Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

abaddown 00011 ## {'abaddown} {ab-ad-done'} ; intensive from 00006 ; abstract , a perishing ; concrete , Hades : -- destruction .

Abdown 05658 ## ` {Abdown} {ab-dohn'} ; from 05647 ; servitude ; Abdon , the name of a place in Palestine and of four Israelites : -- Abdon . Compare 05683 .

Addown 00114 ## {'Addown} {ad-done'} ; probably intensive for 00113 ; powerful ; Addon , apparently an Israelite : -- Addon .

adown 00113 ## {'adown} {aw-done'} ; or (shortened)'adon {aw-done'} ; from an unused root (meaning to rule) ; sovereign , i . e . controller (human or divine) : -- lord , master , owner . Compare also names beginning with " Adoni-" .

Ardown 00715 ## {'Ardown} {ar-dohn'} ; from the same as 00714 ; roaming ; Ardon , an Israelite : -- Ardon .

down 00096 ## 'egel {eh'- ghel} ; from an unused root (meaning to flow {down} or together as drops) ; a reservoir : -- drop .

down 00343 ## 'eyd {ade} ; from the same as 00181 (in the sense of bending {down}) ; oppression ; by implication misfortune , ruin : -- calamity , destruction .

down 00808 ## 'ashiysh {aw-sheesh'} ; from the same as 00784 (in the sense of pressing {down} firmly ; compare 00803) ; a (ruined) foundation : -- foundation .

down 00935 ## bow'{bo} ; a primitive root ; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications) : -- abide , apply , attain , X be , befall , + besiege , bring (forth , in , into , to pass) , call , carry , X certainly , (cause , let , thing for) to come (against , in , out , upon , to pass) , depart , X doubtless again , + eat , + employ , (cause to) enter (in , into ,-tering ,-trance ,-try) , be fallen , fetch , + follow , get , give , go (down , in , to war) , grant , + have , X indeed , [in-] vade , lead , lift [up ] , mention , pull in , put , resort , run ({down}) , send , set , X (well) stricken [in age ] , X surely , take (in) , way .

down 00947 ## buwc {boos} ; a primitive root ; to trample (literally or figuratively) : -- loath , tread ({down} , under [foot ]) , be polluted .

down 01104 ## bala` {beh'- lah} ; a primitive root ; to make away with (spec . by swallowing) ; generally to destroy : -- cover , destroy , devour , eat up , be at end , spend up , swallow {down} (up) .

down 01163 ## ba` at {baw-at'} ; a primitive root ; to trample {down} , i . e . (figuratively) despise : -- kick .

down 01254 ## bara'{baw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; (absolutely) to create ; (qualified) to cut down (a wood) , select , feed (as formative processes) : -- choose , create (creator) , cut {down} , dispatch , do , make (fat) .

down 01254 ## bara'{baw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; (absolutely) to create ; (qualified) to cut {down} (a wood) , select , feed (as formative processes) : -- choose , create (creator) , cut down , dispatch , do , make (fat) .

down 01288 ## barak {baw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to kneel ; by implication to bless God (as an act of adoration) , and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit) ; also (by euphemism) to curse (God or the king , as treason) : -- X abundantly , X altogether , X at all , blaspheme , bless , congratulate , curse , X greatly , X indeed , kneel ({down}) , praise , salute , X still , thank .

down 01318 ## bashac {baw-shas'} ; a primitive root ; to trample {down} : -- tread .

down 01414 ## g@dad (Aramaic) {ghed-ad'} ; corresponding to 01413 ; to cut down : -- hew {down} .

down 01414 ## g@dad (Aramaic) {ghed-ad'} ; corresponding to 01413 ; to cut {down} : -- hew down .

down 01438 ## gada` {gaw-dah'} ; a primitive root ; to fell a tree ; generally , to destroy anything : -- cut (asunder , in sunder , down , off) , hew {down} .

down 01457 ## gahar {gaw-har'} ; a primitive root ; to prostrate oneself : -- cast self {down} , stretch self .

down 01494 ## gazaz {gaw-zaz'} ; a primitive root [akin to 01468 ] ; to cut off ; specifically to shear a flock or shave the hair ; figuratively to destroy an enemy : -- cut off ({down}) , poll , shave , ([sheep-]) shear (- er) .

down 01503 ## geza'{geh'- zah} ; from an unused root meaning to cut {down} (trees) ; the trunk or stump of a tree (as felled or as planted) : -- stem , stock .

down 01504 ## gazar {gaw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to cut down or off ; (figuratively) to destroy , divide , exclude , or decide : -- cut {down} (off) , decree , divide , snatch .

down 01504 ## gazar {gaw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to cut {down} or off ; (figuratively) to destroy , divide , exclude , or decide : -- cut down (off) , decree , divide , snatch .

down 01556 ## galal {gaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to roll (literally or figuratively) : -- commit , remove , roll (away , down , together) , run {down} , seek occasion , trust , wallow .

down 01758 ## duwsh {doosh} ; or dowsh {dosh} ; or diysh {deesh} ; a primitive root ; to trample or thresh : -- break , tear , thresh , tread out ({down}) , at grass [Jer . 50 : 11 , by mistake for 01877 ] .

down 01759 ## duwsh (Aramaic) {doosh} ; corresponding to 01758 ; to trample : -- tread {down} .

down 01760 ## dachah {daw-khaw'} ; or dachach {Jer . 23 : 12) {daw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to push {down} : -- chase , drive away (on) , overthrow , outcast , X sore , thrust , totter .

down 01802 ## dalah {daw-law'} ; a primitive root (compare 01809) ; properly , to dangle , i . e . to let {down} a bucket (for drawing out water) ; figuratively , to deliver : -- draw (out) , X enough , lift up .

down 01820 ## damah {daw-mam'} ; a primitive root ; to be dumb or silent ; hence , to fail or perish ; trans . to destroy : -- cease , be cut {down} (off) , destroy , be brought to silence , be undone , X utterly .

down 01826 ## damam {daw-man'} ; a prim root [compare 01724 , 01820 ] ; to be dumb ; by implication , to be astonished , to stop ; also to perish : -- cease , be cut {down} (off) , forbear , hold peace , quiet self , rest , be silent , keep (put to) silence , be (stand) still , tarry , wait .

down 01869 ## darak {daw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to tread ; by implication , to walk ; also to string a bow (by treading on it in bending) : -- archer , bend , come , draw , go (over) , guide , lead (forth) , thresh , tread ({down}) , walk .

down 01915 ## hadak {haw-dak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01854 ] ; to crush with the foot : -- tread {down} .

down 01920 ## Hadaph {haw-daf'} ; a prim root ; to push away or {down} : -- cast away (out) , drive , expel , thrust (away) .

down 01980 ## halak {haw-lak'} ; akin to 03212 ; a primitive root ; to walk (in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively) : -- (all) along , apace , behave (self) , come , (on) continually , be conversant , depart , + be eased , enter , exercise (self) , + follow , forth , forward , get , go (about , abroad , along , away , forward , on , out , up and {down}) , + greater , grow , be wont to haunt , lead , march , X more and more , move (self) , needs , on , pass (away) , be at the point , quite , run (along) , + send , speedily , spread , still , surely , + tale-bearer , + travel (- ler) , walk (abroad , on , to and fro , up and down , to places) , wander , wax , [way-] faring man , X be weak , whirl .

down 01986 ## halam {haw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to strike down ; by implication , to hammer , stamp , conquer , disband : -- beat ({down}) , break (down) , overcome , smite (with the hammer) .

down 01986 ## halam {haw-lam'} ; a primitive root ; to strike {down} ; by implication , to hammer , stamp , conquer , disband : -- beat (down) , break (down) , overcome , smite (with the hammer) .

down 02017 ## hophek {ho'- fek} ; from 02015 ; an upset , i . e . (abstract) perversity : -- turning of things upside {down} .

down 02040 ## harac {haw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; to pull down or in pieces , break , destroy : -- beat down , break ({down} , through) , destroy , overthrow , pluck down , pull down , ruin , throw down , X utterly .

down 02040 ## harac {haw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; to pull {down} or in pieces , break , destroy : -- beat down , break (down , through) , destroy , overthrow , pluck down , pull down , ruin , throw down , X utterly .

down 02151 ## zalal {zaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02107 ] ; to shake (as in the wind) , i . e . to quake ; figuratively , to be loose morally , worthless or prodigal : -- blow {down} , glutton , riotous (eater) , vile .

down 02212 ## zaqaq {zaw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; to strain , (figuratively) extract , clarify : -- fine , pour {down} , purge , purify , refine .

down 02404 ## chatab {khaw-tab'} ; a primitive root ; to chop or carve wood : -- cut {down} , hew (- er) , polish .

down 02865 ## chathath {khaw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to prostrate ; hence , to break down , either (literally) by violence , or (figuratively) by confusion and fear : -- abolish , affright , be (make) afraid , amaze , beat down , discourage , (cause to) dismay , go {down} , scare , terrify .

down 02866 ## chathath {khath-ath'} ; from 02865 ; dismay : -- casting {down} .

down 02904 ## tuwl {tool} ; a primitive root ; to pitch over or reel ; hence (transitively) to cast {down} or out : -- carry away , (utterly) cast (down , forth , out) , send out .

down 02904 ## tuwl {tool} ; a primitive root ; to pitch over or reel ; hence (transitively) to cast down or out : -- carry away , (utterly) cast ({down} , forth , out) , send out .

down 03212 ## yalak {yaw-lak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01980 ] ; to walk (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to carry (in various senses) : -- X again , away , bear , bring , carry (away) , come (away) , depart , flow , + follow (- ing) , get (away , hence , him) , (cause to , made) go (away ,-- ing ,-- ne , one's way , out) , grow , lead (forth) , let {down} , march , prosper , + pursue , cause to run , spread , take away ([-journey ]) , vanish , (cause to) walk (- ing) , wax , X be weak .

down 03240 ## yanach {yaw-nakh'} ; a primitive root ; to deposit ; by implication , to allow to stay : -- bestow , cast {down} , lay (down , up) , leave (off) , let alone (remain) , pacify , place , put , set (down) , suffer , withdraw , withhold . (The Hiphil forms with the dagesh are here referred to , in accordance with the older grammarians ; but if any distinction of the kind is to be made , these should rather be referred to 05117 , and the others here .)

down 03245 ## yacad {yaw-sad'} ; a primitive root ; to set (literally or figuratively) ; intensively , to found ; reflexively , to sit {down} together , i . e . settle , consult : -- appoint , take counsel , establish , (lay the , lay for a) found (- ation) , instruct , lay , ordain , set , X sure .

down 03332 ## yatsaq {yaw-tsak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pour out (transitive or intransitive) ; by implication , to melt or cast as metal ; by extension , to place firmly , to stiffen or grow hard : -- cast , cleave fast , be (as) firm , grow , be hard , lay out , molten , overflow , pour (out) , run out , set {down} , stedfast .

down 03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go downwards ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang {down} , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down .

down 03427 ## yashab {yaw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sit down (specifically as judge . in ambush , in quiet) ; by implication , to dwell , to remain ; causatively , to settle , to marry : -- (make to) abide (- ing) , continue , (cause to , make to) dwell (- ing) , ease self , endure , establish , X fail , habitation , haunt , (make to) inhabit (- ant) , make to keep [house ] , lurking , X marry (- ing) , (bring again to) place , remain , return , seat , set (- tle) , (down-) sit (- {down} , still ,-- ting down ,-- ting [place ]-- uate) , take , tarry .

down 03445 ## yeshach {yeh'- shakh} ; from an unused root meaning to gape (as the empty stomach) ; hunger : -- casting {down} .

down 03533 ## kabash {kaw-bash'} ; a primitive root ; to tread {down} ; hence , negatively , to disregard ; positively , to conquer , subjugate , violate : -- bring into bondage , force , keep under , subdue , bring into subjection

down 03582 ## kachad {kaw-khad'} ; a primitive root ; to secrete , by act or word ; hence (intensively) to destroy : -- conceal , cut {down} (off) , desolate , hide .

down 03665 ## kana` {kaw-nah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to bend the knee ; hence , to humiliate , vanquish : -- bring {down} (low) , into subjection , under , humble (self) , subdue .

down 03683 ## kacach {kaw-sakh'} ; a primitive root ; to cut off : -- cut {down} (up) .

down 03721 ## kaphaph {kaw-faf'} ; a primitive root ; to curve : -- bow {down} (self) .

down 03728 ## kaphash {kaw-fash'} ; a primitive root ; to tread {down} ; figuratively , to humiliate : -- cover .

down 03766 ## kara` {kaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to bend the knee ; by implication , to sink , to prostrate : -- bow ({down} , self) , bring down (low) , cast down , couch , fall , feeble , kneeling , sink , smite (stoop) down , subdue , X very .

down 03772 ## karath {kaw-rath'} ; a primitive root ; to cut (off , down or asunder) ; by implication , to destroy or consume ; specifically , to covenant (i . e . make an alliance or bargain , originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces) : -- be chewed , be con-[feder-] ate , covenant , cut (down , off) , destroy , fail , feller , be freed , hew ({down}) , make a league ([covenant ]) , X lose , perish , X utterly , X want .

down 03782 ## kashal {kaw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to totter or waver (through weakness of the legs , especially the ankle) ; by implication , to falter , stumble , faint or fall : -- bereave [from the margin ] , cast {down} , be decayed , (cause to) fail , (cause , make to) fall (down ,-- ing) , feeble , be (the) ruin (- ed , of) , (be) overthrown , (cause to) stumble , X utterly , be weak .

down 03807 ## kathath {kaw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; to bruise or violently strike : -- beat ({down} , to pieces) , break in pieces , crushed , destroy , discomfit , smite , stamp .

down 03886 ## luwa` {loo'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to gulp ; figuratively , to be rash : -- swallow {down} (up) .

down 03996 ## mabow'{maw-bo'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance (the place or the act) ; specifically (with or without 08121) sunset or the west ; also (adverb with preposition) towards : -- by which came , as cometh , in coming , as men enter into , entering , entrance into , entry , where goeth , going {down} , + westward . Compare 04126 .

down 04001 ## m@buwcah {meb-oo-saw'} ; from 00947 ; a trampling : -- treading (trodden) {down} (under foot) .

down 04048 ## magar {maw-gar'} ; a primitive root ; to yield up ; intensively , to precipitate : -- cast {down} , terror .

down 04107 ## mahal {maw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cut {down} or reduce , i . e . by implication , to adulterate : -- mixed .

down 04127 ## muwg {moog} ; a primitive root ; to melt , i . e . literally (to soften , flow {down} , disappear) , or figuratively (to fear , faint) : -- consume , dissolve , (be) faint (- hearted) , melt (away) , make soft .

down 04131 ## mowt {mote} ; a primitive root ; to waver ; by implication , to slip , shake , fall : -- be carried , cast , be out of course , be fallen in decay , X exceedingly , fall (- ing {down}) , be (re-) moved , be ready , shake , slide , slip .

down 04135 ## muwl {mool} ; a primitive root ; to cut short , i . e . curtail (specifically the prepuce , i . e . to circumcise) ; by implication , to blunt ; figuratively , to destroy : -- circumcise (- ing) , selves) , cut {down} (in pieces) , destroy , X must needs .

down 04174 ## mowrad {mo-rawd'} ; from 03381 ; a descent ; as architecture , an ornamental appendage , perhaps a festoon : -- going {down} , steep place , thin work .

down 04295 ## mattah {mat'- taw} ; from 05786 with directive enclitic appended ; downward , below or beneath ; often adverbially with or without prefixes : -- beneath , {down} (- ward) , less , very low , under (- neath) .

down 04535 ## maccach {mas-sawkh'} ; from 05255 in the sense of staving off ; a cordon , (adverbially) or (as a) military barrier : -- broken {down} .

down 04606 ## me` al (Aramaic) {may-awl'} ; from 05954 ; (only in plural as singular) the setting (of the sun) : -- going {down} .

down 04769 ## marbets {mar-bates'} ; from 07257 ; a reclining place , i . e . fold (for flocks) : -- couching place , place to lie {down} .

down 04823 ## mirmac {meer-mawce'} ; from 07429 ; abasement (the act or the thing) : -- tread (down)-ing , (to be) trodden ({down}) under foot .

down 05027 ## nabat {naw-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to scan , i . e . look intently at ; by implication , to regard with pleasure , favor or care : -- (cause to) behold , consider , look ({down}) , regard , have respect , see .

down 05034 ## nabel {naw-bale'} ; a primitive root ; to wilt ; generally , to fall away , fail , faint ; figuratively , to be foolish or (morally) wicked ; causatively , to despise , disgrace : -- disgrace , dishounour , lightly esteem , fade (away ,-ing) , fall ({down} ,-ling , off) , do foolishly , come to nought , X surely , make vile , wither .

down 05055 ## nagach {naw-gakh'} ; a primitive root ; to but with the horns ; figuratively , to war against : -- gore , push ({down} ,-ing) .

down 05060 ## naga` {naw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to touch , i . e . lay the hand upon (for any purpose ; euphem . , to lie with a woman) ; by implication , to reach (figuratively , to arrive , acquire) ; violently , to strike (punish , defeat , destroy , etc .) : -- beat , (X be able to) bring ({down}) , cast , come (nigh) , draw near (nigh) , get up , happen , join , near , plague , reach (up) , smite , strike , touch .

down 05062 ## nagaph {naw-gaf'} ; a primitive root ; to push , gore , defeat , stub (the toe) , inflict (a disease) : -- beat , dash , hurt , plague , slay , smite ({down}) , strike , stumble , X surely , put to the worse .

down 05064 ## nagar {naw-gar'} ; a primitive root ; to flow ; figuratively , to stretch out ; causatively , to pour out or down ; figuratively , to deliver over : -- fall , flow away , pour down (out) , run , shed , spilt , trickle {down} .

down 05074 ## nadad {naw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to wave to and fro (rarely to flap up and {down}) ; figuratively , to rove , flee , or (causatively) to drive away : -- chase (away) , X could not , depart , flee (X apace , away) , (re-) move , thrust away , wander (abroad ,-er ,-ing) .

down 05080 ## nadach {naw-dakh'} ; a primitive root ; to push off ; used in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively (to expel , mislead , strike , inflict , etc .) : -- banish , bring , cast {down} (out) , chase , compel , draw away , drive (away , out , quite) , fetch a stroke , force , go away , outcast , thrust away (out) , withdraw .

down 05086 ## nadaph {naw-daf'} ; a primitive root ; to shove asunder , i . e . disperse : -- drive (away , to and fro) , thrust {down} , shaken , tossed to and fro .

down 05117 ## nuwach {noo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to rest , i . e . settle down ; used in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , intransitive , transitive and causative (to dwell , stay , let fall , place , let alone , withdraw , give comfort , etc .) : -- cease , be confederate , lay , let {down} , (be) quiet , remain , (cause to , be at , give , have , make to) rest , set down . Compare 03241 .

down 05128 ## nuwa` {noo'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to waver , in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively (as subjoined) : -- continually , fugitive , X make , to [go ] up and down , be gone away , (be) move (- able ,-d) , be promoted , reel , remove , scatter , set , shake , sift , stagger , to and fro , be vagabond , wag , (make) wander (up and {down}) .

down 05130 ## nuwph {noof} ; a primitive root ; to quiver (i . e . vibrate up and {down} , or rock to and fro) ; used in a great variety of applications (including sprinkling , beckoning , rubbing , bastinadoing , sawing , waving , etc .) : -- lift up , move , offer , perfume , send , shake , sift , strike , wave .

down 05140 ## nazal {naw-zal'} ; a primitive root ; to drip , or shed by trickling : -- distil , drop , flood , (cause to) flow (- ing) , gush out , melt , pour ({down}) , running water , stream .

down 05181 ## nachath {naw-khath'} ; a primitive root ; to sink , i . e . descend ; causatively , to press or lead down : -- be broken , (cause to) come down , enter , go {down} , press sore , settle , stick fast .

down 05182 ## n@chath (Aramaic) {nekh-ath'} ; corresponding to 05181 ; to descend ; causatively , to bring away , deposit , depose : -- carry , come {down} , depose , lay up , place .

down 05183 ## Nachath {nakh'- ath} ; from 05182 ; a descent , i . e . imposition , unfavorable (punishment) or favorable (food) ; also (intransitively ; perhaps from 05117) , restfulness : -- lighting {down} , quiet (- ness) , to rest , be set on .

down 05185 ## nacheth {naw-khayth'} ; from 05181 ; descending : -- come {down} .

down 05186 ## natah {naw-taw'} ; a primitive root ; to stretch or spread out ; by implication , to bend away (including moral deflection) ; used in a great variety of application (as follows) : -- + afternoon , apply , bow ({down} ,-ing) , carry aside , decline , deliver , extend , go down , be gone , incline , intend , lay , let down , offer , outstretched , overthrown , pervert , pitch , prolong , put away , shew , spread (out) , stretch (forth , out) , take (aside) , turn (aside , away) , wrest , cause to yield .

down 05203 ## natash {naw-tash'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pound , i . e . smite ; by implication (as if beating out , and thus expanding) to disperse ; also , to thrust off , {down} , out or upon (inclusively , reject , let alone , permit , remit , etc .) : -- cast off , drawn , let fall , forsake , join [battle ] , leave (off) , lie still , loose , spread (self) abroad , stretch out , suffer .

down 05243 ## namal {naw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to become clipped or (specifically) circumcised : -- (branch to) be cut {down} (off) , circumcise .

down 05256 ## n@cach (Aramaic) {nes-akh'} ; corresponding to 05255 : -- pull {down} .

down 05287 ## na` ar {naw-ar'} ; a primitive root [probably identical with 05286 , through the idea of the rustling of mane , which usually accompanies the lion's roar ] ; to tumble about : -- shake (off , out , self) , overthrow , toss up and {down} .

down 05307 ## naphal {naw-fal'} ; a primitive root ; to fall , in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative , literal or figurative) : -- be accepted , cast (down , self , [lots ] , out) , cease , die , divide (by lot) , (let) fail , (cause to , let , make , ready to) fall (away , down ,-en ,-ing) , fell (- ing) , fugitive , have [inheritance ] , inferior , be judged [by mistake for 06419 ] , lay (along) , (cause to) lie down , light (down) , be (X hast) lost , lying , overthrow , overwhelm , perish , present (- ed ,-ing) , (make to) rot , slay , smite out , X surely , throw {down} .

down 05308 ## n@phal (Aramaic) {nef-al'} ; corresponding to 05307 : -- fall ({down}) , have occasion .

down 05362 ## naqaph {naw-kaf'} ; a primitive root ; to strike with more or less violence (beat , fell , corrode) ; by implication (of attack) to knock together , i . e . surround or circulate : -- compass (about ,-ing) , cut {down} , destroy , go round (about) , inclose , round .

down 05422 ## nathats {naw-thats'} ; a primitive root ; to tear down : -- beat down , break down (out) , cast {down} , destroy , overthrow , pull down , throw down .

down 05422 ## nathats {naw-thats'} ; a primitive root ; to tear down : -- beat {down} , break down (out) , cast down , destroy , overthrow , pull down , throw down .

down 05422 ## nathats {naw-thats'} ; a primitive root ; to tear {down} : -- beat down , break down (out) , cast down , destroy , overthrow , pull down , throw down .

down 05437 ## cabab {saw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to revolve , surround , or border ; used in various applications , literally and figuratively (as follows) : -- bring , cast , fetch , lead , make , walk , X whirl , X round about , be about on every side , apply , avoid , beset (about) , besiege , bring again , carry (about) , change , cause to come about , X circuit , (fetch a) compass (about , round) , drive , environ , X on every side , beset (close , come , compass , go , stand) round about , inclose , remove , return , set , sit {down} , turn (self) (about , aside , away , back) .

down 05456 ## cagad {saw-gad'} ; a primitive root ; to prostrate oneself (in homage) : -- fall {down} .

down 05493 ## cuwr {soor} ; or suwr (Hosea 9 : 12) {soor} ; a primitive root ; to turn off (literal or figurative) : -- be [-head ] , bring , call back , decline , depart , eschew , get [you ] , go (aside) , X grievous , lay away (by) , leave undone , be past , pluck away , put (away , {down}) , rebel , remove (to and fro) , revolt , X be sour , take (away , off) , turn (aside , away , in) , withdraw , be without .

down 05541 ## calah {saw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to hang up , i . e . weigh , or (figuratively) contemn : -- tread {down} (under foot) , value .

down 05753 ## ` avah {aw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to crook , literally or figuratively (as follows) : -- do amiss , bow {down} , make crooked , commit iniquity , pervert , (do) perverse (- ly) , trouble , X turn , do wickedly , do wrong .

down 05791 ## ` avath {aw-vath'} ; a primitive root ; to wrest : -- bow self , (make) crooked . , falsifying , overthrow , deal perversely , pervert , subvert , turn upside {down} .

down 05860 ## ` iyt {eet} ; a primitive root ; to swoop {down} upon (literally or figuratively) : -- fly , rail .

down 06031 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root [possibly rather ident . with 06030 through the idea of looking {down} or browbeating ] ; to depress literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (in various applications , as follows) : -- abase self , afflict (- ion , self) , answer [by mistake for 06030 ] , chasten self , deal hardly with , defile , exercise , force , gentleness , humble (self) , hurt , ravish , sing [by mistake for 06030 ] , speak [by mistake for 06030 ] , submit self , weaken , X in any wise .

down 06072 ## ` acac {aw-sas'} ; a primitive root ; to squeeze out juice ; figuratively , to trample : -- tread {down} .

down 06131 ## ` aqar {aw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck up (especially by the roots) ; specifically , to hamstring ; figuratively , to exterminate : -- dig {down} , hough , pluck up , root up .

down 06201 ## ` araph {aw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to droop ; hence , to drip : -- drop ({down}) .

down 06202 ## ` araph {aw-raf'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06201 through the idea of sloping ] ; properly , to bend downward ; but used only as a denominative from 06203 , to break the neck ; hence (figuratively) to destroy : -- that is beheaded , break {down} , break (cut off , strike off) neck .

down 06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) : -- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ {down}) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you .

down 06555 ## parats {paw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; to break out (in many applications , direct and indirect , literal and figurative) : -- X abroad , (make a) breach , break (away , {down} ,-er , forth , in , up) , burst out , come (spread) abroad , compel , disperse , grow , increase , open , press , scatter , urge .

down 06749 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tumble {down} , i . e . settle by a waving motion : -- sink . Compare 06750 , 06751 .

down 06795 ## tsanach {tsaw-nakh'} ; a primitive root ; to alight ; (transitive) to cause to descend , i . e . drive {down} : -- fasten , light [from off ] .

down 06805 ## tsa` ad {tsaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to pace , i . e . step regularly ; (upward) to mount ; (along) to march ; ({down} and causatively) to hurl : -- bring , go , march (through) , run over .

down 06808 ## tsa` ah {tsaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tip over (for the purpose of spilling or pouring out) , i . e . (figuratively) depopulate ; by implication , to imprison or conquer ; (reflexive) to lie {down} (for coitus) : -- captive exile , travelling , (cause to) wander (- er) .

down 06813 ## tsa` an {tsaw-an'} ; a primitive root ; to load up (beasts) , i . e . to migrate : -- be taken {down} .

down 06915 ## qadad {kaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to shrivel up , i . e . contract or bend the body (or neck) in deference : -- bow ({down}) (the) head , stoop .

down 06979 ## quwr {koor} ; a primitive root ; to trench ; by implication , to throw forth ; also (denominative from 07023) to wall up , whether literal (to build a wall) or figurative (to estop) : -- break {down} , cast out , destroy , dig .

down 06998 ## qataph {kaw-taf'} ; a primitive root ; to strip off : -- crop off , cut {down} (up) , pluck .

down 07059 ## qamat {kaw-mat'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck , i . e . destroy : -- cut {down} , fill with wrinkles .

down 07060 ## qamal {kaw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to wither : -- hew {down} , wither .

down 07094 ## qatsab {kaw-tsab'} ; a primitive root ; to clip , or (generally) chop : -- cut {down} , shorn .

down 07114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to dock off , i . e . curtail (transitive or intransitive , literal or figurative) ; especially to harvest (grass or grain) : -- X at all , cut {down} , much discouraged , grieve , harvestman , lothe , mourn , reap (- er) , (be , wax) short (- en ,-er) , straiten , trouble , vex .

down 07250 ## raba` {raw-bah'} ; a primitive root ; to squat or lie out flat , i . e . (specifically) in copulation : -- let gender , lie {down} .

down 07252 ## reba` {reh'- bah} ; from 07250 ; prostration (for sleep) : -- lying {down} .

down 07257 ## rabats {raw-bats'} ; a primitive root ; to crouch (on all four legs folded , like a recumbent animal) ; be implication , to recline , repose , brood , lurk , imbed : -- crouch (down) , fall down , make a fold , lay , (cause to , make to) lie ({down}) , make to rest , sit .

down 07258 ## rebets {reh'- bets} ; from 07257 ; a couch or place of repose : -- where each lay , lie {down} in , resting place .

down 07287 ## radah {raw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; to tread {down} , i . e . subjugate ; specifically , to crumble off : -- (come to , make to) have dominion , prevail against , reign , (bear , make to) rule , (- r , over) , take .

down 07323 ## ruwts {roots} ; a primitive root ; to run (for whatever reason , especially to rush) : -- break {down} , divide speedily , footman , guard , bring hastily , (make) run (away , through) , post .

down 07376 ## ratash {raw-tash'} ; a primitive root ; to dash {down} : -- dash (in pieces) .

down 07412 ## r@mah (Aramaic) {rem-aw'} ; corresponding to 07411 ; to throw , set , (figuratively) assess : -- cast ({down}) , impose .

down 07429 ## ramac {raw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; to tread upon (as a potter , in walking or abusively) : -- oppressor , stamp upon , trample (under feet) , tread ({down} , upon) .

down 07489 ## ra` a` {raw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to spoil (literally , by breaking to pieces) ; figuratively , to make (or be) good for nothing , i . e . bad (physically , socially or morally) : -- afflict , associate selves [by mistake for 07462 ] , break ({down} , in pieces) , + displease , (be , bring , do) evil (doer , entreat , man) , show self friendly [by mistake for 07462 ] , do harm , (do) hurt , (behave self , deal) ill , X indeed , do mischief , punish , still , vex , (do) wicked (doer ,-ly) , be (deal , do) worse .

down 07491 ## ra` aph {raw-af'} ; a primitive root ; to drip : -- distil , drop ({down}) .

down 07503 ## raphah {raw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; to slacken (in many applications , literal or figurative) : -- abate , cease , consume , draw [toward evening ] , fail , (be) faint , be (wax) feeble , forsake , idle , leave , let alone (go , {down}) , (be) slack , stay , be still , be slothful , (be) weak (- en) . See 07495 .

down 07665 ## shabar {shaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to burst (literally or figuratively) : -- break ({down} , off , in pieces , up) , broken ([-hearted ]) , bring to the birth , crush , destroy , hurt , quench , X quite , tear , view [by mistake for 07663 ] .

down 07673 ## shabath {shaw-bath'} ; a primitive root ; to repose , i . e . desist from exertion ; used in many implied relations (causative , figurative or specific) : -- (cause to , let , make to) cease , celebrate , cause (make) to fail , keep (sabbath) , suffer to be lacking , leave , put away ({down}) , (make to) rest , rid , still , take away .

down 07725 ## shuwb {shoob} ; a primitive root ; to turn back (hence , away) transitively or intransitively , literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point) ; generally to retreat ; often adverbial , again : -- ([break , build , circumcise , dig , do anything , do evil , feed , lay {down} , lie down , lodge , make , rejoice , send , take , weep ]) X again , (cause to) answer (+ again) , X in any case (wise) , X at all , averse , bring (again , back , home again) , call [to mind ] , carry again (back) , cease , X certainly , come again (back) , X consider , + continually , convert , deliver (again) , + deny , draw back , fetch home again , X fro , get [oneself ] (back) again , X give (again) , go again (back , home) , [go ] out , hinder , let , [see ] more , X needs , be past , X pay , pervert , pull in again , put (again , up again) , recall , recompense , recover , refresh , relieve , render (again) , requite , rescue , restore , retrieve , (cause to , make to) return , reverse , reward , + say nay ,

down 07743 ## shuwach {shoo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to sink , literally or figuratively : -- bow {down} , incline , humble .

down 07757 ## shuwl {shool} ; from an unused root meaning to hang {down} ; a skirt ; by implication , a bottom edge : -- hem , skirt , train .

down 07760 ## suwm {soom} ; or siym {seem} ; a primitive root ; to put (used in a great variety of applications , literal , figurative , inferentially , and elliptically) : -- X any wise , appoint , bring , call [a name ] , care , cast in , change , charge , commit , consider , convey , determine , + disguise , dispose , do , get , give , heap up , hold , impute , lay ({down} , up) , leave , look , make (out) , mark , + name , X on , ordain , order , + paint , place , preserve , purpose , put (on) , + regard , rehearse , reward , (cause to) set (on , up) , shew , + stedfastly , take , X tell , + tread down , ([over-]) turn , X wholly , work .

down 07812 ## shachah {shaw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to depress , i . e . prostrate (especially reflexive , in homage to royalty or God) : -- bow (self) {down} , crouch , fall down (flat) , humbly beseech , do (make) obeisance , do reverence , make to stoop , worship .

down 07817 ## shachach {shaw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to sink or depress (reflexive or causative) : -- bend , bow ({down}) , bring (cast) down , couch , humble self , be (bring) low , stoop .

down 07901 ## shakab {shaw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to lie down (for rest , sexual connection , decease or any other purpose) : -- X at all , cast down , ([lover-]) lay (self) (down) , (make to) lie (down , {down} to sleep , still with) , lodge , ravish , take rest , sleep , stay .

down 07901 ## shakab {shaw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to lie {down} (for rest , sexual connection , decease or any other purpose) : -- X at all , cast down , ([lover-]) lay (self) (down) , (make to) lie (down , down to sleep , still with) , lodge , ravish , take rest , sleep , stay .

down 07902 ## sh@kabah {shek-aw-baw'} ; from 07901 ; a lying {down} (of dew , or for the sexual act) : -- X carnally , copulation , X lay , seed .

down 07971 ## shalach {shaw-lakh'} ; a primitive root ; to send away , for , or out (in a great variety of applications) : -- X any wise , appoint , bring (on the way) , cast (away , out) , conduct , X earnestly , forsake , give (up) , grow long , lay , leave , let depart ({down} , go , loose) , push away , put (away , forth , in , out) , reach forth , send (away , forth , out) , set , shoot (forth , out) , sow , spread , stretch forth (out) .

down 07993 ## shalak {shaw-lak} ; a primitive root ; to throw out , {down} or away (literally or figuratively) : -- adventure , cast (away , down , forth , off , out) , hurl , pluck , throw .

down 08045 ## shamad {shaw-mad'} ; a primitive root ; to desolate : -- destory (- uction) , bring to nought , overthrow , perish , pluck {down} , X utterly .

down 08058 ## shamat {shaw-mat'} ; a primitive root ; to fling down ; incipiently to jostle ; figuratively , to let alone , desist , remit : -- discontinue , overthrow , release , let rest , shake , stumble , throw {down} .

down 08058 ## shamat {shaw-mat'} ; a primitive root ; to fling {down} ; incipiently to jostle ; figuratively , to let alone , desist , remit : -- discontinue , overthrow , release , let rest , shake , stumble , throw down .

down 08213 ## shaphel {shaw-fale'} ; a primitive root ; to depress or sink (expec . figuratively , to humiliate , intransitive or transitive) : -- abase , bring (cast , put) {down} , debase , humble (self) , be (bring , lay , make , put) low (- er) .

down 08214 ## sh@phal (Aramaic) {shef-al'} ; corresponding to 08213 : -- abase , humble , put {down} , subdue .

down 08257 ## shaqa` {shaw-kah'} ; (abbreviated Am . 8 : 8) ; a primitive root ; to subside ; by implication , to be overflowed , cease ; causatively , to abate , subdue : -- make deep , let {down} , drown , quench , sink .

down 08259 ## shaqaph {shaw-kaf'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to lean out (of a window) , i . e . (by implication) peep or gaze (passively , be a spectacle) : -- appear , look ({down} , forth , out) .

down 08395 ## t@buwcah {teb-oo-saw'} ; from 00947 ; a treading {down} , i . e . ruin : -- destruction .

down 08456 ## tazaz {taw-zaz'} ; a primitive root ; to lop off : -- cut {down} .

down 08497 ## takah {taw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to strew , i . e . encamp : -- sit {down} .

down 0270 - amao {am-ah'-o}; from 0260; properly, to collect, i.e. (by implication) reap: -- reap {down}.

down 0345 - anakeimai {an-ak-i'-mahee}; from 0303 and 2749; to recline (as a corpse or at a meal): -- guest, lean, lie, sit ({down}, at meat), at the table.

down 0347 - anaklino {an-ak-lee'-no}; from 0303 and 2827; to lean back: -- lay, (make) sit {down}.

down 0377 - anapipto {an-ap-ip'-to}; from 0303 and 4098; to fall back, i.e. lie {down}, lean back: -- lean, sit down (to meat).

down 0387 - anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of 0450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): -- trouble, turn upside {down}, make an uproar.

down 0478 - antikathistemi {an-tee-kath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0473 and 2525; to set {down} (troops) against, i.e. withstand: -- resist.

down 0659 - apotithemi {ap-ot-eeth'-ay-mee}; from 0575 and 5087; to put away (literally or figuratively): -- cast off, lay apart (aside, {down}), put away (off).

down 0901 - bathus {bath-oos'}; from the base of 0939; profound (as going {down}), literally or figuratively: -- deep, very early.

down 0906 - ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise, cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike, throw ({down}), thrust. Compare 4496.

down 0916 - bareo {bar-eh'-o}; from 0926; to weigh {down} (figuratively): -- burden, charge, heavy, press.

down 0922 - baros {bar'-os}; probably from the same as 0939 (through the notion of going {down}; compare 0899); weight; in the N.T. only figuratively, a load, abundance, authority: -- burden(-some), weight.

down 1120 - gonupeteo {gon-oo-pet-eh'-o}; from a compound of 1119 and the alternate of 4098; to fall on the knee: -- bow the knee, kneel {down}.

down 1308 - diaphero {dee-af-er'-o}; from 1223 and 5342; to bear through, i.e. (literally) transport; usually to bear apart, i.e. (objectively) to toss about (figuratively, report); subjectively, to " differ " , or (by implication) surpass: -- be better, carry, differ from, drive up and {down}, be (more) excellent, make matter, publish, be of more value.

down 1356 - diopetes {dee-op-et'-ace}; from the alternate of 2203 and the alternate of 4098; sky-fallen (i.e. an aerolite): -- which fell {down} from Jupiter.

down 1416 - duno {doo'-no}; or dumi {doo'-mee}; prolonged forms of an obsolete primary duo {doo'-o} (to sink); to go " {down} " : -- set.

down 1460 - egkatoikeo {eng-kat-oy-keh'-o}; from 1722 and 2730; to settle {down} in a place, i.e. reside: -- dwell among.

down 1581 - ekkopto {ek-kop'-to}; from 1537 and 2875; to exscind; figuratively, to frustrate: -- cut {down} (off, out), hew down, hinder.

down 1931 - epiduo {ep-ee-doo'-o}; from 1909 and 1416; to set fully (as the sun): -- go {down}.

down 2310 - themelios {them-el'-ee-os}; from a derivative of 5087; something put {down}, i.e. a substruction (of a building, etc.), (literally or figuratively): -- foundation.

down 2506 - kathairesis {kath-ah'-ee-res-is}; from 2507; demolition; figuratively, extinction: -- destruction, pulling {down}.

down 2507 - kathaireo {kath-ahee-reh'-o}; from 2596 and 0138 (including its alternate); to lower (or with violence) demolish (literally or figuratively): -- cast (pull, put, take) {down}, destroy.

down 2516 - kathezomai {kath-ed'-zom-ahee}; from 2596 and the base of 1476; to sit {down}: -- sit.

down 2518 - katheudo {kath-yoo'-do}; from 2596 and heudo (to sleep); to lie {down} to rest, i.e. (by implication) to fall asleep (literally or figuratively): -- (be a-)sleep.

down 2521 - kathemai {kath'-ay-mahee}; from 2596; and hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476); to sit {down}; figuratively, to remain, reside: -- dwell, sit (by, down).

down 2521 - kathemai {kath'-ay-mahee}; from 2596; and hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476); to sit down; figuratively, to remain, reside: -- dwell, sit (by, {down}).

down 2523 - kathizo {kath-id'-zo}; another (active) form for 2516; to seat down, i.e. set (figuratively, appoint); intransitively, to sit ({down}); figuratively, to settle (hover, dwell): -- continue, set, sit (down), tarry.

down 2523 - kathizo {kath-id'-zo}; another (active) form for 2516; to seat {down}, i.e. set (figuratively, appoint); intransitively, to sit (down); figuratively, to settle (hover, dwell): -- continue, set, sit (down), tarry.

down 2524 - kathiemi {kath-ee'-ay-mee}; from 2596; and hiemi (to send); to lower: -- let {down}.

down 2525 - kathistemi {kath-is'-tay-mee}; from 2596 and 2476; to place {down} (permanently), i.e. (figuratively) to designate, constitute, convoy: -- appoint, be, conduct, make, ordain, set.

down 2576 - kammuo {kam-moo'-o}; from a compound of 2596 and the base of 3466; to shut {down}, i.e. close the eyes: -- close.

down 2596 - kata {kat-ah'}; a primary particle; (prepositionally) down (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the case [genitive case, dative case or accusative case] with which it is joined): -- about, according as (to), after, against, (when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of, [charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, {down}, every, (+ far more) exceeding, X more excellent, for, from...to, godly, in(-asmuch, divers, every, -to, respect of),...by, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (of every), over against, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by), with. In composition it retains many of these applications, and frequently denotes opposition, distribution, or intensity.

down 2596 - kata {kat-ah'}; a primary particle; (prepositionally) {down} (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the case [genitive case, dative case or accusative case] with which it is joined): -- about, according as (to), after, against, (when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of, [charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more) exceeding, X more excellent, for, from...to, godly, in(-asmuch, divers, every, -to, respect of),...by, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (of every), over against, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by), with. In composition it retains many of these applications, and frequently denotes opposition, distribution, or intensity.

down 2597 - katabaino {kat-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 2596 and the base of 0939; to descend (literally or figuratively): -- come (get, go, step) down, fall ({down}).

down 2598 - kataballo {kat-ab-al'-lo}; from 2596 and 0906; to throw down: -- cast {down}, lay.

down 2598 - kataballo {kat-ab-al'-lo}; from 2596 and 0906; to throw {down}: -- cast down, lay.

down 2601 - katabibazo {kat-ab-ib-ad'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of the base of 0939; to cause to go down, i.e. precipitate: -- bring (thrust) {down}.

down 2601 - katabibazo {kat-ab-ib-ad'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of the base of 0939; to cause to go {down}, i.e. precipitate: -- bring (thrust) down.

down 2606 - katagelao {kat-ag-el-ah'-o}; to laugh {down}, i.e. deride: -- laugh to scorn.

down 2609 - katago {kat-ag'-o}; from 2596 and 0071; to lead down; specially, to moor a vessel: -- bring ({down}, forth), (bring to) land, touch.

down 2609 - katago {kat-ag'-o}; from 2596 and 0071; to lead {down}; specially, to moor a vessel: -- bring (down, forth), (bring to) land, touch.

down 2611 - katadeo {kat-ad-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 1210; to tie {down}, i.e. bandage (a wound): -- bind up.

down 2614 - katadioko {kat-ad-ee-o'-ko}; from 2596 and 1377; to hunt {down}, i.e. search for: -- follow after.

down 2617 - kataischuno {kat-ahee-skhoo'-no}; from 2596 and 0153; to shame {down}, i.e. disgrace or (by implication) put to the blush: -- confound, dishonour, (be a-, make a-)shame(-d).

down 2618 - katakaio {kat-ak-ah'-ee-o}; from 2596 and 2545; to burn {down} (to the ground), i.e. consume wholly: -- burn (up, utterly).

down 2621 - katakeimai {kat-ak'-i-mahee}; from 2596 and 2749; to lie down, i.e. (by implication) be sick; specially, to recline at a meal: -- keep, lie, sit at meat ({down}).

down 2621 - katakeimai {kat-ak'-i-mahee}; from 2596 and 2749; to lie {down}, i.e. (by implication) be sick; specially, to recline at a meal: -- keep, lie, sit at meat (down).

down 2622 - kataklao {kat-ak-lah'-o}; from 2596 and 2806; to break {down}, i.e. divide: -- break.

down 2623 - katakleio {kat-ak-li'-o}; from 2596 and 2808; to shut {down} (in a dungeon), i.e. incarcerate: -- shut up.

down 2625 - kataklino {kat-ak-lee'-no}; from 2596 and 2827; to recline down, i.e. (specially) to take a place at table: -- (make) sit {down} (at meat).

down 2625 - kataklino {kat-ak-lee'-no}; from 2596 and 2827; to recline {down}, i.e. (specially) to take a place at table: -- (make) sit down (at meat).

down 2626 - katakluzo {kat-ak-lood'-zo}; from 2596 and the base of 2830; to dash (wash) {down}, i.e. (by implication) to deluge: -- overflow.

down 2629 - katakopto {kat-ak-op'-to}; from 2596 and 2875; to chop {down}, i.e. mangle: -- cut.

down 2630 - katakremnizo {kat-ak-rame-nid'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of 2911; to precipitate down: -- cast {down} headlong.

down 2630 - katakremnizo {kat-ak-rame-nid'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of 2911; to precipitate {down}: -- cast down headlong.

down 2639 - katalego {kat-al-eg'-o}; from 2596 and 3004 (in its orig. meaning); to lay {down}, i.e. (figuratively) to enrol: -- take into the number.

down 2641 - kataleipo {kat-al-i'-po}; from 2596 and 3007; to leave {down}, i.e. behind; by implication, to abandon, have remaining: -- forsake, leave, reserve.

down 2642 - katalithazo {kat-al-ith-ad'-zo}; from 2596 and 3034; to stone {down}, i.e. to death: -- stone.

down 2645 - kataloipos {kat-al'-oy-pos}; from 2596 and 3062; left {down} (behind), i.e remaining (plural the rest): -- residue.

down 2647 - kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish (literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to nought, overthrow, throw {down}.

down 2647 - kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to loosen {down} (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish (literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to nought, overthrow, throw down.

down 2656 - kataneuo {kat-an-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and 3506; to nod {down} (towards), i.e. (by analogy) to make signs to: -- beckon.

down 2662 - katapateo {kat-ap-at-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 3961; to trample down; figuratively, to reject with disdain: -- trample, tread ({down}, underfoot).

down 2662 - katapateo {kat-ap-at-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 3961; to trample {down}; figuratively, to reject with disdain: -- trample, tread (down, underfoot).

down 2663 - katapausis {kat-ap'-ow-sis}; from 2664; reposing {down}, i.e. (by Hebraism) abode: -- rest.

down 2664 - katapauo {kat-ap-ow'-o}; from 2596 and 3973; to settle {down}, i.e. (literally) to colonize, or (figuratively) to (cause to) desist: -- cease, (give) rest(-rain).

down 2666 - katapino {kat-ap-ee'-no}; from 2596 and 4095; to drink {down}, i.e. gulp entire (literally or figuratively): -- devour, drown, swallow (up). [ knowledge.

down 2667 - katapipto {kat-ap-ip'-to}; from 2596 and 4098; to fall down: -- fall ({down})

down 2667 - katapipto {kat-ap-ip'-to}; from 2596 and 4098; to fall {down}: -- fall (down)

down 2668 - katapleo {kat-ap-leh'-o}; from 2596 and 4126; to sail {down} upon a place, i.e. to land at: -- arrive.

down 2669 - kataponeo {kat-ap-on-eh'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of 4192; to labor {down}, i.e. wear with toil (figuratively, harrass): -- oppress, vex.

down 2670 - katapontizo {kat-ap-on-tid'-zo}; from 2596 and a derivative of the same as 4195; to plunge {down}, i.e. submerge: -- drown, sink.

down 2673 - katargeo {kat-arg-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 0691; to be (render) entirely idle (useless), literally or figuratively: -- abolish, cease, cumber, deliver, destroy, do away, become (make) of no (none, without) effect, fail, loose, bring (come) to nought, put away ({down}), vanish away, make void.

down 2679 - kataskapto {kat-as-kap'-to}; from 2596 and 4626; to undermine, i.e. (by implication) destroy: -- dig {down}, ruin.

down 2681 - kataskenoo {kat-as-kay-no'-o}; from 2596 and 4637; to camp {down}, i.e. haunt; figuratively, to remain: -- lodge, rest.

down 2687 - katastello {kat-as-tel'-lo}; from 2596 and 4724; to put {down}, i.e. quell: -- appease, quiet.

down 2690 - katastrepho {kat-as-tref'-o}; from 2596 and 4762; to turn upside {down}, i.e. upset: -- overthrow.

down 2693 - katastronnumi {kat-as-trone'-noo-mee}; from 2596 and 4766; to strew {down}, i.e. (by implication) to prostrate (slay): -- overthrow.

down 2694 - katasuro {kat-as-oo'-ro}; from 2596 and 4951; to drag {down}, i.e. arrest judicially: -- hale.

down 2695 - katasphatto {kat-as-fat'-to}; from 2596 and 4969; to kill {down}, i.e. slaughter: -- slay.

down 2697 - kataschesis {kat-as'-khes-is}; from 2722; a holding {down}, i.e. occupancy: -- possession.

down 2698 - katatithemi {kat-at-ith'-ay-mee}; from 2596 and 5087; to place {down}, i.e. deposit (literally or figuratively): -- do, lay, shew.

down 2699 - katatome {kat-at-om-ay'}; from a compound of 2596 and temno (to cut); a cutting {down} (off), i.e. mutilation (ironically): -- concision. Compare 0609.

down 2700 - katatoxeuo {kat-at-ox-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of 5115; to shoot {down} with an arrow or other missile: -- thrust through.

down 2701 - katatrecho {kat-at-rekh'-o}; from 2596 and 5143; to run down, i.e. hasten from a tower: -- run {down}. ***. kataphago. See 2719.

down 2701 - katatrecho {kat-at-rekh'-o}; from 2596 and 5143; to run {down}, i.e. hasten from a tower: -- run down. ***. kataphago. See 2719.

down 2702 - kataphero {kat-af-er'-o}; from 2596 and 5342 (including its alternate); to bear down, i.e. (figuratively) overcome (with drowsiness); specially, to cast a vote: -- fall, give, sink {down}.

down 2702 - kataphero {kat-af-er'-o}; from 2596 and 5342 (including its alternate); to bear {down}, i.e. (figuratively) overcome (with drowsiness); specially, to cast a vote: -- fall, give, sink down.

down 2703 - katapheugo {kat-af-yoo'-go}; from 2596 and 5343; to flee {down} (away): -- flee.

down 2708 - katacheo {kat-akh-eh'-o}; from 2596 and cheo (to pour); to pour {down} (out): -- pour.

down 2711 - katapsucho {kat-ap-soo'-kho}; from 2596 and 5594; to cool {down} (off), i.e. refresh: -- cool.

down 2718 - katerchomai {kat-er'-khom-ahee}; from 2596 and 2064 (including its alternate); to come (or go) {down} (literally or figuratively): -- come (down), depart, descend, go down, land.

down 2718 - katerchomai {kat-er'-khom-ahee}; from 2596 and 2064 (including its alternate); to come (or go) down (literally or figuratively): -- come ({down}), depart, descend, go down, land.

down 2718 - katerchomai {kat-er'-khom-ahee}; from 2596 and 2064 (including its alternate); to come (or go) down (literally or figuratively): -- come (down), depart, descend, go {down}, land.

down 2719 - katesthio {kat-es-thee'-o}; from 2596 and 2068 (including its alternate); to eat {down}, i.e. devour (literally or figuratively): -- devour.

down 2722 - katecho {kat-ekh'-o}; from 2596 and 2192; to hold {down} (fast), in various applications (literally or figuratively): -- have, hold (fast), keep (in memory), let, X make toward, possess, retain, seize on, stay, take, withhold.

down 2727 - katecheo {kat-ay-kheh'-o}; from 2596 and 2279; to sound {down} into the ears, i.e. (by implication) to indoctrinate ( " catechize " ) or (genitive case) to apprise of: -- inform, instruct, teach.

down 2728 - katioo {kat-ee-o'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of 2447; to rust {down}, i.e. corrode: -- canker.

down 2736 - kato {kat'-o}; also (compare) katotero {kat-o-ter'-o}; [compare 2737]; adverb from 2596; downwards: -- beneath, bottom, {down}, under.

down 2827 - klino {klee'-no}; a primary verb; to slant or slope, i.e. incline or recline (literally or figuratively): -- bow ({down}), be far spent, lay, turn to flight, wear away.

down 2875 - kopto {kop'-to}; a primary verb; to " chop " ; specially, to beat the breast in grief: -- cut {down}, lament, mourn, (be-)wail. Compare the base of 5114.

down 2955 - kupto {koop'-to}; probably from the base of 2949; to bend forward: -- stoop ({down}).

down 2968 - kome {ko'-may}; from 2749; a hamlet (as if laid {down}): -- town, village.

down 3869 - parakathizo {par-ak-ath-id'-zo}; from 3844 and 2523; to sit {down} near: -- sit.

down 3872 - parakatatheke {par-ak-at-ath-ay'-kay}; from a compound of 3844 and 2698; something put {down} alongside, i.e. a deposit (sacred trust): -- that (thing) which is committed (un-)to (trust).

down 3879 - parakupto {par-ak-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2955; to bend beside, i.e. lean over (so as to peer within): -- look (into), stoop {down}.

down 3935 - pariemi {par-ee'-ay-mi}; from 3844 and hiemi (to send); to let by, i.e. relax: -- hang {down}.

down 3961 - pateo {pat-eh'-o}; from a derivative probably of 3817 (meaning a " path " ); to trample (literally or figuratively): -- tread ({down}, under foot).

down 3970 - patroparadotos {pat-rop-ar-ad'-ot-os}; from 3962 and a derivative of 3860 (in the sense of handing over or {down}); traditionary: -- received by tradition from fathers.

down 4085 - piezo {pee-ed'-zo}; another form for 4084; to pack: -- press {down}.

down 4098 - pipto {pip'-to}; a reduplicated and contracted form of peto {pet'-o}; (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); probably akin to 4072 through the idea of alighting; to fall (literally or figuratively): -- fail, fall ({down}), light on.

down 4158 - poderes {pod-ay'-race}; from 4228 and another element of uncertain affinity; a dress (2066 implied) reaching the ankles: -- garment {down} to the foot.

down 4363 - prospipto {pros-pip'-to}; from 4314 and 4098; to fall towards, i.e. (gently) prostrate oneself (in supplication or homage), or (violently) to rush upon (in storm): -- beat upon, fall ({down}) at (before).

down 4496 - rhipto {hrip'-to}; a primary verb (perhaps rather akin to the base of 4474, through the idea of sudden motion); to fling (properly, with a quick toss, thus differing from 0906, which denotes a deliberate hurl; and from teino [see in 1614], which indicates an extended projection); by qualification, to deposit (as if a load); by extension, to disperse: -- cast ({down}, out), scatter abroad, throw.

down 4776 - sugkathizo {soong-kath-id'-zo}; from 4862 and 2523; to give (or take) a seat in company with: -- (make) sit ({down}) together.

down 4781 - sugkampto {soong-kamp'-to}; from 4862 and 2578; to bend together, i.e. (figuratively) to afflict: -- bow {down}.

down 4782 - sugkatabaino {soong-kat-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 4862 and 2597; to descend in company with: -- go {down} with.

down 4785 - sugkatapsephizo {soong-kat-aps-ay-fid'-zo}; from 4862 and a compound of 2596 and 5585; to count {down} in company with, i.e. enroll among: -- number with.

down 4873 - sunanakeimai {soon-an-ak'-i-mahee}; from 4862 and 0345; to recline in company with (at a meal): -- sit ({down}, at the table, together) with (at meat).

down 4952 - susparasso {soos-par-as'-so}; from 4862 and 4682; to rend completely, i.e. (by analogy) to convulse violently: -- throw {down}.

down 5011 - tapeinos {tap-i-nos'}; of uncertain derivation; depressed, i.e. (figuratively) humiliated (in circumstances or disposition): -- base, cast {down}, humble, of low degree (estate), lowly.

down 5020 - tartaroo {tar-tar-o'-o}; from Tartaros (the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment: -- cast {down} to hell.

down 5087 - tithemi {tith'-ay-mee}; a prolonged form of a primary theo {theh'-o} (which is used only as alternate in certain tenses); to place (in the widest application, literally and figuratively; properly, in a passive or horizontal posture, and thus different from 2476, which properly denotes an upright and active position, while 2749 is properly reflexive and utterly prostrate): -- + advise, appoint, bow, commit, conceive, give, X kneel down, lay (aside, down, up), make, ordain, purpose, put, set (forth), settle, sink {down}.

down 5270 - hupokato {hoop-ok-at'-o}; from 5259 and 2736; {down} under, i.e. beneath: -- under.

down 5294 - hupotithemi {hoop-ot-ith'-ay-mee}; from 5259 and 5087; to place underneath, i.e. (figuratively) to hazard, (reflexively) to suggest: -- lay {down}, put in remembrance.

down 5298 - hupochoreo {hoop-okh-o-reh'-o}; from 5259 and 5562; to vacate {down}, i.e. retire quietly: -- go aside, withdraw self.

down 5465 - chalao {khal-ah'-o}; from the base of 5490; to lower (as into a void): -- let {down}, strike.

down)-ing 04823 ## mirmac {meer-mawce'} ; from 07429 ; abasement (the act or the thing) : -- tread ({down)-ing} , (to be) trodden (down) under foot .

down- 03427 ## yashab {yaw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sit down (specifically as judge . in ambush , in quiet) ; by implication , to dwell , to remain ; causatively , to settle , to marry : -- (make to) abide (- ing) , continue , (cause to , make to) dwell (- ing) , ease self , endure , establish , X fail , habitation , haunt , (make to) inhabit (- ant) , make to keep [house ] , lurking , X marry (- ing) , (bring again to) place , remain , return , seat , set (- tle) , ({down-}) sit (- down , still ,-- ting down ,-- ting [place ]-- uate) , take , tarry .

down-trodden 04098 ## m@dushshah {med-oosh-shaw'} ; from 01758 ; a threshing , i . e . (concretely and figuratively) {down-trodden} people : -- threshing .

downag 01749 ## {downag} {do-nag'} ; of uncertain derivation ; wax ;-- wax .

downcast 07807 ## shach {shakh} ; from 07817 ; sunk , i . e . {downcast} : -- + humble .

downcast 0127 - aidos {ahee-doce'}; perhaps from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1492 (through the idea of {downcast} eyes); bashfulness, i.e. (towards men), modesty or (towards God) awe: -- reverence, shamefacedness.

downcast 2726 - katepheia {kat-ay'-fi-ah}; from a compound of 2596 and perhaps a derivative of the base of 5316 (meaning {downcast} in look); demureness, i.e. (by implication) sadness: -- heaviness.

downfall 4431 - ptosis {pto'-sis}; from the alternate of 4098; a crash, i.e. {downfall} (literally or figuratively): -- fall.

downright 1246 - diakatelegchomai {dee-ak-at-el-eng'-khom-ahee}; middle voice from 1223 and a compound of 2596 and 1651; to prove {downright}, i.e. confute: -- convince.

downward 04295 ## mattah {mat'- taw} ; from 05786 with directive enclitic appended ; {downward} , below or beneath ; often adverbially with or without prefixes : -- beneath , down (- ward) , less , very low , under (- neath) .

downward 05921 ## ` al {al} ; properly , the same as 05920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix , or as conjunction with a particle following) ; above , over , upon , or against (yet always in this last relation with a {downward} aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow) : -- above , according to (- ly) , after , (as) against , among , and , X as , at , because of , beside (the rest of) , between , beyond the time , X both and , by (reason of) , X had the charge of , concerning for , in (that) , (forth , out) of , (from) (off) , (up-) on , over , than , through (- out) , to , touching , X with .

downward 06202 ## ` araph {aw-raf'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06201 through the idea of sloping ] ; properly , to bend {downward} ; but used only as a denominative from 06203 , to break the neck ; hence (figuratively) to destroy : -- that is beheaded , break down , break (cut off , strike off) neck .

downward 2678 - kataseio {kat-as-i'-o}; from 2596 and 4579; to sway {downward}, i.e. make a signal: -- beckon.

downwards 03381 ## yarad {yaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to descend (literally , to go {downwards} ; or conventionally to a lower region , as the shore , a boundary , the enemy , etc . ; or figuratively , to fall) ; causatively , to bring down (in all the above applications) ;-- X abundantly , bring down , carry down , cast down , (cause to) come (- ing) down , fall (down) , get down , go (- ing) down (- ward) , hang down , X indeed , let down , light (down) , put down (off) , (cause to , let) run down , sink , subdue , take down .

downwards 2736 - kato {kat'-o}; also (compare) katotero {kat-o-ter'-o}; [compare 2737]; adverb from 2596; {downwards}: -- beneath, bottom, down, under.

Ecar-Chaddown 00634 ## {'Ecar-Chaddown} {ay-sar'Chad-dohn'} ; of foreign derivation ; Esar-chaddon , an Assyrian king : -- Esar-haddon .

kiydown 03591 ## {kiydown} {kee-dohn'} ; from the same as 03589 ; properly , something to strike with , i . e . a dart (perhaps smaller that 02595) : -- lance , shield , spear , target .

Kiydown 03592 ## {Kiydown} {kee-dohn'} ; the same as 03591 ; Kidon , a place in Palestine : -- Chidon .

M@giddown 04023 ## {M@giddown} (Zech . 12 : 11) {meg-id-done'} ; or M@giddow {meg-id-do'} ; from 01413 ; rendezvous ; Megiddon or Megiddo , a place in Palestine : -- Megiddo , Megiddon .

madown 04066 ## {madown} {maw-dohn'} ; from 01777 ; a contest or quarrel : -- brawling , contention (- ous) , discord , strife . Compare 04079 , 04090 .

madown 04067 ## {madown} {maw-dohn'} ; from the same as 04063 ; extensiveness , i . e . height : -- stature .

Madown 04068 ## {Madown} {maw-dohn'} ; the same as 04067 ; Madon , a place in Palestine : -- Madon .

Padown 06303 ## {Padown} {paw-done'} ; from 06299 ; ransom ; Padon , one of the Nethinim .-- Padon .

piqqadown 06487 ## {piqqadown} {pik-kaw-done'} ; from 06485 ; a deposit : -- that which was delivered (to keep) , store .

sundown 06150 ## ` arab {aw-rab'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of covering with a texture ] ; to grow dusky at {sundown} : -- be darkened , (toward) evening .

Tsiydown 06721 ## {Tsiydown} {tsee-done'} ; or Tsiydon {tsee-done'} ; from 06679 in the sense of catching fish ; fishery ; Tsidon , the name of a son of Canaan , and of a place in Palestine : -- Sidon , Zidon .

Yadown 03036 ## {Yadown} {yaw-done'} ; from 03034 ; thankful ; Jadon , an Israelite : -- Jadon .

zadown 02087 ## {zadown} {zaw-done'} ; from 02102 ; arrogance : -- presumptuously , pride , proud (man) .

zeydown 02121 ## {zeydown} {zay-dohn'} ; from 02102 ; boiling of water , i . e . wave : -- proud .