due Lev_10_13 /^{due /and thy sons due , of
the sacrifices of the LORD made by fire : for so I am commanded .

due Lev_10_14 /^{due /and thy sons due ,
which are given out of the sacrifices of peace offerings of the
children of Israel .

due 1Co_07_03 /${due /benevolence : and
likewise also the wife unto the husband .

due Rom_13_07 /${due /custom to whom custom ;
fear to whom fear ; honour to whom honour .

due Neh_11_23 /^{due /for every day .

due Deu_18_03 /^{due /from the people , from
them that offer a sacrifice , whether it be ox or sheep ; and
they shall give unto the priest the shoulder , and the two
cheeks , and the maw .

due Lev_10_13 /^{due /of the sacrifices of
the LORD made by fire : for so I am commanded .

due 1Ch_15_13 /^{due /order .

due Luk_23_41 /${due /reward of our deeds :
but this man hath done nothing amiss .

due Lev_26_04 /^{due /season , and the land
shall yield her increase , and the trees of the field shall
yield their fruit .

due Ecc_10_17 /^{due /season , for strength ,
and not for drunkenness !

due Pro_15_23 /^{due /season , how good is

due Deu_11_14 /^{due /season , the first
rain and the latter rain , that thou mayest gather in thy corn ,
and thy wine , and thine oil .

due Num_28_02 /^{due /season .

due Psa_104_27 /^{due /season .

due Psa_145_15 /^{due /season .

due Luk_12_42 /${due /season ?

due Mat_24_45 /${due /season ?

due Gal_06_09 /${due /season we shall reap ,
if we faint not .

due 1Co_15_08 /${due /time .

due 1Ti_02_06 /${due /time .

due 1Pe_05_06 /${due /time :

due Deu_32_35 /^{due /time : for the day of
their calamity is at hand , and the things that shall come upon
them make haste .

due Rom_05_06 /${due /time Christ died for
the ungodly .

due Tit_01_03 /${due /times manifested his
word through preaching , which is committed unto me according to
the commandment of God our Saviour ;

due Mat_18_34 /${due /unto him .

due 1Ch_16_29 /^{due /unto his name : bring
an offering , and come before him: worship the LORD in the
beauty of holiness .

due Psa_96_08 /^{due /unto his name : bring
an offering , and come into his courts .

due Psa_29_02 /^{due /unto his name ;
worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness .

due Pro_03_27 /^{due /when it is in the
power of thine hand to do it.

due Lev_10_14 /^{due /which are given out of
the sacrifices of peace offerings of the children of Israel .

dues Rom_13_07 /${dues /tribute to whom
tribute is due; custom to whom custom ; fear to whom fear ;
honour to whom honour .

endued Gen_30_20 /^{endued /me with a good
dowry ; now will my husband dwell with me, because I have born
him six sons : and she called his name Zebulun .

endued Jam_03_13 /${endued /with knowledge
among you ? let him shew out of a good conversation his works
with meekness of wisdom .

endued Luk_24_49 /${endued /with power from on
high .

endued 2Ch_02_12 /^{endued /with prudence and
understanding , that might build an house for the LORD , and an
house for his kingdom .

endued 2Ch_02_13 /^{endued /with understanding ,
of Huram my father's ,

residue Eze_48_18 /^{residue /in length over
against the oblation of the holy portion shall be ten thousand
eastward , and ten thousand westward : and it shall be over
against the oblation of the holy portion; and the increase
thereof shall be for food unto them that serve the city .

residue Mar_16_13 /${residue /neither believed
they them .

residue Isa_28_05 /^{residue /of his people ,

residue Neh_11_20 /^{residue /of Israel , of the
priests , and the Levites , were in all the cities of Judah ,
every one in his inheritance .

residue Eze_09_08 /^{residue /of Israel in thy
pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem ?

residue Jer_24_08 /^{residue /of Jerusalem ,
that remain in this land , and them that dwell in the land of
Egypt :

residue Act_15_17 /${residue /of men might seek
after the Lord , and all the Gentiles , upon whom my name is
called , saith the Lord , who doeth all these things .

residue Zep_02_09 /^{residue /of my people shall
spoil them, and the remnant of my people shall possess them.

residue Isa_38_10 /^{residue /of my years .

residue Exo_10_05 /^{residue /of that which is
escaped , which remaineth unto you from the hail , and shall eat
every tree which groweth for you out of the field :

residue Jer_29_01 /^{residue /of the elders
which were carried away captives , and to the priests , and to
the prophets , and to all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had
carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon ;

residue 1Ch_06_66 /^{residue /of the families of
the sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out of the tribe
of Ephraim .

residue Eze_36_05 /^{residue /of the heathen ,
and against all Idumea , which have appointed my land into their
possession with the joy of all their heart , with despiteful
minds , to cast it out for a prey .

residue Eze_36_03 /^{residue /of the heathen ,
and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers , and are an infamy
of the people :

residue Eze_36_04 /^{residue /of the heathen
that are round about ;

residue Isa_21_17 /^{residue /of the number of
archers , the mighty men of the children of Kedar , shall be
diminished : for the LORD God of Israel hath spoken it.

residue Hag_02_02 /^{residue /of the people ,
saying ,

residue Zec_14_02 /^{residue /of the people
shall not be cut off from the city .

residue Jer_52_15 /^{residue /of the people that
remained in the city , and those that fell away , that fell to
the king of Babylon , and the rest of the multitude .

residue Jer_41_10 /^{residue /of the people that
were in Mizpah , even the king's daughters , and all the people
that remained in Mizpah , whom Nebuzaradan the captain of the
guard had committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam : and Ishmael
the son of Nethaniah carried them away captive , and departed to
go over to the Ammonites .

residue Jer_39_03 /^{residue /of the princes of
the king of Babylon .

residue Mal_02_15 /^{residue /of the spirit .
And wherefore one ? That he might seek a godly seed . Therefore
take heed to your spirit , and let none deal treacherously
against the wife of his youth .

residue Jer_27_19 /^{residue /of the vessels
that remain in this city ,

residue Jer_08_03 /^{residue /of them that
remain of this evil family , which remain in all the places
whither I have driven them, saith the LORD of hosts .

residue Jer_15_09 /^{residue /of them will I
deliver to the sword before their enemies , saith the LORD .

residue Zec_08_11 /^{residue /of this people as
in the former days , saith the LORD of hosts .

residue Eze_34_18 /^{residue /of your pastures ?
and to have drunk of the deep waters , but ye must foul the
residue with your feet ?

residue Eze_23_25 /^{residue /shall be devoured
by the fire .

residue Eze_48_21 /^{residue /shall be for the
prince , on the one side and on the other of the holy oblation ,
and of the possession of the city , over against the five and
twenty thousand of the oblation toward the east border , and
westward over against the five and twenty thousand toward the
west border , over against the portions for the prince : and it
shall be the holy oblation ; and the sanctuary of the house
shall be in the midst thereof.

residue Isa_44_19 /^{residue /thereof an
abomination ? shall I fall down to the stock of a tree ?

residue Isa_44_17 /^{residue /thereof he maketh
a god , even his graven image : he falleth down unto it, and
worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it, and saith , Deliver me; for
thou art my god .

residue Dan_07_19 /^{residue /with his feet ;

residue Dan_07_07 /^{residue /with the feet of
it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it;
and it had ten horns .

residue Eze_34_18 /^{residue /with your feet ?

subdue 1Ch_17_10 /^{subdue /all thine enemies .
Furthermore I tell thee that the LORD will build thee an house .

subdue Php_03_21 /${subdue /all things unto
himself .

subdue Gen_01_28 /^{subdue /it : and have
dominion over the fish of the sea , and over the fowl of the air
, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth .

subdue Isa_45_01 /^{subdue /nations before him;
and I will loose the loins of kings , to open before him the two
leaved gates ; and the gates shall not be shut ;

subdue Mic_07_19 /^{subdue /our iniquities ;
and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea .

subdue Psa_47_03 /^{subdue /the people under us,
and the nations under our feet .

subdue Dan_07_24 /^{subdue /three kings .

subdue Zec_09_15 /^{subdue /with sling stones ;
and they shall drink , and make a noise as through wine ; and
they shall be filled like bowls , and as the corners of the
altar .

subdued 1Sa_07_13 /^{subdued /and they came no
more into the coast of Israel : and the hand of the LORD was
against the Philistines all the days of Samuel .

subdued Jud_08_28 /^{subdued /before the
children of Israel , so that they lifted up their heads no more .
And the country was in quietness forty years in the days of
Gideon .

subdued Jud_11_33 /^{subdued /before the
children of Israel .

subdued 1Ch_22_18 /^{subdued /before the LORD ,
and before his people .

subdued Num_32_22 /^{subdued /before the LORD :
then afterward ye shall return , and be guiltless before the
LORD , and before Israel ; and this land shall be your
possession before the LORD .

subdued Jos_18_01 /^{subdued /before them.

subdued Num_32_29 /^{subdued /before you; then
ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession :

subdued Heb_11_33 /${subdued /kingdoms , wrought
righteousness , obtained promises , stopped the mouths of lions ,

subdued Jud_04_23 /^{subdued /on that day Jabin
the king of Canaan before the children of Israel .

subdued Jud_03_30 /^{subdued /that day under the
hand of Israel . And the land had rest fourscore years .

subdued Psa_81_14 /^{subdued /their enemies ,
and turned my hand against their adversaries .

subdued 1Ch_18_01 /^{subdued /them, and took
Gath and her towns out of the hand of the Philistines .

subdued 2Sa_08_01 /^{subdued /them: and David
took Methegammah out of the hand of the Philistines .

subdued Psa_18_39 /^{subdued /under me those
that rose up against me.

subdued 2Sa_22_40 /^{subdued /under me.

subdued 1Co_15_28 /${subdued /unto him , then
shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all
things under him , that God may be all in all .

subduedst Neh_09_24 /^{subduedst /before them the
inhabitants of the land , the Canaanites , and gavest them into
their hands , with their kings , and the people of the land ,
that they might do with them as they would .

subdueth Dan_02_40 /^{subdueth /all things: and
as iron that breaketh all these , shall it break in pieces and
bruise .

subdueth Psa_144_02 /^{subdueth /my people under

subdueth Psa_18_47 /^{subdueth /the people under
