aaron cast down his rod before pharaoh

abraham bowed down himself before

abram went down into egypt

ahaziah fell down through <2KI1 -:2 >

all kings shall fall down before him

all these thy servants shall come down unto me

also his heavens shall drop down dew

an holy one came down from heaven

an holy one coming down from heaven

another steppeth down before me

as they came down from

as they came down from

asa cut down her idol <2CH15 -:16 >

baal was cast down

barns are broken down

be cast down even at

be cut down

beast goeth down into

beat down

because he hath cast down

because he hath cut down

because he hath thrown down his altar

because he laid down his life for us <1JO3 -:16 >

because they came down <1CH7 -:21 >

before they were laid down

behold their sitting down

bel boweth down

blood falling down

border came down

border shall go down

both treadeth down

bow down

bow down

bow down his head as

bow down myself <2KI5 -:18 >

bow down ourselves

bow down their back alway

bow down themselves unto me

bow down thine ear <2KI19 -:16 >

bow down thine ear

bow down thine ear

bow down thine ear

bow down unto it

bow down unto them

bowed down

bowed down

bowed down

bowed down greatly

bowed down heavily

bowed down himself before them <2CH25 -:14 >

bowed down my head

bowed down their heads <1CH29 -:20 >

bowed down themselves before him

boweth down upon his knees

brake down <2CH14 -:3 >

brake down <2CH25 -:23 >

brake down <2CH26 -:6 >

brake down <2CH36 -:19 >

brake down <2KI10 -:27 >

brake down <2KI14 -:13 >

brake down <2KI23 -:8 >

brake down <2KI25 -:10 >

brake down

brake down all

brake it down <2CH23 -:17 >

brake it down <2KI11 -:18 >

bread which came down from heaven

bread which came down from heaven

bread which cometh down from heaven

break down

break down

break down

break down

break down

break down her towers

break down their images

breaking down

bricks are fallen down

bring christ down

bring down my father hither

bring him down <1KI1 -:33 >

bring him down unto me

bring it down

bring thee down

bring them down

bring them down

bring them down unto

bringeth down <2SA22 -:48 >

bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down

broken down <1KI18 -:30 >

broken down

broken down

broken down her hedges

brought down <2CH23 -:20 >

brought him down

brought him down out <1KI17 -:23 >

brought it straight down <2CH32 -:30 >

brought paul down

but before they lay down

but evil came down from

but he came down <1KI2 -:8 >

but he cast him down

but he went down <2SA23 -:21 >

but his hoar head bring thou down <1KI2 -:9 >

but jesus stooped down

but jonah was gone down into

but let judgment run down as waters

but now they break down

but went not down <2SA11 -:13 >

but wilt bring down high looks

but ye must tread down with your feet

by casting down

by chance there came down

by which degrees it was gone down

by which it had gone down <2KI20 -:11 >

came down from

came down from

came down from heaven

came down from heaven

came down from heaven

came down from offering

came down toward

came down with <2SA19 -:16 >

cast down from heaven unto

cast them down at jesus' feet

cast them down from <2CH25 -:12 >

cast thyself down from hence

casting down imaginations <2CO10 -:5 >

casting himself down before

certain men which came down from judaea taught

cities thereof were broken down at

city shall fall down flat

coast shall go down from shepham

come down according <1SA23 -:20 >

come down against

come down ere my child die

come down for you

come down from

come down from

come down from

come down from heaven

come down out

come down quickly <2KI1 -:11 >

come down unto me

cometh down from

coming down from god out

coming down on

cut down all <2CH34 -:7 >

cut down for thyself there

cut down from thence

cut down their groves

cut down their groves

cut down your images

despised thee shall bow themselves down at

devil is come down unto you

didst thou not go down unto thine house <2SA11 -:10 >

digged down thine altars

down among

down among

down as

down at

down by

down for meat

down from

down from his excellency

down from lebanon unto <1KI5 -:9 >

down from thence <2KI23 -:12 >

down unto us

down upon

down upon clothes laid

down upon my face

down with us <2SA15 -:20 >

egypt put him down at jerusalem <2CH36 -:3 >

eleazar came down from

even as straw is trodden down for

every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn

except your youngest brother come down with you

fallen down dead on

falleth down thereto

falling down before him

fell down at

fell down at his feet

fell down at his feet

fell down before

fell down before

fell down before him

fell down before him

fell down before him

fell down before his face

fell down before paul

fell down bound into

fell down from

fell down on

fell down slain <1CH10 -:1 >

fell down slain <1SA31 -:1 >

fell down upon

fire came down from god out

fire came down from heaven <2CH7 -:1 >

foolish plucketh it down with her hands

for an angel went down at

for he bringeth down them

for he hath looked down from

for he is gone down this day <1KI1 -:25 >

for she hath cast down many wounded

for there fell down many slain <1CH5 -:22 >

for they cast down every man his rod

for they shall soon be cut down like

for we will not sit down till he come hither <1SA16 -:11 >

for your principalities shall come down

fowls came down upon

from heaven shall it come down upon thee

gera fell down before <2SA19 -:18 >

get thee down quickly from hence

get thee down unto

get you down from among <1SA15 -:6 >

get you down thither

gileadite came down from rogelim <2SA19 -:31 >

go down about

go down after <1SA14 -:37 >

go down at noon

go down into

go down into

go down into

go down into

go down into

go down into

go down into

go down into egypt

go down into egypt

go down into silence

go down ten degrees <2KI20 -:10 >

go down unto

go down with

go down with him <2KI1 -:15 >

go not down into egypt

god came down from heaven <2KI1 -:12 >

god is he which cometh down from heaven

god looked down from heaven upon

goeth down from jerusalem unto gaza

goeth down westward

going down thereof

had let down their wings

had rained down manna upon them

hail shall come down upon them

hath cast down h jug

have brought down all their nobles

he bowed down his head

he bring him down unto you

he came down also

he came down with them

he cast himself down upon <1KI18 -:42 >

he falleth down unto it

he fell down at jesus' feet

he fell down at jesus' knees

he fell down there <2SA2 -:23 >

he hath swallowed down riches

he heweth him down cedars

he laid him down upon his bed <1KI21 -:4 >

he lay down as

he lighted down from <2KI5 -:21 >

he maketh fire come down from heaven on

he putteth down one

he sat down among

he sat down by

he sat down with

he shall break down their altars

he shall bring down their pride together with

he shall bring down thy strength from thee

he shall bring them down before thy face

he shall come down like rain upon

he shall even break down their stone wall

he shall not lie down until he eat

he sunk down with sleep

he went down also <2SA23 -:20 >

he went down from judaea

he went down into egypt

he went down unto caesarea

he went down with them

her sun is gone down while

hew ye down trees

high places which hezekiah his father had broken down <2CH33 -:
3 >

his children went down into egypt

his disciples went down unto

his fellowservant fell down at his feet

his horses shall he tread down all thy streets

his men came down against her <1SA25 -:20 >

his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate 16 >

holy ghost sent down from heaven <1PE1 -:12 >

housetop not go down into

how our fathers went down into egypt

is set down at

israel came down unto him <2KI13 -:14 >

israel cut down from thence

israel went down with him from

it shall come down upon idumea

it went down from janohah

jerusalem hang down their heads

jews which came down from jerusalem stood round about 7 >

judah went down from his brethren

kneel down without

kneeled down upon his knees before all <2CH6 -:13 >

labourers who have reaped down your fields

laid him down again <1KI19 -:6 >

lay down my life

lay down my life for

lay down naked all <1SA19 -:24 >

lay down now

lay thee down on thy bed <2SA13 -:5 >

leopard shall lie down with

let down by <2CO11 -:33 >

let down from heaven by four corners

let down her pitcher from her

let down her pitcher upon her hand

let down thy pitcher

let down your nets for

let fire come down from heaven <2KI1 -:12 >

let him down through

let him not go down with us <1SA29 -:4 >

let him now come down from

let him tread down my life upon

let his spittle fall down upon his beard <1SA21 -:13 >

let mine eyes run down with tears night

let others bow down upon her

let tears run down like

let them down by cords into

let them go down quick into hell

let these sayings sink down into your ears

let timber be pulled down from his house

let us go down after <1SA14 -:36 >

lie down again <1SA3 -:5 >

lie down again <1SA3 -:6 >

lie down at

lie down thereto

lie down thereto

living bread which came down from heaven

look down from heaven

look down from heaven

look down from thy holy habitation

lord came down upon mount sinai

lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto azekah

lord looked down from heaven upon

machir came down governors

make all sit down by companies upon

make them sit down by fifties

man bowed down his head

man lay down his life for his friends

many shall fall down slain

messenger came down unto him <2KI6 -:33 >

mine eye runneth down with rivers

mine eye runneth down with water

moab shall be trodden down under him

morrow go ye down against them <2CH20 -:16 >

moses went down from

mountains flowed down at thy presence

mountains might flow down at thy presence

mountains shall drop down new wine

my beloved is gone down into his garden

my people went down aforetime into egypt

my son shall not go down with you

my soul is cast down within me

nor thrown down any more for e

now shall she be trodden down as

or fallen down dead suddenly

others cut down branches from

others cut down branches off

our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary

our eyes may run down with tears

peaceable habitations are cut down because

people bowed down upon their knees

people likewise cut down every man his bough

peter sat down among them

prophets coming down from <1SA10 -:5 >

quite break down their images

quite pluck down all their high places

ran down unto them

ran down upon

righteous man falling down before

rocks are thrown down by him

roll thee down from

run down like rivers

run down with tears

sat down astonied

sat down on

sat down on

sat down on his throne <1KI2 -:19 >

sat down there

sat down under <1KI19 -:4 >

sat down under his shadow with great delight

sat down with him

sat down with them

sat her down over against

sat him down there

saw an angel come down from heaven

saw another angel come down from heaven

saw another mighty angel come down from heaven

scribes which came down from jerusalem said

sea shall come down from their thrones

see there come people down by

set down with my father

set it down before

shall break down thy high places

shall bring thee down with them

shall come down from their ships

shall sit down with abraham

shall tread down our enemies

shall tread down our enemies

shalt bring them down into

she came down by <1SA25 -:20 >

she fell down at his feet

she fell down under balaam

she lay down among lions

she stooped down

she was cast down

she went down

she went down unto

she went down unto

should not go down

since thou art laid down

sisera lighted down off

sit down

sit down

sit down

sit down

sit down here

sit down now

sit down on

sit down on

sit down on

sit down quickly

sit not down

sit ye down here

sitteth not down first

sitteth not down first

sitting down they watched him there

skies pour down righteousness

smitten down before us

smote down

so amnon lay down <2SA13 -:6 >

so barak went down from mount tabor

so falling down on <1CO14 -:25 >

so he brought down

so his father went down unto

so jacob went down into egypt

so man lieth down

so michal let david down through <1SA19 -:12 >

so moses went down unto

so there fell down slain <2CH13 -:17 >

so they fell down together <2SA2 -:16 >

so they sat down with him upon

so they threw her down <2KI9 -:33 >

so they went down <2KI2 -:2 >

stone wall thereof was broken down

stoop down

stooping down

strong ass couching down between two burdens

sun be down <2SA3 -:35 >

sun go down upon it

sun go down upon your wrath

sun goeth down

sun goeth down

sun goeth down

sun goeth down

sun going down he died <2CH18 -:34 >

sun is down

sun is down

sun knoweth his going down

sun shall go down over

sun was down

sun was going down

sun went down

sun went down

sun went down upon them

sun went down when they were come <2SA2 -:24 >

surely they are smitten down before us

swallow down my spittle

swine ran violently down

sycamores are cut down

syrians are come down <2KI6 -:9 >

take him down

their mighty ones are beaten down

their riders shall come down

their selfwill they digged down

their visitation they shall be cast down

their young ones shall lie down together

then fell she down straightway at his feet

then go down

then he went down into

then let fire come down from heaven <2KI1 -:10 >

then peter went down

then philip went down

then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow >

then she let them down by

then they speedily took down every man his sack

then went he down <2KI5 -:14 >

then went he down with phurah his servant unto

then went samson down

then will we go down

then ye shall be trodden down by it

there came down

there came down fire from heaven <2KI1 -:10 >

there came down from judaea

there came fire down from heaven <2KI1 -:14 >

there come people down from

there he fell down dead

there shall he lie down

there we sat down

therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn

therefore he brought down their heart with labour >

therefore she came down wonderfully

therefore thou shalt not come down off <2KI1 -:16 >

they also went down into hell with him unto

they are brought down

they are cast down

they are gone down

they beat down <2KI3 -:25 >

they bow down together

they bowed down their heads

they brake down <2CH34 -:4 >

they brake down <2KI10 -:27 >

they brought down <2KI11 -:19 >

they brought him down

they brought him down from <1KI1 -:53 >

they cut down wood <2KI6 -:4 >

they fall down

they fell down

they go down again

they go down by

they go down into

they go down into

they go down quick into

they have set their eyes bowing down

they let down

they let down jeremiah with cords

they let down their wings

they might cast him down headlong

they passing by mysia came down

they pour down rain according

they sat down <2SA2 -:13 >

they sat down

they sat down

they sat down

they sat down

they sat down at thy feet

they set down <2SA15 -:24 >

they shall be broken down

they shall bow down

they shall break down thy walls

they shall bring thee down

they shall cut down her forest

they shall cut down thy choice cedars

they shall fall down u

they shall go down

they shall lie down alike

they shall lie down together

they shall swallow down

they shall take down

they shall throw down thine eminent place

they should take his carcase down from

they took them down off

they went down after him

they went down both into

they went down into attalia

they went down thither <1SA22 -:1 >

they went on beating down <1SA14 -:16 >

they were much cast down

things upside down shall be esteemed as

thirty captains went down <1CH11 -:15 >

thirty chief went down <2SA23 -:13 >

this man went down

thou camest down

thou camest down also upon mount sinai

thou castedst them down into destruction

thou hast broken down all his hedges

thou hast trodden down all them

thou hast trodden down strength

thou layedst not down

thou lettest down

thou shalt be brought down

thou shalt bring down

thou shalt come down very low

thou shalt cut it down

thou shalt cut it down

thou shalt go down before me <1SA10 -:8 >

thou shalt go down quickly <1SA20 -:19 >

thou shalt lie down

thou shalt not bow down

thou shalt not bow down thyself

thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them

thou shalt not come down from <2KI1 -:4 >

thou shalt not cut them down

thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by

thou wouldest bring down paul

thou wouldest come down

thrones were cast down

through thee will we push down our enemies

throw down

throw down

throw down

throw down all thy strong holds

throw her down <2KI9 -:33 >

throw it down <2SA20 -:15 >

thrown down thine altars <1KI19 -:14 >

thrown down thine altars <1KI19 -:10 >

thy casting down

thy father's children shall bow down before thee

thy fathers went down into egypt with threescore

thy pomp is brought down

thy servants shall bring down

thy strong garrisons shall go down

thy sun shall no more go down

thy walls shall he bring down

took down <2KI16 -:17 >

took him down

tread down

tread them down like

treading down

tree down

trodden down

trode them down with ease over against gibeah toward 43 >

turneth it upside down

twenty elders fall down before him

twenty elders fell down

twenty elders fell down before

unicorns shall come down with them

uriah went not down unto his house <2SA11 -:10 >

wall fell down flat

was bowed down at

was set down again

waters came down from under from

waters run down mine eyes

waters which came down from above stood

we are come down

we came indeed down at

we cannot go down

we go down <2KI10 -:13 >

we kneeled down on

we lie down

we sat down

we will go down

we will not go down

went down <1KI1 -:38 >

went down <1SA25 -:1 >

went down <1SA26 -:2 >

went down

went down

went down

went down

went down

went down

went down alive into

went down from

went down from jerusalem

went down into

went down into it

went down unto arabah

went down with him unto <2KI1 -:15 >

went not down <2SA11 -:9 >

were set down

were set down together

when he came down from

when he had broken down <2CH34 -:7 >

when he had brought him down <1SA30 -:16 >

when he let down his hand

when he lieth down

when he shall have put down all rule <1CO15 -:24 >

when he was come down from

when he was set down on

when moses came down from mount sinai with

when peter was come down out

when they came down <2KI6 -:18 >

when they had let down

when they were come down

when they were come down from <1SA9 -:25 >

when they were come down from

when thou cuttest down thine harvest

when thou liest down

when thou liest down

when thou liest down

when thy people israel be smitten down before <1KI8 -:33 >

whereas our substance is not cut down

wherefore he came down into <1SA23 -:25 >

whereon they set down <1SA6 -:18 >

which are gone down

which are gone down uncircumcised into

which are gone down with

which are thrown down by

which cometh down out

which fell down from jupiter

which goeth down <2KI12 -:20 >

which had brought him down thither

which is fallen down

which is gone down

which shall lie down

which shall lie down with him

which tread down

which were broken down

which were cut down out

whither he is gone down <1KI21 -:18 >

whither they went down <2SA17 -:18 >

who have for my life laid down their own necks

who shall bring me down

who shall come down against us

who will go down with me <1SA26 -:6 >

whom he would he put down

whoso falleth not down

whoso falleth not down

why art thou cast down

why art thou cast down

why art thou cast down

why camest thou down hither <1SA17 -:28 >

wicked down

wicked he turneth upside down

will beat down his foes before his face

will both lay me down

will break down this tower

will bring down their strength

will bring thee down <1SA30 -:15 >

will bring thee down from then

will bring them down as

will bring them down into

will bring them down like lambs

will cast down your slain

will come down

will come down

will come down unto thee <1SA10 -:8 >

will cut down <2KI19 -:23 >

will cut down

will go down into

will go down now

will go down with thee <1SA26 -:6 >

will go down with thee into egypt

will lay down my life for thy sake

will let down

will pour down

will pull down my barns

will saul come down <1SA23 -:11 >

will throw down

will tread down

wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake

window which thou didst let us down by

with his axes he shall break down thy towers

without me they shall bow down under

witnesses laid down their clothes at

woman his concubine was fallen down

world upside down are come hither also

ye shall bring down my gray hairs with sorrow

ye shall throw down their altars

yet shalt thou be brought down with
