dove Joh_01_32 /${dove /and it abode upon him

dove Mat_03_16 /${dove /and lighting upon him

dove Gen_08_11 /^{dove /came in to him in the
evening ; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off :
so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth .

dove Psa_68_13 /^{dove /covered with silver ,
and her feathers with yellow gold .

dove Mar_01_10 /${dove /descending upon him :

dove Psa_55_06 /^{dove /for then would I fly
away , and be at rest .

dove Gen_08_09 /^{dove /found no rest for the
sole of her foot , and she returned unto him into the ark , for
the waters were on the face of the whole earth : then he put
forth his hand , and took her , and pulled her in unto him into
the ark .

dove Gen_08_08 /^{dove /from him, to see if
the waters were abated from off the face of the ground ;

dove Isa_38_14 /^{dove /mine eyes fail with
looking upward : O LORD , I am oppressed ; undertake for me.

dove Son_05_02 /^{dove /my undefiled : for my
head is filled with dew , and my locks with the drops of the
night .

dove Son_06_09 /^{dove /my undefiled is but
one ; she is the only one of her mother , she is the choice one
of her that bare her. The daughters saw her, and blessed her;
yea, the queens and the concubines , and they praised her.

dove Gen_08_10 /^{dove /out of the ark ;

dove Hos_11_11 /^{dove /out of the land of
Assyria : and I will place them in their houses , saith the LORD

dove Son_02_14 /^{dove /that art in the
clefts of the rock , in the secret places of the stairs , let me
see thy countenance , let me hear thy voice ; for sweet is thy
voice , and thy countenance is comely .

dove Jer_48_28 /^{dove /that maketh her nest
in the sides of the hole's mouth .

dove Luk_03_22 /${dove /upon him , and a
voice came from heaven , which said , Thou art my beloved Son ;
in thee I am well pleased .

dove Gen_08_12 /^{dove /which returned not
again unto him any more .

dove Hos_07_11 /^{dove /without heart : they
call to Egypt , they go to Assyria .

dove's 2Ki_06_25 /^{dove's /dung for five pieces
of silver .

doves Joh_02_14 /${doves /and the changers of
money sitting :

doves Son_05_12 /^{doves /by the rivers of
waters , washed with milk , and fitly set .

doves Son_01_15 /^{doves /eyes .

doves Son_04_01 /^{doves /eyes within thy
locks : thy hair is as a flock of goats , that appear from mount
Gilead .

doves Eze_07_16 /^{doves /of the valleys , all
of them mourning , every one for his iniquity .

doves Nah_02_07 /^{doves /tabering upon their
breasts .

doves Joh_02_16 /${doves /Take these things
hence ; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise .

doves Isa_60_08 /^{doves /to their windows ?

doves Isa_59_11 /^{doves /we look for judgment
, but there is none; for salvation , but it is far off from us.

turtledove Gen_15_09 /^{turtledove /and a young
pigeon .

turtledove Lev_12_06 /^{turtledove /for a sin
offering , unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation ,
unto the priest :

turtledove Psa_74_19 /^{turtledove /unto the
multitude of the wicked: forget not the congregation of thy poor
for ever .

turtledoves Lev_14_30 /^{turtledoves /or of the
young pigeons , such as he can get ;

turtledoves Lev_01_14 /^{turtledoves /or of young
pigeons .

turtledoves Lev_15_14 /^{turtledoves /or two young
pigeons , and come before the LORD unto the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation , and give them unto the priest :

turtledoves Lev_14_22 /^{turtledoves /or two young
pigeons , such as he is able to get ; and the one shall be a sin
offering , and the other a burnt offering .

turtledoves Lev_05_11 /^{turtledoves /or two young
pigeons , then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the
tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering ; he
shall put no oil upon it, neither shall he put any frankincense
thereon: for it is a sin offering .

turtledoves Lev_05_07 /^{turtledoves /or two young
pigeons , unto the LORD ; one for a sin offering , and the other
for a burnt offering .

turtledoves Luk_02_24 /${turtledoves /or two young
pigeons .
