drought 1226 ## batstsoreth {bats-tso'-reth}; feminine intensive
from 1219; restraint (of rain), i.e. drought: -- dearth,
{drought}. [ql

drought 2721 ## choreb {kho'-reb}; a collaterally form of 2719;
drought or desolation: -- desolation, {drought}, dry, heat, X
utterly, waste. [ql

drought 2725 ## charabown {khar-aw-bone'}; from 2717; parching
heat: -- {drought}. [ql

drought 6710 ## tsachtsachah {tsakh-tsaw-khaw'}; from 6705; a
dry place, i.e. desert: -- {drought}.[ql

drought 6723 ## tsiyah {tsee-yaw'}; from an unused root meaning
to parch; aridity; concretely, a desert: -- barren, {drought},
dry (land, place), solitary place, wilderness.[ql

drought 6774 ## tsimma>own {tsim-maw-one'}; from 6771; a thirsty
place, i.e. desert: -- {drought}, dry ground, thirsty land.[ql

drought 8514 ## tal>uwbah {tal-oo-baw'}; from 3851; desiccation:
-- great {drought}.[ql
