contention 3948 # paroxusmos {par-ox-oos-mos'}; from 3947
("paroxysm"); incitement (to good), or dispute (in anger): --
{contention}, provoke unto.[ql

dispute 4802 # suzeteo {sood-zay-teh'-o}; from 4862 and 2212;
to investigate jointly, i.e. discuss, controvert, cavil: --
{dispute} (with), enquire, question (with), reason (together).[ql

dispute 1256 # dialegomai {dee-al-eg'-om-ahee}; middle voice
from 1223 and 3004; to say thoroughly, i.e. discuss (in argument
or exhortation): -- {dispute}, preach (unto), reason (with),

dispute 1261 # dialogismos {dee-al-og-is-mos'}; from 1260;
discussion, i.e. (internal) consideration (by implication,
purpose), or (external) debate: -- {dispute}, doubtful(-ing),
imagination, reasoning, thought.[ql

dispute 1260 # dialogizomai {dee-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; from 1223
and 3049; to reckon thoroughly, i.e. (genitive case) to
deliberate (by reflection or discussion): -- cast in mind,
consider, {dispute}, muse, reason, think.[ql

provoke 3948 # paroxusmos {par-ox-oos-mos'}; from 3947
("paroxysm"); incitement (to good), or dispute (in anger): --
contention, {provoke} unto.[ql

question 2214 # zetesis {dzay'-tay-sis}; from 2212; a searching
(properly, the act), i.e. a dispute or its theme: -- {question}.

question 4802 # suzeteo {sood-zay-teh'-o}; from 4862 and 2212;
to investigate jointly, i.e. discuss, controvert, cavil: --
dispute (with), enquire, {question} (with), reason (together).[ql

reason 4802 # suzeteo {sood-zay-teh'-o}; from 4862 and 2212; to
investigate jointly, i.e. discuss, controvert, cavil: -- dispute
(with), enquire, question (with), {reason} (together).[ql

together 4802 # suzeteo {sood-zay-teh'-o}; from 4862 and 2212;
to investigate jointly, i.e. discuss, controvert, cavil: --
dispute (with), enquire, question (with), reason ({together}).[ql

unto 3948 # paroxusmos {par-ox-oos-mos'}; from 3947
("paroxysm"); incitement (to good), or dispute (in anger): --
contention, provoke {unto}.[ql

with 4802 # suzeteo {sood-zay-teh'-o}; from 4862 and 2212; to
investigate jointly, i.e. discuss, controvert, cavil: -- dispute
(with), enquire, question ({with}), reason (together).[ql

with 4802 # suzeteo {sood-zay-teh'-o}; from 4862 and 2212; to
investigate jointly, i.e. discuss, controvert, cavil: -- dispute
({with}), enquire, question (with), reason (together).[ql
