dote Jer_50_36 /^{dote /a sword is upon her
mighty men ; and they shall be dismayed .

doted Eze_23_05 /^{doted /on her lovers , on
the Assyrians her neighbours ,

doted Eze_23_12 /^{doted /upon the Assyrians
her neighbours , captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously ,
horsemen riding upon horses , all of them desirable young men .

doted Eze_23_20 /^{doted /upon their paramours
, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses , and whose issue is like
the issue of horses .

doted Eze_23_16 /^{doted /upon them, and sent
messengers unto them into Chaldea .

doted Eze_23_07 /^{doted /with all their idols
she defiled herself.
