double Exo_39_09 /^{double /a span was the
length thereof, and a span the breadth thereof, being doubled .

double Rev_18_06 /${double /according to her
works : in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double .

double Isa_61_07 /^{double /and for confusion
they shall rejoice in their portion : therefore in their land
they shall possess the double : everlasting joy shall be unto

double Jer_16_18 /^{double /because they have
defiled my land , they have filled mine inheritance with the
carcases of their detestable and abominable things .

double Job_41_13 /^{double /bridle ?

double Jer_17_18 /^{double /destruction .

double Isa_61_07 /^{double /everlasting joy
shall be unto them.

double Isa_40_02 /^{double /for all her sins .

double 1Ch_12_33 /^{double /heart .

double Psa_12_02 /^{double /heart do they speak

double Deu_15_18 /^{double /hired servant to
thee, in serving thee six years : and the LORD thy God shall
bless thee in all that thou doest .

double 1Ti_05_17 /${double /honour , especially
they who labour in the word and doctrine .

double Jam_04_08 /${double /minded .

double Jam_01_08 /${double /minded man is
unstable in all his ways .

double Gen_43_15 /^{double /money in their hand
, and Benjamin ; and rose up , and went down to Egypt , and
stood before Joseph .

double Gen_43_12 /^{double /money in your hand ;
and the money that was brought again in the mouth of your sacks
, carry it again in your hand ; peradventure it was an oversight

double Deu_21_17 /^{double /portion of all that
he hath : for he is the beginning of his strength ; the right of
the firstborn is his.

double 2Ki_02_09 /^{double /portion of thy
spirit be upon me.

double Exo_26_09 /^{double /the sixth curtain
in the forefront of the tabernacle .

double Job_11_06 /^{double /to that which is !
Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine
iniquity deserveth.

double Rev_18_06 /${double /unto her double
according to her works : in the cup which she hath filled fill
to her double .

double Exo_22_09 /^{double /unto his neighbour .

double Zec_09_12 /^{double /unto thee;

doubled Exo_28_16 /^{doubled /a span shall be
the length thereof, and a span shall be the breadth thereof.

doubled Eze_21_14 /^{doubled /the third time,
the sword of the slain : it is the sword of the great men that
are slain , which entereth into their privy chambers .

doubled Gen_41_32 /^{doubled /unto Pharaoh twice
; it is because the thing is established by God , and God will
shortly bring it to pass .

doubletongued 1Ti_03_08 /${doubletongued /not given to
much wine , not greedy of filthy lucre ;
