -
hos -> a lamb <0286 -amnos -> {dumb} <0880 -aphonos -> before
<1726 -enantion -> his shearer <2751 -keiro -> , so <3779 -houto
-> opened <0455 -anoigo -> he not his mouth <4750 -stoma -> :

dumb 1CO 012 002 Ye know <1492 -eido -> that ye were Gentiles
<1484 -ethnos -> , carried <0520 -apago -> away <0520 -apago ->
unto these <3588 -ho -> {dumb} <0880 -aphonos -> idols <1497 -
eidolon -> , even <5613 -hos -> as ye were led <0071 -ago -> .

dumb 2PE 002 016 But was rebuked <1649 -elegxis -> for his
iniquity <3892 -paranomia -> : the {dumb} <0880 -aphonos -> ass
<5268 -hupozugion -> speaking <5350 -phtheggomai -> with man s
<0444 -anthropos -> voice <5456 -phone -> forbad <2967 -koluo ->
the madness <3913 -paraphronia -> of the prophet <4396 -
prophetes -> .


all dumb dogs

be no more dumb

became dumb

carried away unto these dumb idols <1CO12 -:2 >

dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad <2PE2 -:16 >

dumb both spake

dumb man

dumb man possessed with

dumb sing

dumb spake

dumb spake

dumb spirit

dumb stone

lamb dumb before his shearer

make dumb idols

sheep before her shearers is dumb

thou shalt be dumb

thou shalt be dumb

was dumb

was dumb with silence

was no more dumb

* dumb , 0216 , 0880 , 2974 ,

- dumb , 0481 , 0483 , 1748 ,

dumb EXO 004 011 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto him , Who <04310 +miy > hath made <07760 +suwm
> man s <00120 +>adam > mouth <06310 +peh > ? or <00176 +>ow
> who <04310 +miy > maketh <07760 +suwm > the {dumb} <00483
+>illem > , or <00176 +>ow > deaf <02795 +cheresh > , or
<00176 +>ow > the seeing <06493 +piqqeach > , or <00176 +>ow
> the blind <05787 + ? have not I the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > ?

* dumb , 0216 alalos , 0880 aphonos , 2974 kophos ,


dumb -0216 {dumb},

dumb -0880 {dumb}, signification, without,

dumb -2974 deaf, {dumb},


dumb -0481 became , binding , {dumb} , silence ,

dumb -0483 {dumb} ,

dumb -1748 {dumb} , silent , wait ,


dumb 0481 -- /alam -- bind, be {dumb}, put to silence.

dumb 0483 -- /illem -- {dumb} (man).

dumb 1748 -- duwmam -- {dumb}, silent, quietly wait.

dumb 0216 ** alalos ** {dumb}.

dumb 0880 ** aphonos ** {dumb}, without signification.

dumb 2974 ** kophos ** deaf, {dumb}, speechless.

dumb 4623 ** siopao ** {dumb}, (hold) peace.


dumb ......... a dumb 0216 -alalos->

dumb ......... and dumb 2974 -kophos->

dumb ......... and it was dumb 2974 -kophos->

dumb ......... and the dumb 0216 -alalos->

dumb ......... dumb 0880 -aphonos->

dumb ......... dumb 2974 -kophos->

dumb ......... out , the dumb 2974 -kophos->

dumb ......... the dumb 0880 -aphonos->

dumb ......... the dumb 2974 -kophos->

dumb ......... thou shalt be dumb 4623 -siopao->

dumb ......... to him a dumb 2974 -kophos->

dumb ......... unto him , Thou dumb 0216 -alalos->



dumb 0481 ## >alam {aw-lam'}; a primitive root; to tie fast;
hence (of the mouth) to be tongue-tied: -- bind, be {dumb}, put
to silence. [ql

dumb 0483 ## >illem {il-lame'}; from 481; speechless: -- {dumb}
(man). [ql

dumb 1748 ## duwmam {doo-mawm'}; from 1826; still; adverbially,
silently: -- {dumb}, silent, quietly wait. [ql

dumb 0216 # alalos {al'-al-os}; from 1 (as a negative particle)
and 2980; mute: -- {dumb}.[ql

dumb 0880 # aphonos {af'-o-nos}; from 1 (as a negative particle)
and 5456; voiceless, i.e. mute (by nature or choice);
figuratively, unmeaning: -- {dumb}, without signification.[ql

dumb 2974 # kophos {ko-fos'}; from 2875; blunted, i.e.
(figuratively) of hearing (deaf) or speech (dumb): -- deaf,
{dumb}, speechless.[ql

dumb 4623 # siopao {see-o-pah'-o}; from siope (silence, i.e. a
hush; properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or
inability to speak; and thus differing from 4602, which is
rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak, although
the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf
also, like 2974 properly); figuratively, to be calm (as quiet
water): -- {dumb}, (hold) peace.[ql


dumb 009 025 Mar /${dumb /and deaf spirit ,
I charge thee , come out of him , and enter no more into him .

dumb 012 022 Mat /${dumb /and he healed him ,
insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw .

dumb 011 014 Luk /${dumb /And it came to pass
, when the devil was gone out , the dumb spake ; and the people
wondered .

dumb 001 020 Luk /${dumb /and not able to
speak , until the day that these things shall be performed ,
because thou believest not my words , which shall be fulfilled
in their season .

dumb 003 026 Eze /^{dumb /and shalt not be to
them a reprover : for they are a rebellious house .

dumb 024 027 Eze /^{dumb /and thou shalt be a
sign unto them; and they shall know that I am the LORD .

dumb 002 016 IIPe /${dumb /ass speaking with
man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet .

dumb 008 032 Act /${dumb /before his shearer ,
so opened he not his mouth :

dumb 012 022 Mat /${dumb /both spake and saw .

dumb 056 010 Isa /^{dumb /dogs , they cannot
bark ; sleeping , lying down , loving to slumber .

dumb 039 009 Psa /^{dumb /I opened not my
mouth ; because thou didst it.

dumb 012 002 ICo /${dumb /idols , even as ye
were led .

dumb 002 018 Hab /^{dumb /idols ?

dumb 031 008 Pro /^{dumb /in the cause of all
such as are appointed to destruction .

dumb 015 030 Mat /${dumb /maimed , and many
others , and cast them down at Jesus feet ; and he healed them :

dumb 009 032 Mat /${dumb /man possessed with
a devil .

dumb 038 013 Psa /^{dumb /man that openeth
not his mouth .

dumb 004 011 Exo /^{dumb /or deaf , or the
seeing , or the blind ? have not I the LORD ?

dumb 035 006 Isa /^{dumb /sing : for in the
wilderness shall waters break out , and streams in the desert .

dumb 053 007 Isa /^{dumb /so he openeth not
his mouth .

dumb 009 033 Mat /${dumb /spake : and the
multitudes marvelled , saying , It was never so seen in Israel .

dumb 011 014 Luk /${dumb /spake ; and the
people wondered .

dumb 009 017 Mar /${dumb /spirit ;

dumb 002 019 Hab /^{dumb /stone , Arise , it
shall teach ! Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver , and
there is no breath at all in the midst of it.

dumb 015 031 Mat /${dumb /to speak , the
maimed to be whole , the lame to walk , and the blind to see :
and they glorified the God of Israel .

dumb 007 037 Mar /${dumb /to speak .

dumb 039 002 Psa /^{dumb /with silence , I
held my peace , even from good ; and my sorrow was stirred .



dumb And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's
mouth? or who maketh the {dumb}, or deaf, or the seeing, or the
blind? have not I the LORD?

dumb But I, as a deaf [man], heard not; and [I was]
as a {dumb} man [that] openeth not his mouth.

dumb I was {dumb} with silence, I held my peace,
[even] from good; and my sorrow was stirred.

dumb I was {dumb}, I opened not my mouth; because
thou didst [it].

dumb Open thy mouth for the {dumb} in the cause of
all such as are appointed to destruction.

dumb Then shall the lame [man] leap as an hart, and
the tongue of the {dumb} sing: for in the wilderness shall
waters break out, and streams in the desert.

dumb He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he
opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is {dumb}, so he openeth not
his mouth.

dumb His watchmen [are] blind: they are all ignorant,
they [are] all {dumb} dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying
down, loving to slumber.

dumb And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of
thy mouth, that thou shalt be {dumb}, and shalt not be to them a
reprover: for they [are] a rebellious house.

dumb In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him
which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more {dumb}:
and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I
[am] the LORD.

dumb Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the
evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth,
until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened,
and I was no more {dumb}.

dumb And when he had spoken such words unto me, I
set my face toward the ground, and I became {dumb}.

dumb What profiteth the graven image that the maker
thereof hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies,
that the maker of his work trusteth therein, to make {dumb}

dumb Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to
the {dumb} stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it [is] laid
over with gold and silver, and [there is] no breath at all in
the midst of it.

dumb As they went out, behold, they brought to him a
{dumb} man possessed with a devil.

dumb And when the devil was cast out, the {dumb}
spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so
seen in Israel.

dumb Then was brought unto him one possessed with a
devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the
blind and {dumb} both spake and saw.

dumb Then was brought unto him one possessed with a
devil, blind, and {dumb}: and he healed him, insomuch that the
blind and dumb both spake and saw.

dumb And great multitudes came unto him, having with
them [those that were] lame, blind, {dumb}, maimed, and many
others, and cast them down at Jesus' feet; and he healed them:

dumb Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they
saw the {dumb} to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to
walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel.

dumb And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He
hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and
the {dumb} to speak.

dumb And one of the multitude answered and said,
Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a {dumb}

dumb When Jesus saw that the people came running
together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou]
{dumb} and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and
enter no more into him.

dumb And, behold, thou shalt be {dumb}, and not able
to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed,
because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in
their season.

dumb And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb.
And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the {dumb}
spake; and the people wondered.

dumb And he was casting out a devil, and it was
{dumb}. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the
dumb spake; and the people wondered.

dumb The place of the scripture which he read was
this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb
{dumb} before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:

dumb <1CO12 -2> Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto
these {dumb} idols, even as ye were led.

dumb <2PE2 -16> But was rebuked for his iniquity: the {dumb} ass
speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
